daydreamnct · 5 years
hope y'all know I'm a flop n this is a dead blog xoxo
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daydreamnct · 7 years
Please make another part for what it feels like! Its so great! THANK YOUUU FIGHTING!
I finally actually did this thank you to people who have been requesting. I’m getting back into writing so hopefully there’ll be a lot more content to come!
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daydreamnct · 7 years
What it Feels Like PT.3
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Requested: Yes
Word Count: 1,649
Characters: You (f) + NCT’s Ten (ft. EXO Baekhyun)
Genre: Angst
Part 1 / Part 2
I stare up at him, my chest tightening as the feeling of anxiety I’ve felt all night intensifies.
This can’t be real.
I’ve spent so long trying not to think about him and now here he is, right in front of me.
I realise there’s no escape, and swallow down the lump in my throat. I refuse his hand, pushing myself up with my arms and smoothing down my dress. He stares at me, but his face doesn’t mirror the shock I feel.
“What are you doing here?” I ask. The first thing I’ve said to him in a year and it sounds unnatural, an accusation. He ignores my question and continues to stare at me. There’s pain in his eyes as I’m sure there is in mine, and neither of us can find the words to say next.
We stand there for a while, just looking at each other, until a shiver runs through me and I snap back to reality.
“Are you cold?” he asks, dully as though concern is the last thing on his mind. “No” I reply, equally as unconcerned. “It’s been a while” he remarks, and I can feel the sadness in the statement. “Yeah” I say as I acknowledge the weight of what he said. Sure, it’s been a while since he broke my heart. “I’ll just… go back inside-” I move to brush past him, wanting to remove myself from a situation where I could be hurt again. “-Wouldn’t want Baekhyun to wonder where you’ve got to” he scoffs under his breath. I whirl around and face him. The tightness in my chest channels itself into anger, and his expression tells the same story. “What” I look him dead in the eyes, challenging him to repeat his statement. “Don’t try and pretend, Y/N. You were practically all over each other earlier” he says, finally raising his voice to a normal volume – it sounds like shouting in the small, quiet alleyway. I answer on impulse, unable to believe that he has the nerve to call me out on my behaviour after all this time. “I don’t owe you an explanation.” He simply laughs, and attempts to brush past me this time, making for the door.
He pulls the handle and shakes it violently when it doesn’t budge.
“Shit” he almost screams in frustration.
He would never curse when we were together, he wasn’t the type. Do I still know this Ten?
Both ends of the alley way are blocked by locked gates covered by barbed wire, and after trying to break them several times Ten gives up. I gave up about 5 minutes ago, and I’m leaning against the wall looking unimpressed when Ten makes his way back over to me. “We’re stuck” he says. “Duh” I roll my eyes and sit on the floor outside the door to the party. I hug my knees into my chest and, to my surprise, Ten places himself directly next to me. I try to distract myself from the scent of him that I used to crave on nights alone, and play with the ring on my right hand. “You still have that?” Ten sounds shocked, and I look down at my ring. I had forgotten that it had been a gift from Ten on our first anniversary. ‘A symbol of us for you to wear’ he had said, ‘Promise me you’ll never take it off’.
That was just a memory now, and I shrug as I continue to flip the accessory around in my fingers. “I hate that thinking about our relationship makes us sad” Ten looks outwardly as he speaks. I would’ve thought he wasn’t talking to me if I hadn’t been the only other person there. “We fucked it up, it is sad” I say bitterly. He turns to me. “Was he worth it?” It takes me a second to understand who he means, but I realise he’s talking about Baekhyun. “Was she?” I ask him.
He lets out a small sound of frustration and instead of answering pushes himself away from the wall and begins to pace in front of me, kicking bits of dirt in front of him. He seems to be mustering up the courage to say something as he looks at me and then away from me again. The suspense is suffocating, and I’m about to ask him what the issue is, when he finally turns to me and speaks.
“Listen, Y/N, I came out here to talk to you. But now that we’re here I don’t know what to say” he continues to speak, his volume increasing as he gets more worked up; “I just don’t understand why we hurt each other. I thought I could just let go of our relationship, that if I did that it wouldn’t hurt so damn much to see you with him all the time, but it hurt more. It still hurts damn it!” he kicks the wall next to me, and I rise from my seated position. Then tears began to run down his cheeks. I feel the overwhelming urge to comfort him and make everything better. I go to put my hand on his shoulder but change my mind and take a step back remembering that we aren’t like that anymore. “I know,” I say hoarsely as he turns to look at me “Ten, I know. You wanted me to know what it felt like; I do. I get it. But we can’t keep lying to each other. If we want to move on, we have to talk.”
