discountscholar · 2 days
reminder that you’re not behind. everyone has a completely different life. we are all taking it at our own pace. do what you can. and it’s okay if you can’t do anything right now. if it has been like this for sometime, try looking into what might be causing it for you. you’re going to be okay 🩷
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discountscholar · 3 days
to-do list 20/09-21/09
- classes
- practical reports
- emails
- trainings
- readings
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discountscholar · 3 days
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discountscholar · 5 days
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It's normal to be hard on yourself, because you want to do the best you can and accomplish everything, even when your time or energy is limited. However, sometimes the criticism towards yourself is too much, and it has a negative impact on your mood and motivation. The next time you catch yourself thinking that you "should" be doing more, pause and see if that's actually helpful, because maybe you're doing as much as you can already.
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discountscholar · 6 days
who else thinks of graduating as soon as they get enrolled?
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discountscholar · 7 days
to-do list for 16/09-17/09:
practical work
coursework check
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discountscholar · 9 days
it's okay to feel distressing emotions. the point is not to not feel them. the point is to sit with them. work with them. understand them. regulate them.
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discountscholar · 10 days
i love you im glad you exist im so happy you’re alive
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discountscholar · 11 days
You know, that Mythbusters post legitimately changed my life. Before seeing it, I had exponentially more guilt and stress about not being able to sleep, which of course, further exacerbated my inability to sleep.
Now, every time I wake up about three am, knowing I have to get up at 6.45, instead of stressing and panicking about how my day is going to be sleep deprived and miserable, I just tell myself 'Time to activate Mythbusters Protocol' and lie there with my eyes closed safe in the knowledge that I am measurably reducing later feelings of exhaustion.
And when this happens, about 70% of the time the reduction of guilt and stress means I actually do fall back asleep, so all in all instead of getting only three or four hours sleep, I get five to six and a half.
Which y'know, major improvement in health and energy.
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discountscholar · 11 days
My boyfriend didn’t go to university until he was 28 because he didn’t feel anywhere near ready when he was 18. He graduated with first-class honours, went on to do a Masters, and is now a history teacher. It’s so much more important to do things when you’re able to fully commit to them and do them to the best of your ability than to rush to do them by an imaginary deadline.
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discountscholar · 12 days
You are good enough
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discountscholar · 14 days
It's okay if you don't feel hopeful about the future right now. If hope is out of reach, try curiosity instead.
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discountscholar · 14 days
i’ve been having days full of such crippling doubt. here’s your reminder that everyone goes through it <3 (and we will get out of this together)
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discountscholar · 14 days
"neurodivergent" means disabled. it means disabled in some way involving cognition/emotion/sociability/mental abilities. it is a call to solidarity between the person with adhd, the autistic person, the depressed person, the dyslexic person, the schizophrenic person, the ocd haver, the intellectually disabled person, the person with dementia, the epileptic person, the stroke survivor, anyone who has a mental disability. it's a call to each of us to be more than ourselves, to be in solidarity against the ableism that affects all of us.
it isn't a quirky fashion statement. it has always been about disability
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discountscholar · 15 days
asking as a 14 yr old currently Going Through It. no nuance (sorry if this is too sad for your blog)
It does get better. I promise - H :)
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discountscholar · 16 days
master’s has been hectic
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discountscholar · 17 days
this is how using the wrong terminology affects people who actually have to deal with certain mental health conditions. please stop saying things like “delulu”, “OCD”, and “depressed”, when you don’t actually fit the clinical criteria for it and haven’t got a formal diagnosis.
Being someone with psychosis, it can be difficult to tell others who I’m friends with/know that I actually, really am schizo-spec or experience symptoms.
For some reason when I tell people I experience or have experienced psychosis and that’s a part of my diagnosis, people assume I’m just being “dramatic” with my words or just saying it in the moment. Like, no.. I actually have a mental health condition, I’m not using delusional as an expression of speech, or saying I’ve experienced episodes before as some random thing to just say. When I say it I’m just telling the truth and being serious.
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