diariodichrisyl · 1 year
I just wanted to get this out to the world. It might be cheesy, poorly written and cringey but I thinks it’s good to share.
I used to be depressed for over 8 years, and I’m so happy to say “used to be”. it has been like 3 years since I first noticed change. Every now and then it got better. I felt mostly okay or fine for the last two years. But since a few months I barely have any bad days ever again, life starts to just feel good and I’m excited and happy for the future! I’m crying right now because it’s such a double feeling to have. I’m so much more positive now and I’m so happy.
it’s really weird looking back and thinking about how most of the time I wanted to off myself. This is such a great feeling Yet bittersweet. So weird looking back and thinking about how many times I actually tried to end it all.
I just hope this reaches someone that feels right now just how I used to feel a while ago and make them realise that things can actually get better.
all the love ❤️
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diariodichrisyl · 4 years
Hi! Could I request a playlist of Italian songs with spring vibes? I don't mind the decade or genre, I'm just looking for sunny, happy, uplifting songs :)
Here’s a (hopefully) uplifting Italian playlist for you ;)
Lùnapop – 50 Special
Pinguini Tattici Nucleari – Ringo Starr
Alberto Camerini – Rock ‘n’ Roll Robot
Jovanotti – L’Ombelico Del Mondo
Edoardo Bennato – Il gatto e la volpe
Ivano Fossati – La mia banda suona il rock
Zucchero – Per colpa di chi?
Rino Gaetano – Gianna
Cesare Cremonini – Dicono Di Me
Daniele Silvestri – La Paranza
883 – Nord Sud Ovest Est
Raffaella Carrà – Tanti auguri
Levante ft. Max Gazzè – Pezzo di me
Alex Britti & Edoardo Bennato – Notte di mezza estate
Carl Brave ft. Max Gazzè – Posso
Sergio Caputo – Io e Rino
Mannarino – Me so ‘mbriacato
Giuni Russo – Alghero
Elisa ft. Carl Brave – Vivere Tutte Le Vite
Al Bano & Romina Power – Felicità (sorry @Italy I couldn’t leave this one out)
Playlist requests are open!
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diariodichrisyl · 6 years
Italians make a lot of things: Some expressions with “fare”
fare appello (appellarsi) = to appeal to (someone or something)
fare l’appello = to call the register
fare domande (domandare) = to ask questions
fare male (offendere, ferire) = to hurt
fare caso (prestare attenzione) = to pay attention
fare schifo (schifare, disgustare) = to be awful
fare ginnastica (allenarsi) = to exercise
fare senso (ripugnare, disgustare) = to be gross
fare mente locale (ricordare) = to remember, to place it in one’s mind
fare colpo (colpire, destare attenzione) = to make an impression
fare breccia [nel cuore di qualcuno] = to find one’s way into someone’s heart
fare un sogno/incubo (sognare, avere un incubo) = to have a dream/nightmare
fare un bagno (bagnarsi) = to have a bath
fare un figlio (fare l’amore/sesso, partorire) = to make love/to have sex (in order to have a baby), to have a baby 
fare una foto/un video (fotografare, riprendere) = to take a picture/video
fare la guerra (guerreggiare, andare in guerra) = to wage war
fare tabula rasa (mangiare tutto, distruggere/abbattere completamente) = to wipe the slate clean
fare i calcoli (calcolare) = do the math
fare colazione (colazionare (colloquial, also not a real word in dictionaries) = to have breakfast
fare da mangiare (preparare il pranzo/la cena, cucinare)= to make the meal, to do the cooking
fare un giro (girare, passeggiare) = to have a walk
fare una passeggiata (passeggiare) = to have a walk
fare tardi (tardare) = to be late
fare presto (essere veloce) = to be quick
farsi i fatti propri (pensare a sé) = to mind your own business
fare a gara (gareggiare) = to compete
fare numero = to swell the crowd
fare la fila = to wait in a queue
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diariodichrisyl · 6 years
How I got a B2 in Italian in 1.5 years
Anon requested me to share my secrets with you and I will try my best to do so. I don’t use all of these resources very regularly, but I think they could all help you with your studies. Some of these resources will be in Dutch, because that happens to be my native language. I included them because there might be Dutch speakers reading this and some resources might also exist in other languages.
Invest in a good dictionary!
Online dictionaries can prove very useful because they’re faster, but books are often more accurate
I use both, but am yet to find a good online Dutch-Italian dictionary
(For native Dutch speakers: I highly recommend Van Dale)
Vocabulary and grammar (app/website)
Took me about 6 months to finish
Use the desktop version: it’s where you can find the grammar
Take notes of the grammar!!
It’s not always 100% accurate but the basics are explained very well
Write down the vocabulary
I made a word document that went article + Dutch word/article + Italian word/article + Italian plural
(shoot me a message if you want it!)