When he doesn’t respond, I speak again.
“So, was she? Worth it, I mean.” He sighs in defeat and looks up to the sky, wiping the tears from his face. “Nobody was ever worth as much to me as you” “Then why-” he cuts me off “-that night, I hate that night. I know what it looked like with me and that girl. I wanted it to look that way but, Y/N, I didn’t do what you think I did” when I say nothing in response, he laughs, “god, why am I even telling you this. You’re still with Baekhyun.” I’m too shocked to speak. I want to tell him that he has it wrong, that me and Baekhyun have never been an item. I want to tell him that he’s the only man I’ve thought about since we got together – heck, even before then.
But it’s too late as he looks sadly at me, turns to the door, and it suddenly bursts open. “There you are Y/N! The acrobatics just finished and Jieun looks like she’s ready to – oh” Lena seems startled as she notices Ten, and he brushes past her making his way quickly inside. I move to follow him but Lena stops me, grabbing my wrist with the hand that isn’t holding the door open. “You can’t, everyone will see” and I know she’s right, but the fact brings me to tears. Lena pulls me into an awkwardly positioned hug as she attempts to stop the obvious (why hadn’t I seen it before?) automatic lock from trapping us outside. “Can we just go home?” I ask between sobs, and Lena hums a yes as she wipes my tears – making me look presentable so that we can leave the venue without any suspicion or questions from our group members.
I look out the car window as we drive back to the dorms, thinking about everything that I said and everything that Ten said. My heart aches as though the wound from that night all those months ago was fresh. What did he mean, he didn’t do what I think he did? “Are you ok?” Lena asks quietly, placing a reassuring hand on my shoulder. “I need to talk to him” I say, as I realise that our lack of communication is what ruined our relationship in the first place. Me sitting by myself in the dorms won’t help the situation, I need peace of mind. “I’ll cover for you” whispers Lena as she gestures towards the driver who was given strict instructions to drop us back at the dorms. Only Lena and I had left the party early so the manager was still with the rest of the group, and I could practically see the excitement in her eyes at the idea of an escape plan.
“Do you mind if we take a rest stop here?” Lena asks the driver, and he sighs but murmurs an OK. “We’ll only be a minute” Lena says, smiling as we clamber out from the vehicle with our hoodies on to hide our identities. We walk round the back of the shop and Lena stops me, gripping my shoulders with both hands. “I’ve got this covered, Y/N, you go and do what you have to do” “Lena, how the hell are you going to-” I begin, but she cuts me off. “-Don’t worry, they won’t even know you’re gone. I’m brilliant, go, go!” she smiles and pushes me forwards.
I start running, suddenly full of energy and desperation. I look at a sign and whether by sheer luck or Lena’s pure genius, I’m within walking distance of Ten’s dorms. I begin to lose my breath as I round the corner to the building complex, and I’m wondering when Ten will be back or if he already is when a car pulls up. In sudden panic, I hide behind a pillar and watch as Ten exits the vehicle. Five more people get out and head into the building, and I watch as they slip through the door one by one.
I hop from foot to foot, wondering how I’ll get in, wondering if I should just go back when my phone lights up. I expect it to be Lena telling me it was all over and we’d been caught, but the name on the screen makes me almost drop my phone in surprise.
It’s a message from Ten, that simply reads:
‘Come up’.
