dispatchlife-blog · 11 years
We need a Revolution
While getting dressed the other morning, I put on my Dispatch Circles Around the Sun t-shirt and had an epiphany. (I apologize to anyone who realized this on their own.) Revolution-the orbiting of one heavenly body around another. The Circles Around the Sun album is a play on words for revolution. Not all dispatch songs are about change, society or what have you, but its a common theme prevalent on almost all Dispatch related work. I believe it is time for a revolution. We are all more connected today then ever but seem unable to make the societal impact that those who came before us did. We need to unite and take a stand for a better world and quality of life for all humans, animals, plants, insects, etc.
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dispatchlife-blog · 12 years
State Radio Show Experience
I know this isn't me talking about what I think a song means, nor is it exactly Dispatch but it's relevant I swear.
Last night I went to the State Radio show in Rochester, NY. I volunteered with Calling All Crows and helped to get people to sign a petition for Respect Marriage Act and a repeal of DOMA. (You can check out the campaign's website here http://mecampaign.org/1138) The show itself was amazing, opening up with "Mr. Larkin" and playing "Fall of the American Empire" into Biz Markie's "Just a Friend." I was having a great time, talking to people about the petition and jamming to State Radio that alone was awesome. During the show, Chad says my name giving me a special thanks, which again was amazing.
After helping Sybil pack up the table, Chad, Chuck and Mike were talking to fans and signing merchandise. On my way out, I waited patiently to just say hey to Chad and that it was a great show. I didn't ask for an autograph or a picture I just wanted to talk for a minute. That is what we did; he gave me a huge hug and thanked me for helping again. After that I was ecstatic, my night was made. I didn't need an autograph or a photo proving I met him, I got to talk with him for a minute and that is something no one can take away nor can I lose it. I always feel so bad for musicians when fans are all up in their business, just needing to touch them and get that autograph that may be worth something one day.
Last night made up for what happened at the Dispatch show I went to in NYC. I was supposed to volunteer and meet Chad, Brad and Pete and get free tickets and merchandise, but the way Radio City runs things I was unable to volunteer. I can't wait to see State Radio and Dispatch again; you just become that much more connected with the music by seeing them live.
Next weekend in NYC there will be two benefit shows along with a Service Saturday to benefit those affected by Hurricane Sandy. http://callingallcrows.org/nyc
-Ashley Koszalka
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dispatchlife-blog · 12 years
The entire Dispatch Radio City show is now on YouTube thanks to the Bowery Presents. I thought the show was amazing, great parts where the entire audience was singing along. I can only wonder what it was like to be them hearing their songs sung back at them. Concert starts with Circles Around The Sun, some song combinations and ends with 2 encores.
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dispatchlife-blog · 12 years
"Circles Around The Sun"
Song-"Circles Around The Sun"
Album-Circles Around The Sun
Ashley Koszalka- The official single off Dispatch’s first album in 12 years can go beyond its literal meaning (at the end of this post). Anyone can put this into their own context with something that they can relate to. People telling each other they can’t do things, that they are impossible, motivating them to do just that. Everyone loves to prove others wrong and that’s the story behind Circles Around The Sun. Sure the boy in the story didn’t have the option of going, he was sent on this mission without his consent. During the 1960s, people with disabilities were considered to have very few rights and although they thought that he would die on the mission, they sent him anyway. This song shows the persistence and capabilities of all humans. At points you may feel weak and want to give up but hanging in there and proving everyone that they are wrong about you. “Circles Around The Sun” embodies the American ideology of “you can do anything that you put your mind to.”
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Dispatch’s Insight-“Circles Around the Sun” is the legend of the late Larry Perry. As Chad told Rolling Stone, “In the early 1960s the space race had captured America. Looking to outdo the Soviets without putting their necks on the line, NASA, in an unprecedented, controversial move, took a very disabled young man away from his family to ready him for space flight. Both the USSR and USA has sent dogs and chimps into space, but the USA wanted more. Larry cannot walk or speak but was in perfect health and, more importantly, in the eyes of government, expendable. Unbeknownst to them, from a very young age, Larry had always been an adrenaline junkie and the scientists and government officials were actually fulfilling the biggest adventure he could ever dream - to be launched into space. To everyone’s surprise, Larry returns from space triumphant and smiling.”
(Taken from the Dispatch Newsletter)
(Picture from Dispatch Facebook)
Performing on Craig Ferguson 9/26/12
Official Music Video
Performing "Circles Around The Sun" in Washington Square Park NYC 8/21/12 (Song starts to play at 2:18)
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dispatchlife-blog · 12 years
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dispatchlife-blog · 12 years
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Does anyone have a request for the next song I dissect? I need motivation! Don’t forget I want to hear your opinions of what you think the songs are about, submit here.
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dispatchlife-blog · 12 years
Circles Around The Sun Commentary
Spotify has commentary on Dispatch’s entire new album with the story behind the songs of C.A.T.S. Listen at http://spoti.fi/NEfK4q
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dispatchlife-blog · 12 years
Circles Around The Sun One Week Early
Rolling Stone Magazine online is streaming Dispatch's Circles Around The Sun album an entire week early. Check it out here.
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dispatchlife-blog · 12 years
The album titled single from Dispatch's Circles Around the Sun album, coming out August 21!
