deliriousequanimity · 1 month
This is your obligatory Hermes love post
Reblog if you really love Hermes, like if you really love Hermes.
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deliriousequanimity · 10 months
Outside my cage, a sly Raven sits near, He tilts his head in silent questioning, As if asking me, "Why are you still here?" And all I could do was empty staring.
"I wish I could go home," I spoke out loud, This dreadful house is not all that it seems, I'm tied to the weight of not making proud, Hidden beasts that tear at my wretched seams.
Raven, he pecks the lock tenaciously, For a moment, I reach out to stop him, Then, I freeze as he taps rapaciously, His friendship makes this world a bit less grim.
Though my oikophobia still rings clear, Sly Raven allows me to feel less fear.
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Swift Luck-bringer
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He of the lucky coins,
He of the serendipitous blessings,
He of the joyous fortunes,
May I continue to find balance in even the most tumultuous of moments,
May I continue to seek the good to overcome the bad,
May I continue to prosper even in my darkest hours.
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Whenever we see a cow...
Cow: *literally just existing* Me and Hermes pointing at it at the same time: c o w Bonus Hermes: This reminds me about the time I achieved godhood by stealing Apollo's cattle. Me: Hermes, no, this is the 7th time- Hermes: See, it all started when I was just a mere infant child in a cave-
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First Interaction with Hermes
(using a coinflip to determine answers, heads = yes, tails = no)
Me: Uh...should I be afraid of you...?
Hermes: *serious* Yes.
Me: *nervous* Wait, what- really?
Hermes: Haha, no! *laughs*
Me: *realizing I have been pranked by god*
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Πανδαματωρ - Pandamator, all-vanquisher, all-subduer, all-tamer
"Days pull you down just like a sinking ship, Floating is getting harder, But tread the water, child, and know that meanwhile, Rises the moon.
Days pull you up just like a daffodil, Uprooted from its garden, They'll tell you what you owe, but know even so, Rises the moon.
You'll be visited by sleep, I promise you that soon the autumn comes, To steal away each dream you keep, Breathe, breathe, breathe."
- rises the moon, Liana Flores
A comfort post because today was rough and I cried several times today but Sleep is always there to carry me down to his domain as I rest my heavy head upon my pillow so that I may receive relieving respite from life's pains.
Hypnos's lullaby would definitely be "rises the moon" though, it suits him...
(He's also a big fan of hot chocolate.)
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Οιοπολος - Oiopolos, Sheep-Tending/Shepherd The shepherd plucked the lamb away from the den of wolves, walking away whilst the lamb bleated in fear, for it would be leaving the familiar coldness and lupine threats. "Where are you taking me, shepherd?" The lamb asked. "I'm taking you home." The shepherd replied, "I'm taking you away from that saddening situation." "But what if I get lost?" The lamb asked, hesitation pulling at its downy wool. "You were always lost, but it's alright." The young man smiled, as gentle as the breeze, "Now, you are found. That place wasn't home. It was only a house, see. There's a difference. You belong somewhere else. Not amongst snapping jaws and razor claws." The lamb followed close, basking in his warmth. It's strange. Though the fear of the unknown lingers in its heart, the thrill of freedom is undeniable. "Come with me, and have no worries." He held his hand out, a guide to an aimless wanderer, "Let me show you what it's like to go home, little lost lamb."
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Prayer to Hermes
Guide for all,
As I hold out a hand for you,
I hope you will take it,
And together in good grace,
Walk along the strange, winding road ahead. Going through life,
Is not as frightening when done with a friend,
And I feel confident in saying,
You are my friend,
Keep my heart calm,
Grant me equanimity in the face of tumultuous storms,
Be my guide, friend and fellow traveler.
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A Poem in Honour of Hermes
In misty meadows,
A shepherd walks,
Surrounded by sheep,
In despaired need,
Past mellow mountains,
And melancholic fields,
A newcomer joins,
Downy and grey,
In his arms,
A little lamb,
In his arms,
A lonely lamb,
In his arms,
A lovely lamb,
Much thanks to,
Merciful, patient pompaios.
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Greetings and salutations to fellow vagrants and wanderers. Simply call me Lee, a name which is indicative of my desires to stand in a lovely meadow and find some peace in my harrowing journey. This place is a more personal place for me to express myself as an agnostic pagan/Hellenist. Currently, the main deity I work with is Hermes but I also worship other deities in smaller capacity (my life is quite hectic and cramped at the moment). I don't have a schedule for this blog, it's just where I share little bits of my worship and appreciation for the Hellenistic pantheon. I'm willing to learn new things as I go so please be patient with me. If I accidentally offend, I offer my sincerest apologies and hope you'll allow me another chance to better myself.
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