What keeps you motivated? Is it your dream or something else too?
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Film Review: Mainstream Indie 2017
Ever since watching Die Beautiful and Ang Babae Sa Septic Tank 2 towards the end of last year, I’ve been interested to watch indie movies, as well as share my thoughts on them. The title for this review is “Mainstream Indie” because it seems like more and more indie movies are making their way towards a bigger audience. And this is great because we’re finally getting exposed to various types of films, allowing us to be more critical of how the media portrays different things, like relationships (flashback to the backlash of Kita Kita--which I haven’t watched yet--and more recently, 100 Tula Para Kay Stella--albeit much less backlash than the other one). Let’s start because this is gonna be a lot, hehe.
Baka Bukas
The first indie film I’ve watched this year. Directed by Samantha Lee, this is the story of a girl, Alex, who’s secretly in love with her best friend, Jess, who defines herself as straight. (SPOILER ALERT AHEAD) But we find out in the middle of the movie that she may have feelings for Alex as well... And that’s all I’m going to say about it. But what I am going to say is that I watched film five times--yes, five. I just feel like more movies like this need to come out (pun intended) more until being gay is no longer taboo. Jasmine Curtis-Smith and Louse de los Reyes’ acting are also on point. Not gonna lie, I still cringed during their sweet scenes, but that’s just me in general, even in heterosexual movies. Lol. The best part was the score, really--all the tracks fit so well into the scenes. If you listen to the tracks on Spotify it’s like you’re reliving the scenes all over again. I don’t do it much nowadays because I’m not ready for the scenes.
2 Cool 2 Be 4gotten
After watching Baka Bukas, of course it was only logical that I watch Cinema One Originals 2016’s Best Picture, 2 Cool 2 Be 4gotten. Set in the late 1990′s, this time it’s about a boy who encounters two students with foreign blood. These two guys quickly become popular just because they’re foreign and the film’s protagonist develops a sort of friendship with them. This was a deep film that I didn’t even get the metaphor at the end. Actually, there were a lot of things I didn’t get--like the Florante at Laura part in between scenes. My brain hurt in the end, but I guess I can’t process or interpret these types of things yet?
I’m Drunk, I Love You
I guess this movie started the wave of indie becoming mainstream, at least for this year? They really fought to have this air in SM cinemas and it rain for a month or so, I think? It was really awesome, and a lot of people I know start talking about this movie as well. What’s great about this film is that it endorses indie music as well--those with the same quality as this film. The story resonated with a lot of people, especially the “millennials”, since this isn’t just about unrequited love--it’s about graduation, making choices for ourselves. The ending was nice because I’m personally a fan of non-happy endings, i.e. the pair doesn’t end up together Carson finally accepts the truth and she moves on with her life along with Dio. This film is great if you want to introduce your friends to the “indie films” scene. Of course, I do have issues with Jason Ty’s relationship at the end...
I actually don’t think my opinion is worth anything here, simply because I missed the first half of the film. My friends and I watched it at Cinema 76 but failed to estimate the travel time from UP to San Juan so we ended up missing about an hour. After watching the ending and realizing that that was happening the entire time, I have to say it kinda creeps me out. (Iza, you poor child.) But maybe the reason why I didn’t get some of the things happening in the film was because I didn’t have any context. *makes mental note to never be late to Cinema 76 again* And while yes, there are some scenes that are deemed “unusual” by our country’s conventional standards, Bliss doesn’t deserve the X-rating it was given at first by the MTRCB.
Patay Na Si Hesus
The first one I watched from the very first Pista ng Pelikulang Pilipino! (Okay, I only watched two, sad.) This film was funny especially at the start, but the humor kinda declined at the end. (ANOTHER SPOILER ALERT) You can tell that the dog was going to die even before that “ominous” scene where the kid announces everyone that “Hudas (the dog) is dead”. Then they made a comic relief out of it--which I didn’t get. Maybe I missed something, and if I did, please do enlighten me. But overall it was an entertaining movie, worth the money and the time to go to the cinema. Jaclyn Jose’s acting was superb, and her Cebuana accent was really good. :) This is good to watch with family... if they have the same open mind as you.
100 Tula Para Kay Stella
You know those movies that get so hyped up because it’s a romantic film and then in the end you’re like “meh”? This is one of those films. I mean, okay, 100 Tula Para Kay Stella is okay to watch on your laptop or even at the wide screen, maybe. But the movie is just about Fidel liking a girl and not doing anything active about it. Yes, he writes poems, but so what? He says he made a hundred poems to impress her--so he waited, and when he finds out Stella’s (SPOILER ALERT, AGAIN!!!) married he can’t accept it. He doesn’t even believe it at first. Why? Did he actually think that Stella would wait for him? The world doesn’t work that way. If that was the message that this film was trying to portray, then good. Otherwise, glorifying Fidel for the things he did and pitying him is, for me, questionable. This film also had a 500 Days of Summer feel with the plot. I thought it was just me but apparently other people thought so as well. I wouldn’t even delve into the degree of inconsistency with the film’s details. Oh, and don’t even mention the portrayal of the gay character as caricature. But what really wrecked it for me was the director’s attitude towards his so-called “haters” (most of which were really just critics at first with good intentions). If he can’t take into account other people’s opinions then he doesn’t deserve a place in the industry. Period.
I Love You, Thank You.
I didn’t watch the film this year but actually around June or July last year, at the UP Film Institute. I think this was the very first indie film I watched on the big screen. It’s a good movie--there are a lot of lessons and the mood was mellow, not that heavy. This is where I first heard Juan Miguel Severo’s “Ang Huling Gabi” which was also used in I’m Drunk, I Love You. To me the acting was good, I mean, Joross Gamboa didn’t portray his gay character as the usual or caricature that we see in commercial movies--same with the other actors. And that’s what I’d like to see in gay films, really. The problem for me with the film was there were too many hugot lines. Too much of anything isn’t good at all, especially if it’s hugot lines. It’s gonna be too cringe-y.
