diabolikotaku · 3 years
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“Scenting” Obey Me Fluff (slightly sexual)
All demon brothers x Female! MC
Introduction: when in Devildom, MC always knew demons were very different from her human self but she never knew they did something called “scenting” until some random demons did it to her, ensuing a very possessive & peeved off demon brothers
MC sat at her desk as she normally would but quieter than usual, compared to her other classes she’d be surrounded by her demons but this was the only class that she had none of them in. Sighing out of boredom, she hunched over her desk as she waited for the bell to ring but was interrupted by a tap on the shoulder. She looked up to meet black eyes that belonged to one of the many demon classmates she had grown used to ignoring.
“Hah! I told you! She finally noticed me!” He cheered cockily at his friends that stood alongside him, each very different from the other. “Jeez, I almost gave up on getting your attention, human,” he winked flirtatiously, which MC just blinked at in an oblivious manner.
“Hey! Just because she noticed you first doesn’t mean she doesn’t see the rest of us either!” The shorter out the bunch yelled out defensively.
“Ah, sorry...? I never realized anyone was trying to get my attention. Could I help you with something?” She questioned, holding a finger to her chin. After multiple lectures from Lucifer and the others but mostly Lucifer she had grown accustomed to not conversing with other demons since she was told they wanted nothing but to eat or hurt her and what idiot was not gonna take that warning? It surprised her that they seemed overall harmless, other than a common spark in the eyes of each of the demons in front of her.
“W-well, it’s not necessarily something you can help with...” a particularly shy-looking demon stepped forward, his black hair covered his eyes like a curtain which he nervously patted at. “W-we have a slight, ahem, fascination with h-humans...particularly y-you,” he trailed off as a taller demon slung an arm around his shoulders.
“Quit beating around the bush! We like you, human! You’re pretty cute!” Said demon announced, winking then continuing to give the shy boy a noogie.
A melodious giggle to their ears erupted from her throat at the slight blushing faces of her previously unknown classmates in front of her. “I’m flattered! I didn’t think I met up to demons’ preferences,” she laughed. MC was happy to be conversing with others for once, not being isolated to just the seven brothers felt as if a weight was lifted off her shoulders which she hadn’t noticed before and the fact that they found her cute was all the better.
“Nah! Attractive up there is still attractive down here! All we really prefer is that our horns don’t get caught up with each other when kissing and since you don’t have any it’s all the better!” The first demon replied cheerily, patting at her head to get the point across as she laughed. “Not to mention, since you’re human, you have a different type of beauty ‘bout you that we’re not too used to,” he continued, boldly leaning close and tipping her chin upward with a finger.
It was MC’s turn to blush. As her cheeks dusted with a slight pink tone, she couldn’t help but giggle at her classmates’ antics. “You guys are a funny bunch. I like y’all!” she commented happily, smiling at the four demons in front of her. It felt strange to not feel afraid of anyone other than her particular seven demons but not in a negative way. Inside she hoped that this would start a domino effect of others wanting to try striking up a conversation with her, the thought made her feel warm inside. The four stepped back in surprise at her revelation, whilst blushing at her cute smile they all shared a look with one another.
“D-do you mind if we, um, s-scent you...” the shy demon stuttered out as he twiddled his fingers nervously, fearing her reply to such an intimate request. Seeing her head cocked to the side, he quickly tried to explain himself. “A-Ah! We don’t want to fully scent you! Just one rub to show our interest in you is all! We would never fully scent without an established relationship! It’s just to show that we’re trying to court you is all! Y-you don’t even have to accept!” He rambled, jumping forward out of how frazzled he was which revealed his two gold eyes from underneath the curtain of pitch black hair.
“Sorry to interrupt, but what is ‘scenting’ exactly?” She questioned, confused at what it was and why there were different types. Realizing she didn’t know what it meant, the shy demon’s legs gave out from embarrassment as the taller demon caught him, his outbursts seemed to be normal to them.
“Oh, right! You’re human so you don’t know!” The shortest realized, putting his fist in to his other hand. “Hmm, long story short it’s what demons do to show our interest in someone,” he shrugged simply, but a sly glint in his eye as well as the smirk that lifted his lips said something else, which MC didn’t quite catch. “Here! I’ll show ya!” He continued before dipped down and nuzzling his neck against hers just once before pulling away with a satsifactory grin as he inhaled.
“Hey, you’re leaving some things out-“ the black-eyed demon spoke up before the shortest cut him off.
“You don’t mind it, right? It’s completely harmless!” He shrugged, holding his hands up and shaking his head innocently. The other three waited quietly in anticipation.
“I-I guess,” MC nodded which four smiled triumphantly at. The black-eyed demon didn’t waste time in following the prior demon’s actions but with a warmer smile before the taller did the same, a flirtatious lift to his lips. That left only the shy demon to scoot hesitantly close before rubbing his neck against hers. Once. Twice. Before being pulled away by the other three.
“Hey! What are ya trying to do? Don’t be going overboard with the scenting, dumbass!” The tallest reprimanded, holding him by the back of his collar.
“I-I’m sorry! I got carried away! I wasn’t going to do anything more! Promise!” He wailed as the three pulled him out the classroom just as the bell rang, not forgetting to wave at her as they left.
“Strange. I wonder what the brothers will have to say.” She thought to herself.
Disappointed but not surprised that the brothers each had plans after school, she walked home alone that day. One would think at least one would stay behind for her safety, but she felt that they were beginning to get too used to having her around and often forgot she was human, which was nice she was so included and familiar to them but annoying nonetheless when she didn’t get to see anyone until dinner. Beel and Satan had after school activities, which she understood as well as Lucifer having his own duties to Lord Diavolo but the other four’s excuses were ridiculous to her. Mammon texted her to inform that he was going to be trying to break into Diavolo’s office at school with the full intent to steal any valuables in there, Levi had shut himself in at some newly opened Internet cafe and refused to even do his online classes there, Belphie had disappeared somewhere most likely in a strange spot sleeping, and Asmo was completely focused on waiting in line at a popular cake store since morning just for what he called the “perfect Devilgram post”.
By the time she had gotten home she had completely forgotten about the whole “scenting” thing and decided to take a shower. She had just gotten out when she heard hurried footsteps leading to her door. Acting quickly, she ran to the door and locked it before anyone could enter and see her in all her naked glory. This was met with a deep “oof” as the person hit the door, expecting it to open, and followed it with loud knocks when it didn’t.
