daniel100-blog · 12 years
The Drinking Album
The drinking album is a term coined by me and my good friend Nick (at least I think we coined it, and if we didn't we'll take the credit for it). What a drinking album essentially is, is an album that you drink to. 'No shit Sherlock' is what I'm sure you're all shouting (how many people are really reading this isn't shit loads... damn). There are plenty of great albums out there (if you're a singles person fuck off, albums have an arc) (sorry about the parentheticals, I realise the irony of having this in one) well, exile on main street sounds like a party is going on while you listen to it so it interprets to a good time while drinking (and playing the guitar while jamming in my case). Rock music has the best examples of the drinking album as it moves quickly and has songs with high tempos but the tone of the guitar has to be warm to create a fun and happy sound. Lynyrd Synyrd's first album nearly succeeds in being a great drinking album with gimme 3 steps being a great drinking song but it ends up being slower with songs being 7 minutes and quite melancholy. You need a band who don't give a fuck like The Libertines first album Up The Bracket which moves fast in all its post punk greatness, forever live Pete and Carl as a great double lead duo like Lennon McCartney. Speaking of Lennon McCartney even though I think of them (The Beatles) as the best band of all time they never quite made a great drinking album, their songs were too tightly put together (thanks to Paul McCartney and George Martin) whereas a band like The Rolling Stones (The Stones) had that sloppy, sexy, raucous sound that makes you want to pick a guitar up and learn the songs. The Stones are the greatest band of fun laid back sloppy rock n roll. Exile on Main Street personifies(epitomises) its music is warm but fast and about being drunk or drugged Rocks Off the albums starter and the best drinking song of all time is about doing heroin. I love this album its a southern rock album by a great English band doing their thing and teaching the yanks a thing or to at the same time, open G and D never sounded cooler... FUCK THAT the WORLD   NEVER sounded cooler, if you're having a drink put on Exile and have fun!
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daniel100-blog · 12 years
Last couple of books I've read reviewed
I may as well start this review stating I was disappointed with the book, I still gave it three stars but I expect more from McEwan. The prose is clean and moves forward at a good walking pace (not a fast paced page turner... not that I was expecting that). The writing is a little dull and I could have hoped for a little more painterly in the style. The characters were created well and felt real, but putting them on the brink of the 60's and showing their pre sexual revolution hang ups seemed a little heavy handed. I realise it was about the class barrier between the two lead characters, Edward and Florence, with Edward being lower middle class who gets electric guitar driven music and Florence who is upper middle class and doesn't get rock n roll so much that McEwan even made her a classical musician... Really, we can understand that someone might not like rock n roll from that time era; does she really have to epitomise the old guard? The plot which I have failed to even mention (because I suck at writing reviews) is the lead up to the first time the two married virgins have sex. It flashes back to their courting and has scenes after too. The exchange they have at the end of the book (trying not to ruin it for you) is fantastic, their actions perfect as well as the dialogue. If only the book would have ended there at that marvelous natural ending, it could have been an ambiguous beauty. Instead of this McEwan carries on summing up the rest of the life of a character, which in this humble reviewer's opinion diminished the previously mentioned exchange.
It is a rom-com in which the protagonist Lester Ballard falls in love murders and then has sex with them... Obviously not. It's a haunting tale told through a series of vignettes showing a brief time in the life of Lester Ballard. McCarthy's writing is strong, which is a fact that doesn't really have to be brought up it's so obvious. He at some points in the book does brilliant flights of fancy almost poetic prose about the nature and at other times will just use simple declarative sentences. Any ways the book is about Ballard who has his house foreclosed on in the opening of the book and from then on he slowly moves away from society and becomes more and more unhinged. The themes of the book are so deathly black it's hard to say what I liked about it. The writing for one, the characterisations and dialogue are all good and feel real. This review is a wee biteen rubbish, sorry.
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daniel100-blog · 12 years
last three books, a brief review
This is as the title clearly states is just a few quick reviews on the books I've read in the past week and a half.
City of Thieves - David Benioff
Set in Leningrad during WW2 a young Russian boy, Lev loots the dead body of a Nazi parachuter. He is caught by the police and instead of being shot on the spot he and another man, Kolya a charismatic deserter are set a task of finding 12 eggs in the starving city for a general's daughter's wedding. I don't want to ruin the ride, which the book certainly is, but be assured it is fast paced and the dialogue wonderfully written. The unlikely friendship (well it's not that unlikely to be honest) builds wonderfully which makes you care for the characters... obviously. The backdrop of the city under siege is portrayed as dangerous and completely alive. There are a bunch of set pieces well that's what they'd call them in the movies. This isn't unsurprising as Benioff is an in demand screenwriter in Hollywood.