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Well, here I am. I actually almost forgot the email address I use for this blog (well I did forget, but I remembered) and I panicked because even though I don’t update that much, this is still my favorite blog. My last post was 8 months ago, oops. And that was about two of the MMFF 2016 films I watched, before the start of my final semester as an undergraduate student. And wow, so much has happened since then that I want to share.
First off (now that I mentioned my final semester), I graduated! Hooray! To be honest, I still can’t believe it sometimes. It still surprises me that I along with some of my friends already wore our Sablay (a University of the Philippines tradition that we do during graduation instead of wearing togas) at the graduation ceremony. Now, most of them belong to the working class already. Even though it feels surreal, my undergrad days seem so long ago as well. I know, it’s weird. A lot has happened in these past few months.
Now some of you may wonder about me--you know, if you don’t follow me on social media haha. Well, aside from preparing for the ECE licensure exam (which I should be doing right now but I don’t want to for reasons I might talk about in a later post), I’m also taking up my MS EE degree! (MS EE stands for Master of Science in Electrical Engineering.) Looking back, I guess a lot of people expected me to pursue an MS degree since I was very vocal about it in the past. That is, except for my last year as an ECE student, because there were a lot of hardships that time and I didn’t know if I could do it. But anyway, here I am, studying even more after 5 long years of studying. Why, you ask? Well, it’s not so much studying as it is learning. I’d like to think there’s a fine line between these two. I believe that graduate studies will help and me to learn more and learn well. So yeah, this is the “next stop” for my “career”. The truth is a big part of me wants to become a professor right now but I’m not sure of myself yet. So I hope you will pray for me on this one :)
Well those are the two major things that happened to me this year... so far. There’s actually another one but I’ll tell you in November, hehe! Again, if you follow me on social media, there’s a chance you’ve seen my post about it already, but if not, then you’ll find out in a few months. ;)
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Film Review: MMFF 2016 Edition
I know it’s probably too late for this, but I still wanna share my thoughts on the two films I watched which were festival entries. And I wanna continue doing this for the future films that I’ll watch!
Ang Babae Sa Septic Tank 2
I actually haven’t watched the first installment of the film, but my sister told me about its premise to help me prepare for this film. And I gotta tell you this if you don’t know it yet--Eugene Domingo is AMAZING.
She’s one of the greatest actresses in our country in this age. Relative to my knowledge, out of all the film entries (aside from Vince & Kath & James) I think this has a lighter theme to it, BUT it shows its viewers the state of the industry today. The message is pretty obvious--that mainstream shows and films lack the balls to make an out-of-the-box concept, something that isn’t “formula”. After watching this film, I thought that if more movies like this and other unique stories became mainstream, we’d be more cultured and there’d be more people who actually think about the things they say, especially online.
Also, my sister and I were surprised at Bb. Joyce Bernal’s appearance at the end (haha sorry for the minor spoiler there). Plus the ending was perfect. :)
Die Beautiful
Ahh, this movie. It was funny and heart-wrenching and serious all at the same time. Paolo Ballesteros, Christian Bables, and Joel Torre really gave us our money’s worth in this film. To be honest, I wasn’t comfortable about transgenders because they change their bodies’ composition. But watching this film made me more open about them, that they go through the same struggles as we do--even more, for some people. And that everyone is capable of loving, and being loved.
I wish I could’ve watched more--MMFF to screen in UPFI please! I heard they’ll show Saving Sally there soon. And kudos to the MMFF Board for making these films more known to the public. I hope it wasn’t just for 2017; I hope that you don’t let hollow-brained bloggers and money-loving politicians stop you from making commercial films great once and for all. And to the rest of us who are part of the viewing eye, let’s fight for this type of art, art that makes us think, that doesn’t have the same plot over and over. Let’s give our country a chance to be more forward-thinking in terms of film, and other aspects in the entertainment business.
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So I just binge-watched Sherlock for the first time...
The first time I heard about BBC One’s Sherlock was in 2012, I think? Or 2011. So about six years ago! And he told me that it’s interesting, has three 90-minute long episodes per season (or series as they call it in BBC but for me it’s a season), and that it’s a cliffhanger. I’ve always been interested in detective/crime solving stuff--when I was in high school I used to watch Bones, Criminal Minds and NCIS a lot--so I was sure I was gonna enjoy watching the series, especially with all the hype and praise it’s gotten over the years.
About three years ago I started reading Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes novels. I think I’ve finished all of them, actually, because I wanted to get a feel for what I was gonna watch. I haven’t started watching the series yet because with all their cliffhangers, I might not be able to contain myself. So I told myself that I’m gonna watch it when it’s almost over so I can binge watch it but still keep up with it. [SPOILER/S COMING. DO NOT WATCH IF YOU HAVEN’T WATCHED THE SIX THATCHERS.]
With the rumor that season 4 is gonna be their last I decided to finally take it in. In the past three days I’ve managed to catch up with the series, up to the ***SPOILER ALERT*** death of Mary Watson (cries in British). And here are my thoughts on the series itself, in general.
Well, it’s set in modern times, probably so its audience can relate to the situations and even language used in the script. I get that, and I totally accept it. Even its adaptations of Doyle’s stories that interpreted things differently, I understand. The era is quite different after all. I also actually liked how Mary Watson in this series is a former assassin. She’s far more interesting than the Mary Morstan in Doyle’s novels. But there are a few things that don’t sit well with me.
