#warframe infested oc
Been a while since we last spoke! But we're still alive and even got some new people to join us in answering questions and making appearances!
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First we have Keiro Liv from the Anyo Corp. He's been working in the Index for quite a while now and despite his age is still going strong. Even if now his main focus is in making profit to Nef Anyo above all else...
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Next up we have Zyro. An unfortunate manic who got too close with an infested encounter. But she's able to control herself to at least be able to answer questions for you all!
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Last but not least, we have Eve and Lyn. This double headed infested creature is certainly a curious case of siblings now being stuck together forever.
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mitsudelyedraws · 2 years
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Sketched these two for fun
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midorishinobi5 · 10 months
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Short comic detailing how the infestation has affected the memories of my Vauban OC André ft. @rosesaudio’s OC Merria
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frameposting · 3 months
I thought i posted this here before or on my main art blog but one of Crewman Anto Riiva's "life paths" is into a Volatile Runner and I drew what that might look like back in 2021. (cw body horror)
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Basically a vaguely human-shaped orange twizzler with a few Crewman jumpsuit vestiges. Due to OC plot armor reasons his explosive mass is reactive more than active, but he's still more likely to lob some explosive infestation chunks at you and flee.
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quietarcher · 2 years
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It’s October so that means it’s time for the Infested power couple
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on-zhere · 2 years
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I just think the maggots are kind of cute
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Red Scourge himself. My drifter/operator oc, Raphael. He's uninterested in tenno affairs... He wants one thing and that's a system covered in beautiful rot and writhing growth.
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I never dug into what my warframe OCs left behind with their ruined human lives Until Now and. oh boy
At some point there is a multi-step family trip heist to locate and retrieve (steal) whatever is still left kicking around in some orokin derelict or other of Lanius' old research on the medical application of infestation strains bc They Wanna Continue Working On That Shit. Or Other Shit. They never stopped being a scientist. Give them back their data
Alden on the other hand does not wish to touch his old life At All. He gave his life to protect his group of rebels, and maybe to an extent it'd be nice to know that it wasn't all for nothing, but...does it really matter? It has been millenia since then. It doesn't matter if he bought them a day or a year or a decade by doing what he did, they're all long dead and dust and forgotten anyway. He'd rather not dig up details and remember more and find more regrets
Higgins idk if i'll lean into anything with yet but i Did realise that if any records of his human life remained at all then they're likely to be on deimos, so the potential for stuff Is There
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So, On-Lyne, huh?
Let's be honest here, they're actually an incredibly cool system. If there's one thing I like about DE is how they spice up stale systems. Like how Poe and Fortuna paved the way for Deimos and Duviri, the technocyte Coda seem to be doing the same for the lich system (especially considering how they dont seem to have any weapons).
While lightly disappointing because they have set identities unlike the very oc-friendly randomness of liches and sisters, its still basically the most hype part of the 1999 update for me.
However, praise aside, I also wanted to do some light speculatuon on their story and personalities, and specifically, why I think they weren't always infested.
Now, look, ik they look weird conceptually, being likened to fortnite skins by some, but I think that is mostly just foreshadowing. To me, they look like digital avatars, which considering their name is quite literally On-Lyne and all of the internet imagery in the 1999 promotional videos and ads seems to support this. Now, this is actually really important because if they are digital avatars of real people (as I suspect), then that sets up the main theme of their story: Appearances.
This is why I think they're not some infested psyop but rather started out normally, before being overtaken. Because at the end of the day, Warframe's stories are deep in the most batshit way possible. DE aren't afraid to use the mighty Allegory for their stories, and I think this is what they're doing here. The infestation is On-Lyne's Monkey Paw, being either a wish-come-true or a punishment, or both.
This, imo, is most evident with Zeke. After all, we literally hear him talking about how "if management gives him one more passive aggressive comment, he's gonna snap", which to me tells me that Zeke probably isn't able to endure the price of being famous. This, combined with a transcription of the infested writing on their fanpage I received from a friend, tells us what the Infestation has done for Zeke. "Zeke hungers to unmake himself" and calling him "Fleshskin" to me sound like Zeke seeking to become acceptable to the band at the cost of himself. As in, to literally martyr himself, to become the band's skin and remove the part of himseld that can't stand the pressure, becoming in the proccess an empty shell, a skin-suit, if you will.
