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Hope.... It's something that we hold on to .. but the worst thing ever. Hope that things will change. Hope the market gets better. Hope that luck falls in your lap. Hope that health issues go away.
Hope is the worst drug.
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Made this cute little digital today
I have a whole album of these freaky boudoir ghost featured on my Etsy .
Go check them out 馃挏
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Motivate yourself today. No one else is going to. You're a badd bitch. You can do all things BY YOURSELF - and that'll strengthen you. Learn to be independent. You've got this!
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Like are you fucking serious right now?
Mondays are absolutely the worst. Mondays are the September of the weekdays .. wake me up when it's over seriously.
But why?
Let me give you a little look into my life.
-I have severe anxiety and of course with that comes the even worse panic attacks.
-even more personal ... it's way worse on school weeks when I have to share my kids every other weekend because I got no time with them. If Mondays make me feel some type of way, I wonder if it does them too ...
-Mondays mean that we're supposed to start our work week... but, for someone like me ... Mondays are usually spent in bed with my brain rolling and jumping from thought to thought. I might even go from room to room and just sit and stare at everything I want to "fix or diy or clean" but everything is just so fucking overwhelming ... Back to bed I go.
Oh the possibilities of the week... everything I want to do because it's Monday .. all these ideas I have in my head for the week - let's get motivated... Maybe i'll build a whole new work station and omg I can build cabinets for my sink, no wait I need to work .. so let's draw some design that might go viral and make my life easier - but probally not.. I'll probally just spend all day on it and delete it because after working all day on it I'm not the same person I was at the beginning of the day and it no longer fits my vision. That's more like it.
And of course .. it's technically Monday now so let's kick today's ass ...
Time to go to bed so I can wake up and do everything on my list. Probally not but hey it's a good thought right
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