First and foremost, there’s Sherlock himself. Yes, he’s arrogant, and yes, he’s extremely insensitive with people. But in the show his portrayal is kinda like Barney Stinson from How I Met Your Mother--someone you think could never be capable of love, so that when he does show signs of genuine emotion, you just fall in love with his character. I’ve seen this done many times before, and maybe I would fall in love with him too if I hadn’t read the books. Maybe I forgot (although I think I would remember), but "love” was never the main focus of any Sherlock Holmes stories. No, it was about his methods and his thought processes. In the books, he's AWESOME. In the series, yeah he’s kinda awesome too, but he had holes in his logic, not just once. The original Sherlock isn’t like that. You can argue that they didn’t want to follow the novels exactly, yes. Maybe it’s just me, looking for a more “perfect” Sherlock, one who embodies the character that Doyle wrote.
I mean, the one with the Appledore vault where Sherlock just shoots Charles Augustus Magnussen? How could he not have seen that? And in the most recent episode, his getting caught up with Moriarty so much he didn’t realize at first that Mary was in danger? The Sherlock Holmes that I came to know in the novels, wouldn’t have let things like that cloud his judgement. If it’s an attempt to “humanize” him, it’s not needed. He’s no ordinary human.
And I don’t know, I guess the way some things go, it’s just there to shock the viewers and doesn’t go along with the story. I mean yeah Mary’s death is a critical part of Sherlock and Watson’s friendship, but for me to read that the writers did it to surprise us because most people think they’re gonna kill her off in the last episode of season 4? I mean so what? You still could have written it in such a way that it’s still gonna be mind-blowing. Sorry to say this, but I feel like it’s just lazy writing. (Oh man people are so gonna hate me now.)
And oh, the fact that Sherlock hadn’t seen the gun coming from Norbury? Ugh. Seriously. When he faced Moriarty up on that rooftop, he thought of 13 scenarios and had a contingency plan for each of them. But a greedy woman bringing a gun when he asked to meet with her, no clue whatsoever??? Maybe it’s gonna be clearer in the next episodes, I don’t know--I hope so. But for now, with all these stuff, I agree with some of my friends who say that they’re focusing on him becoming a human and less on the “thinking” side of it all. Uh, hello? You can do both?
TL;DR: If I hadn’t read the original stories, I would be a fan. I’m not saying that this series isn’t actually good--it is, in its own way. But I feel that it’s overhyped, y’know? Sorry to all the hardcore fans out there. It’s just my opinion. :P I’m still gonna watch it though because the story’s still good. :)
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2016 Recap!
Let’s do this one in months!
I went to Cebu and Bohol, WITH FRIENDS. That’s kind of a big deal for me, because it’s not just out of town, it’s out of the major region where I’m staying in. My friends and I booked the flight in June 2015, when Cebu Pacific had a sale on their flights, and we grabbed the opportunity immediately.
So yeah, we stayed there for three nights and three days. The highlight of the trip for me was canyoneering at Kawasan Falls. It’s where you jump through the falls, at different heights.
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That’s the view from one of the rocks at Kawasan Falls. It was a good way to start the year.
I’m gonna mush the events here because the highlight for me at this period was Engg Week. It was special because our org placed 5th out of ~20 orgs that annually participate in the Engineering Week. It’s the first time that we’ve placed in the Top 5 for a while, so it was really a time to celebrate. Another “thing” for me was that we placed in Awitan, after not placing last year.
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The theme for this year’s Awitan was OPM (as can be seen in the photo lol). We performed “Awit Ng Barkada” by Apo Hiking Society and “Mahal Ko O Mahal Ako” by KZ Tandingan. You can watch our performance here hehe.
I have this friend named Yves and his birthday is on April 21, which is 5 days away from mine. So ever since I became a member at Circuit (he was already a member when I applied), we celebrated our birthdays together, inviting our friends from Circuit haha.
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So let me explain the collage. The upper right one is called a “Memogram”, a card where your orgmates write you greetings for your birthday. (Thanks to everyone who wrote!) The upper left is a stuffed toy named Willie the Pug. I was so surprised when the people from the lower pictures gave him to me. It was thoughtful because I’ve been wanting a dog, a pug specifically. Of course they couldn’t me an actual living one haha. So they gave me a stuffed toy instead and I appreciated it a lot.
Aside from that, those guys (from the pictures) also gave me cupcakes mehehe. And then Yves, John, Ryndgel, Gabbie and I went to Tagaytay for a night trip. :3 (That was the 2nd one for me that year lol.) The day after that, we had a pakain at our tambayan and then headed straight to Pork Barrel, a place in Kalayaan, for karaoke and drinks (if you know what I mean).
We usually celebrate our org’s anniversary during this month, even though it’s really in February to give way for the Engineering Week schedule. So we had our 2016 Circuit Week during May, and to cap it off we had the Culminight/Grad Bash for graduating Circuiteers. That was also the turnover for the Executive Board, which marked the last of my days as an officer of the org.
Then Roy (my successor as VP for External Affairs) started a tradition wherein the officers exchange gifts with their counterparts. And Roy got me a cap which made me so happy, because that was the time I started getting into caps, but I would only borrow from others. So I was touched that he really got me what I wanted.
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That’s us, Executive Board A.Y. ‘15-‘16, doing our last picture as officers. Awww.
Before going into the Midyear Term, my family and I went to Ilocos for vacation. We went to Vigan, visited different churches, entered the Marcos home, took pictures in the windmill farm.. But definitely the experience that stood out for me was the sand dunes in Laoag. We rode a 4x4 wheeler and drove around the area to show different views of the region. My dad, sister and I stood at the back while the vehicle was moving! And the scaredy cat in me was, well, terrified, whenever we’d go up or down different slopes. It felt like I was going to roll off. Luckily, I didn’t.