“Oi! Why’s the door locked? Who ya got in there? I can smell ‘em!” Mammon’s voice berated as he incessantly banged at the door, awaiting his human’s answer. He stopped briefly to press his nose against the crack of the locked door as he deeply inhaled to pinpoint the foreign scent before starting back up again. “Oiiii! Who’s scent is that? That ain’t any of my brothers or mine!” He yelled.
“Yeah, because it’s mine! I just got out the shower! Are you a bloodhound or somethin’? Am I not allowed to lock the door or would ya rather see me naked?” She yelled back, annoyed at his questions. Obviously she’s going to smell like her body fragrance after coming out the shower, what kind of question is that?
Blushing at her remark, he stopped knocking but still cocked his head to the side out of confusion. He knew her scent so why did it smell different? Shaking his head, he brushed it off as a new body lotion or something among those lines. “I’ve told ya! Demons have got a stronger sense of smell than ya humans! Anyways, I’m on dinner duty and it’ll be done in thirty minutes so I expect ya down here right when it’s done! The Great Mammon’s food shouldn’t be kept waiting, alright?” He stated.
“Yeah, yeah! I’ll be down there when I’m ready to!” She answered angrily, his questioning from earlier and the fact that he abandoned her to try breaking into Diavolo’s office instead taking play.
She took her time after that, knowing fully well that dinner was ready and the others were sat waiting for their beloved human that they neglected all day to come down and eat with them. By the time she came down, they had all been seated and Beel was already on his fifth plate which didn’t take him long mind you.
“Ah, better late than never, I suppose,” Lucifer commented teasingly, noting her damp hair as her excuse.
“Hurry up and eat before Beel devours it all!” Mammon ushered at the seat in front of him, he usually sat beside her but the twins had beat him to it since there was only one seat she preferred to sit at.
Taking her usual seat, she began to eat but it wasn’t long before a faint but definitely there foreign scent emanated from her. Reaching Belphie first while Beel was too busy stuffing his face with food. It roused him from his short slumber he decided to take at the dinner table, as he inched forward towards his human’s neck. She jumped when she felt his nose pressed against her nape as he inhaled and pulled away with a disgruntled look on his face.
“Why do you smell like that?” Belphie sneered. At this point, the smell had reached Beel as well and he promptly stopped his feasting to investigate. He followed Belphie’s actions but on the opposite side, deeply inhaling before quickly pulling away with furrowed eyebrows.
“Yeah...you smell like someone else,” Beel growled, surprising her at the tone of his voice. The smell wafted towards the other brothers as well and it wasn’t long before they were all on their feet, surrounding her with quizzical expressions while each taking turns of two to sniff at her exposed neck as she sat red-faced at the attention. She knew she was a bit petty from being neglected earlier but she didn’t expect this much attention at once!
“I knew I smelt something-someone earlier!” Mammon said as he angrily took another whiff, which only peeved him off more.
“How strange,” Satan hummed, a smile on his face that she knew masked his anger all too well. The brothers tried to rack their brains from what the scent could be from before Levi suddenly gasped.
“S-she’s been scented!” He revealed before dipping down yet again to smell. “And by, what seems like, multiple demons!” He continued, an angry flush against his cheeks. All the brothers looked at each other before returning their attention back to MC, who sat looking dazed in her chair.
“Now, now, lets give her space,” Lucifer commanded, waving his hand for his brothers to step away. “Care for an explanation, darling?” He questioned, the glint in his eye and slight furrow of his forehead outing his subdued anger as he felt a crack in his pride that some lowly demon, multiple in fact, had scented his human and she allowed it. He held a threatening but gentle hand on her shoulder as she tried her best to rack her brain to recall why she would smell like someone else. A lightbulb lighting up in her brain when she finally recalled.
“Ah! I talked to four classmates of mine for the first time and they mentioned something about ‘scenting’, I didn’t really understand it and next thing I knew they were doing it so that’s probably why!” She explained, looking up at the brothers with innocent eyes that made their hearts squeeze. So, she didn’t know.
“And what did they tell you about it exactly?” Lucifer questioned further.
“Hmm, they said demons do it to show their interest in someone? Something about courting?” She replied.
“Aw, my poor darling! Taken advantage like that!” Asmo cooed as he threw his arms around her.
“O-oh, did they lie?” She asked sheepishly.
“More like gave ya half-truths!” Mammon answered as he ran a hand through his hair in a frustrated manner. “Satan, explain,” he sighed, waving his hand.
“Well, while what they said was true it was very vague and not all of it. Scenting is when a demon claims one as their own, it’s territorial and tells other demons to back off or else there’s gonna be...problems,” Satan explained in a matter-of-fact manner.
“They mentioned something about not ‘fully’ scenting. What’s that?” She asked.
“Ah, if they did that we’d have their heads,” he chuckled out evilly before resuming his explanation calmly which made her shiver. “Fully scenting is when demons claim one as their mate. It creates a tether between them more romantically intimate than a pact and is stronger smelling than normal scenting. The one who was scented on can also release distress signals when in danger and it’ll alert the other demon almost right away,” he ended.
“A-Ah, so there was more to it,” she laughed weakly, realizing how dumb she was before.
“Hm, yes. Well, it seems that we’ll have to further stake our claim on our human here. Luckily we’re powerful demons, so we can easily break this mediocre scenting,” Lucifer stated before pressing his lips against her neck and harshly sucking, causing a gasp to leak out her lips. He pulled away and smirked at the bright hickey that bloomed on her neck as well as the fading scent that was on her.
“I agree,” Mammon monotoned as he did the same, finding her sweet spot almost instantly as he suckled and kissed on it to leave a deep bruise. “How dare they put their disgusting scent on my human?” He growled against her. She covered her mouth to muffle her voice, but Levi pulled them away.
“I don’t think so,” he tsked, nibbling at her jaw and smirking against her as she gasped at the feeling of his bite on her skin.
“We’ll be covering you with these,” Satan spoke against her, dipping to her clavicle to leave yet another hickey as he circled his tongue around it.
“We’ll put it in places you can’t cover and make it so dark no makeup could make a dent!” Asmo giggled mischievously as he aimed for where her jugular was, causing her to shiver.
Beel licked his lips at the sight of her as he took it upon himself to bite new territory, which was her shoulders. “This is better than when I wanted to eat you when we first met,” he mumbled lowly, lapping at the bite marks he left on her to soothe them.
“Ah, hardly any room for me,” Belphie muttered before taking a bite at the top of her chest, her jumping up as a reaction making him smile smugly.