a/n: it’s been a while since I posted part 1 and 2 but here’s part 3! It was going to be the final part but I didn’t know how to fit in the fluff etc (wink wink) that I wanted to into this one chapter so let me know if you want the next part ;) - Kat
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daydreamnct · 7 years
ok so yeah clearly starting a fanfic blog in the middle of my exams wasn’t the best idea... I have an almost finished word document that has been sat on my computer for the past few months with something I wrote and never posted on it because I’m bad at committing to stuff lmao never trust a hoe
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daydreamnct · 7 years
ty xx I wanna continue it when I’m in the right mindset for fluff (and smut cough cough) so that its cute and not trash XD I have a driving theory exam tomorrow so lets see if I pass or not hahah
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daydreamnct · 7 years
Can I request a taehyung X male reader angst imagine when you're ftm and you end up getting pregnant but bc of your hormone therapy it makes the pregnancy very risky? If you don't feel comfortable with it it's okay tho
+ (Anon requesting tae angst) I forgot to mention about Taehyung trying to help with your dysphoria during as well
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a/n: Hi anon! I changed your request slightly because I don’t really know how I would write it and I don’t want to mess it up for you. Instead I wrote a gender neutral scenario where you tell Taehyung you’re pregnant. I hope it’s ok! If you want to request anything else feel free to message me :)
Genre: Fluff
Characters: You + BTS Taehyung
Word Count: 614
You stared at the pregnancy test in disbelief. You were being careful, or at least you thought you were.
It wasn’t that you and Taehyung weren’t ready for children, you had spoken about the possibility before, but it had never been a reality. The issue was more in that you didn’t know if you were ready to carry a child, the concept made you more anxious than you cared to admit. You knew you wanted a family, but medical stuff worried you since there had been a family history of complications in pregnancy.You checked the test one more time just to make sure your eyes didn’t deceive you. This was the third test you’d taken but you wanted to be certain the tests were definitely positive before you said anything to Taehyung. You knew he’d be happy about it, and you didn’t want to risk getting his hopes up. On top of that, you were scared yourself.
He’d be home from work soon, so you tidied up the bathroom and headed to the front room to watch some TV.A film you liked was on, so switched to that channel and saw that it had nearly finished. It was the sad part, the boy was crying because he hadn’t had the chance to say goodbye and as usual it brought you to tears. This time, however, those tears turned into hysterical sobs and you were a mess in seconds.
Your vision was clouded by tears and you hadn’t noticed Taehyung’s entrance until you felt his warm embrace as he joined you on the sofa.This only made you sob more and after some reassuring ‘shh’s and hair stroking you calmed down a bit.“Honey, you know the boy will be happy again, him and his sister play in the forest remember? You love that part” he said quietly, still softly stroking your hair as you lay with your head buried in his shoulder.You turned to him and whimpered. He looked into your eyes and wiped away the tears left over on your face with his thumb.“What’s the matter baby?” he asked in a soft voice, and he kissed you on the forehead before pulling you back to lean on his chest with your head facing away from him.“I have some news” you said shakily.“mmm” he hummed encouraging you to continue, and you sat up straight so you could look him in the eyes.You took a breath before speaking.
“I’m pregnant” you said almost completely silently, but his close proximity to you meant he could clearly hear what you said.
“You’re pregnant! Oh my god that’s fantastic! I’m gonna be a dad!” he exclaimed, pure elation filling his voice and his features.You smiled, happy to see him so happy, but you couldn’t shake the tight feeling of worry in your chest.“What are you worried about?” Taehyung grabbed your hand and massaged your palm with his thumbs. He could read you like an open book, there was no use in lying.“Tae, it could go wrong. What if it goes wrong?” you squeaked, tears forming once again.His face grew serious and he grabbed each of your shoulders.“We’ll work through this together, Y/N. Tell me when you feel scared and we can work through it together. I’m always here for you, always will be.”
You leaned forward and kissed him, it was sweet and filled with adoration.“What was that for?” he grinned.“I love you” you answered and he chuckled.“I love you too, and the little one growing inside you” he said, pulling you into another bear hug.
Suddenly, you didn’t feel so scared anymore.
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daydreamnct · 7 years
What it Feels Like PT.2
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Requested: Yes
Word Count: 1,203
Characters: You (f) + NCT’s Ten (ft. EXO Baekhyun)
Genre: Angst (I promise one day I’ll write something fluffy T-T)
The words he had said swam round my head. It was dizzying.
This is what it feels like.
Is this how I had made him feel? Unwanted, unloved by the one person he thought he could rely on? Betrayed? I felt sick, and tears streamed down my face as I felt my stomach constrict in a pathetic attempt to expel its contents when I hadn’t eaten in over 8 hours.
I ran out of his dorms and out of his life.