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My dad isn’t really the one driving, it’s just for picture-taking purposes haha. The guy who took that photo was our driver. See that ledge at the back of the car/wheeler/mini-truck/whatever over there? We were SO CLOSE to that ledge, which was high up! You couldn’t tell, but my heart was pounding while taking this photo.
I think that was the most chill month for my 2016, because I was usually just playing L4D 2 with some of my friends haha! But on the last day of the month I got to see my high school best friends again, on the debut of one of our group’s sisters. I don’t get to see them a lot, so it was really awesome that we got to hang out again.
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One of us got so drunk she puked right before going inside our house! HAHAHA. It’s up to you to guess who. (Hint: It’s not me!!)
The highlight for this month was Accenture’s Shaping the Future Forum. They invite our school to this event annually but this is my first time joining because, you know, future and everything. It was held in SM Aura. And we got to see Jollibee!!! LOL!
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This one’s easy. Our field trip for Philo 10 was in Pakil, Paete, Antipolo, and Quezon. This was super memorable because I woke up extremely late that I missed the bus and caught up to them at around noon. But catching up was worth it because I got to know my classmates and be comfortable with them. I got to drink lambanog for the first time! Hahaha!
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I have a crush on one of them here, guess who ulit! HAHAHA.
So in Circuit we have this event called SquEEEze. It’s a national intercollegiate and interhigh quiz show. For this school year’s SquEEEze, I along with another orgmate were chosen by the Executive Board to head our flagship event. It was held on November, but I put it on this month since planning started around July and ever since then we’ve been putting effort into the event for every month. (Plus I have another highlight in November! Haha!)
Anyway, after that turnover I didn’t think I’d be able to become a head again, but a lot of people believed in me and in Justine, so we did our best for the 20th SquEEEze, and I’m really, really proud of it. I’m happy that it’s my last big “contribution” to Circuit because it was all worth it. Of course I couldn’t have done it without the rest of our awesome core team.
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It all came together. There were a lot of difficulties but in all my experience of different SquEEEze installments, this was the smoothest, the most prepared, and all in all, the best! #nobias haha joke! Though seriously, this is one of my most favorite experiences because not only was it a success (hehe), I also learned a lot.
I went to Cavite with some of my batchmates for a “company inspection trip”. It’s basically a field trip to a company of your choice. On November 7th we went to Analog Devices and Maxim which are just right next to each other. That day was awesome because, the people from there gave me an idea of what my future can be. I was actually already envisioning myself as one of them haha and it got me excited for my future.
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And also, the trip back to QC was the best. We were on a bus--wait for it--WITH KARAOKE! And all of us were just singing our hearts out, I didn’t even get the chance to sleep even if we were the road for 5 hours (super traffic)! And, the prof who was with us sang at the end of the trip! Haha it was an awesome albeit long day.
Hmm... Where to start. Well, this was the month that I really started delving myself into my lab (Microelectronics and Microprocessing Laboratory)--where my undergraduate project (kinda like a thesis, but not exactly) is under. Not only was this month the month we had our project proposal presentation...
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...approved with minor revisions, woo! This was also the month of the MicroLab year-ender party, where there were a lot of games and presentations from different batches haha. Our batch had a song performance...
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...and I think our advisers enjoyed naman haha! Also, for the last two weeks of the sem we were allowed to stay overnight in the lab, so we were really living the lab life! It’s also a practice for the next sem to come since I’m sure we’d stay there all the time. Haha. And because of all these things, I’m enjoying more and more as a student under MicroLab. :D
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What’s Next For Millenials
So yes, we’ve been hoping for a better year this 2017. With all the crap that happened in 2016, we just want good news from all over the world. For me that means no sexism and equality for all. I think these are issues that are really relevant to our generation now.
UP accepts--embraces, even--diversity, and so having LGBTQ+ around you in campus isn’t a big deal. Occasionally there are some awkward moments, but I like to believe that generally sexuality isn’t a big issue, and that people accept you for who you are. So whenever I’m outside UP, I try to observe other people around me whether they also have this behavior. Particularly, my friends and their schoolmates are accepting, too. So compared to when we were in elem and high school when being gay is taboo, more and more people are “out” now and confident about it. As a matter of fact, it is being encouraged now, for example, in the film “Die Beautiful” (I may talk about MMFF 2016 in another post). What I’m trying to say is, I’m proud that our generation is more accepting of queer people than the generation before us.
But acceptance alone isn’t enough. Besides, there are also others that still don’t accept LGBTQ+. Discrimination is still a big thing for us, especially for Filipinos. A classic example: anyone who has even the slightest inkling of Filipino blood that competes on an international level is heavily supported by our citizens. And when a foreigner says or does something that in a way insults us, we lash out at them. We really are butt-hurt Filipinos. If you’re insulted by this, then leave. I don’t want people who can’t accept their mistakes reading my blog.
And sexism, goodness! One of my high school peers tweeted just a few hours ago: (non-verbatim) “Ate, ba’t naman kayo nakasuot ng sobrang ikling shorts sa simbahan, na halos kita na ang panty... Nagkakasala ako sa Diyos.” I was so freaking pissed (White Chicks reference) when I read that. So I tweeted him, “Ikaw na nga nagkasala ‘yung babae pa pinagpalit mo ng damit?” I mean, it’s ironic, right? He admitted that he’s the one committing a sin, but he’s blaming the girl for it. Not that the girl isn’t violating any dress code, but isn’t evil thoughts a much higher violation? I just didn’t want him to get away with that, so I replied to his tweet. And also we’ve known each other for more than half of our lives so I want to set him straight (no pun intended).