The Killer Inside Me - Jim Thompson
I was expecting more from this novel as it has a huge proclamation 'Probably the most chilling and believable first-person story of a criminally warped mind I have ever encountered' by Stanley Kubrick. In my humble opinion it isn't chilling just very matter of fact in its delivery of the cruel things the protagonist Lou Ford does. The prose is bland and blatant but told in first person so I guess it's how the character thinks to that's the excuse there. For a genre book I expected it to at least be a page turner, but nothing really happens in the narrative other than the main character thinking he's so damned smart, when in fact he's a misogynist prick and I don't really feel like being in his mind for 200 odd pages. Is a book misogynist if the main character is in first person and hates women? Well it would be too easy to say yes, truthfully though the secondary characters think the crimes are a disgrace. I didn't enjoy the book it's safe to say...
The Professor and the Madman - Simon Winchester
This is a non-fiction book which is about the writing of the Oxford English Dictionary. Hey don't leave before you find out it's not boring. A remarkable tale which brings an American murderer, Dr Minor, and a British genius lexicographer, James Murray. I hate that last sentence because Dr Minor wasn't a disgusting murderer but a man who committed an admittedly heinous crime whilst in one of his delusions. Dr Minor was locked away in an asylum but helped by sending in definitions... I'm really not explaining this well (I've just finished it, that's my excuse.) . The book is thoroughly researched and interesting, my only problem is there's a couple of chapters that while having tons of information take you away from the overall narrative.
Out of the three books I've just talked about I recommend City of Thieves the most as it's a fun fast read. Obviously I don't recommend The Killer Inside Me as it's a callous story. The Professor and the Madman is very good but I understand if it's not for you.
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daniel100-blog · 12 years
Modern Family
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I'll start off with proudly proclaiming this as the best sitcom still being made. That's a strong statement I know, as comedy is doing pretty well at the moment with shows like Curb Your Enthusiasm, Community, Louie and Peep Show etc. 
I've only just heard of the show let alone seen it but lord Google said it was good so I watched an episode and instantly became hooked (by hooked I mean I watched every episode pretty fast). It's a family sitcom, which can be done very blandly and by the numbers, but this show had a charm and lacks cynicism that some would put in a family set sitcom to make it seem fresh. It didn't need that though as it has something better, great characters, some like Phil and Luke you love seeing together from the get go, and Jay who you end up loving after a few episodes. 
There are three households of families all related. Jay Prichett (Ed O'Neill) an older rich businessman is the patriarch of the entire family being remarried to a younger and beautiful Gloria (Sofia Vergara) and step Dad to Gloria's child Manny (Rico Rodriguez.) who is an old soul. Jay is also the father to Claire Dunphy (Julie Bowen) who is the housewife and Phil (Ty Burrell) plays a real estate agent, their kids are from eldest to youngest popular Haley (Sarah Hyland), smart Alex(Ariel Winter) (I've only just realised that smart Alex was probably an intentional joke) and  unorthodox son Luke (Nolan Gould). The last family is a gay couple consisting of a lawyer Mitchell(Jesse Tyler Ferguson) (also Jays son) and Cameron(Eric Stonestreet) the househusband and clown (literally), they have adopted a Vietnamese baby Lily (Aubrey Anderson-Emmons). 
Sorry about that character description it's probably as boring to read as it was to write I'll tell you why I love the characters as that's much more interesting (hopefully). I'll start with Phil as he's my favourite, he's the self proclaimed cool Dad who is immature played to perfection as Ty Burrell. His best moments in my opinion are when he's teamed up with his son Luke (they act like best friends in the world) Like trying to make a viral video of Luke throwing a ball into Phil face hoping the rebound will go into the basketball hoop.
Cameron is a great character who really minces on screen (in a great way not a bad way) but also can be pretty bad ass to protecting Mitch from a man at a petrol station who wanted a fight, which he did while dressed as a clown, but he's still awesome.
Really check it out it's really funny, really sweet but not saccharine. Watch the first episode and if you don't laugh at the ending with Lily's introduction there's something wrong with your sense of humour. 