For the others, we know a little less, so imma just summarize my theories on them :
-Hardrive's the one who spreads the infestation, the infection mechanism. But by the...unflattering language the hivemind uses to describe him unlike the others, what i get is hes trying to escape the infestation, escape the life of fame, but in doing so is only falling deeper into the very thing he's trying to get away from.
-Packet's the tactician of the group. Different from Drillbit in the fact that hes directly responsible for unity within the group. I mean, "Soothes the dissident voices" doesnt get more explicit than that. Its weird how hes the most "fresh". To me it sounds like he may have had a hand in unleashing the infestation on the group in some attempt to keep them from having a falling out, and is now in charge of keeping the whole hivemind together after being the last one to be consumed.
-Drillbit is the guide of the group. Especially with the brain and larynx lines, sounds to me like he was the second-in-command to Zeke who always wanted to be the face of the band but couldn't with Zeke in the way.
-Dj RoM is a little hard to figure out, but to me he sounds like the group hedonist. He doesn't question whats going on, hes just there to have a good time and might even be the most accepting of the infestation. Especially considering how it directly mentions how his 'palpatations reverberate' while the band is 'digesting' which may imply hes actually enjoying it.
So yea, these basically it. If im wrong, feel more than free to share your ideas. After all, this is just speculation, but to me it seems very fitting from a narrative perspective.
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alteredsilicone · 25 days
Thinking of Warframes who retain their humanity/personality but they're still not the person they used to be, the Orokin made sure to brainwash and break the person to make them succumb to the Helminth. Even if you retain your sense of "self" you will be a subjective interpretation of yourself. Some cases are exceptions, like Umbra, Ballas made sure he is powered by one intense memory (the death of his son). Jade can be a similar example - she was powered by her desire to see her son be born, which is why she forgot what her real name was but clung to her child as an anchor to her old self. Annd I can use this to rotate sentient-frame OCs in my mind.. how did the person who got Warframe'd morph into a different persona. Voland the Nidus is an Umbra case, where he overcame the infestation and retained his memories and original sense of self. He was initially vengeful but learned to channel his powers in a less destructive way by co-existing with the Myconians. Eir as Dante retained his desire for writing… but he forgot that he used to be a composer, so he instead he became a Scribe, but his artistic and melodic way of writing was preserved through the transformation.
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hornet-best-bug · 2 months
Doodle of my warframe OC revive. Low effort. Send infestation cure for the future her thank you
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“Sorry for our silence at times. Dox seems to enjoy chewing on cables....”
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“Serafima has been trying to control him, but it’s not working too well since he’s surprisingly sneaky.”
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grineerios · 9 months
Warframe OC Ask Game! (Quest edition!)
Send an OC(s) + a quest name, and I'll respond with an answer, or something inspired by the question/quest!
(Warframe has a lot of quests, so prompts under the cut.)
Awakening: For Tenno: What was their first Warframe? For Warframes: What is their earliest memory? For Non-Tenno: How have they dealt with the sudden return of the Tenno?
Vor's Prize: For Tenno: How did they handle their first mission? How has their approach changed since they first awoke from cryo-sleep? For Warframes: How did they initially react to being connected to a Tenno? Have they had previous Operators before their current one? For Non-Tenno: Do they have a favorite possession? How did they come to have it? Why is it important to them?
Saya's Vigil: For Tenno: How often do they take on bounties? Which faction do they enjoy bounties from the most? For Warframes: Did they have any partners, lovers, or close friends before becoming a warframe? How well do they handle emotional intimacy? For Non-Tenno: Have they ever been to Cetus before? What do they think of the local legends- The Unum, Eidolons, and the like?
Once Awake: For Tenno: How do they feel about working with an Infested being? For Warframes: How do they feel about being Infested? What are their thoughts on the Helminth? Do they feel any connection to the Infested Hive Mind? For Non-Tenno: What are your character's thoughts on the Infestation? Have they ever seen it in-person before?