My point is, even the ones closest to us can still be among those close-minded people who blame clothes for rape and not the ones who actually did the raping. I even know someone who is an avid fan of someone who’s clearly not supposed to be in position right now. I’m not close to him but he’s kind of in my circle, and that makes me sad. We still don’t have perspective. And that’s exactly what we need if we want change to happen in this new year. Change the way you think, the way you understand things. Only then can things get better.
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New Year’s Resolutions
I hope I’ll get to follow through with this haha. But I am committed to making a change so here it goes.
Lose weight. So this is my main goal for this year. And this one is legit. Haha. I’m hoping I can go to the gym more during the semester, since I’m not gonna be active in the org anymore (huhu sacrifices must be made for acads and my body), so I have more time. So yeah. I really must lose weight hehe.
Drink less alcohol. I think that this is one of the factors for my weight gain recently, because I drank a lot the past two years haha. Aside from my food baby I think I also have beer belly that it just mushed together to form a big belly of mine. Huhu. Plus it consumes money so if I drink less, I spend less. Haha!
Be mad less. So yeah, the theme for 2017 is “less” haha. So when my sister and I drove to Nuvali I was sooo pissed because of the extremely heavy traffic (granted, it was Christmas day then). But I was so enraged and I kept on yelling. Too much road rage. I’ve also been annoyed at a lot of things the past sem, and I’m just tired of being mad and exploding lol. So I hope I could keep it in more. Inner peace.
What are your New Year’s Resolutions? Let me know in Disqus!
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So there’s this artist called LANY, and I’ve been enjoying their ILSYB (Stripped) so much lately, that I did a cover of it. I actually recorded it months ago, but decided to upload it just a few days earlier to celebrate my freedom from all the responsibilities. HAHA. So here it is. :) You should also check out LANY’s other songs!
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First Time For Everything: Silantro!
Sooo I’m bringing this back! Haha it’s been almost two years I think? I didn’t blog much the past academic year (A.Y. 2015-2016) because there were a lot of things going on at that time, what with being an org officer and all. But now I have relatively more time, and I’ve gone to a lot of places that I can share with you! And for my first legit “comeback” post, here’s a place in UP Town Center that has become one of my favorite places to eat.
If you’ve gone to UPTC a couple of times, you’ve probably at least passed by this Fil-Mex restaurant and seen the long line of people waiting to be seated. If you think though that you can’t come eat here when you’re on a budget then you’re definitely wrong. Because you haven’t ordered this:
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Silantro’s beef nachos are worth Php 180.00 and its serving is BIG. It’s so big, you can split it into four so that each of you will pay Php 45.00, and it will still be sulit. The first time I tried eating here, I split the beef nachos with two other people, plus a burrito for myself. I didn’t get to finish the burrito at that time because I was so full, so I had to takeout the remaining half of the burrito and ate it for dinner.
Silantro offers a lot more dishes that will surely feed your appetite. You can take a look at their menu:
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So if you’re ever in UPTC, try eating at Silantro! You can also check them out in Alabang Town Center, Kapitolyo, and Dagupan.
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More than one year later...
Hi to everyone who’s still reading this blog, or to those who just stumbled upon it! :) And someone I know reminded me of this blog, so I’m kinda starting this again. My last legit post was on April 9, 2015--more than one year ago! It’s one of those things where someone tags you and asks a bunch of questions and you do the same to other people. But for this “comeback post”, I’m just gonna answer the questions again and then compare my previous answer with my current one to see how much I’ve changed in over a year.
Where do you live?
Previous: I live in Santa Rosa, Laguna. It’s where I was raised and where I went to elementary and high school, and I’m thankful that I grew up there. And I guess since I’m staying in QC a lot, I guess I live here, too. :)
Current: Well I still live in Santa Rosa, Laguna, and I consider Quezon City my second home, because since last year I’ve been staying there during weekends for school and org works. My mind has actually settled down there, if you get what I mean.
Describe your favorite place.
Previous: I’ve never really thought about that. There are places that I love going to, like the beach, because I always feel so serene just looking at the ocean. I guess for now I’d say the beach, but not any specific beach or resort. And if I’m going to be cheesy I’d say any place with the person I love is a place that I feel safe and happy.
Current: I still don’t have a favorite place haha. Well, in UP there’s this amphitheater in the middle of the College of Science Complex, and it’s my favorite place to talk to someone about deep things or just hear their stories.
What are you frustrated of right now? Or if not, recently?
Previous: If you’re following me on Twitter you’ll see that I’m frustrated about a lot of things/issues, lol. (I’m trying to work on it, though.) There are two things I am or was frustrated of. The first is the feeling that I lost a friend. Haha I won’t dwell on it any further but now I’ve let go of the frustration. I’m still sad about it, but now I’ve accepted it. The second is that I broke my phone. It’s a CloudFone Excite 400dx. I never really loved it, but I hate breaking gadgets/expensive accessories, especially the ones that my mom bought for me, because I know how much hard work she puts into paying for all these things, and I hate breaking or losing things because when I do I feel like a burden to my parents.
Current: I am frustrated of some decisions I made earlier this year, but there’s no backing out now. All I gotta do is be true to my word. :) And I am frustrated of people who just lack fidelity. And that’s all I’m gonna say about that subject.
Have you ever felt suffocated with people’s expectations with you? When?
Previous: No, I don’t think so. Even with my parents, I’ve never felt that they were against my decision of taking an Engineering course, even though the most in-demand courses back then were related to medicine. What I do feel suffocated with is what I think people expect from me, when I should be focusing on making myself the best person I can be to help things and people become better. And it’s also something I’m slowly working on with myself.
