dirigibird · 1 year
Are you watching the WWE Royal Rumble at the moment?
SDHGJJAHSGD okay i assume you are here on @brawltogethernow 's referral (thank you brawl)
i did not see this until 2 days later but uhhhhh refer to this post i guess!
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dirigibird · 2 years
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various attempts at visualizing john/giving him a tangible form
not pictured: right after arthur eats falling star john, the king in yellow sprinting up to arthur and punching him in the gut to make him throw up. coughs john out like a hairball
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dirigibird · 2 years
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10 minutes after this they had an argument and the target of his revolution changed to arthur instead.
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dirigibird · 2 years
Hello! I'd like to know if I could use this weird looking pigeon-Madara?? as my profile photo. Pls, I'm begging.
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LOL ye sure! I. Only drew the mop of black hair over some official otgw art lol :P
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dirigibird · 3 years
Thoughts on possibly Halbarry? It’s okay if none!
ive only really read a few of their interactions second hand thru a friend's liveblogging, but based on what ive seen, i like em palerom, as the homestucks say. bffs 5ever till death do us blart
the whole barry + hal + oliver triangle is just much more entertaining to me as a Bro Triangle. A Triangle Of Best Bros. friends who care about each other so much but have so much fuckin drama about it
tfw ur two best buds cant stand each other and think the other one is a bad influence on you. how are you supposed to organize a boy's night out like this.
oh yeah and their interactions in blackest night were also very good! barry judging hal's choices and telling him not to get back with any of his various exes. choice. this exchange:
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also the part right after this where hal got sulky about barry telling him not to trust sinestro so he pulled out the "oh yeah? well OLLIE would support me!!!" and barry got so offended. first of all hal, how dare you. second of all, oliver would ALSO not support you teaming up with sinestro.
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dirigibird · 3 years
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dirigibird · 3 years
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taking sinestro in a fight is something he can also do, yes.
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dirigibird · 3 years
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so i started reading blackest night and was extremely entertained by how much the different spectrums wanted to recruit hal. the red ring just straight up stole him and saint walker had to jam the blue ring onto his hand? he just spent most of the lead-up cycling through colours like a very disgruntled strobe light?? unfortunately for them he’s a strong independent lantern who only wants to be green.
ANYWAY here’s the four corpsmen doing beyonce’s single ladies choreography.
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dirigibird · 3 years
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a light-hearted lad
aka life cycles of a hal jordan
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dirigibird · 3 years
Sorry to ask but will your open commission in the near future soon?
dont be sorry! im happy to answer!
as for commissions, i've been pretty stressed out by uni stuff, so my art motivation comes and goes. i might open commissions again soonish (like, in a month or so? idk), because i definitely do need the money, but probably only for one or two slots at a time so i don't get overwhelmed. again it depends on how much brainspace my thesis is taking up u_u
if you want, u can DM me or send a message and ill contact you when i can do commissions! itll be much easier for me than making a whole commission post lol
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dirigibird · 3 years
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behold! the most horrible lads. boys that can activate mass aggro just by opening their mouths. enmity magnets. everyone wants to kill them so much. love it when they do or say anything, at all, and anybody nearby is instantly filled with rage :)
bonus knife cat parallax. for when u need 2 kill your bff but he’s making the >:3c face at you
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dirigibird · 3 years
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green lanterns as magical girls! bc green lanterns are basically magical girls anyway, and bc the first flight movie had an honest to god magical girl transformation scene. complete with sailor moon ribbons. around 3 mins in if u wanna see
also! bonus points if you can guess which magical girls their costumes are based off of! john and hal’s are pretty obvious, but i took a few more liberties with guy’s and kyle’s so they might be a bit harder to recognize.
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dirigibird · 3 years
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lyctor seras victoria - with the green eyes of her cavalier, pip bernadotte.
anyway watching hellsing right after reading gideon the ninth was a hell of an experience! sometimes you just gotta get a double dose of “consume the soul of someone you love, which turns you into an eldritch engine of undead power. no takebacksies”
i just think it would pack a punch if seras turned around to face the surviving Wild Geese and they saw their captain’s bright green eyes staring out of her face. chefs kiss poetic.
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dirigibird · 4 years
Sorry to bother you but I’d just like to say your Dresden files are is freaking amazing, especially the way you draw Harry and Murphy
! thank you!!! this definitely isnt a bother, ive been struggling with drawing motivation this year and its really nice to know people still like what ive made!
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dirigibird · 4 years
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really enjoy how izo talked some shit about how hard he was gonna kill ryouma and then became immediately upset and confused when he actually managed to stab the guy
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(original comic by cupcakelogic)
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dirigibird · 4 years
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its not oryou’s fault. if she senses something annoying nearby, she will punch
ANYWAY how come izo was the only one who didnt make it to chaldea?? epilogue why???
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dirigibird · 4 years
You have a tma shonen au!?!?
lol its been ages so i cant even remember it, but it was basically “what if tma was a shounen anime where the power of friendship was a legit thing, and then defeated villains just sort of hang around afterwards as weird evil vodka aunts”
not really compatible with the general vibe of tma, but it was mainly an excuse to let nikola live and sort of scuttle around in the archive tunnels, occasionally leaving lush skincare gift baskets outside of jon’s office like a clown-themed housecat. sasha probably regularly has to get a broom and shoo her out before tim sees her. 
i was gonna draw something for it that involved daisy going outside to throw out the garbage and finding julia and trevor trying to break into the archives like cryptid raccons
but i never got around to it and also it was very stupid
also, season 4 happened, so
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