Oh, how was she was going to avoid prying eyes at school tomorrow?
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I’m a whore for scenting so I wanted to give it a go! I think ima make this a series since they didn’t fully scent on her just yet & will probs make a part for each of my bois, Mammon being first of course! Oh and I’m definitely gonna make them smutty because duh probably start off being some fluffy cute cuddles & then progress to absolute ravaging ;) interested?
Oh and what do y’all think of the demons I made up for this story? I kinda like their personalities & antics together idk 🤷🏻‍♀️
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diabolikotaku · 3 years
How about yui suddenly gets isekaid to a universe where everything is the same but diaboys are now diagirls and suddenly she has a new yuri harem- (pls pls i want my share of lesbian power fantasy)
Anon I can assure you that nothing about the diaboys will change now that they’re diagirls lol. But it’s a funny idea that in that universe, the idea is that Karlheinz woke up one day and thought “What if I put a girl in the middle of my neglect daughters house since all the guys just die lol.”
Even if Yui ended up one of them, Karlheinz won’t care bc “why would he care about his daughters’ sexuality when he just doesn’t care for them in general”? If she can assist in his death, all is well in his book.
To feed thy some food, some small headcanons:
Laito - Bruh, I can see it like one of those predetory lesbian porno intros like “Why are you so scared? We’re both girls, there’s nothing ashamed about being the same body”. Laiko is probably only interested in Yui because she’s never been with a girl before and the thought sounded hot to her - and then she catches feelings. (or maybe she’s a nympho for girls bc Laito’s abuse is now onto her and now it’s sad.)
Kanato - she probably turns up a nose at Yui, thinking she’s like one of those girls at school who criticize her until Yui opens that she genuinely wants to be friends or something like that. And then Kanako realizes that she can play dress up with Yui and immediately drags her into her room to put her in the frilliest dress and have tea parties (and teddy gets to wear a bow). Suddenly she wants to always play princess with yui forever and live in a castle with the two and teddy together because Yui is her princess charming on a white horse. (Kanako probably romanticizes old fairytales)
Ayato - Def one bad porno intros where its like “I never even thought about being with a girl!” only for ten seconds later to be full on making out with Yui. She’s also very adamant about not being in a relationship with Yui when she’s clearly holding onto romantically (so basically a tsundere schoolgirl). Also probably gropes Yui’s chest while insulting her like “You’ll never reach Ayako-sama’s chest size, but I heard they can grow if someone else massages them.” Also au where Ayako is a basketball player and Yui is cheerleader gf?
Shuu - Yui is probably the one who has to keep telling her to cover up because she’s pretty much exposed most of the time. It’s between Shuuko or Laiko to criticize Yui’s beliefs first (most likely Laiko but shhh) concerning feelings for one another. “What kind of church were you raised under? One from the 60′s? No one cares nowadays.” This can also be lazy delinquent gf x studious good girl gf couple.
Reiji - deadass might make Yui take etiquette lessons because she deemed her unladylike. Like making her walk with a glass of water on her head and whipping her for taking the wrong spoon at dinner. but with a relationship developing, Reika’s craving for attention she never got will come out and Yui will be the one to comfort her and tell her she’s perfect the way she is, flaws and all. Basically, Yui becomes Reika’s emotional support gf
Subaru - rough gf and precious gf. The one who would be in denial the whole time that she’s in love with Yui until she has to face it eventually. She has relationship issues (i mean look at her parents), but Suzuki eventually finds a healing relationship with Yui. I also bet that she would bring Yui roses she tends to and claims that ‘there were too many crowding the bushes’. Yui might also lowkey be her venting person so she can have some issues resolved within herself. (also I feel like they would get couple jewelry) 
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diabolikotaku · 4 years
Omg i i just saw the demon bros x yui head cannons and im crying it was so amazing I’m going insane i need to make fanart asap holy shit-
Aw, you're sweet! I'm sorry i couldn't get it out earlier because of irl responsibilities, but I'm glad you're happy!
It was a great excuse to enable my beel simpage
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diabolikotaku · 4 years
Bruh i miss this blog sm
I’m sorry my guy, I went to college and the whole corona thing happen to where I got very busy. didn’t think people still wanted to read my heroine appreciation rants lol
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diabolikotaku · 4 years
i love your headcannons a lot! I have a special request, do you know the otome game “obey me”? I’m a sucker for yui x demon bros cuz they would treat her better, can you do some headcannons for them?? (A lot of asmo and beel plz)
Deadass have the app on my phone rn
spoilers for OM btw
Obey Me x Yui
Like in true obey me fashion, yui just gets zapped into devildom just outta nowhere
tbh Karlheinz may or may not have something to do with this just from association
she was probably ready to get assaulted by one of the Sakamaki brothers only to find herself on the floor surrounded by more handsome guys
before that she heard Belphegor’s voice 
Yui is naturally shaking bc she is once again in an unknown place surrounded by strangers, dejavu
Then Lord Diavolo comes up to here with a warm smile, holding his hand out to her
"Welcome to the Devildom, Komori Yui! My name is Diavolo, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
dazed and confused yui
Normally, Lucifer would take care of the introduction; however Diavolo has taken upon himself to do most of the talking
Lucifer is sus
After telling Yui all the jazz about having to be a student at RAD for a year, she’s visibly confused as she timidly tries to speak up.
“I-I don’t think I’m supposed to be here...I already go to high school, a-are you sure you just got something mixed up?”
“Bold of you to question the ability of a demon, human.”
“Oh, don’t be so mean to her. She looks so cute! Doesn’t she want to make you eat her up~?”
“I’m hungry.”
The other two weren’t paying attention, one reading a book and the other tapping at the buttons of a game console
“I...Didn’t mean to offend you, mister...I just...” 
she’s not even surprised that they’re demons
she made the same mistake with the sakamaki’s, she aint pulling out the rosary again
Although she is very s h o o k  when almost everyone in the room was presented as the seven lords of hell
which is going to be some very useful information later on
“Ah, while you’re at it, Won’t you introduce everyone to Yui? She’s our esteemed guest afterall.”
First impressions:
Deadass watched Beelzebub down two gigadeath cheeseburgers
he said her skin looked like “Whipped cream”
ngl she expected the worse to happen, but it didn’t happen
Found lucifer to be a very elegant and poised man
and handsome ngl
what would her father think if she found lucifer attractive?