Current: I’m not sure with what people expect of me, but I do feel suffocated with what I feel is expected in a certain situation. Like when we’re talking about an issue and my position is obligated to be aware of current issues, but most of the time I don’t voice out an opinion because I hate arguments and I’ve accepted the fact that most people are stubborn. Still, there are times that I feel like I need to say something, even when I don’t have much to say.
And wow about the similarities with this one. Guess I still have to work on that. Although a difference is people’s expectations and what’s expected in situations, so there’s that.
What’s one thing you would rather do for the rest of your life?
Previous: Watch TV series and movies. Haha seriously. I’m a stay-at-home kind of person, and if watching shows and movies were a job, I’d gladly sign up.
Current: I’d say sleep, but then I’d be dead. So I guess, singing and making music? It’s such a passion of mine. I want to do other things to, like creating stuff (aside from music), but music is something I’ll never be able to give up.
What’s your purpose for blogging?
Previous: This blog of mine, I want it to be a place where people get information from, on the issues that I feel strongly about. Of course I also want it to be my avenue for expressing my own opinions on these issues. I want Filipinos to know we could really become better and we’re taking steps to become better. Being in UP has made me passionate about being a Filipino, and it has made me want to make the country better. And that’s actually the main thing I want to share with everyone.
Current: As you can see, I like retrospection, and that’s why I created this blog.
Woops at the difference XD I guess that’s a good reminder of the reason why I made this blog in the first place. And I still do think that people should be more aware.
Are you happy with your life right now? Why or why not?
Previous: Yes, of course. I’m usually happy, even though I rant a lot on Twitter and Ello lol. It’s true; I’m not happy with a lot of things going on in the world. But I’m happy because I feel so blessed. I’m thankful to have true friends whom I really respect and who really understand me, a family that supports me and loves me no matter what, a devotional group that guides me on my walk with God. Some people would say it’s hard to be happy, but if you’ve found God, you just know you have to trust him even if you’re suffering, right?
Current: I guess I could say contented. I’m not happy about what’s going on in the world, but with my life? Yeah, I’m good. I’m gaining the eagerness I had over a year ago, and I’m surrounded by people who appreciate me. :)
What are you willing to risk for just to save your loved one’s life?
Previous: Everything.
Current: I don’t know hahaha. Maybe everything still? Yeah, I think I will.
What are you not willing to give up just for your loved one?
Previous: Nothing? Lol.
Current: My freedom/free will, of course. Lol.
Describe yourself in 3 words.
Previous: Passionate but lazy! :(
Current: Uhh. I need sleep? Hehe
Describe who you would like to be in 3 words.
Previous: Confident, organized, intelligent.
Current: Rich and sexy HAHA
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First of all, I know this will be the first post I’ve posted since January or December? But I’m gonna post something (hopefully) soon, and it’s something relevant and something I feel strongly about. :) But for now I’ll answer this challenge/set of questions. Thanks d-ture​ for the tag! I’m flattered that you thought of me for this. <3
The Liebster Award
Thank the person who nominated you and leave a link to their blog.
Nominate 11 bloggers to receive this award.
Answer the 11 questions from the blog who nominated you.
Give your readers 11 random facts about yourself.
Give 11 questions for those you nominate.
Q & A!
Where do you live? I live in Santa Rosa, Laguna. It’s where I was raised and where I went to elementary and high school, and I’m thankful that I grew up there. And I guess since I’m staying in QC a lot, I guess I live here, too. :)
Describe your favorite place. I’ve never really thought about that. There are places that I love going to, like the beach, because I always feel so serene just looking at the ocean. I guess for now I’d say the beach, but not any specific beach or resort. And if I’m going to be cheesy I’d say any place with the person I love is a place that I feel safe and happy.
What are you frustrated of right now? Or if not, recently? If you’re following me on Twitter you’ll see that I’m frustrated about a lot of things/issues, lol. (I’m trying to work on it, though.) There are two things I am or was frustrated of. The first is the feeling that I lost a friend. Haha I won’t dwell on it any further but now I’ve let go of the frustration. I’m still sad about it, but now I’ve accepted it. The second is that I broke my phone. It’s a CloudFone Excite 400dx. I never really loved it, but I hate breaking gadgets/expensive accessories, especially the ones that my mom bought for me, because I know how much hard work she puts into paying for all these things, and I hate breaking or losing things because when I do I feel like a burden to my parents.
Have you ever felt suffocated with people’s expectations with you? When? No, I don’t think so. Even with my parents, I’ve never felt that they were against my decision of taking an Engineering course, even though the most in-demand courses back then were related to medicine. What I do feel suffocated with is what I think people expect from me, when I should be focusing on making myself the best person I can be to help things and people become better. And it’s also something I’m slowly working on with myself.
What’s one thing you would rather do for the rest of your life? Watch TV series and movies. Haha seriously. I’m a stay-at-home kind of person, and if watching shows and movies were a job, I’d gladly sign up.
What’s your purpose for blogging? This blog of mine, I want it to be a place where people get information from, on the issues that I feel strongly about. Of course I also want it to be my avenue for expressing my own opinions on these issues. I want Filipinos to know we could really become better and we’re taking steps to become better. Being in UP has made me passionate about being a Filipino, and it has made me want to make the country better. And that’s actually the main thing I want to share with everyone.
Are you happy with your life right now? Why or why not? Yes, of course. I’m usually happy, even though I rant a lot on Twitter and Ello lol. It’s true; I’m not happy with a lot of things going on in the world. But I’m happy because I feel so blessed. I’m thankful to have true friends whom I really respect and who really understand me, a family that supports me and loves me no matter what, a devotional group that guides me on my walk with God. Some people would say it’s hard to be happy, but if you’ve found God, you just know you have to trust him even if you’re suffering, right?
What are you willing to risk for just to save your loved one’s life? Everything.