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daniel100-blog · 13 years
I'm thinking about doing lent this year although I'm not really religious it's always good to test yourself. Coming up with things to give up is hard though last year I did films in which I lasted just under 2 weeks which I think was a valiant effort. This year I was thinking TV and films the only problem there is Mad Men is starting during lent and I love Mad Men. I've got until tomorrow to work out what to give up but I do think it will be TV, film and maybe even podcasts too as these waste too much of my time, I know John Lennon said 'Time you enjoy wasting was not wasted' but I need to be more productive.
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daniel100-blog · 13 years
J.D. Salinger
'You're lucky if you get time to sneeze in this goddam phenomenal world.' 
J.D. Salinger in Franny and Zooey
This quote hasn't escaped me since reading Franny and Zooey for the first time last year. It's stuck in my head but that's maybe because I feel like Franny a lot of the time and just need a Zooey to give the whole speech to snap me out of it. 
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daniel100-blog · 13 years
Paul Thomas Anderson
Paul Thomas Anderson is the best filmmaker of his generation, hands down. That's not an easy thing to say as its the generation that boasts Quentin Tarantino, Stephen Soderbergh, David Fincher and Spike Jonze to name just a few. They all have their personalities on film which is what makes them great filmmakers, not just good nuts and bolts filmmakers. Tarantino puts huge references into his pictures, Soderbergh is a chameleon able to change genre an tone at the drop of a hat, Fincher's aesthetics are pure joy to watch and have been ripped off by every two bit director going and Jonze has a quirky off beat, madcap style that's helped by his collaboration with Kaufman but is still evident in his commercials and music videos. Well PTA has the ability to tell great old style stories in modern ways including using abstract.
The first PTA picture I saw was the epic Boogie Nights which is based on a short film he made in his teens on video. He had the bravado to start on a sweeping long shot through a crowded disco meeting all the key player in the movie. If the long shot isn't enough as the camera first meets Diggler it turns to slow motion very slightly to tell us subconsciously this is protagonist. The story is about the porn world in 70s through the 80s roughly following the life of John Holmes. But really it is about the family this group of outcasts and misfits form and that is why it is raised above because it has heart. Not to mention one of the coolest scenes of the decade of a drug deal gone wrong. 
After seeing that I knew I had to see his other films luckily for me Magnolia was already out so I bought it. It continues the theme of family and alienation while somehow making Boogie Nights look less epic just by the grand scale of Magnolia which PTA somehow uses wizardry to make the film feel completely intimate too. It begins with a series of urban legends about free choice and chance it's done in such a flashy way that you realise this is something special as he did in Boogie Nights. Then the film kicks in a story with a number of character interconnected with each other. Unlike most films like this you really love every story, none feel out of place. The characters all seem to be dealing with a deep loneliness and regret which is shown by acting, camera shots, lighting and music. All the character simultaneously sing Aimee Mann's Wise Up which is a bold thing for any director to tackle especially when his film is rooted in reality. This is done perfectly though and it's great melodrama and I don't use that as a derogatory word it's melodrama in the best possible way. If you think that's the grand ending you'd be wrong as once again PTA tops himself by adding frogs literally falling out of the sky. Again it feels very real and this has happened in places before with fish as well so it's not completely mental. Really though Magnolia is one of those 3 hour movies that feels like a 90 minute breeze and every time I see it on TV I watch it all the way through.
My next film in my PTA viewing was Hard Eight / Sydney (the producers made PTA change the name to Hard Eight but he hated it.). This was his debut feature film which was expanded from a short film he had made called 'Coffee and Cigarettes'. The film stars Phillip Baker Hall in a career reviving performance as a mysterious old gambler. He offers a young man who is down and out a coffee and a cigarette and to have a convosation. The young man John played by John C Reilly needs money to bury his mother, together they go to the casino where Sydney shows John a few tricks of the trade. The movie then jumps two years to where John and Sydney now have a father and son like relationship. The film is a thriller and about Sydney's past so I don't really want to tell you more than that about the plot. The film was superbly shot by Robert Elswitt PTA's regular director of photography. It has the trademark Anderson long shots going through casinos and into motels. These weren't easy to get either the producers re edited the film but Anderson stole it back and cut it himself but couldn't use certain shots as there were cuts in the middle of them. This is a terrific but underrated movie which I think everyone should check out.