Asmo is very flirty, but he mainly just asked what she used for skincare 
‘You’re poreless! What do you use?’ ‘...Cold water and a bar of soap’
Sakamaki didn’t give her shit besides basic needs
Asmo’s soul left his body once hearing that
He was a toned down version of Laito, but he did take notice on how jumpy she was and knew when to back off
Satan seemed like the opposite of what she was always taught, he was charming and elegant
like lucifer, oof she has a type
The most interaction she got with Leviathan is when Lucifer told him to stop playing his game, then he grumbled his name out before continuing
the term for him is ‘otaku’
they weren’t good-looking unlike him tho
All of the other introduction stuff pretty much happens the same, including Mammon getting assigned to watch over Yui
He really reminded her of Ayato, didn’t know if that was good or bad thing to be honest
It also felt weird to have a phone again after Subaru broke her first one, it was a lot nicer than her old one
ngl she’s like Simeon when texting
Now let’s get into the nitty gritty shit you wanna see
more headcanon than actual plot line btw
His interest was piqued when Yui asked if there was a place she could worship
Which was in purgatory hall
Didn’t think that she would be a devout Christian, otherwise she should have probably stayed in Purgatory hall
Likes how dutiful and responsible she is
Takes a lot off his load bc she deals w mammon all the time
They bond over tea time whe sort of warms up to her, it was originally to talk about her time in the devildom but it became a routine
Yui brings tea biscuits for him for these times and he likes them
She also makes him tea when he's doing paperwork
Sometimes teases her because he enjoys seeing yui get flustered
Worried that shes too naive when it comes to his other brothers (esp mammon and asmo)
Astonished by how many times she gets lost in either RAD or just in town
v cute romantic opportunities
Gets annoyed by how much she puts herself down given the opportunity
"You're doing just fine, why are you downplaying your ability so much?"
uhhh trauma
When he gets angry at yui finding belphegor, he finally realizes why
Shes just on the grown shivering and holding herself, begging him not to hurt her and that she won't fight back
Afterwards, he awkwardly tries to invite her for tea and to talk over what happen and to apologize
His heart grows soft for her now
Then finds out about her situation about the sakamakis, karlheinz, and the reason diavolo pushed for her to be an exchange student was because he disagreed with karlheinz's ideals
If there were vampire visitors coming to the devildom, he would order yui not to leave the house of lamentation the whole duration of the visit
Then the whole lilith thing happens and his heart is even softer for Yui
that a human descendant of his sister was forced to be in a situation
yet yui was still so kind and smiling
Spoils yui when he takes her out
legit took her to ristorante 6 and even went to an expensive store in majolish to buy her something nice. 
she obviously tried to stop him and denied these gifts, but lucifer does what he wants and she had to take them.
Has his moments of weakness with Yui when he’s extremely tired after doing all of the paperwork he’s assigned to, one time he fell asleep on Yui’s shoulder and she just let him be.
Lets her experience the things she never got to do: going out on dates i mean.
took her to a symphony once and she loved every minute of it.
Would have controlled anger if karlheinz were to visit the devildom or the sakamaki brothers came down and treated her like how they normally did
would probably ask diavolo about reconsidering sending yui back afterwards
Boy has the romantic feels for her and it is welcomed
The likeness with Ayato was almost uncanny
down to same sense in fashion and the ore-sama
Okay so their relationships starts off the usual ‘I don’t have to respect u bc you’re a human and I’m a demon!’
he was a little hesitant after one comment about her being useless and she replied ‘I know’ without emotion
Eventually, after making a pact with him and the events after the TLC showdown he’s warmed up to her
Both he and Yui actually got really invested in TLC during the marathon
hyper-fixation after being deprived for so many months
She constantly scolds him for doing scummy things to get money
“God, I have to deal with Lucifer scolding me and now you?! At least it’s a little better because you’re so tiny!”
Full on Inuyasha ‘Sit Boy’ afterwards
the other brothers find it funny how she’s trying to scold him like a mother
Gets Yui to lay back more instead of being so ‘uptight’
as in dragging her into his pranks or making her deal with them
Yui doesnt get a lot of mammons jokes but plays along like she does
Full on catholic school nun chases him with a wooden paddle if he steals something of hers and sells it
Yui dislikes spicy food but mammon finds it hilarious when shes trying to endure the heat
He gets her first copies of any magazine he models for so that she can 'witness his greatness'
Yui likes to rub his head and finds it funny when he gets flustered, but he still wants more
He shows off things he bought to her like a kid but gets scolded when yui finds out he still has debt
Yui shows her more stubborn side to him
That one beach pop quiz: Yui's wearing a hoodie over her swimsuit and mammon is trying to get her in the water until he picks her up and throws her in
Only to find out she cant swim and goes in to save her
He has to take off the hoodie in order to get her dry and finds her body littered with scars
When shes calm and dry, he demands that she tell him who did that to her
Finds out about the vampires and immediately stomps to lucifer to keep yui in the devildom for longer than a year
If they happen to visit, he will definitely butt heads with ayato and place Yui behind him if he gets riled enough to go into his demon form
Gets mushy when yui makes him homemade cookies or sews him a handkerchief or something but denies liking it
Eventually tries to understand christianity through yui, still doesn't get it but sits next to her when she's praying with a rosary
will buy her a new one, gold bc its him and so she can toss the old one that reminded her of her time back in the human world
Both are scaredy cats, they hold onto each other in fear
Obviously didnt care for her
Then saw how she was hyper fixated with TLC, bonded over that (after tlc showdown)
He was mortified when she didnt recognize any sort of otaku media, even the classics
even more so when he realized that she didn't grow up with a tv in her house, so she had no means of consuming media
immediately sat her down with him and binged shows
lets her watch him play video games
let her play some 2 player games, but she sucks majorly
Yui doesn’t understand any of Levi’s internet lingo, but she just smiles and nods along so she doesn’t hurt his feelings
Eventually, he got Yui into shoujo anime and manga and they were both crying at an end of a show and holding each other, yelling about how the main character didn’t deserve her ending.
Yui made dinner for the first time (it was just omurice) with the cutesy theme and the ketchup hearts and whatnot, Levi was all over it and taking different pictures of his serving
almost got into a fight with beel because he tried to eat his portion.
Yui bakes a lot with Luke, one time she gave some to Levi and he sort of just imploded 
levi.exe has stopped working
just like one of his animes!
Yui is the typical traditional girl, so she cooks and sews. She fixed up Levi’s hoodie because of the humongous hole on the side and he was internally freaking out because it was just like a scene from one of his favorite shows.