What are you not willing to give up just for your loved one? Nothing? Lol.
Describe yourself in 3 words. Passionate but lazy! :(
Describe who you would like to be in 3 words. Confident, organized, intelligent.
Wow, sorry for the long answers. I kinda feel narcissistic talking a LOT about myself. :P
11 Random Facts About Me
Beyonce’s Partition, Haunted, Jealous, Mine, Blow and No Angel are currently on repeat in my playlist--they have been since last week. I love dancing to them!
By dancing I mean shaking my body and head because I’m no dancer.
I’m almost a sapiosexual (a person attracted to intelligence). Almost, because I’m not turned on by having intellectual discussions with someone, lol. But it’s something I need from a partner. All of my crushes are intelligent. Swear.
I 100% support gay love. I love Shay Mitchell (from Pretty Little Liars), Teri Polo and Sherri Saum (from The Fosters), women who portray lesbians on their respective shows. And as Teri Polo said, “Love is love.” And from the words of Stef Adams Fosters of The Fosters, “Choosing who I love shouldn’t be an issue for you or anybody else.”
I’ve cried on animated movies more than movies with real-life people (I don’t know how else to phrase it lol).
I like taking pictures, and hope to become good at it someday.
Nicki Minaj is my favorite rapper. Her new album Pink Print is amazing, and it takes the genre to a whole other level.
I had to look up the definition of the word ‘serene’ so I can use it as a feeling and not a state.
I’m a Grammar freak.
I frequently ask advice/guidance from close friends when making an important decision.
I recently realized I want to go to a foreign country by myself or with friends, and explore its culture on my/our own while I’m an intern there or something. *cough cough* Toshiba and Sony *cough cough*.
My Questions For YOU
What is your advocacy/principle?
How much do you love your country, and what are you willing to do to make it better?
Who is a celebrity that inspires you, and why?
What is the song that describes your life? Why does it?
If your life were a country, what would it be and why?
For you, what is the difference between love and trust? Do you love a person because you trust them, or do you trust a person because you love them?
Do you believe in God? Why or why not?
Love in the Time of Cholera is a novel by Gabriel Garcia Marquez about three people who love differently. Dr. Juvenal Urbino, while he was married to Fermina Daza, cheated on her with one of his patients. He told Fermina about the affair after ending things with this mistress. While Fermina was married to Urbino, Florentino Ariza slept with 622 other women, most of which were widows. But he knew his heart still burned and yearned for Fermina. When Urbino died, Florentino finally confessed his love for her. So if you were Fermina, who would you rather choose to end up with? Urbino or Florentino? ‘Neither’ or ‘a mix of both’ can’t be an answer! (Sorry for the long question. This was discussed in our World Lit class and I wanna know your answers, too!)
What is the one thing that ticks you off the most?
How would you deal with a problem or an issue?
Is education a right or a privilege?
Dear Me
Dear Denise,
You can do it. Everyone else knows you can, and so should you.
Much love,
Denise <3
It’s short, yes, but it’s the only thing I need to do everything that I need to do. :)
@joninawho (It’s weird I can’t tag you! :P)
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Read this for our Fil 40 (Wika, Kultura at Lipunan) class today. And I do believe that Filipino college students should read this so that our eyes will be opened to the deeper history of our culture during the American colonization. And more importantly, high school Filipino and History teachers should read this so that they could strengthen the nationalistic spirits of the students at a young age. And now, I'll let this article do the talking and educating.
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AWITAN 2015.
What a night. While we did not get to the top three chorales this year, I'm still proud to be part of this talented and fiery batch ;) Those hours of practice each night are still worth it, and I look forward to performing these two songs with them again. I feel so blessed to be part of this family, and to get to experience this each year. <3
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First Time For Everything: Spiral Buffet Restaurant <3
Gaaahhh I've been excited about this since mom told us we were gonna eat here and stay overnight at Sofitel! The first buffet I've had was in Sofitel, but not at Spiral since they were closed that time. But before I've eaten at Spiral I already felt like nothing could compare to the first one I've ever had. And I was wrong!
Seriously, it was so heavenly. The staff were friendly and smiling, and you can smell everything as you pass by. There were sushi, pasta, pizza, fries, dumplings, cheese, desserts and so much more! I wasn't able to take pictures of each counter--where you could see the chefs really cooking or preparing the food--because we didn't know if it was okay. I took the pictures of what we got in our plate instead. So feast your eyes and your stomachs on this food delight!
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My first plate: Japanese plate! Sushi, fried calamari, fried shrimp, aaaand two other stuff I don't know. :P
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Ate Jessica's first plate: Indian + Asian
But isn't India an Asian country as well? But then I guess they have different flavors and spices than East Asian countries.
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My second plate: Fish and chips, pesto-flavored pizza, chocolate banana pancake, and some sort of bread snack with ham and cheese on it.
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Hey, more sushi and other Asian delicacies!
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Cheese-filled talaba. Yum.
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My third plate: Pesto ravioli. I mean, a buffet wouldn't be complete without the classic choose-your-type-of-pasta-and-sauce counter, am I right?
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...Okay, somebody tell me what kind of pasta is this heart-shaped cheese-filled delight. And obviously, it's also filled in pesto sauce.
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Asparagus soup with bread
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My dessert: Halo-halo with mango yogurt ice cream! (I think I put too much cream though.)
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Danielle's dessert plate: Chocolate banana ice cream, fondue, creme brulee, candies, and other foods that I don't know hihi.
And finally, my mom claimed a birthday cake using a coupon. The box was really big but, as expected with big restaurants, the size of the cake was very small compared to the box. Here's a picture:
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I mean, it looks good though.
