dailyreine · 13 hours
guess what I made
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dailyreine · 4 days
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Meet Reinette-Rose, or Rehn: Rie 3–5 years before Death Note!!
She keeps this design, more or less, throughout proLogue: 1429. Something to note is there's no 9mm bullet scar. Yet.
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dailyreine · 6 days
I think my DN AU is pushed forwards about 5-15 years (I know that's a big range, I have the actual number somewhere but I'm not a numbers person). I wanted to mention slightly more modern things and also Rie seems like the kind to be born in late 80s/early-mid 90s, not early 80s. anyway. Fun fact.
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dailyreine · 6 days
boy division is something I've been thinking about animating (idk how to animate but still) recently.
he's not dead he only looks that way
out nowhere take me out there
far away and save me from my
self destruction
this obviously ties into that RieLiet angst I was talking about in my notes earlier. probably open on Rie (perhaps in a wedding dress) with L's head (dead) in her lap, turning to face the audience and crying:
"he's not dead, he only looks that way"
and for the rest of it, I'd focus on how she struggles to find herself: she works on cases mostly to help L out, she doesn't want to work on the Kira case, she doesn't want to leave it unsolved now that he's dead, they don't know who they are anymore.
way out nowhere, take me out there
perhaps leading herself through a big empty space, the one she ends up in during ep.26, I think she'd be screaming or crying or something really emotional at this kind of part in the animation
far away and save me from my self destruction
(camera) spins from having Rie up close to far away and facing away, she takes a few steps and fades a little, at save me(ish) she reaches out for someone (L perhaps? or maybe herself again) but falls and lies on the ground, on her back, closing her eyes - to the point she looks dead as well, perhaps
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dailyreine · 12 days
I have a question about rie. I know she has a lot of alternate names/aliases, but I’m not really sure on who uses what name, if that makes sense? Like, do specific people call her certain things? Oh! And does L have any cute nicknames for her?
Aliases ╾ Rie
Any excuse to drag Rie onto main 🩷 and to procrastinate on my other drafts...
I'll organise by the basic rule: the main reason she has so many aliases is to help blend in – depending on the country. It won't work everywhere, of course. So, country - names - about the name - nicknames - about the nicknames.
please note: the kanji in brackets are ordered last name - first name, as is typical in Japanese names. So Rie is not 高村 but rather 理恵.
Rie Takamura (高村理恵). I picked this because Rie is a fairly common name for girls meaning "reason". As for Takamura, it's like most common Japanese surnames in that it's somewhat geographical. Specifically, it means "high up village."
Hina Suzuki (鈴木陽菜). I actually don't know the exact meaning, but I didn't pick it for that: Hina and Suzuki are incredibly common names (think John Smith). It has the anonymity of Jane Doe.
Nicknames: Riri (by me; maybe by Matsuda and/or Misa). Miss Rie-san (by L. two honorifics...). Rie Pie (by "Matty Beef Patty" and "Mello Jello," because they got cross at her and decided to give her a taste of her own medicine. She's soooo pissed off that it doesn't rhyme).
Rue Dixon. I'm not sure if I ought to add a middle name. Rue I picked simply because it sounded similar to Rie (I didn't pick her real name, or even that she was French, until later. That probably sounds weird, but my creative process is too I guess..) and – come on. The meaning is so cool. Later, I learned BB uses it as an alias, which I'm just going to play into MWAHAHA (sobs). As for Dixon, it's after Elizabeth née Dixon, mother of Mary Wollstonecraft, mother of Mary Shelley.
Nicknames: um, Rue... (by Naomi. The "um" is a permanent fixture/hj). This is her name throughout Another Note.
Reinette Rose Descôteaux (real name. how dramatic are her parents (me)). I struggled picking this name. I speak English (unbelievably) and I've been studying Japanese for a long time, but I've never really touched French up until developing Rie. I just picked something that sounded nice and didn't have an objectionable meaning for her first name. I kind of stomped over the fact middle names are uncommon in France and patched it up with the fact some kids have, like, dual first names (I don't know what I'm talking about. I'm thinking of things like Marie-Belle). As for Descôteaux, HOPEFULLY, it means something to do with gardens.