Got Yui into the devildom knockoff of pokemon go
One day, Yui was getting harassed by some other demons and the eventually ripped some of her clothes of. Leviathan came in and scared them off, saw her scars and old bitemarks and said nothing but put a his hoodie over her body. 
He tries to avoid all sort of conversation about the scars until Yui eventually told him, he was acting weird over them and she really didn’t care.
Does a Lucifer when vampires come to visit the devildom and tells Yui to not leave her room, joining with her and bringing his gaming systems to keep her company.
Tried cosplaying with her once, but the other demons were ogling her and it made him jealous. 
Whenever Levi puts himself down, Yui comes in and tells him not to say that about himself and that he has a lot of good qualities.
she’s also a hypocrite bc she does this to herself
he actually confronted her about it once and told her that she was amazing too and that she didn’t need to put herself down like that
They once took pictures at a photobooth and decorated the pictures, Levi keeps it in his wallet to cherish it forever.
Definitely asks her if she could recreate some food from different anime.
when she does, he cries.
Very wholesome relationship, would recommend. 
she lowkey had a crush on him for a beginning half of her stay
he was very charming and elegant, despite being satan.
then she remember that this was satan after seeing his rage blow up at one point.
They get along the most out of everyone in the house.
He likes to recommend her books to read and what dramas she should start watching 
if she’s read said book, Satan will go into an in-depth conversation about the plot and dynamics of the characters. 
Likes to get Yui’s opinion from a christian viewpoint on certain topics because he’s just curious.
Yui is naive so she somehow gets pulled into Satan’s pranks for Lucifer and starts freaking out when Satan woke up and chose violence.
When she forgets that this is one of the avatars of hell, she lightly scolds him and tells him to behave or he’ll get into bigger trouble.
he finds it adorable when someone who is almost a whole foot shorter than him is trying to scold him. so he doesn’t get that angry.
Likes to make fun of how short she is for his own amusement.
Sometimes, she helps satan in the kitchen to cook dinner and it’s wholesome conversations while cooking a homemade meal. 
Until beel comes in to try and eat everything.
Yui finds his love of cats adorable because his personality does a 180.
she also gushes over cats with him too
Satan will take advantage of this information and takes her to a cat cafe. 
seeing her pet kittens warms his cold dead heart.
Yui and Satan like to sit in the library and read together with warm drinks.
Yui has attempted to clean Satan’s room at one point bc even she couldn’t stand the disaster, but she failed and whatever she dent she made ended back in its original place
Yui baked an apple pie for Satan on his birthday and he was very grateful for it. 
tbh he and lucifer are the ones I see Yui eventually ending up with.
movie nights of watching murder crime dramas are lit, but Mammon and Beel come in bc jealousy and beel wanted popcorn.
He helps yui study and he’s proud to see she actually makes progress.
How he finds out about the Sakamakis: At first, he sees the old scars and bruises on Yui’s arms when she was washing dishes, but she told him that they were from an animal or that she fell. He bought that for now.
Then he found out about the trauma. You see, Satan’s rage is very similar to Subaru yet it had the unhinged touch of Kanato. 
He started yelling at one of his brothers, he wasn’t even yelling at Yui and yet she could feel her heart crush and her senses going wild with panic. She had a panic attack as her body trembled, fearing if Satan was going to direct his rage to her next (he wasn’t going to, obviously). 
He tried to get closer to Yui to ask her if she was alright and she yelled at him in a blind panic not to hurt her and that she wouldn’t fight back. 
Obviously, once she settled down he asked what caused her to have that reaction, to which she told him of the tales of the Sakamaki Mansion. 
Satan got V E R Y angry, but he was also good at masking his boiling rage. From then on, he tried to comfort her that there was no one going to hurt her and such. 
If the Sakamakis ever went to the Devildom, it’s over.
Satan would be in full demon form attacking them and spitting vile words at them for hurting someone like Yui.
Lucifer has to hold him back.
Yui feels very calm with Satan.
He gets tsundere with her sometimes and it’s v cute, especially if she makes him embarrassed.
He saw how uncomfortable she was with immediate contact, so he settled in getting closer with her before getting touchy like that again. He’s patient enough.
The minute he heard that Yui didn’t have a proper skincare, didn’t own makeup, and didn’t own anything remotely nice, he dragged her off to Majolish.
He’s jealous of her poreless and flawless face, gushes over this a lot and begs her to do a spa day or do her makeup often. 
Even when she does ask him, Asmodeus pops in with new products for her to have when he has his shopping sprees. 
Yui’s closet has nearly doubled at this point. 
She starts to feel pretty with the new skincare and makeup Asmo buys her, he’s v happy she’s starting to feel confident.
He’s flirty and she’s very insecure, so when Yui tries to downplay anything about herself he swoops to tell her that she’s the cutest thing in the world and that she was amazing in her own way, not as amazing or beautiful as him but still significant. 
She scolds him about going to too many parties and he just whines and asks if she’s Lucifer.
Tries to romantically feed her things all the time.
Asmo saves a lot of selfies of Yui and him.
If she’s on Asmo’s route, she obviously gets close with Solomon. 
Has tried to coax Yui into bathing together, didn’t work bc she declined and Mammon got on ass
Yui tried to refuse all of things Asmo gets her, but everytime she did that it only caused Asmo to buy more things for her.
Sometimes he just gives Yui clothes and tells her to model them for him
Begs for attention from her, to which she supplies with hair stroking or something minimal like that. 
How Asmo finds out: He accidentally walked into the bathroom while Yui’s back was turn to him and he saw all of the scars and bruises on her. To which she runs and hides from him. When she’s done with her bath, he tries to gently approach the subject and tells her he understands if she doesn’t want to tell him yet, but he’ll be there to listen.
The second event that solidifies him into asking about the Sakamakis: He was playfully touching her, complimenting her looks (like when Asmo is freshly contracted under her) and getting real close with his touches. Yui flinches away or freezes up with a scared look in her eyes, which causes Asmo to back off and ask her if she’s okay.
Like Mammon, the minute he hears about the Sakamakis Asmo runs to Lucifer and demands that Yui doesn’t go back to them when her year ends. 
Around the time she has to leave and Asmo takes her to drink at Hell’s Kitchen, he’s drunkenly sobbing that he didn’t want her to go and that he was scared for her life. He also told her that he loved her too much to let her go back to such a terrible life.
