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i cant use the tumblr messaging system so i have to become famous the old fashioned way
@biggest-gaudiest-patronuses @vampireapologist @memescomedy @buzzlightyearhugecock @memesandlaughs @shitpostgenerator @twitterstatus @minecraftteacher @just-shower-thoughts one of you has to respond
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hello i have an idea
ok so im going to give all of you nonexistant followers what you want: random snipets of my life as if im talking to a friend. Ok so i was sitting in my drama class, right? and im sitting there, not writing cause who can write when i hear Aspen go 'yeah id totally do kinky shit' now, as you know aspen is a beautiful summer child so im like bruh moment.
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Welcome back to my tour of this hellsite. if you want to see some stuff dont be at this blog
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