Anderson's fourth film Punch Drunk Love goes back to the more intimate style of Hard Eight after doing two epics. It is a black comedy starring Adam Sandler playing into his type as Barry Egan a lonely man who owns a novelties company and is dominated by his seven sisters. The rage Egan has in this film is very real unlike in other Sandler pictures. I would classify the movie as a musical although there are no songs but you really feel Jon Brion's score drives the movie which is a typical Anderson trait. The film is offbeat but romantic and Sandler has great chemistry with Emily Watson who plays his love interest. It is an off the wall crazy film but with a real heart and Sandler's best film by miles. 
The most recent of Anderson's work is the genius There Will Be Blood which follows the life of oilman Daniel Plainview (Daniel Day Lewis). It starts with a 15 minute sequence without dialogue where Plainview injures himself in the middle of nowhere while mining alone and the beginnings of him becoming an oil baron. One of his men is killed in an accident who is a father to a child, Plainview adopts the young boy as his own. The next portion is about getting control of a new oil claim and the power struggle of a pastor Eli (Paul Dano) and Plainview as the head of the town. While this is going on it would be wrong of me not to mention the great set piece of a oil derrick coming in with oil then set alight and finally put out. This isn't done as fast as I have said it's a grand undertaking in which everything is done perfectly and the Oscar winning cinematography in this scene is breathtaking amazing. Face offs happen between Eli and Daniel throughout the film finally ending with one last milkshake drinking scary scene. I won't ruin it incase you haven't seen it but trust me be amazed. 
Paul Thomas Anderson's next film The Master is released this year.
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daniel100-blog · 13 years
Why I Love The Pictures
Why I love the movies
Because the dawn of man.
Because Bicycles can fly.
Because We're gonna need a bigger boat.
Because of the smell of popcorn.
Because of Steve McQueen holding a shotgun in The Getaway.
Because all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
Because Joaquin Phoenix sounds exactly as awesome as Johnny Cash in Walk The Line.
Because Goonies never say die.
Because skipping school with mates to see Lord of The Rings and one of your teachers is there 'you don't tell, I won't tell.' awesome.
Because getting to finally see Blair Witch Project on an awful pirate tape was better than it could have been anywhere else.
Because 'I Love You Baby' being sang in 10 Things I Hate About You and Deer Hunter.
Because of that feeling where you have to look away but don't
Because torrential rain in the movies just looks so damned cool.
Because watching my friend turn purple laughing at Team America.
Because of the Dunkirk evacuation shot in Atonement.
Because you always double back for a friend.
Because Bruce Willis is was dead for the entire film and I had no clue.
Because it's a Sledge.
Because of the Hitchcock blondes.
Because the names Bond, James Bond.
Because of the circle of life.
Because of The Bare Necessities.
Because of Disney Magic.
Because the power of Christ compels you.
Because it wasn't my bed the horses head was in.
Because I saw Titanic a bunch of times at the cinema just for the spectacle of the ending and I'm proud of it.
Because eating 50 eggs can seem 100% possible when Newman does it. 
Because that clicking sound a gun makes when the kickass hero cocks it.
Because Steve McQueen in the getaway being great.
Because I can't wait for the next Paul Thomas Anderson film.
Because when I'm ill I watch movies every moment I'm awake, pure comfort.
Because of Bill Murray.
Because of Woody Allen.
Because of Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffanys.
Because I'll never think of Stuck in The Middle With You the same way again.
Because I'm Mad as hell and I'm not going to take it any more.
Because of that holy shit feeling when the house falls around Buster Keaton.
Because you still have that little bit of hope that Butch and Sundance make it out alive.
Because Grace Kelly's unbelievably hot entrance in Rear Window. 
Because of the pure joy of the ending of It's A Wonderful Life.
Because in the movies smoking is cool, it just is, nobody knows why. 
Because 'Are you talkin' to me?'
Because of the way a John Williams score can make you feel.
Because the moment when they kiss, you know the one I mean.
Because Marty Mcfly invents skateboarding AND rock'n'roll in Back to The Future.
Because what the fuck is in the briefcase in Pulp Fiction?
Because Sam Peckinpah just didn't give a flying fuck.
Because yippie ki yay mother fucker.
Because Joe Pesci getting hit with a paint pot.
Because Joe Pesci being the scariest villian going in Goodfellas.
Because I drink your milkshake.