I love buffets. But this one is extremely pricey and only good for rare occasions--my mom has coupons for a 50% discount so we were able to enjoy the food for those three hours of good dinner. Hehe. But if you have a weak stomach, I don't recommend eating at pricey buffets--when eating at buffets, you must have two plates OR MORE!
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What to Do In a Car Accident
I was already late for class and I was rushing out of my boarding house to get into my car. It was a pretty normal day—or so I thought. As I was moving closer and closer to the car, I noticed something different in my driver’s seat window. It had some sort of “different tint” in it than what I was used to. It was almost as if the window had no tint at all. That’s what I was telling myself, because I was trying to convince myself that it had “lost its tint”, when in fact what happened to it is much, much worse. I mean, technically I was right: the car had no tint. But that’s because it had no glass at all. The truth was, I noticed the remaining glass that stuck to the car door that were already crumbling. And I just stared at it for a while, hoping it was all a nightmare, that I was gonna wake up soon at 6:30AM, that I wasn’t late to class after all. But the truth was that someone (or some people) had broken into my car, smashed my window, and attempted to steal my belongings. Luckily, nothing in there was of significance—it was just my EEE 41 book, which I guess was of significance of my passing that subject.
Anyway, after talking to a few people around the street at the time, my mom and dad and my sister, I waited for my dad to come to Quezon City and accompany me to the barangay office (or something like that). And while I know that experiencing something so surreal and unexpected may catch you unprepared, here are some useful things to remember when you’re caught in a [mild] accident like this one. But first things first: of course, prevention is better than solving the problem at hand. So to avoid getting your car window smashed, first, do not leave any belongings in your car if you’re going to leave it overnight or longer. It’s just going to tempt those unruly people out there. My book was just there in my car and so they probably thought I had other things there. I was told that another car suffered the same fate as mine, and the owner’s laptop was stolen. So you can call me lucky, or something… Second, lock the driving wheel when you leave the car. It will ward off carnappers because they couldn’t exactly hot wire your car if it has a lock in it. We have our own wheel lock in my car but then I got complacent that I didn’t even bother to lock it anymore. Again, I was really lucky that the thieves didn’t steal my car. And last, don’t park your car overnight in Magiting Street. Just don’t.
Now that we’re done with prevention, let’s proceed to taking action when “the deed” has already taken place—knock on wood. Here’s what you can do when you’re faced with this tragedy:
Take pictures. Use your phone or tablet to keep a record of the crime that happened. Also, if any sort of evidence has been tampered with, you can compare it with the photos you took.
Ask around for any witnesses. As for me, I was approached by two guys who were just hanging around in the truck next to my car. They told me about the other car where the owner’s laptop was stolen, and that I should report my case to the officials. Which leads me to tell you…
Report your case to the nearest police station, so that they know how serious your case is, and if these kinds of events happen often lately. Even though a lot of authorities won’t actually do anything about it because they’re lazy, it wouldn’t hurt to spread the news around. And finally—
Don’t freak out. It’s okay because at least you’re safe. And now that you’ve learned from this experience, you know what preventive steps to take, and you can share your knowledge to others to help them as well.
Being an accident is overwhelming. But as long as no one gets hurt, keep calm about it, and be thankful for it.
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Musings of a Proud Scholar
“Iskolar ng bayan, naglilingkod sa bayan!”
That was one of the first chants we learned when we entered the University of the Philippines. It was the Freshman Orientation Program, and we were already opened up to what we were going to become once our time in the University is over. No, not some proud activist who just protests everything and every law and every government—although I do admit there are people like that even in UP—but a sound, educated person who will think of a solution to the problem at hand.
Thinking about it, I wonder what non-UP students must think of us. Do they think it’s all, “There’s gonna be a rally about this issue; come join us!” for us in here? Because, when we visited our relatives in Bohol they were joking that they’d find me in a rally on TV or something. I guess it’s a stereotype, like students in certain schools have stereotypes. But no, we don’t join rallies all the time. I for one have never joined a rally. But I’m veering away from the point here. What I’m trying to say is that in UP, learning is not limited to learning the subjects only. We possess the passion to stand up for our beliefs not because we were told to rally for freaking everything but because our minds were moulded into the passionate and patriotic beings we are or would be. In my Philippine History class in UP, I learned the true story of those hundreds of years of colonization in the Philippines—how the Spanish priests called us stupid and worthless, how they fooled us into thinking we were poor when in fact they were stealing our spices, how they mocked us that we don’t have our own language when it was recently proven we had our own system of handwriting long before Magellan discovered our land, how one of our presidents was blackmailed by the Americans so they can colonize us, how another president agreed to give American forces the permission to use our land for their military training anytime they want, and other outrageous events.
I was a freshie back then, but my eyes were already opened up to the truth that those high school textbooks have been hiding from us. My professor in that class, along with most of the professors I’ve had in UP so far, inspire me to become not just an intelligent UP student, but also to become an excellent UP student. And it’s not just the professors who cultivate this consciousness within us. Dulaang UP and UP Repertory Company are student organizations who hold plays or shows throughout the academic year—plays that have depth and meaning, and send a message to the audience. And on a daily basis, my friends come from diverse backgrounds and I also learn more about life and nationalism from them. These are just some of the things that really make me proud to be a UP student.
And that’s why I get disappointed every time I learn that the current seniors in my high school turn down the offer of becoming a UP student. Along with turning down UP they’re turning down a really great learning experience. Is it the rallyist stereotype? I’ve clarified that earlier, that there’s more ways to take action than that. I want these brilliant minds to realize that this is a big opportunity, and being in UP is something that you will never forget and will never regret. Because once you graduate, you will serve the people in your own little way, using the tools you learned during your stay in the University—and that, when you truly become a UP student, will be its own reward.
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