I finished the tree before starting books, because I don’t like the idea of working with two (or more) different “full” resources at the same time
With “full” I mean that they’re not additional information you look up so you can understand a concept better, but actual resources that you’re going to study as a whole
Flashcards (app/website)
This app is also from Duolingo: for Italian, they’ve got flashcards for the Duolingo tree, so you don’t have to make them anymore! Sadly I only discovered this months after I finished the Duolingo tree so it wasn’t useful for me anymore, but honestly I think that’s a blessing if you want to repeat vocabulary! 
You can also make your own flashcards: you can keep them private or not and they’ve got audio.
Vocabulary (app/website)
I heard a lot about it, saying it was good for vocabulary so I thought I should give it a try.
I didn’t like it, I don’t really know why: I think it’s a good app, it just didn’t work for me.
Flashcards (app/website)
Make your own flashcards or use decks made by others.
There are also other things like diagrams but I haven’t tried that so I wouldn’t know how it works
Conversation practice (app)
It’s an app to chat with natives of the language you’re learning
Possibility to send voice messages, there’s an in-app dictionary, you can send pictures, you can video chat or call and most importantly: if there might be any problems, you can report and block.
I have not encountered a single person who is not there for learning, a problem that apparently exists on other apps.
You can also pay to get classes by teachers on there, and they’ve also got Tandem Pro without adds and probably some other advantages, but the free version is great as well
(Audio) books (app)
It’s mostly short stories and fairy tales
Some are paying, some not
You can turn on the audio
La Repubblica
Newspaper (app/website)
I turned on notifications for this one, so I can see what the important stuff is in Italy right now
I don’t often read whole articles, but I should because it’s great reading practice + you learn about politics, culture…
Newspapers often use a more difficult language, so I recommend this to people who are intermediate
Assimil Italian
Vocabulary + grammar (book)
I started this after finishing the Duolingo tree and then it’s not useful, because it starts from scratch.
Good alternative if you don’t like using apps like Duolingo
It has audio’s
(Got it from @lovelybluepanda)
Colloquial Italian
Vocabulary + grammar (book + CD)
I only got the book and not the CD (I got the book from lovelybluepanda‘s account, idk if she’s even got the CD?)
I liked it, although too easy because I had already finished Duolingo.
Very good grammar explanations
Modern Italian Grammar
Grammar (book)
Just plain grammar, but great explanations
I started taking notes from it, but rn I’m redoing it because 1) I should revise my grammar 2) the first notes I made were awful 3) I didn’t even get to 1/3 of the book
It’s a lot, but I love it
It has a workbook! Great exercises!
I also got this one from lovelybluepanda
Snelcursus Italiaans: grammatica
Grammar (book)
As you might have guessed, it’s in Dutch. But because it’s a translation from German (Durchstarten in Italienisch-Grammatikk) I thought there might be other translations out there :)
I use it to look up stuff, not so much to actually study from
Qui Italia più: corso di lingua italiana per stranieri: livello medio (quaderno di esercitazioni pratiche)
Exercises (book)
This one is completely in Italian
Varied exercises
Nuovo progetto italiano: quaderno degli esercizi
Grammar, vocabulary, exercises (book + CD’s)
Got this one at my language school in Rome and I quite like it (I got the B2 version)
Lots of different exercises, listening practice, reading, conjugations…
I’m not the type of person who keeps a diary but I’m trying to keep one for Italian and Norwegian. Just talking a bit about your daily/weekly activities, feelings… can make you feel more familiar with the language
If you’ve got a bullet journal, maybe you can do it in Italian?
Visit Italy
Easier said than done? You’re right about that.
I’ve recently spent 3 weeks in Rome with a language school while staying in a host family and honestly I learned so much. I don’t speak Italian with anyone here and speaking Italian all day long improved my level so much.
So if you have the possibility: plan a trip to Italy, talk with natives (in my experience: they’ll be more than happy to chat with you).
If people start to talk to you in English, don’t be scared to switch to Italian. Most of the time they’re very excited you speak the language!
Other tips
Switch your phone/tablet/computer/… language to Italian
Learn the alphabet!! 
A thing I was too lazy to do so after 1.5 years I still don’t know it and believe me, that can be annoying
Look for other resources! Especially in your native language!
Do not solely rely on this one post please
Follow as many Italian langblrs as you can: search for Italian vocab lists/grammar posts/… and follow the people who made them, there are also posts out there with lists of Italian langblrs (I’ll make a list with the ones I follow below)
Translate: I like to translate parts of wikipedia articles, Dutch to Italian or Italian to Dutch
Make a topic jar: lovelybluepanda has got a post with topic ideas
Listen to music, podcasts…
Watch Italian tv! Italian tv is unbelievably shitty but I like to watch quizzes in particular because if you don’t understand one part, that’s no problem: the next part will be about something different.