Because of Scarlett Johansson being sexy as hell.
Because of every single magnificent frame of Lawrence of Arabia.
Because Zombie films ROCK.
Because of the times you win the fight for the armrest.
Because I love the smell of napalm in the morning .
Because of Terrance Malick.
Because of Orson Welles' voice.
Because You need people like me, people you can point your finger at and say that's the bad guy!
Because The Beatles won an Oscar for Let It Be for best score and deserved it.
Because the first rule of Fight Club is you do not talk about Fight Club.
Because the second rule of Fight Club is you do not talk about Fight Club.
Because bullet time blew my mind and it blew yours too.
Because of Kubrick
Because of Truffaut 
Because Always look on the bright side of life (whistles)
Because of the moment you can hear a pin drop.
Because of the birth of the star child.
Because of Beauty. 
Because of Fun.
Because Films are fucking brilliant and without them I wouldn't be me. 
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daniel100-blog · 13 years
Best Alternate Romantic Moments in Film
I thought it would be fun to put out there an alternate great romance films, so here goes. 
This had to be chosen for the scene with Barry and Lena in bed saying the most bizarrely brilliant, yet somehow romantic dialogue ever. 'Barry: I'm lookin' at your face and I just wanna smash it. I just wanna fuckin' smash it with a sledgehammer and squeeze it. You're so pretty. Lena: I want to chew your face, and I want to scoop out your eyes and I want to eat them and chew them and suck on them. ' All that and more while Jon Brion's slightly saccharin laid back Hawaiian soundtrack plays which juxtaposes the dialogue perfectly. 
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nf5vkuRteNs Here's the link to the scene. 
This next romantic moment is obviously taken from the end of The Graduate. The Graduate really is a film of two halves with in my opinion the first half being remembered (not unlike Full Metal Jacket). Well the first half is Benjamin (Dustin Hoffman) getting seduced by Mrs Robinson (Anne Bancroft) while the second half sees Benjamin fall in love with Mrs Robinson's daughter Elaine (Katherine Ross). Most of the second half is basically Benjamin stalking a girl who doesn't want him because he had sex with her mother but in the end he comes to rescue her from her marriage, that's where our scene begins. He rushes into the church just to see the bride and groom kiss, he then proceeds to scream her name ELAINE ELAINE ELAINE ELAINE (I really hope I never get invited to someone's wedding who's named Elaine) Then he beats her Dad up grabs a cross and attacks the whole gathering with it. The couple run off to happiness on a bus... then the camera holds... the smiles fade... It's really great romance scene and so offbeat and mad. 
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahFARm2j38c Here's the link to the scene. 
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This might be my favourite romantic moment in any film ever be it offbeat or not. Firstly you have to feel bad for Marla Singer because she was going out with a crazy person who was pretty mean to her while he's the narrator. To set the scene Norton has a gunshot wound to his face she's just been released from being kidnapped. The Pixies 'Where is my mind' starts quietly in the background Norton says 'Trust me, everything's going to be fine' BOOM all the buildings in the background start exploding. The Pixies song gets turned up. They hold hands. Norton says ' You met me at a very strange time in my life.' they watch the buildings. Then a cock appears on the screen. This whole scene is filled with black humour and perfect timings is is the whole of the film Fight Club which if you haven't seen stop reading this and watch it. 
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVof0qj7SOw Here's the scene.
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daniel100-blog · 13 years
Most Anticipated Films 2012 (part two)
Here's part two which I was too tired to write in part one last night. I'll start out with a few summer movies then move into the more of the probable awards contenders.
A new Ridley Scott film in the Alien franchise, what more could I want? Well it would be nice for it to star Michael Fassbender (Hunger), Idris Elba (The Wire), Guy Pearce (Memento) and Noomi Rapace (The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo) well check, check, check and check. It has a great cast a great director and I'm sure a great plot although I'm not sure of it but I do know it's a prequel to Alien. I have a feeling this film will be a home run or a sack (sorry about mixed sports metaphors I'm not American. 
The Amazing Spider-Man 
I know a lot of people love the Raimi Spiderman flicks but I have hope for this because the actor Andrew Garfield, who is fantastic, check out (Red Riding Trilogy and Social Network). The movie already has taken flack for using the web shooters, the style of the suit and Garfield's hair being too Twilight.  On the plus side and this is all basically taken from the trailer Spiderman has his sense of humour back, openly mocking criminals, it looks a little darker in tone, we finally get The Lizard in a Spidey movie. Lastly 3D on the poster is pretty small so I'm guessing that's a good sign of the death of 3D.