He ever meets the Sakamakis, he’s immediately sandwiched in between Yui and whatever vampire (probably Laito ngl) with a smile to protect her.
Yui learns to love herself more with Asmo and it’s very wholesome
He tries to sneak into her bed while she sleeps and she gets flustered when she wakes up next to him.
Asmo has definitely set up her devilgram account and taught her all of his tricks to get followers, she doesn’t really do them because she wants to look at photography, cats, and those aesthetic christian quotes.
Yui baked him some wicked cupcakes one time and he just sat there taking pictures before gushing over how great her cooking was. 
One day, he sees Yui wearing Sunday clothes and talks about how cute she looks. Suddenly, he stuck with her to Purgatory Hall for her to use the chapel there for her personal sunday service. 
obviously takes pics of the stained glass windows for his devilgram
Whenever Yui puts herself down, he’s there to shut it down with how wonderful she is (not as great as he was, though).
When Yui gets more comfortable, Asmo likes to latch onto Yui’s side if she’s sitting down and lie there next to her. 
also backhugs
Surprisingly protective - comes to fend for Yui if some lower-class demons harass her.
Dates include: cafes, shopping, nail salons, anywhere that’s devilgram-worthy
definitely would get matching nails with Yui
Always encourages her to indulge in self-care: like relaxing bubble baths, grooming her nails, not staying up too late, face masks, etc.
very good boy 10/10
The height difference omgggg 
He sorta reminded Yui of Yuuma for a second, then she saw the gouging.
He gives her a little bit of his food from his plate, everyone was shocked by this but he replied with “She’s so scrawny, she needs it more than me.”
The height difference and how naive Yui was made Beel think of her as his metaphorical little sister
He would give her head pats and piggyback rides, despite her getting extremely flustered.
The moment he finds out she can cook, Beel is hounding on her asking if she could make him food.
It don’t matter what she makes, he consumes it with a happy smile on his face. 
takes Yui out to hell’s kitchen to eat, well mainly for her to watch him consume 10 giga cheeseburgers
Yui finds it cute when he’s happily eating and gives him head pats too (if he’s sitting down), but she immediately stops when she realizes what she’s doing and apologizes. He just smiles and says its alright.
She helps him out with his training sometimes, either counting his reps or sitting on his back with an extra weight while he does pushups
sometimes she puts a doughnut on a fishing pole and dangles it in front of him while he’s on a treadmill lol
He falls asleep if she strokes his head uwu
She never fails to help him out with his problems, whether it’d be belphie or just buying him something at the store. He really appreciates her for that. 
Yui constantly scolds him for trying to eat something while she’s preparing dinner, making him pout.
Beel gets her cakes from Madame Screams, she likes the strawberry ones.
One time, Yui got so tired after some house of lamentation shenanigans that she just straight up used Beel as a mattress and went out cold.
She becomes very motherly towards beel, mainly because she doesn’t want him to eat too much to get sick or sprain something during his training.
he finds it attractive, gets all blushy
During his sporting events, Yui comes out and cheers for him, which makes him want to win even more.
also brings snacks and waters for him and his team (soccer mom)
 if he’s ever jealous of another demon, Beel either just comes up from behind and stares menacingly or just slings Yui on his shoulder before taking her away.
will have a sudden realization that he doesn’t see Yui as his little sister anymore
Beel finds out: he would realize that she wasn’t eating a whole lot and ask about it, only for her to say that she wasn’t hungry. He wasn’t that concern until it turned into a whole day later that she didn’t eat anything, will force food in her trap and tell her to eat. She says that her body is so used to eating so little because she used to pass out for a whole day if one of the vampires drunk too much blood from her. 
Another time: she was getting berated by some demons until Beel scared them away, he told her that she should stand up and ask if she didn’t find them offensive, to which she replied she was used to being berated. 
Big angy boy
But now gets more protective of her.
Ah, but if a Sakamaki comes down and lays a hand on Yui, Beel is in demon form ready to throw hands with them. Would be amusing if he had to be against Yuuma, battle between titans.
Dated include: restaurants, cafes, anywhere with food pretty much, sport events
Back hugs are a must
Yui can use Beel as a whole ass mattress if she falls asleep
Gets blushy when Yui tries to wear his hoodie as a dress, but its very big on her
If she thinks shes too fat, beel will pick her up and stare her in eyes: "No, you're too light. Let's go to Hell's Kitchen."
the type of couple to adopt a very large dog together
beel is the type of person that if Yui is visibly stressed out, he will physically pick her up and drag her away for a while 
sometimes sits with Yui while she’s praying at Purgatory Hall’s altar
tried to eat the bread and wine, got scolded
Eskimo kisses? hell yeah
Likes to listen to Yui sing different hymns, compliments on her voice too
Helps trying to get belphie out of getting prison time, Beel is very appreciative of it.
this couple is very cute and i’m lonely
when she first sees Belphie in the attic, she felt a common sympathy for him. She too felt like she was in a cage when she lived with the Sakamakis.
it’s only natural she helped him out 
only to get betrayed in the end.
But it gets a little deep:
when he starts bad-mouthing yui, like how much of a worthless human she was a shit, she just lets out a sigh and a sad smile.
“I know, I’m used to it.”
red flag numero uno 
Belphie learning of Yui’s past doesn’t happen naturally, she just straight up tells him what happened and that she didn’t held anger against the Sakamaki brothers because there wasn’t any use to it. That it was easy to blame your hate rather than to face the truth and forgive.
“I understand how you can hate humans, Belphegor...I was given up by my church, lead by my own father, to be sent to a house of vampires. They would physically, emotionally, and verbally abuse me and treat me like a walking piece of food. That’s what I was good for to them, a blood bag. My father willingly gave me up to them, and when I tried to see him...He pulled a gun on me and told me I was possessed by a demon! I was confused by everything at first, asking why did the very man who raised me do this? Why was I subjected to being food for vampires? But I couldn’t hate them in the end...Just because I went through something terrible didn’t mean the whole world was like this. Belphie, I’m sorry for what happened to your sister...But she died as a happy human! No one made her suffer! Not every human is terrible like you think, there are only the few who scream louder than the rest to catch your attention!...”
essentially, everyone’s jaw dropped.
Yui went through some shit.
Then it was revealed that Yui is a descendant of Lilith (didn’t help she had cordelia’s heart too)
Belphegor felt like shit for doing the things he did to Yui, so he makes it up to her by offering the contract willingly and basically clinging to her
Yui helps him out with catching up on his missed classes, only to get scolded by lucifer to not help him.