That night I cried more than I ever had - or ever have done since. I tiptoed back into my dorm room, curled up in bed and just cried. I thought about how I didn’t have anyone who would support me through this, who would make me laugh to take my mind off things, who would hug me until the horrible feeling in my throat went away. I had no Ten. He was the one who had caused me this pain, and yet I still longed for his reassurance that everything would be okay, that he’d always be there for me no matter what.
The next few months passed and eventually my time on We Got Married finished. Baekhyun and I had parted ways, keeping in contact only to congratulate each other on various achievements. My group was doing well, we had moved up the charts substantially with our comeback and had been asked to be guests on lots more variety shows.
I should have been the happiest I’d ever been, but instead I felt disconnected and my emotions were dull. I hadn’t had any contact with Ten, and none of my bandmates had asked me about him. We were close but there were things we didn’t talk about – this being one of them.
I naïvely thought that I would never have to see Ten again.
It’s now a year on from that night, and I feel much happier than I did back then.
It’s not that I don’t miss him. When I think about it, it still aches. I just think about it a lot less.
“Come on Y/N, it’s time to go!” shouts my group’s leader, Jieun.
It’s the birthday of a senior boy group member under our label tonight, and our company basically made attendance mandatory. Something about supporting the label – translation: they want us to post as many pictures of ‘idol interactions’ as possible online to boost exposure to the smaller groups under the company. I sigh and quickly scramble for the outfit I had planned; a standard purple party dress and black heels. I catch up with the rest of the group just as they’re about to leave, and we head to the car.
This party is like a proper event, and so we step out onto the red carpet as a group, have our photos taken and then head inside. “There are way more celebs here than I thought there’d be!” exclaims Lena – the youngest, most excitable and my closest friend in the group. “Oh my god Y/N, EXO is here!” she squeals and I turn my head. Sure enough, EXO (or more specifically EXO-CBX) is here and my heart starts beating quickly in panic. I’d be fine with seeing Baekhyun so I’m confused as to why my body is reacting this way, but the voice at the back of my head knows that it’s the possibility that he could be here. No. Tonight is about having fun. This is the first night out I’ve had in forever, and although it’s kind of a work thing, I fully intend to make the most of it. I won’t let him ruin it.
I force a smile to convince myself, and glance over to EXO again. Baekhyun sees me and waves, beginning to make his way towards the table me and my group are perched at. “Y/N!” he shouts when he arrives, and we bow politely to each other as he continues, “It’s nice seeing you! Congratulations on your album” “Thank you Oppa! Congratulations on your subunit” I reply gesturing to Xiumin and Chen who are chatting with the guest of honour. Baekhyun smiles and we talk happily for a minute or so before he excuses himself and returns to his table. “I’m so jealous of you” Lena whispers with a dreamy expression once Baekhyun is out of earshot. I laugh and we move over to the bar as the entertainment begins for the night.
It must be nerve racking to perform in front of so many performers, I think to myself as the acrobats flip across the stage. A particularly impressive trick leaves me wanting to take pictures, so I reach for my bag to grab my phone. As I do I get the feeling that someone is watching me, and I turn and look in the direction I’m getting the sensation from.
The first thing I notice is that the way he stands is still the same, and my heart sinks to my stomach.
It’s him.
He’s not even looking at me, appearing to be deep in conversation with his bandmate Jaehyun. But as I stare I notice Jaehyun’s eyes ticking over to me every now and again, and I realise he must be talking about me.
I feel frozen in place, the sensation of panic I felt earlier once again washing over me.
Once I come to my senses I spin around and face the bar. “I’ll have… something… you pick” I say nervously to the bartender. She seems to get the idea and serves me up something small and alcoholic. I discreetly drink it in one quick gulp, and tap Lena on the shoulder who has been staring unmoving at the acrobatics in amazement for the past 20 minutes. “I’m just going out the back for a second to get some air” I say, and she nods and turns her head back to the entertainment as I walk away.
I’m making my way rather hurriedly to the door when I almost run into someone. “Woah there” Baekhyun says, steadying me as I almost topple over. “Had one too many?” he laughs, but his face grows concerned when I don’t laugh back. “Hey, are you alright?” he asks, and I take in a shaky breath and attempt a smile. “I’m fine, just needed some fresh air” I say, and his eyes flit around my face for a second before he shrugs. “Ok then – have a good night” he says sincerely. “You too” I respond and continue towards the double doors at the back of the venue.