Read books! You can start with children’s books, from B1 books like the first Harry Potter books are doable, What I also find a good idea is reading a book in Italian that you’ve already read several times in your native language. That way you already know the story line and it’s not a problem if a certain part is too difficult for you
Italian langblrs/tumblrs
@langsandlit @italianformygirlfriend @italianwithilaria @organizedstudy @lingolden @dreamingindifferentlanguages @welcometoitalia @foxlanguages @songiprilingvoj @uranusstudies @languageswithceles @gollyplot @universallanguagelearner @livinglanguages @baronessoflanguages @a-study-in-shakespeare @fritalianblr @italianlangblr @sayitaliano @sciogli-lingua @languagestudyblr @suplanguages @learninghowtopasta @polyglottraveler
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diariodichrisyl · 6 years
Some Italian denominal verbs
Italian is, allegedly, the Romance language with the most denominal verbs derived from body parts, that is verbs derived from nouns indicating body parts. Here’s a (probably incomplete) list of them. There are probably some I’m forgetting right now, so feel free to add to this in case I’ve missed something.
braccio = arm
abbracciare = to hug
imbracciare = to take up (e.g. a shield), to take aim with (e.g. a gun)
sbracciarsi = to roll up one’s sleeves, to wave one’s arms
occhio = eye
adocchiare = to eye (up) 
inoculare = to inoculate
mano = hand
mandare = to send
manomettere = to damage (danneggiare), to tamped with something (scassinare)
manipolare = manipulate
orecchio = ear
orecchiare = to eavesdrop, to repeat something after you’ve only heard it once, to know something superficially
origliare = to eavesdrop
naso = nose
annusare = to sniff
dente = tooth
addentare = to bite into (e.g. an apple)
gomito = elbow
sgomitare = to elbow (one’s way)
ginocchio = knee
inginocchiarsi = to kneel (down)
piede = foot
appiedare = to leave sb stranded (i.e. to force somebody to walk instead of giving them a lift)
spedire = to send
bocca = mouth
abboccare = to swallow (the bait)
imboccare = to spoon-feed, to put something on one’s mouth (e.g. an instrument)
sboccare = to flow (into) [river], to lead to [street]
rimboccare = to fold back (e.g. sleeves, trousers), to tuck somebody up
boccheggiare = to pant
ciglia = eyebrow
accigliarsi = to frown
ciuffo = forelock
acciuffare = to catch
stomaco = stomach
stomacare = to turn one’s stomach (i.e. to sicken)
fronte = forehead
affrontare = to face
fronteggiare = to face
collo = neck
accollare = to saddle somebody with something 
accollarsi = to take on the responsibilities on oneself
decollare = to take off [airplane]
incollare = to shoulder
gamba = leg
sgambettare = to kick (one’s legs), to patter
testa = head
intestare = to give a title to a book or a chapter, etc., to superscribe, to put something on somebody’s name
dito = finger
additare = to point to
digitare = to type
unghia = nail
adunghiare = to claw
tallone = heel
tallonare = to be hot on somebody’s heels
fianco = hip
affiancare = to place something side by side 
sfiancare = to wear out somebody
faccia = face
rinfacciare = to hold it against somebody
culo = butt
inculare = to fuck somebody in the ass, to cheat somebody out of something
sculettare = to wiggle one’s hips
rinculare = to kick [firearm], to back away [animals, e.g. horses]
sculacciare = to spank
cazzo = dick
incazzarsi = to get pissed off
cazzeggiare = to fuck about
cazziare = to scold harshly
lingua = tongue
slinguare = to lick avidly, to kiss somebody passionately [sort of vulgar] 
slinguazzare = to kiss somebody with the tongue [almost ironical]
pianta (del piede) = sole (of the foot)
soppiantare = to supplant 
spalla = shoulder
inspallare = to shoulder
palla = ball (i.e. testicle)
impallarsi = to freeze [electronics], to be in serious difficulty when asked something
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diariodichrisyl · 6 years
Italians make a lot of things: Some expressions with “fare”
fare appello (appellarsi) = to appeal to (someone or something)
fare l’appello = to call the register
fare domande (domandare) = to ask questions
fare male (offendere, ferire) = to hurt
fare caso (prestare attenzione) = to pay attention
fare schifo (schifare, disgustare) = to be awful
fare ginnastica (allenarsi) = to exercise  fare senso (ripugnare, disgustare) = to be gross
fare mente locale (ricordare) = to remember, to place it in one’s mind
fare colpo (colpire, destare attenzione) = to make an impression
fare breccia [nel cuore di qualcuno] = to find one’s way into someone’s heart
fare un sogno/incubo (sognare, avere un incubo) = to have a dream/nightmare
fare un bagno (bagnarsi) = to have a bath
fare un figlio (fare l’amore/sesso, partorire) = to make love/to have sexy (in order to have a baby), to have a baby 
fare una foto/un video (fotografare, riprendere) = to take a picture/video
fare la guerra (guerreggiare, andare in guerra) = to wage war
fare tabula rasa (mangiare tutto, distruggere/abbattere completamente) = to wipe the slate clean
fare i calcoli (calcolare) = do the math
fare colazione (colazionare (colloquial/informal, also not a real word in dictionaries) = to have breakfast
fare da mangiare (preparare il pranzo/la cena, cucinare)= to make the meal, to do the cooking
fare un giro (girare, passeggiare) = to have a walk
fare una passeggiata (passeggiare) = to have a walk
fare tardi (tardare) = to be late
fare presto (essere veloce) = to be quick
farsi i fatti propri (pensare a sé) = to mind your own business
fare a gara (gareggiare) = to compete
fare numero = to swell the crowd
fare la fila = to wait in a queue
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diariodichrisyl · 6 years
625 Words to Know in your Target Language: A Masterpost
I noticed @linguangelica asking if there was one of these floating around, so I thought hey, why not start one? This is a directory of the 625 most useful words to know in your target lang, which you can find here. It’s by no means complete, so feel free to make one in your target/native langs!