Tries to get him on time for student council meetings, it only works half of the time
Wherever there is a quiet place with Yui being still, Belphegor is there to lean on her shoulder or use her lap as a pillow, napping
Complains when she takes on after school tasks because he wants to walk home with her
she doesn’t mind that Belphegor was quick to cling onto her, it’s considerably a lot better than what she was tasked to do back in the Sakamaki mansion - with vampires with major problems than Belphegor’s
Yui finds herself hanging out with Beel and Belphie a lot, since they naturally stuck together
Tried to go to church with Yui once, fell asleep almost immediately because the chimes lulled him to sleep
was she surprised? not really
still scolded him for being rude during service
Belphie finds it cute when Yui tries to scold him to do his work or take up a healthier schedule, she’s very tiny compared to him and it’s like watching a chipmunk squeak at him
doesn’t listen to her because he wants to cause mischief 
mainly to seek attention from Yui after he pulls a prank on lucifer
got her a pink teddy bear for her birthday, demonstrated how soft it was by napping on it
Asks Yui to brush his hair, it’s relaxing to him and he ends up falling asleep
spends time together in the observatory, looking at different constellations.
Likes how yui smells, like warm vanilla and cinnamon.
Will do the “oh no, gravity is too heavy, I’m falling over” on yui as she tries to push him off of her.
Like beel, he’s pretty protective of her when the times comes 
Yui has medical issues due to the Sakamaki’s, so when she starts getting sick easily or gets light-headed from anemia he’s there trying to help her out
mayhaps bought out a shelf of medication out of sheer panic
jelly belphie asserts dominance by wrapping around Yui from behind and not letting go while glaring at the other demon
Yui has become the caretaker when Belphegor gets sick, making him soup and whatnot
He sees some of the old scars on her body, his stomach gets sick and anger is threatening to take over but he doesn’t do anything. 
If he meets any of the sakamakis, its over man. He’s in demon form and trying to intimidate.
ngl it’s like seeing double when shuu’s there
Takes Yui to an indoor garden, loves how her face lights up when she’s all of the different flowers.
They take naps together and it’s v cute
Yui get’s a triggering memory - he just takes her to his room, puts on his star lap and cuddles next to her telling her everything’s going to be alright
Yes, they would adopt a cat that sleeps just as much as Belphie
depressed bastard x sweet bean combo
Belphegor 100% acts all snarky to others, but visibly melts when Yui is around him
Bonus - Purgatory Hall Gang: 
Honestly she was amazed to meet real angels 
And another human, after being starved of actual contact with them for months
She obviously gets on the angel’s good sides bc she’s Christian and comes over when she can to pray in their little alter. 
It's canon that yui can bake, so she's already on luke's good side besides being a christian
lowkey gets nervous around simeon bc look at him, he’s gorgeous
Luke pretty much becomes her best friend
comes over pretty often to use their alter and have tea parties with them
has attempted to teach solomon how to cook - safe to say she just told him to order delivery
pretty much depends on solomon to tell her what’s currently popular in the human world bc she has no idea
Luke and Solomon had to teach her how to use her smart phone, she’s only had flip phones for most of her life
mom selfies
Got very excited when she got to visit the celestial realm, getting to see what she always imagined what heaven would look like and what would await for her when she dies (kinda morbid tho)
she’s the type of person to get souvenirs for everyone, even the ones who went with her
Asks simeon for help with language arts assignments, ends up listening to him rant about a new book idea
They eventually find out about Yui’s past, but they all either comfort or try not to bring it up to be supportive
she’s the mom friend, don’t lie
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diabolikotaku · 4 years
anyone who looks at this: look up servant of evil (preferably classical version) and listen to it while you look at this.
Sadness will boost up to 30%
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just finished lining this one <3 
this is really the most heartbreaking scene in the game so i had to draw it out
i used the ref of my oc for lilith (it is also the way i picture mc since her and lilith are kinda related,i will just change the hair colour) 
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diabolikotaku · 4 years
Random headcanon no one needed 1
Yui’s favorite manga before she got sent to the Sakamakis was Vampire Knight
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diabolikotaku · 4 years
do you take any requests about more dialovers aus? your headcanons, reactions, and scenarios are amazing btw ❤️
Sure, ask away
even though im letting my ask box dust lol
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diabolikotaku · 4 years
Do you have any Fanfiction?
You can scroll through the diabolik lovers tag on my blog if you’re into diabolik lovers, I also have an ao3 account. 
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diabolikotaku · 5 years
Yui: Whats the hardest thing you have ever had to say?
Ruki: I was wrong.
Subaru: I needed help...
Ayato: Worcestershire Sauce
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diabolikotaku · 5 years
Yui’s self confidence breaks my heart
Have you seen how self conscious is Yui?
At least once in every route she says something bad of herself
No wonder why… The boys always say something mean about her, even if they’re just teasing, they make her feel ugly.
Nobody around her tells her nice things (except of her blood) she doesn’t have close friends, family, someone who cares for her emotionally.
Her temper doesn’t help either since she’s really humble and selfless, she never talks about herself, she focuses on helping the people around her instead of worrying for herself.
And you know
She’s actually really cute!
Her lovely hair, her bright eyes, her innocent smile, her legs… She doesn’t see it
And I can’t tell her that
But I can tell you
You are pretty, brave and beautiful
No matter what people tells you, believe in yourself!!
Do it for Yui :)
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diabolikotaku · 5 years
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I’m calling all y’all out
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diabolikotaku · 5 years
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[images are 8 paintings of big cats with fantasy elemental motifs: a dark brown lion with stylized flames in place of its mane; a blue snow leopard with snowflake patterns in its coat and icicles forming on its fur; a clouded leopard shrouded in grey stormclouds; a cougar perched on some striated rocks, with geodes dotting its fur; a tiger prowling with bright green vegetation sprouting from its stripes; a winking cheetah with a bright arc of lightning running along the length of its body; a blue jaguar, floating serenely with a ring of water splashing around it; and a purple-tinged panther prowling, with bright pink cracks of arcane energy creeping up from its paws and tailtip. bright diamond sparks float around it.]
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diabolikotaku · 5 years
Being a multishipper is both a gift and a curse at the same time.
Reblog if you agree.
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diabolikotaku · 5 years
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diabolikotaku · 5 years
Can i know how yui relationship with her twin, yuito and how yuito responded about the boys that come to mansion. And did he sometimes come to the mansion. I'm sorry to trouble you with this question.