I step outside and take a second to calm myself down, breathing deeply and feeling as my heart rate begins to slow. After about 5 minutes I feel the cold starting to affect me and am about to go back inside when someone steps through the back door almost flattening me in the process. I lose my balance and gracefully fall to the floor. I curse under my breath and brush myself off when I see a hand in front of my face, waiting for me to grab it.
I look up to thank the stranger but, as our eyes meet, recognition colours my brain with emotion.
It’s Ten.
a/n: again it’s not really finished bc I keep accidentally writing too much lmao, this was just supposed to wrap it up but I think I might make another part - let me know if you want another!<3
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daydreamnct · 7 years
PART TWO FOR THE TEN ANGST PLEAAASSEEEE?????? It was sooooogoooood!!!
Thank you!
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daydreamnct · 7 years
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daydreamnct · 7 years
Hey ! I'm not the anon who request What It Feels Like but this blessed my soul. Please write a part 2 ♡♡♡
:’) tysm, I’m thinking about it especially since I didn’t really fulfil the request XD I guess I’m in an angsty mood
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daydreamnct · 7 years
Can i get an scenario full of angst for either ten or doyoung from nct? Like maybe youre an idol and you had to be on wgm and they got jelous and they start to act really cold and cheated on you. Maybe you meet after like a year or so and you both still have feelings but are kinda too prideful to say anything? Can it have a happy ending cause im a fluff ball that will cry. A lot. Im sorry if this is too much or something like that >.
here you go! it’s basically what you requested but I’m evil... let me know what you think :// xoxo
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daydreamnct · 7 years
What it Feels Like
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Requested: Yes
Word Count: 1,687
Characters: You(f) + NCT’s Ten (ft. EXO Baekhyun)
Genre: Angst
When my agency approached me and asked if I would be comfortable with getting fake married to another celebrity, strangely enough my first thought was not about asking my boyfriend of 3 years. 
In fact, Ten didn’t even cross my mind as I excitedly accepted the opportunity to be on one of my favourite reality TV shows ‘We Got Married’. Instead, I thought about how much I used to enjoy watching my favourite stars slowly become closer and more attracted to their husband or wife, how it revealed different sides of them that you wouldn’t expect and how the idea that they had real feelings for each other felt so important to me as a twelve-year-old.
It was only after I left the meeting with my managers that I thought about Ten. I thought about how I would be spending what was my free time entirely with someone else, getting to know them and building an on-screen chemistry with them – something that my boyfriend and I couldn’t have. Part of me felt guilty, but I knew that Ten and I trusted each other enough to overcome the difficulties that come with being in a secret relationship. We loved each other.
When I got back to the dorms that evening, I facetimed Ten after the evening meal with my members. This was our routine – we weren’t allowed to meet up in person. Ten’s agency was much more popular than mine, but the rules were the same: No Dating. Ten’s group had newly debuted whereas mine had passed its two-year anniversary, but Ten and I had met when we were both trainees and attending the same international school. We had chemistry almost immediately, with both of us sharing a love for dance that developed into something more quite quickly.  He was destined to be successful, and I felt lucky to be a part of his life. We made a promise when we became an item that we would make the relationship work. We were important to each other.
We were passionate people, and couldn’t hide our feelings that well. But that didn’t matter because we always told each other the truth. When I told Ten about the show, he told me straight away that he was happy for me; but I could see that he was upset. I tried to reassure him that it doesn’t matter who they pick to be my husband, nobody could ever make me feel how he did. He smiled and said that he was fine with it, that he trusted me, and that he loved me. I don’t know if I really believed him or not, but I let myself ignore the thought in the back of my mind that I had messed up. I told him that everything would be okay, that the show was fake and that it would be like all the other times we’ve had projects with other people. We were lying to each other.