Spanish by @tryingpolyglot
Spanish by @polyglotten
German 1 2 and 3 by @marvelous-language
Hungarian by @finnishfun
Finnish by @languagesandshootingstars
Norwegian by @lingolden
Turkish by @langrecs
Italian by @metamoros
Dutch by @helaas–pindakaas
French by @helaas–pindakaas
(Brazilian) Portuguese by @autumnian
Romanian by @wordsnnblues
Hindi by @she-learns
(Standard) Arabic by @polyglotten
Korean by @lingolden and @heyemmateach
If there are any that I forgot to include, or if you decide to make one, please send me a message so that I can include it. Thanks!
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diariodichrisyl · 6 years
Ya know when you just KNOW you’re going to be with someone forever? Possibly physically but I mostly mean like emotionally and mentally. You know you will always feel them and love them, they will always be on your mind an memories. It’s on a soul level
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diariodichrisyl · 6 years
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Lees verder
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diariodichrisyl · 6 years
Italian-English false friends
addetto = (staff) in charge, in charge | addicted = dipendente “addicted”, tossicomane, tossicodipendente “drugaddict”
(lo) affluente = tributary | affluent = ricco, opulento [Note: affluent society is usually translated as società affluente]
assistere = to attend, to aid | to assist = aiutare, prestare assistenza/aiuto
astemio = teetotal | abstemious = sobrio, morigerato
avvertire = to warn (sb of sth) | to advertise = fare pubblicità, reclamizzare 
bullo = bully | bull = toro
cantina = cellar, wine cellar | canteen = mensa “dining room”, borraccia “flask”
coda = tail, scut [hare, rabbit, deer], line, queue [BE] | code = codice
collegio = boarding school | college = università “university”, istituto d'istruzione superiore, superiori “highschool”
confidenza = intimacy, familiarity | confidence = fiducia “trust”, sicurezza/fiducia in se stesso “self-confidence”
confrontare = to compare | to confront = affrontare, far fronte
corpo = body | corpse = cadavere
(la) delusione = disappointment | delusion = illusione, delirio “delirium”, allucinazione “allucination”
(la) estate = summer | estate = propietà, tenuta
(il, la) familiare = relative [but also “well-known”] | [to be] familiar [with sb or sth] = conoscere bene qcn o qcs
fare senso = to disgust | to make sense = avere senso
inabitato = uninhabited | inhabited = abitato (from abitare “to inhabit”)
ingiuria = insult, verbal abuse | injury = lesione, ferita
lettura = reading | lecture = lezione, conferenza
licenziare = to fire sb | to license = autorizzare “to authorise”, usare con (la) autorizzazione “to use with the license”, “to be licensed”
lurido = filthy | lurid = violento [color], livido [sky], spaventoso “scary”
miseria = poverty | misery = sofferenza 
nervoso = irritable, short-tempered | nervous = agitato, teso, ansioso
notizia = news | notice = avviso, comunicazione, annuncio
pavimento = floor | pavement = marciapiede “footpath” [BE], carreggiata, corsia “roadway” [US]
pretendere = to demand, to claim | to pretend = fingere, far finta
processare = to put sb on trial | to process = elaborare  
rotto = broken | rotten = marcio
(il) rumore = noise [more or less obsolete “rumour”] | rumour = diceria, pettegolezzo
sensibile = sensitive | sensible = assennato, ragionevole, sensato
sensitivo = psychic [but also “sensitive”, “sensory”] | sentivive = sensibile, suscettibile, permaloso
stormo = flock | storm = tempest, temporale
suggestivo = evocative, impressing, moving | suggestive = indicativo, che denota, che significa [but also evocativo, suggestivo]
fattoria = farm | factory = fabbrica
fabbrica = factory | fabric = tessuto, stoffafarmacia = pharmacy | farm = fattoria
(il/la) parente = relative | parent = (il) genitore
caldo = hot | cold = freddo
eventualmente = in case, if necessary | eventually = alla fine, infine
attualmente = at the present time | actually = in realty, di fatto
camera = room | camera = fotocamera, telecamera
(la) educazione = upbringing, politeness (but also “education”) | education = istruzione (but also educazione)
magazzino = warehouse | magazine = rivista
morbido = soft | morbid = morboso [medicine], macabro “gruesome”
scolaro = pupil, student | scholar = studios, erudito
gentile = nice | gentle = delicato
libreria = bookshop [BE], bookstore [US] | library = biblioteca
volatile = flying [bird], volatile [chemistry, computing] | volatile = imprevedibile [situation], volubile [person]
volubile = volatile [person], fickle | voluble = loquace, logorroico
(la) addizione = addition [mathematics], aggiunta, acquisto | addiction = dipendenza
annoiare = to bore sb | to annoy = infastidire, far arrabbiare qcn
argomento = topic | argument = litigio, discussione, dibattito
(la) cute = skin, cutis | cute = carino
regale = royal | to regale = deliziare, intrattenere
reale = royal, true, actual | real = reale, vero
empio = impious | empty = vuoto
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diariodichrisyl · 6 years
CEFR test
Hey guys, if you wanna check your language level of English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Swedish, Norwegian (bokmål), Arabic, Arabic (Syria), Turkish or Danish, here’s the CEFR test! It does take a lot of time (for me it took more than half an hour), but you can test your grammar and vocabulary, reading and listening comprehension so it’s definitely worth it!  read more about the test here
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diariodichrisyl · 6 years
this is my new langblr blog!! my name is sofia and i’m looking for people to follow/mutuals so reblog/like this post if you are learning:
and i’ll follow you back!!!!!