Aurélie Rousseau. I don't have any plans to use this one in RieCanon so far – perhaps in proLogue: 1429. Same process as above with the first name. Rousseau came up in my sociology class along with a couple of other white dead guys, and I thought the name sounded nice and Rie-ish.
Nicknames: Reine-Rose (L. He pronounces it wrong, pretty much just to annoy her. "Rainy rose" instead of "rehn rose"). Rosey (by L, about twice a year, when he feels cutesy). Pétalette (by her parents. I'm still figuring out Rie's childhood).
1429 (fourteen twenty-nine). This is a real alias Rie goes by, even though it's not a name, and it's her main title throughout my fan made prequel arc. I don't remember how exactly I picked the number, but I like it.
Nicknames: Cat (by L, strictly once. She calls him mouse for a good while).
Rie goes by "L" a lot too. It's an agency more than a person. I feel like I read that somewhere, but there's an equal chance I made it up... Anyway, she does most of the PR stuff, and takes over if L gets sick or if she knocks him out to get some rest.
I've recently decided (this is an edit to the original post) that Rie is half Korean. She was born in France, but her dad (Korean, her mother is French) wanted to give her a Korean name as well, so here it is: 문영지, or Mun Yeong-ji. I probably messed something up, but I liked the sound of Mun and it's a fairly common surname. Yeong means shadow/reflection/photograph, and Ji means intelligence. Also considering the nickname YeonYeon by her father but idk what that means in Korean so I'll have to make sure it isn't anything weird, haha.
I'm trying to figure out if she went to Wammy's, or if there was time for her to meet the kids between 1429 and LABB, or something else. If she went, she'd go by Q or maybe X. I think different kids left at different times, so different letters opened up at different times. It's the simplest explanation I can think of, though I must admit it still doesn't answer everything. What is that again? Occam's razor?
character ©lawlietscaramels , ©dailyreine , ©riexliet. Though Rie has been inserted into Ohba Tsugumi's Death Note universe, her design, character, and non canon related storyline are all my own original work. Do not steal her design, claim her as your own, use her for “inspiration” — it's flattering but it often ends up a copy, feed any part of her (story/art) to AI, or do anything else unethical or immoral.
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dailyreine · 13 days
rie has freckles that I literally never draw
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dailyreine · 13 days
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her hair messed it up. also I'm always trying to draw portraits how they take school photos – body one way, head forward – and always failing. anatomy will come, one day.
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dailyreine · 19 days
Rie: I'm here if you need me.
L: ...I need you.
Rie reaches up to hug L.
L, slowly putting his hands on her butt: One small feel for man. One giant ass for mankind.
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dailyreine · 1 month
did you guys know about this oc stuff. you can just make a guy. big if true
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dailyreine · 1 month
have I fully planned out 1429? no. have I even planned out the start? no. is all I have some vague ideas? yes. an I starting to write it anyway? yes as well.
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dailyreine · 1 month
RIE REF!!!! you can also check out her ArtFight profile, though I do ask if you're interested in her story to not read the second spoiler please <3
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if you wish to draw Riri, be sure to colourdrop from the circular colour refs! A watermark is overlaid over her fullbodies.
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dailyreine · 1 month
so im trying to make adopts based on colours right. and I decided I'd use a spin the wheel for colours, and throw in a random word generator to have something more to work with. and I am not shitting you my first results were
so it looks like I'm going to have to redo it FBBDBFBFB LOL
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dailyreine · 1 month
also none of the things in the warnings blocker are actually there yet BDBDBF lol
uh... by the way...
drops Rie's toyhouse profile and runs
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dailyreine · 1 month
uh... by the way...
drops Rie's toyhouse profile and runs
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dailyreine · 1 month
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dailyreine · 1 month
considering making Rie an amateur poetry writer because I can't stop coming up with poems (for some reason?), but I can't think of a way to insert them into the story without her saying them??
but I don't think Riri's the writing type. maybe I'll just say they are poems she finds on the internet or something...
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dailyreine · 2 months
woke up at 4 am last night and wrote the entire ending to L1429, incorporating plot elements from the original version while continuing the current version and tying everything together very nicely. then hit my head on the wall and went back to sleep.
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