denturedude38 · 6 years
The Past
I spent 38 yrs of my life hating a man I've never met. 2 years ago, I found the man on Facebook. The same man that denied I was his son. The same man that beat my mom and my sister. Why did i waste my time trying to find him, when I had another father who loves me so much, that he adopted me and my sister? The answer is simple, I wanted to find my other brothers and sisters.
I have 12 half brothers/sisters. Yep he got around. Most of them feel the same way I do, there are even some that act just like him. Its a shame.
2 yrs ago he called me and that started the evolution of something I can't explain. He may be the sperm donor and I will never call him dad, but a common ground was found. We both like to fish and was planning a fishing trip together in the future. He would call and give me advice. Yes sometimes it wasnt good advice, but he was trying. Then tragedy struck.
He was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer in his spine. Im not sure how I feel. Im sad but not tearful. He lost his will to live and that part hurts me. I forgave him for his past towards my family and want him to pull thru.
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denturedude38 · 7 years
Everything in America is now considered racist, sexist, anti "fill in the blank", etc. What the hell is going on? I've always been proud of my country, now Im just embarrassed.
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denturedude38 · 7 years
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denturedude38 · 8 years
Screwed up
I use to have a friend that i could tell anything to. I was even there to listen when the friend had a problem. In the beginning of the friendship, I shared some things with a few other people that I probably shouldnt have..no it was not nude pics. Well the friend found out and the world came crashing down. No more trust, no more friendship. I've apologized over and over again but that wont change anything. I assume I'm dead to the friend now. I'm at the point now of starting to turn into an asshole. I know it was my fault but to end a friendship for something that happened over a year ago before we were even close friends just has me lost. Im truly sorry and I hope my friend has a happy future.
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denturedude38 · 8 years
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denturedude38 · 8 years
The State of America!
What is going on with this country? The only successful thing the government has done is DIVIDE us. Democrats rioting, staging walk out, protests, putting one race against another. The Republicans are just as bad. Bible thumping, homophobes, that think their way is the only way. So much hypocrisy and hate now. Its even to the point that because of all the "racism" thats been thrown around, it makes me fearful to be a white person. Everything is so politically correct now that adults need pacifiers. I even just read and article stating that telling your kids Santa is real can lead to untrust and psychological problems done the road! WTH! We cant even discipline our kids anymore. No wonder so many rude kids are running around, they think they can get away with murder. Spanking is child abuse. I was spanked as a kid and i turned out really well. Married with 2 teenagers. Wake up people! We are pawns for the government! We are raising a generation full of lazy, ignorant, disrespectful kids. Enough is enough.
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denturedude38 · 8 years
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Reblog this picture of me holding a Family Size box of Honey Nut Cheerios? I’d really appreciate it.
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denturedude38 · 8 years
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denturedude38 · 8 years
Reblog this if you have Diabetes.
So I have Diabetes and I was just wondering how many other Diabetics are there on tumblr. So Reblog if you have Diabetes. 
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denturedude38 · 8 years
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B-D Insulin Syringe, Dr. Busher’s Automatic Injector, c.1932. Smithsonian National Museum of American History
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denturedude38 · 8 years
What is up with this country lately? My wife and I served in military along with a lot of our friends. I never had "Boots on the ground", but I was ready to go at a moments notice. We have people protesting the flag and saying it's just a rag. REALLY PEOPLE, JUST A RAG?!?! I'm so glad that the military members gave their time and life to give you the freedom to say it's just a rag!! Black Lives Matter? Yes a few cops were stupid and killed some black people. It pisses me off that they aren't getting punished. Yet it's okay for blacks to kill blacks. Our police, fireman, emt, are here to help and they are the ones who fear for their lives at work. ENTITLEMENTS!! When did we become a country of give me, give me, give me? I'm only 38 and my parents taught me that if I want something I need to work for it and earn it. People have become lazy and want someone else to do the hard work for them. GET OFF YOUR ASS AND GET A JOB!! Working at a minimum wage job and demanding to be paid $15 an hour is bullshit. In some states that is like being a millionaire because the cost of living is so low. I joined the military and learned a trade. It didn't cost me any money, instead they paid me. If you can't afford college then sign up. When did food stamps become the new thing? I see people buying steaks, lobsters, red bull, rockstars, etc. I wish I could afford lobster on my salary but I have bills to pay. Sorry but stuff like that should be cash only not EBT! Illegal immigrants, sorry but we have laws against that. Yes we all came from Europe, but that was 200 years ago. If you want to come into this country then do it the right way. I hate that they get rewarded by breaking the law. Rewards such as EBT, health care, housing, etc shouldnt be for the people that sneak into this once great nation. If I tried to pull that crap in another country, I'd be jailed or deported. This is my rant and beliefs. You can like them or hate them, I don't care. But remember 1 thing. KARMA has a way of biting you in the ass.
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denturedude38 · 8 years
how people think diabetes works:
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how diabetes actually works:
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denturedude38 · 8 years
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Trying to lose the belly
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denturedude38 · 8 years
Failed for the 2nd time
I've tried twice now to have bariatric surgery. The first time my doctor screwed up the referral and didn't order the right test. The 2nd time, my case manager for the procedure sat on her ass and didn't do anything. Now I have 1 week left on my insurance and no time to get it done. Hopefully with the new insurance I can finally get it done. Being a T1 diabetic on insulin makes it really hard to lose weight.
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denturedude38 · 8 years
Well my wife just disowned her mother today all because my child is transgender. Its against God and we are going to hell. REALLY!? people like her is making me lose faith in the church. So much hate.
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denturedude38 · 8 years
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Morena Baccarin for You Magazine
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denturedude38 · 8 years
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