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diariodichrisyl · 6 years
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I decided to create this cheat sheet on Italian verbs because the most difficult part of learning romance languages for me has always been all the verb forms and conjugations. The idea (and format!) was inspired by @studypuddles’ post on French verbs, which you can find here.
I combed through for spelling errors & mistakes, but alas some do fall through the cracks, so let me know if you see anything!
Learn more about the Passato Remoto here.
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diariodichrisyl · 6 years
Sources to study Italian 🇮🇹
• http://joyoflanguages.com/italian-learning-tools/
• http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-E1n1qDTAIneq4MqXjXjSAHEH_phHEKb
• https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCOjscfnIVhyqMXCk5np6ndg
• http://oneworlditaliano.com/francais/accueil.htm
• http://apprendre-italien.fr/
• https://www.italien-facile.com/exercices/
🇪🇸 ESPAÑOL: 🇪🇸
• https://youtu.be/VwxrTlmUX1I (principiante)
• http://www.saberitaliano.com.ar/
• http://www.aulafacil.com/cursos/t2898/idiomas/italiano/italiano
• https://www.youtube.com/user/marconisida
• http://www.aprendendo-italiano.com/ (principiante)
• https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCE9LdP3W6DQ1UZCsipUTwbQ
• https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyY9PuhdVC1wDYZWDM7g1PQ
• https://www.youtube.com/user/imparailportoghese
• http://cursosextensao.usp.br/course/view.php?id=131
🇷🇴 ROMÂNĂ: 🇷🇴
• https://www.youtube.com/user/italianapentruromani
• https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCna09VktfKZcNCLFJDsaYPg
• https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9M8r8phpeljg0EjpBq4Xow
• http://www.scritub.com/literatura-romana/gramatica/CURS-DE-LIMBA-ITALIANA-nivel-I25856.php
• (PDF) https://www.google.it/url?q=http://proedus.ro/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Mechifire-Abdula-curs-limba-italiana.Gramatica-si-teste-2017.pdf&sa=U&ved=0ahUKEwjx6JWK6IbWAhUBmRQKHY55BOcQFggNMAE&usg=AFQjCNEaJEoJJz7TeP_3l53eNSp4rb33sg
• http://gvukasinovic.blogspot.it/search?updated-max=2014-11-26T04:19:00-08:00&max-results=7&start=6&by-date=false&m=1
• http://lingohut.com/hr/v40540/talijanski-lekcija-po%C4%8Detak-pozdrav
• (Italian lifestyle): https://www.youtube.com/user/SoniaVerardo
• (PDF) https://www.google.it/url?q=https://moodle.oss.unist.hr/pluginfile.php/44280/mod_resource/content/1/WEB%2520Talijanski%2520jezik%2520BI.pdf&sa=U&ved=0ahUKEwjwlqWo3obWAhVI6xQKHba_COYQFggRMAM&usg=AFQjCNHIeNkW992YtZxmfa5jGhxyzhqLzw
🇩🇪 DEUTSCH: 🇩🇪
• http://www.italienisch-lehrbuch.de/
• (PDF) https://www.google.it/url?q=http://www2.tf.jcu.cz/~mackerle/dl/temp/italstina/Sta%259Een%25E9%2520knihy/346820356X_Italienisch.pdf&sa=U&ved=0ahUKEwjDl73k4obWAhWExRQKHQ8MBuoQFggLMAA&usg=AFQjCNGO1qZl8dCZG5dSn6yufoKzGBkCCA
• (Lange Video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9F8Z4htOLLo
🇹🇷 TÜRKÇE: 🇹🇷
• https://youtu.be/EgC2O11jCLw
• http://www.italyan.com/
• https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCMKoxmlQLLdos_HaLpEOB5Q
• (PDF) https://www.scribd.com/mobile/doc/132781675/ITALYANCA-GRAMER-2007
• https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCFL5JxmF-PdtXkXFxdXj_2A
• http://www.itariagodattaradou.com/
🇰🇷 한국어: 🇰🇷
• https://m.youtube.com/user/BlackScribbles
• (서적) http://www.yes24.com/24/Category/Display/001001004010
• http://www.kocw.net/home/search/kemView.do?kemId=1017258
• http://kapelatte.com/
• https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtrvy4Dsln-LiavnmrLQ7xlRqLZw6h_W2
• https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpTjiMD98G4lMHdE54ImYIeW0LXghjFVQ