Heart of Deimos: For Tenno and Warframes: What are their thoughts on the Entrati Family and their squabbles? For Non-Tenno: Has your character ever been to Deimos? Are they the type to take great risks if it could mean great reward?
The Archwing: Where is your character's favorite place in the Origin System? How often do they travel? What is their favorite form of travel?
Natah: For Tenno: How did they react to discovering Natah? Did it change the way they saw the Lotus? For Warframes and Non-Tenno: Does your character have any dark or embarrassing secrets?
The Second Dream: For Tenno: How did they react to awakening from the Second Dream? Did they remember that they were themselves, or did they think that they were their warframe? For Warframes: How did their Tenno awakening from the Second Dream affect them? Was it a good experience, or a bad one? For Non-Tenno: Were they always comfortable with themselves? If so, what brings them confidence? If not, what are their insecurities?
Rising Tide: For Tenno and Warframes: What do they remember from the Old War? For Non-Tenno: Have they ever been on a Railjack before? Can they pilot a ship?
The War Within: Given the chance, would your character ever perform Continuity? If yes, how picky would they be with their new body? If not, how do they deal with their own mortality?
Chains of Harrow: For Tenno: How did they react to the Man in the Wall upon seeing him for the first time? Has that reaction changed at all over time? For Warframes: What keeps them loyal to their Tenno? Does their Infested nature ever surface? For Non-Tenno: What's something that haunts them?
Apostasy Prologue: For Tenno: How did they take the Lotus' abandonment? How did they deal with the void in power that she left? Who did they blame? For Warframes: How did they react to Ballas still being alive? How did they support their Operator during this time? For Non-Tenno: Who would they consider to be their enemy? Why?
The Sacrifice: What does family mean to your character? Do they have a family- biological or otherwise?
Prelude to War: Is your character easily manipulated? What would it take to be swayed from their own values by others?
Chimera Prologue: Does your character ever feel othered by society? If so, how do they deal with it?
Erra: For Tenno and Warframes: What are their thoughts on The Lotus' family? Would they willingly work with them? For Non-Tenno: Have they ever seen a Sentient before? How did they react?
The Maker: How does your character view the Orokin? Positively? Negatively? Why?
The New War: For Drifters: Where were they during Narmer's invasion? Were they ever captured? If not, how did they stay out of Narmer's sight? For Operators: How did they react to discovering their Drifter counterpart? Where were they during Narmer's invasion? For Warframes: Would they ever willingly work with their Tenno's Operator/Drifter counterpart? Why or why not? For Non-Tenno: What is a comforting lie your character indulges in? Were they veiled during the War? How did Narmer affect their lives?
Angels of the Zariman: How does your character deal with guilt? What do they do when experiencing painful emotions?
Whispers in the Walls: What is your character's perspective on the Void?
A Man of Few Words: Who is your character's "ride-or-die" ally? Do they make friends easily, or tend to be distant?
Vox Solaris: Has your character been to Fortuna? What are their thoughts and feelings towards Solaris United?
The Waverider: Is there anyone your character looks up to? Who- or what- inspires them?
The Deadlock Protocol: Does your character have any connection to their biological family?
Howl of the Kubrow: Does your character have any pets? Do they like animals?
Stolen Dreams: How would your character feel about working with someone typically considered to be an enemy? Who- or which factions- do they trust the most?
The New Strange: How does your character approach an unfamiliar subject? Under what conditions do they learn best?
The Limbo Theorem: What is your character passionate about? What skills are they best at?
Octavia's Anthem: What kind of music does your character enjoy? Do they play an instrument or sing?
Sands of Inaros: How much of their childhood do they remember? Is there an event from their childhood that impacts who they are today?
The Silver Grove: How does your character's conscience- or lack thereof- affect their choices? How loyal are they to their moral compass?
Patient Zero: How altruistic is your character? Would they go out of their way to help someone, even if they didn't deserve it?