The main thing we had established was that who I was marrying wasn’t important. The show wanted it to be a surprise, have our first meeting caught on camera. I was advised by my publicist that the most important thing about this show was portraying a connection between my husband and myself, so my intention was to become friendly enough with them that conversation would flow and skinship wouldn’t feel uncomfortable. The set up for our meeting was a picnic in the park, and I got there first. I was expecting to be paired with an actor, but then I saw him and knew this was not going to go how we planned. EXO’s main vocalist Byun Baekhyun walking towards me with a grin on his face. He hadn’t spotted me yet, so I tried to make sense of the thoughts in my head in the time I had. Not only was he a member of the same company as Ten, he also had seniority over him and was someone Ten highly respected. I understood why we had been chosen as a couple: we both came from well-known idol groups whose collective fanbase would boost ratings for the show. Added onto that, we both came across as extroverted and were known for being good at variety which would probably make it easier for us to get along. I knew that I was lucky, this was a member of one of the most popular boy groups in East Asia and I was paired with him. So, I decided then to take full advantage of the opportunity, not just for my career but for my group and my company who I knew were counting on me to increase popularity (and income).
I tried to get into character. My heart is available, I told myself. I couldn’t give my true feelings for Ten away so I had to act like any other female would in that situation. It was just acting.
And that’s exactly what it was like. Acting. I could tell Ten thought differently, and because we were in a relationship I respected and understood the fact that he wasn’t happy. But it didn’t seem like he respected and understood the fact that this was important to me. I may have had worries to begin with about how my feelings might develop, but as it became more of a regular thing I realised that Baekhyun was a pretty normal (super rich and famous) guy who I didn’t have any real chemistry with, not like I did with Ten. My chemistry with Baekhyun was different. We were colleagues at work, both of us controlling the sides of ourselves that the other, and the world, saw.
My relationship with Ten started to change. We spoke less frequently and he always seemed to have an excuse for why he was busy. I never called him out on it, mainly because I was afraid for what was happening. I went to work every day, pretended to be happy and pretended that I was growing closer to Baekhyun. In reality, I was getting more and more tired of the pretence and tired in general as I was given more work outside of my group. We could both tell we were unhappy, but we were both too exhausted to work on the relationship.
Then one night about three months into the show, everything changed.
I had been away on the weekend for a music video shoot, so I hadn’t spoken to Ten for those two days. I missed him like crazy and I just wanted to hear his voice or see his face, so I messaged him and asked if he was at the dorms. He replied a short ‘Yes’, which seemed out of character but I was feeling emotional and tired and I just wanted to hug him. I missed my Ten, the one who could make me laugh and who I was so deeply in love with. Instead of making me happy, thinking about Ten made me sad and made me long for what we were before. I messaged back with ‘I’ll come to you’ and snuck out to visit him without waiting for a reply. We used to do this more back in the early days, but this time it felt different. I felt like I wasn’t allowed to go and I felt anxious about whether or not he would want to see me. I brushed the thought away because that’s not how me and Ten were. We were each other’s home, always welcome where the other was. It was a surprisingly quick trip, there was usually some type of work being done on the road that would add about 5 minutes to the journey. As the taxi pulled up outside the building, a message came through on my phone.
‘I’m too tired, going to sleep’.
Those six words filled me with such sadness, and mixed with sleep deprivation I couldn’t help but burst into noisy tears in the back of the taxi. The driver had to ask me if I was alright, if I wanted to go back, but I was here now. I couldn’t believe that I wasn’t allowed in, that he wouldn’t let me in. He had shut me out.
I swallowed my pride and headed towards Ten’s dorm room. I lifted a hand to knock on the door when I heard a sound that filled me with dread. A flirtatious giggle. From a girl. In Ten’s room.
A million thoughts rushed through my mind to try and justify the sound. Was he watching TV? He shared the dorm with other guys maybe they had a girlfriend over? I reached up to knock again when, to my surprise, the door opened and I was face to face with a girl I had never met. “Oh!” she said, and she laughed as she almost ran into me. The same giggle I’d heard a moment ago from behind the door. Who are you? What are you doing here? Who are you here for? These were some of the questions that ran through my mind as the girl’s facial expression grew more confused and uncomfortable. “I’ll just, um, go. Bye Ten” she said as she looked behind her and waved at Ten who I hadn’t noticed was standing there. She took a final confused glance at me and walked away quickly, brushing past me and almost making me lose my balance in the process. In her defence I must have looked insane, I hadn’t looked in the mirror after crying and I probably had mascara on my face.