🇸🇦 :العربية 🇸🇦
• https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCE-844_8NBDbtuwjdiB-zWg
• https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVZD-XoQcWf_oVpUYmxxaSw
• https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDFDF700E719293BE
• https://learnitalianoeureka.com/
🇷🇺 русский: 🇷🇺
• https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC84_PJpGWDxph_c9B4fZI7g
• https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5BDkiCgsZ6pPGMMhuz0ZAw
• https://www.youtube.com/user/italianoonskype
• http://initaliano.ru/
🇬🇷  Ελληνικά 🇬🇷
• https://www.internetpolyglot.com/greek/lessons-it-el
• http://italikiglwssa.blogspot.it/p/grammatica.html
• (PDF) https://www.google.it/url?q=http://kdvm.gr/Media/Default/Pdf%2520enotites/4.8.pdf&sa=U&ved=0ahUKEwiikaWk4YbWAhWEVxQKHR_TDuoQFggLMAA&usg=AFQjCNGr2pkNDR88OgGV5R_2NfvWf__oOA
• (PDF) https://www.google.it/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=4&ved=0ahUKEwily9XG8fLVAhUJtxQKHVyUB9QQFgg8MAM&url=http%3A%2F%2Fitaliaans.minerva83.nl%2Fsyllabus2006.pdf&usg=AFQjCNEFKpcTfOFZJB3GQmv3fkjBQodgGg
• https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUc4HC99xMXIOHt9qEC759SuIfkFZ3O-7
🇦🇱 SHQIPE 🇦🇱
• https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrk0zbiI8cOb997EKbJMWhw/playlists
• https://www.slideshare.net/mobile/sylimirsy/fjal-italisht-shqip
• http://meso-italisht.blogspot.it/?m=1
🇹🇭 ไทย 🇹🇭
• http://www.italysmile.com/
• http://italianmystyle.blogspot.it/?m=1
• https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4UlaDS9RYaONLfVlwfqHQQ
• https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl0wIN_6RV3DCOK-L4mhPPQ
• http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL17vlvcqyik6jlpYnB3jF30IpctKo_JSr
🇨🇳 中文 🇨🇳
• http://www.italycn.com/
• http://italy.tingroom.com/wap/
• (细节) https://m.cineseitalia.com/bbs/read-htm-tid-106.html
• (PDF) https://www.google.it/url?q=http://www.yyzero.com/italiano/libri/lettura/lettura_1.pdf&sa=U&ved=0ahUKEwiMgsy8_IbWAhXDOhQKHS46A-gQFggpMAc&usg=AFQjCNH4A_LNbe2WwRd7F6kqFTwye1TbbA
• https://www.scribd.com/mobile/doc/132974793/Coursebook-Nuovo-Progetto-Italiano-3
• https://youtu.be/uM7P98LKBD8
• http://www.vepla.lt/topics/it/1
• http://lingohut.com/lt/l60/%C5%BEodynas-ital%C5%B3
• (PDF) https://www.google.it/url?q=http://web.vu.lt/uki/l.pavan/Italu_kalbos_pratimai_pradedantiems_Luca_Pavan.pdf&sa=U&ved=0ahUKEwjmwvzOhofWAhVCShQKHXBkB-8QFggLMAA&usg=AFQjCNFIj7Fvvzw9_3RsL5O1p6AyvoXY-A
• http://www.italijanscina.com/
• (PDF) https://www.google.it/url?q=http://lu-jesenice.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/Italijan%25C5%25A1%25C4%258Dina-pot-do-uspeha.pdf&sa=U&ved=0ahUKEwi3kuCCstHWAhXDmLQKHQ66CeoQFggRMAM&usg=AOvVaw1TZMozWEgEZqk9AOyod2xH
• (PDF) https://www.google.it/url?q=http://www.mizs.gov.si/fileadmin/mizs.gov.si/pageuploads/podrocje/vs/Gradiva_ESS/Impletum/IMPLETUM_302POSLOVNI_Poslovni_Bajec.pdf&sa=U&ved=0ahUKEwi3kuCCstHWAhXDmLQKHQ66CeoQFggVMAU&usg=AOvVaw2YdGtgc30jhr3qfTDhLBsl
• http://italstina.net/
• http://www.langmaster.cz/lmcom/com/web/cs-cz/pages/kurz-italstiny-zdarma.aspx
• https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHnv1hwgX9AKInXP5vjs7pw
🇭🇺 MAGYAR 🇭🇺
• http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQPDNBgmy_8MY1hLD7_QfRsyWHyHmh855
• https://olaszultanulok.com/
• (B1-B2) https://www.scribd.com/mobile/doc/134241297/Nuovo-Progetto-Italiano-2-szoszedet
• (PDF) https://www.google.it/url?q=http://www.bonusnyelviskola.hu/files/file/NuovoProgettoItaliano1_supplemento_ungherese.pdf&sa=U&ved=0ahUKEwjwmqDettLWAhWBwhoKHXwYCjYQFggdMAc&usg=AOvVaw2cjLYKNNb7fI9dgUuoMbc1
• http://lingohut.com/vi/l60/t%E1%BB%AB-v%E1%BB%B1ng-ti%E1%BA%BFng-%C3%BD
• https://youtu.be/ewTwbh-tGoM?list=PLDg60kAhhps4d-2Fyx-6LaFtjwyIcm2bC