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dispatchlife-blog · 12 years
Circles Around the Sun
The album titled single hit iTunes stores and Spotify today. As of today "Not Messin'," "Josaphine," and "Circles Around the Sun" have been released for fans to hear as a preview to the album. "Not Messin'" and "Circles Around the Sun" are available on Spotify while only "Circles Around the Sun" is on iTunes. "Josaphine" and "Not Messin'" are available on SoundCloud. The entire album's release date is August 21!
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dispatchlife-blog · 12 years
Dispatch “Not Messin’” - Shot on 16mm (Credits in Description)
I worked as a production assistant on the set of Dispatch’s music video back on April 1st. I spent most of it just watching and serving as an extension cord runner and an extras herder.
The first thing I did was I, along with another production assistant, set up the display on the booth seen in the stand-off shots outside (seen briefly at 2:52). We unpacked a couple hundred sparklers and built the stand to look like its selling the sparklers, which are seen again at the end of the video. I also helped herd the extras in this same scene from the barn itself, helping direct them out where they were further organized into the lines.
Secondly, I was responsible for the dressing of one of the “dressing rooms”. Seen at 3:26, I was given a bunch of random props and set to work converting the woman’s bathroom into a dressing room for the cowboys. At the same time, I had to help keep women out of the bathroom while they filmed in it - which was much easier sad than done with a few, rather shameless, people.
The most exciting thing I really got to do was unexpected. We used a wheelchair as a dolly and I retrieved it for Mr. Mastro. He then asked if I would like to help him and allowed me to push the wheel chair through the crowd to get the shot at 3:47. As petty sounding as it is, I really enjoyed it and was really glad to have worked with the director of photography and contributed in such a fashion.
I had never actually heard about the band before the shoot. I didn’t even know who they were and later found out that I had been speaking to the drummer in the morning and had been teasing him for his costume. With only a few other PAs, it was nice to not just be a face and actually have my name remembered. It was a fantastic experience, and it was exciting to see ithe final product.
-Jennifer, Film Media and Theater Undergraduate
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dispatchlife-blog · 12 years
Dispatch-Not Messin’
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dispatchlife-blog · 12 years
Q&A with Chad Urmston
What made you decide to make another record?
We were figuring if we were going to tour again we weren’t going to just roll out the same olds songs. So we figured “Let’s get some new shit going, so we’re not just a legacy act.” And I had some stuff that didn’t really fit State Radio, and I knew Pete (Heimbold) and Brad (Corrigan) had been writing for a while, so I figured we’d have enough.
With the tour dates and the new album, is Dispatch picking up where it left off, or is this reunion temporary?
Read More
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dispatchlife-blog · 12 years
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Does anyone have a request for the next song I dissect? I need motivation! Don’t forget I want to hear your opinions of what you think the songs are about, submit here.
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dispatchlife-blog · 12 years
Bullet Holes
Dispatch - Bullet Holes by Dispatch
Song- Bullet Holes
Band- Dispatch
Album- Four Day Trials
Released- February 1, 1999
Ashley Koszalka- Before I begin, if you look up the lyrics on assorted websites the first verse has at least two words that are (to my ears) incorrect. The lyrics don’t make sense the way these websites have it written the first is “Black birds are bullet holes” not with and the second is “I wander these steep hills” not wonder. I’m just going to use what I hear when listening to the song, the websites may have the correct lyrics but they don’t really fit.
The black birds being bullet holes are symbolic pieces of history of sorrow throughout their life. The rest of the first verse is a search for the right words to say to a friend. Verse two is the confrontment of the two friends. One of them is lost, unsure of what to do and making bad life decisions. What was once important to this friend is being ignored and things are not changing for the better.
“You have been up above so high, so high, so high and lived, in the dirt…” the chorus, is showing that the one friend understands what they are going through. They have experienced so many things in their life from great sorrow to immense happiness.
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The last varied verse, “well I’ve gone to shorten my road…but I’m coming through the lightning comin’ back to you,” Is again stating that the friend understands and that he has been through similar things as his companion. He has done things in his past that he wasn’t proud of as well. Now he has changed, he understands what he did in the past was wrong even though he wasn’t aware of it at the time. The lightning is the storm of his life, however far he fell and he has gotten through it to help his friend.
Outside Insight- Not many people were up to dissect this song besides me I guess. I did find one person who has a similar view on the song at songmeanings.net. User Basho wrote that it was about the highs and lows that people face throughout their life no matter who they are. It is about a relationship that slowly drifted apart and now they are trying to rekindle that bond.
Video- Dispatch playing at an east coast get together in 1999
Video- Dispatch playing Bullet Holes in 2011 for Amplifying Education Tour
*disclaimer*These are merely opinions and I don’t guarantee the accuracy of quotes given by others.*disclaimer*
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dispatchlife-blog · 12 years
Circles Around the Sun Tour-Random Moment
My mom originally said to me I couldn't go to the Dispatch concert in the fall unless I got a job for this summer. I have money from working the past few years so I bought the tickets anyway because she really can't stop me. Today she sends me a forward e-mail about the tickets going on sale and the free mp3 download. She's a silly woman yet awesome that she follows Dispatch announcements. Just a personal moment I'm currently enjoying and felt like sharing.
I'll try and get my next post up by Sunday hopefully. Stay tuned and have a great weekend :)
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dispatchlife-blog · 12 years
Fall Tour 2012
Bought my tickets for Dispatch in NYC at Radio City Music Hall. Who else is going?
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