Ten hadn’t stopped staring at me as though he had seen a ghost, as though his worst nightmare had come true. Suddenly, his face hardened as he proceeded to break my heart. “This is what it feels like” he said, looking the most miserable I had ever seen him. When did we become so miserable? I hadn’t noticed. I continued to stand there in silence when he broke eye contact with me. “You should leave” he whispered as he slowly pushed the door shut.
I was left staring at a closed door.
a/n: Because I’m a massive bitch and I have no soul here’s an angsty af Ten scenario. It was requested but it was supposed to have a happy ending. Let me know if you’re interested in a part two? - Kat
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daydreamnct · 7 years
64 with J-Hope please
Drabble Game
(warning: it’s a mess)
Genre: Angst? Fluff? Terrible comedy? Who knows
64 - “Just don’t buy a goat. I don’t care what you do, just no goats.”
You were sitting in your university’s library when you heard the familiar ringtone blaring from your pocket. It was custom set, so you immediately knew that it was your boyfriend Hoseok calling.
You muttered an apology as the girl sitting across from you shot daggers in your direction, and quickly took your phone out of your bag to put it on silent.The other people around you didn’t seem that bothered- this kind of disturbance happened all the time in a room full of young adults- and continued working silently.After you put your phone on vibrate, a text message came through causing another quiet sound from your phone which seemed to annoy the girl across from more than it should have as she made an annoyed tutting sound and tapped her pencil impatiently on the desk.
Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, you thought, but you apologised again and decided on opening the notification to see what was so important it couldn’t wait.
It was, unsurprisingly a message from Hoseok. However, it’s contents did surprise you.
Hobi: If you could have any goat, what would it look like?
You shook your head and replied.
You: What the hell hobi, firstly I’m busy, secondly I refuse to answer.
He responded almost immediately
Hobi: It’s important I promise, I could guess on my own but I want to make sure
You: this had better not be in any way related to my birthday
Before he became your boyfriend, you had known Hoseok as a friend for almost all your life, and you knew how insane he could get when it came to impulsive buying.When you were younger he would spend all his money on random junk that he insisted was cool but grew bored of after two weeks, but as he got older and ended up with more money than he knew how to spend his spending habits had become even stranger.For your last birthday, he had bought you a giant teddybear (and by giant you mean giant, it was bigger than you) that would rap his one verse when you walked past it. He thought it would be a nice replacement for when you missed him, but you ended up having to have it disposed of by a very confused police disposal team after numerous noise complaints and a bomb scare phone call from the sweet (and terrified) old lady in the apartment opposite you.It was one of the many things that made you love him, but you drew the line when it came to livestock.
You were lost in thought when the girl across from you cleared her throat in an very sarcastic way. You caught her gaze and she looked pointedly at the ‘quiet in the library’ sign.At the same time, a new message from Hoseok buzzed through
Hobi: :’( I’m trying to get you something you’ll really like this time! Look I’m even consulting you, and the internet told me that girls love this type of thing!
You: honey, I have no idea what could have possibly given you the impression that I would want something like that for my birthday.
Hobi: I was just trying to do something nice, sorry.
The ‘…’ symbol where he was typing suddenly went away, and you sighed putting your phone face down on the table.
You hadn’t meant to hurt his feelings and you knew he could be sensitive and recently things had been more tense between the two of you. You put it down to it being stressful times for the both of you, but you seemed to be drifting apart.Actually thinking about it, this was the first time you’d spoken in almost three weeks which was really unusual for the two of you.Even after he became a trainee and then an idol, you still always made time to video chat or text when he couldn’t be around.
Deciding you couldn’t leave it like that, you got up to leave so you could call him. You wanted things to be back to normal between the two of you. You had never been the most lovey-dovey couple but you did love him, and on top of that he was your best friend.
Pushing your chair away from the table made a scraping sound making the girl across from you almost leap out of her chair, and you stifled a laugh before picking up your things and stepping into the hallway.
He picked up on the first ring which was a promising sign.
“Y/N” he said with what sounded like a sigh.“Hobi” you replied in a similar fashion.“I’ve missed you”
And there it was. You realised that the divide between you two had become larger than you thought.All the time you’d spent together you suddenly felt like you had taken for granted, and you felt a wave of sadness hit you.
“I’ve missed you too” you said, your voice sounding shakier than you wanted it to.
After a long silence, you spoke.