• (Trường học ở Ý) http://uni-italia.vn/
• https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqZfJXbRo-zSzSczfNQndXtbgVL3poIV-
• https://m.facebook.com/hoctiengy/posts/686535894756898#!/hoctiengy/
• https://tiengy.wordpress.com/
🇮🇷 فارسی 🇮🇷
• http://Instagram.com/bravissimo.maryam
• Lingohut: http://lingohut.com/fa/v48972/%D8%A7%DB%8C%D8%AA%D8%A7%D9%84%DB%8C%D8%A7%DB%8C%DB%8C-%D8%AF%D8%B1%D8%B3-%D8%B4%D8%B1%D9%88%D8%B9-%D8%B3%D9%84%D8%A7%D9%85
🇵🇱 POLSKI 🇵🇱
• http://www.wloskielove.pl/
• https://www.youtube.com/user/italianipopolsku
• http://trenerjezykawloskiego.blog.pl/category/gramatyka/
• PDF: https://www.google.it/url?q=http://casimirr.strefa.pl/wloski/Wloski_podstawy.pdf&sa=U&ved=0ahUKEwj3uMHLkYDYAhWIbRQKHWTOAMwQFggLMAA&usg=AOvVaw15Z-YzpAZzeRtopm2qMBvv
• Ćwiczenia: https://www.google.it/url?q=https://www.cke.edu.pl/images/_SPRAWDZIAN/OD_2014/Materialy_dla_uczniow_i_nauczycieli/wloski.pdf&sa=U&ved=0ahUKEwj3uMHLkYDYAhWIbRQKHWTOAMwQFggWMAQ&usg=AOvVaw2OkkSvgaqpTbDNYU1_odhs
🇧🇬 български 🇧🇬
• http://italianskiezik.start.bg/
• Lingohut:  http://lingohut.com/bg/l60/%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%83%D1%87%D0%B8-%D0%B8%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%BB%D0%B8%D0%B0%D0%BD%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8
• Уикипедия: 1) https://bg.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%98%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%BB%D0%B8%D0%B0%D0%BD%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B0_%D0%B3%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BC%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B0
• 2) https://beta.m.wikiversity.org/wiki/%D0%A1%D0%BF%D1%80%D1%8F%D0%B3%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B5_%D0%BD%D0%B0_%D0%B3%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%B3%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%B8_%D0%BD%D0%B0_%D0%B8%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%BB%D0%B8%D0%B0%D0%BD%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8_%D0%B5%D0%B7%D0%B8%D0%BA/%D0%A1%D1%8A%D0%BC
• PDF:  https://www.google.it/url?q=http://xn–80aaasobbbrfcgvfdp1aoifn2g.com/1qaz2wsx3edc4rfv5tgb.pdf&sa=U&ved=0ahUKEwinkZ_Q1rvYAhXLCsAKHWsyB8gQFggZMAQ&usg=AOvVaw36EQXUZvq9jRtNo_EQFp6g
• плейлист:  https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLb7Zi1dGFk3yAw2jSsIYcBCY0UERQ0oRa
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diariodichrisyl · 7 years
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basic verbs
be - essere / stare there is  - c’è there are - ci sono have - avere do - fare go - andare want - volere can - potere need - aver bisogno think - pensare know - sapere say - dire like - piacere speak - parlare learn - imparare understand - capire
Note - Verbs in Italian change all the time depending on the mood, tense and person. Here’s a useful Italian conjugator.
that (as in “I think that…” or “the woman that…”) - che and - e (if the following word starts with a vowel it is preferred that you use “ed”) or - o (if the following word starts with a vowel it is preferred that you use “od”) but - ma because - perché so (meaning “therefore” as in “I wanted it, so I bought it”) - per questo, perciò, quindi if - se
of - di to - a  from - da in - in, a, da  at (a place) - in, a, da at (a time) - a with - con about - circa, su like (meaning “similar to”) - come for (warning, this one has several meanings that you need to take care of) - per before (also as a conjunction) - prima di, prima che after (also as a conjunction) - dopo di, dopo che  during - durante
Note - Prepositions in Italian are joined with the definite articles; e.g. di + la = della, a + il = al, etc.