The Dark Knight Rises
Christopher Nolan returns to the Batman franchise with The Dark Knight Rises which is the finale film in his trilogy. The plot from IMDB 'Eight years after the events of The Dark Knight the terrorist leader Bane arrives in Gotham City, pushing it and its police force to their limits, forcing its former hero Batman to resurface after taking the fall for Harvey Dent's crimes.' That's interesting to me as it has an eight year time jump in which Batman has been gone and the police are still after him. I'm sure Nolan will bring the great action set pieces without too much CGI and he always gets great performances so that's a double threat.
Now for a few films that aren't obvious summer blockbusters.
Seeking A Friend For The End of The World
This is a tragic comic film about the end of the world. First thing the script was on the Black List which is the list of the best hot shit not produced scripts in Hollywood. The story is 'As an asteroid nears Earth, a man finds himself alone after his wife leaves in a panic. He decides to take a road trip to reunite with his high school sweetheart. Accompanying him is a neighbor who inadvertently puts a wrench in his plan.' I'm sure this is all going to be about tone if it can balance the comedy and tragedy and that's a real tightrope for a first time director Lorene Scafaria (also the writer). If this is pulled off well though I'm sure it will be wonderful.
Gravity is a film that I'm not even that excited by the premise which is 'The lone survivor of a space mission to repair the Hubble telescope desperately tries to return to Earth and reunite with her daughter.' but the director Alfonso Cauron's past films make me always happy when he has something new coming out. He did Children of Men which is one of my favourite SciFi films of all time. 
There will be a part three.
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daniel100-blog · 13 years
Most Anticipated Films 2012 (part one)
This is just a little list of my most anticipated films of 2012, which I hope to be a better year for film than 2011. My first post in a while and I'm going to try to make it more of a regular thing (not that you'd want that). Any ways I better get on with it and stop blabbering on about nothing.
The Master 
This is the obvious first choice for most anticipated being that it is a new Paul Thomas Anderson film and everyone in the know, knows he's genius. He's left us with quite some wait since making the best film of the decade 'There Will Be Blood' in 2007. This film allegedly is about the beginnings of scientology which makes it pretty controversial. I know it will probably be a lot more that just that and will more than likely feature father son relationships which is all part of the directors oeuvre. I can't wait for this film it will be great.
Cogan's Trade
The first reason why this film looks awesome is in the picture above, Brad Pitt looks all kinds of malevolent awesome holding a shotgun. The real reason is the name Andrew Dominik those who follow directors instantly know he's already made two great films 'Chopper' and 'The Assassination of Jesse James by The Coward Robert Ford' in the latter he gets the best performance from Pitt to date. Both of this directors films are about real life outlaws and their relationship with fame and infamy. This movie is a departure to filmmaker but still set in the criminal underworld.
Damsels in Distress
I've only very recently seen even one film by Whit Stillman, but after I watched his whole filmography... OK Ok it wasn't very hard he's only got three films out until this is released. All his films are about privileged teens to young adults that deal with relationship issues. His dialogue is incredibly clever and witty with wonderful acting by Chris Eigerman in all three. Well that's my reason to be anticipating another film by this remarkable talent that and a 14 year wait since his last film... OK OK I've only seen his films this year, so not much wait for me. On IMDB the plot synopsis says 'A trio of girls set out to change the male-dominated environment of the Seven Oaks college campus, and to rescue their fellow students from depression, grunge and low standards of every kind.' That's all I want to know about it to tell you the truth.
The Grandmasters
A new film by Wong Kar Wai is always a reason to rejoice and another reason 2012 will be a great year for film. From the director of Chungking Express (Next level great) comes the story of the Ip Man (Bruce Lee's trainer) with added kung fu high concept action based on the trailer.
I think this will be just part one as I have a few more films to write about. 
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daniel100-blog · 13 years
My first claymation thing. 
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daniel100-blog · 13 years
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Pretty cool poster.
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daniel100-blog · 13 years
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daniel100-blog · 13 years
A Hard Day's Night
Lennon sniffing coke one of my favourite gags in A Hard Day's Night.
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daniel100-blog · 14 years
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daniel100-blog · 14 years
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