“I’m sorry about my message earlier. I know you wanted to do something nice for me, I can be a bit of a bitch sometimes.” you chuckled sadly.
“Yeah, you can be a bitch” he said sounding more like the Hoseok you knew, until his tone became sullen again, “sorry about getting your gift wrong. I really tried to think about what you’d like this time instead of just thinking up something crazy and getting it.”
“You don’t even have to get me anything babe. I’d appreciate even a tiny gift as long as it was from you”
“I know, I just thought if I got the perfect present it would make up for the… incident last year”
You laughed and he made a confused sound.
“Jung Hoseok! I loved my gift last year because it was such a you thing to get me, and I love you. But this gift… I’d never get the security deposit back on my apartment.”
You heard a rustling and then Hoseok was silent. You pulled the phone away from your ear to check he was still there.
“Hello?” you inquired, worried that you had said something wrong.
“Y/N!!!!” he shouted and you almost fell backwards in surprise, “this has all been a terrible misunderstanding! Goat was a typo, I meant to type C-O-A-T. I can’t believe you really thought I’d buy a goat I’m not insane.”
“You are insane! That’s totally something you would do, why else would I believe it?!” you retorted, feeling slightly embarrassed.
“Are you crazy? I’d never do something so cruel, you live in a tiny apartment a goat couldn’t possibly thrive in that environment”
“Don’t call me crazy, you’re crazy!” you said in a childish tone, and you both laughed at how comfortable you felt talking to each other again.
“I love you too” he said, and you could tell he was smiling from the tone of his voice.
“I want to see you Hobi” you whined, “I really do miss you”
“I’ve requested next weekend off so that I can come and see you for your birthday with your present. It was supposed to be a surprise… shit” he cursed realising his slip up, and you chuckled.
“Just don’t buy a goat. I don’t care what you do, just no goats.” you warned
a/n What did I just write? People shouldn’t let me write things when I’ve had so little sleep, it ends up weird… if this makes no sense then soz anon but ily
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daydreamnct · 7 years
Got7 Youngjae as your Boyfriend
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Youngjae would love his s/o so much
He would always make time to face time and text you when he has a busy schedule (you’d better enjoy emojis and stickers)
“what’s up baby?” “nothing, I just wanted to hear your voice”
Youngjae is quite an emotional person so there’d be lots of happy times but sad times too, but you always know how joke with him to cheer him up
Cuddles are a must, if either you or him had a bad day you could always rely on snuggling up on the sofa
Lots of natural skinship i.e. grabbing you when he laughs or playing with your fingers when you’re sat together
Laughter!!! Youngjae’s laughter would fill any room you were in because you make him happy!
He would enjoy spending any time he could with his s/o, whether it be playing video games or going on walks with Coco you would always genuinely enjoy being in each others’ presence
His whole family would love you because of how happy you make Youngjae
He can sometimes be insecure about mean comments online, so you find ways to reassure him or take his mind off it
“don’t listen to them honey, you’re the most hard working person I know and have you heard you sing?! This person is clearly insane”
Did I mention the sound of sunshine a.k.a. his laughter?? That!!
He cares a lot about his music and would love to share new songs he’s found or made with you as soon as possible
“Babe, wake up” “Jae it’s 2am” “I know, just listen to this song I found and then you can go back to sleep I promise, please” “it’d better be good”
You would both pretty much do anything the other asked because you love to see each other smile :)
I love Youngjae sm I swear he would be such a cute boyf
This is the first thing like this that I’ve written sorry if it’s weird - I’d appreciate any criticism ^^
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daydreamnct · 7 years
Mobile Masterlist
Link to my recommendations
(🌼)= fluff (🔞)= smut (🌧)= angst (💢)= unfinished
Ten - What it Feels Like 🌧  PART 2 🌧  PART 3 🌧💢
BTS V - Pregnancy 🌼
GOT7 Youngjae - boyfriend imagine 🌼
BTS JHope - Goat 🌼 🌧 
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daydreamnct · 7 years
Requests Open
Hi guys!
I’ve just started this scenarios blog and I’m happy to take any requests for one shots, fake texts, reactions and ships :)
I’m newish to writing on tumblr but I have written fanfiction before and I read a lot of it so these are my credentials XD
Submit or Ask me anything you like, I write for girl and boy groups
- Kat
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