The Jordas Precept: For Tenno and Warframes: What is their perspective on the large amounts of killing required in their line of work? Do they feel guilty at all? For Non-Tenno: Has your character ever been to a Tenno relay? If so, what were their initial impressions?
Hidden Messages: For Tenno and Warframes: How loyal are they to The Lotus? For Non-Tenno: What do they do to relax?
The Glast Gambit: How does your character react to fame? Do they enjoy it, or avoid the spotlight?
Mask of the Revenant: Does your character celebrate Naberus? If so, what could they be found doing on Naberus Night?
Call of the Tempestarii: Is your character superstitious or spiritual at all? Do they believe in ghosts?
Veilbreaker: For Tenno and Warframes: Have they ever faced an Archon before? What was their experience like? Did they have back-up, or were they alone? For Non-Tenno: What kinds of freedom are most important to your character?
The Duviri Paradox: For Drifters: What was their experience in Duviri like? If they were a courtier, what would their Spiral be, and what traits would it take on? For Operators: How would they react to swapping places with the Drifter? Would they enjoy Duviri? Why or why not? For Warframes: Have they ever been to the Undercroft? Does fighting in the Void feel any different from fighting in the Origin System? For Non-Tenno: Do stories of the Tenno's deeds- both now and during the Old War- fill them with hope, or dread?
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riftwalker-limbro · 9 months
actually fuck it. i've got some kind of flu/cold which means i'm staying up coughing all fucking night instead of sleeping and of course we are bullying the ocs about this. have some discord screenshots. these are all me and yes we all forget oc details only to remember them in the most comically valuable moment. quick reminders that pule is 1. ace 2. allergic to non-helminth infestation. also that warframes have airholes in their back in my instance of lore. also also vince rattles when he breathes because he is several kinds of fucked up internally.
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but then How Would He Blow His Nose.
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bunbunbunni · 3 months
Thinking more about new Warframe oc Zee (she/they) a little… I think women should be insane and kill ❤️ (they are a zany little biology and infested obsessed Tenno scientist working for the Grineer, her records on the Zariman got fucked up so they gave her the placeholder name of Z-404– but she goes by Zee :) )
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warlordfelwinter · 9 months
For Juno: the second dream & the sacrifice, and for Narin: once awake & erra
[warframe oc asks]
The Second Dream: How did they react to awakening from the Second Dream? Did they remember that they were themselves, or did they think that they were their warframe?
They were very alarmed and distressed to wake up to say the least. They absolutely thought they were their warframe (specifically Nezha (prime) bc my hc is that the operators have Their Frame (at least until they get Umbra) since the warframes were individuals it seems weird to me if multiple tenno are collecting them like pokemon (the blueprints and foundry pieces are not canon to me sjk;lgn i like it more if they're unique to each tenno even if that's not the case)) and hardly remember anything from before. So it was extremely disorienting to suddenly be seeing what they thought was Their Body from the outside. For a while, even after the war within, they were very like... dissociated from their own body and didn't like exiting the warframe at all because it just felt Wrong. They're settled in themself now and are outside of their frame quite a bit.
The Sacrifice: What does family mean to your character? Do they have a family- biological or otherwise?
Family to Juno means those who take care of each other and are there for each other. They have no biological family, their parents were killed on the Zariman (not by them, they didn't participate in that) and they had no siblings. They'd consider Ordis family. Lotus was there but she's on. extremely thin ice with them right now. All their various pets are family. Nezha is family. Teshin is family, honestly.
Once Awake: What are your character's thoughts on the Infestation? Have they ever seen it in-person before?
He has seen it, because Juno has a helminth charger that they bring around sometimes. He's interested in it in the same way that I'm interested in parasites and such. Like a morbid fascination but he'd prefer if it stayed over there away from him thank you very much. Except Juno's charger. Barkspawn gets tummy rubs. I don't think Juno's told him the warframes are technically infected
Erra: Have they ever seen a Sentient before? How did they react?
He's seen an eidolon, which I think are sentients iirc. Didn't get close, obviously, but you know he's a kid so there's definitely been at least once that he snuck out at night and watched one from a distance. I think he finds them kind of sad, just by the noises they make.
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