No problem! I’ll answer on here.
Yui and Yuito are very close
from the moment they were born, they had to share a room because one or the other would be crying nonstop until they were together
Have that weird twin-sense thing
They speak in Russian if they don’t want anyone to snoop through their conversation.
Both were mistreated by some of the servants in their house for being half-bloods. 
They picked on Yui more because they found her more ‘weak’
Yuito stayed by her side and barked at the servants to stay away from her
Will take beatings from them in order to protect Yui
A team of servants who despised them held Yuito and abused Yui in front of him, he was crying and begging them to let her go and use him instead.
When Sadistic came out and killed all of the servants, he just hugged her and told her that it was going to be alright, that he was going to continue to protect her
Sadistic told him that she didn’t need to be protected anymore, that the servants were weak
Yuito was the one to collect blood and gave it to Yui so that she could feed and not harm others. 
Admired her a lot for being able to play the piano while he didn’t know how
He was really good a drawing, though.
He is very willing to kill for his family
Has a grudge against his birth mother
If he found her one of the routes, he would definitely demand why she left them and then kill her
Both Yui and Yuito still love Natsia, even though she didn’t love them back
Hanako (their step-mother) tries her best to be the mother they never had and they appreciate it, calling her ‘mom’.
Yusuke and Yuna are hella overprotective of them btw
They a cute fam.
He isn’t as kind as Yui, but tries to be for her
A total doting brother
As a sadistic side to him as well, but he’s better at controlling it
Back in 1981, he couldn’t understand why Yui was in love with Hayato
He was so against it at the beginning
He didn’t want some human to hurt his sister, but she insisted that Hayato wasn’t like that.
 eventually gave in and accepted that Yui was in love with Hayato
Comforted her when Yusuke had to kill Hayato, he hated to see Yui sad and crying but it was a direct order from Seiji.
Yui wouldn’t leave her room for a while bc of this
That’s why he gets suspicious when Yui is around human boys
Gifted Xian to Yui on her birthday
Foxes were Hayato’s favorite animal
Found it weird that their family followed a religion when they were vampires, but played along because Yui believed in Christianity.
When Yusuke was banished to the Miasma Islands for falling in love with a werewolf, Yuito concluded that love was the source of misery
Was actually really close to Yusuke too
He used to let him listen to his violin playing along with Yui
Also saw how said Yuna was after she failed to turn her lover into a vampire (he died)
When Yui was set to marry the eldest son of a high-class vampire family, Yuito had his doubts
The son was charming, too charming to the point where Yuito could tell it was fake
The way he touched Yui made his skin crawl
One day, he caught him talking about how when he married Yui, he was going to kill her and sell her organs to the highest bidder
at that point, Yuito saw red and killed him on the spot
reported this to Seiji and even brought the ‘auction hosts’ to be justified
Yui wasn’t even mad about, although she did scold him for killing him.
She totally knew about it
Seiji announced that he was finding his new heir.
Yuna immediately said no and said she didn’t want anything to do with him for what he did to Yusuke
Yuito thought about it at first, but being the new vampire king didn’t sound that great to him. He wanted to live his own life.
Offered Yui to do it (she would be protected by lower vampires and such)
Told Yui that he would support her no matter what
Seiji sent him off to Russia to fight for a vampire army 
Yuito was obviously very against it, but had no other choice
lived in Russia for five years
increased his russian
contacted Yui via letters
taught her some more russian
Actually became a commander 
Met a medicine girl named Katina 
Tolerated her presence at first
Still thought love was the cause of misery
time passed and he grew to like her more and more
they became on first name basis
shared christmas with each other
Yuito refused to believe he loved her
Saved her a couple of times
became over protective
only said that she reminded him of his sister
really tsundere with her
Increased his desire to live in a warm place
When Seiji announced that six human boys were going to live with Yui, Yuito dropped everything and went to the manor to argue with Seiji
Still didn’t trust humans (or other males) around Yui
Had to agree to it
Came along to the mansion when the boys were living there
Kinda funny because Ayato thought Yui turned into a guy
Yuito thought of them as inferior to him and his sister
Threatened them multiple times if they even hurt her, they would face a cruel death
Scared the living shit out of the Sakamaki boys
His favorite is actually Subaru
admired his will to protect his mother like how Yuito did with Yui
trusted him out of all the brothers
got into their spats
They show love by beating the shit out of each other
eventually thought of him as a brother (this would definitely be it in Subaru’s route)
Shuu is his second favorite following Laito
He didn’t do a lot, perfect
warned him if he said anything lewd about Yui
Yuito hated how much of a pervert Laito was, but he came around to his fun personality once he actually learned how to love
 His least favorite is Reiji
Reminded him too much of the guy who tried to sell Yui’s organs
Didn’t like Kanato bc of how much of a broken brat he was
Didn’t like Ayato because something about his aura reminded him of Hayato
And that he was an arrogant shithead
His first love was actually Christa oop-
Back when Yuito didn’t think love caused misery, he got seriously injured and Christa (in human years she would be fifteen while he would be seven) nursed him back to health
thought she was so beautiful and kind
never forgot about her
whole reason why his favorite flower is a white rose
Imagine him finding out about subaru oof-
Came to the manor at least once or twice a month to check up on Yui
and to threaten the boys lol
Karlheinz tried to kill Yui for her blood, but he mistook Yuito for her. 
Silver bullet near the heart
v injuried
yui was v sad and crying as she was trying to heal him
sakamaki boys fought their dad until he went away
He coincidentally took Katina with him and her tears healed him 
turns out she was blessed with healing tears by a fairy when she was born
Yui saw the two of them and announced herself as Yuito’s wingman
When both Yuito and Katina arrive to see Yui get married, she hooks the two of them up
definitely an Ayato route scene
Yui and Yuito are fraternal twins
If Yui gets killed in one of the routes’ bad endings, he blames one of the boys
Can’t do shit if sadistic takes over her body
If Yuito learns that Christa is Subaru’s son and Subaru gets locked up, he will set him free and help him flee the country.
A gift for his first love 
He can shapeshift into a lamprey 
Has a wolf and a raven for familiars
Can see the dead 
Hayato still haunts Yui, can be seen sometimes drawing in the study
Beatrix haunts Reiji, feeling guilty of her actions
A more dead version of Cordelia haunts Kanato (bc he put her ashes in teddy)
procured all of the flowers in the garden
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diabolikotaku · 5 years
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