question words
who - chi what - che where - dove  when - quando why - perché how - come  how much - quanto/-a, quanti/-e which - quale, quali
a lot - molto, un sacco a little - un poco well - bene badly - male only - solo also - anche  very - molto  too (as in “too tall”) - troppo  so (as in “so tall”) - davvero, molto so much - tanto more (know how to say “more … than …”) - più  less (know how to say “less … than …”) - meno as … as … (e.g. “as tall as”) - tanto… quanto… best - meglio, migliore  worst - peggio, peggiore  now - ora, adesso  then - allora, quindi  here - qui  there - lì, là  maybe - forse  always - sempre usually - di solito  often - spesso  sometimes - a volte  never - mai  today - oggi yesterday - ieri tomorrow - domani  soon - presto  almost - quasi already - già  still - ancora  enough - sufficiente, abbastanza 
this - questo that - quello good - buono bad - cattivo all - tutto no - nessuno many - molto  few - poco other - altro same - stesso different - diverso  enough - abbastanza, sufficiente one - uno two - due first - primo easy - facile hard - difficile early - presto  late - tardi important - importante  interesting - interessante fun - divertente  boring - noioso beautiful - bello big - grande  small - piccolo happy - felice  sad - triste busy - occupato  excited - emozionato  tired - stanco  ready - pronto favorite - preferito new - nuovo right (meaning “correct”) - corretto wrong - sbagliato true - vero
Note - Italian adjectives always have to agree in number and gender with the noun they modify. The above list presents the adjectives in their masculine, singular form.
subject pronouns
To know more about the pronouns, check out this post I wrote a while ago.
I - io you - tu  she - ella, lei, essa he - egli, lui, esso it - esso/-a formal you - Lei we - noi you (plural) - voi they - essi, esse, loro
everything - tutto something - qualcosa nothing - niente everyone - tutti someone - qualcuno no one - nessuno Spanish - lo spagnolo English - l’inglese thing - la cosa person - la persona place - il luogo time (as in “a long time”) - il tempo time (as in “I did it 3 times”) - la volta friend - l’amico  woman - la donna man - l’uomo money - i soldi  country  - il paese  city - la città language - la lingua word - la parola food - il cibo house - la casa store - il negozio office - la oficina manager - direttore job - il lavoro   work (as in “I have a lot of work to do”) - lavoro  problem - il problema  question - la domanda idea - l’idea  life - la vita  world - il mondo  day - il giorno year - l’anno week - la settimana month - il mese hour - l’ora mother, father, parent - la madre, il padre, il genitore daughter, son, child - la figlia, il figlio, il bambino  wife, husband - la sposa, lo sposo girlfriend, boyfriend - la ragazza, il ragazzo
Note - Italian nouns inflect by gender (masculine and feminine, with some instances of vestigial neuter) and number (singular and plural).
more verbs
work (as in a person working) - lavorare work (meaning “to function”, e.g. “the TV works”) - funzionare see - vedere use - usare should - dovere believe - credere practice - praticare seem - sembrare come - venire leave - andarsene return - ritornare give - dare take - prendere bring - portare look for - cercare find - trovare receive - ricevere buy - comprare try - provare start - iniziano  stop (doing something) - smettere di (fare qualcosa) finish - finire  continue - continuare wake up - svegliarsi get up - alzarsi  eat - mangiare eat breakfast - fare colazione eat lunch - pranzare eat dinner - cenare happen - succedere feel - sentire create (aka “make”) - creare cause (aka “make”) - causare meet (meeting someone for the first time) - conoscere  ask (a question) - chiedere wonder - chiedersi reply - rispondere mean - significare, voler dire read - leggere write - scrivere  listen - ascoltare hear - sentire remember - ricordare forget - dimenticare choose - scegliere decide - decidere be born - nascere die - morire kill - uccidere  live - vivere stay - rimanere  change - cambiare  help - aiutare  send - inviare  study - studiare  improve - migliorare  hope - sperare 
useful phrases
hello - ciao goodbye - addio  thank you - grazie you’re welcome - di niente excuse me (to get someone’s attention) - scusa  sorry - mi dispiace it’s fine (response to an apology) - non fa niente  please - per favore yes - sì no - no my name is … - mi chiamo what’s your name? - come ti chiami? (informal singular); come si chiama? (formal singular)                                  nice to meet you - piacere di conoscerti (informal singular); piacere di conoscerla (formal singular)  how are you? - come stai? I’m doing well, how about you? - sto bene, e tu?  sorry? / what? (if you didn’t hear something) - come? how do you say …? - come si dice …? what does … mean? - che vuol dire …? I don’t understand - non capisco  could you repeat that? - puoi ripetere? (informal singular); può ripetere (formal singular)   could you speak more slowly, please? - puoi parlare più lentamente? (informal singular); può parlare più lentamente? (formal singular) well (as in “well, I think…”) - bene  really? - davvero?  I guess that… - credo che… it’s hot (talking about the weather) - fa caldo  it’s cold (talking about the weather) - fa freddo
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diariodichrisyl · 7 years
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If there are any other languages/links you think should be added, message me.
Good luck!
12K notes · View notes
diariodichrisyl · 7 years
Hey people, I have a honest question, some people refer to theirselves as “them” and I have tried to hard to figure out what it means, I just can’t think of a reason. I googled it but they don’t explain this way of using “them”
Please someone reply cause I’m curious
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