divinitysykes · 4 years
George RR Martin on Cersei's Walk of Shame
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divinitysykes · 4 years
There are other types of fiction
Something I’m learning more about recently is the category of Fiction Subgenre. We have all heard of Fantasy and Science Fiction, they’re two of the most prominent strains of fiction out there, but what else is there? These are examples of only just a few of them, to help broaden your concept of your own niche. 
Speculative Fiction- Frankly, I find the name a bit boring for what it actually represents. I started with this one because I have a personal leaning towards it. It is writing in a new, created landscape or environment. An alien world apart from your own. Not your hum drum daily human interest fiction, and certainly not techy enough to be considered Sci-fi.
Psychological Fiction- When the character’s inner self is his own undoing. Where you watch the mummy unravel from inside his own corpse, so to speak. 
Alternate History- The author creates a sort of, “What if the Rome never fell?” scenario and paints you a pretty, sometimes, picture of a present where that’s reality.
These are only three examples of over a hundred Fiction subgenres. I listed these out because on my own personal journey, I came across them unfamiliar with their meaning. If anyone is struggling to define their artistic style, I encourage you to research these for yourselves. 
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divinitysykes · 4 years
Submitting to Literary Magazines
It’s easy as pie to send your story off to one. You’ve taken your time, you’ve edited and you’re really invested in the story that you then get to place into a stranger’s open arms with the hopes that they will see as much potential in it as you do. 
Then they don’t.
Don’t get me wrong, the successes will come. After a hundred thousand rejections you’ll get your first yes. Revel in it. At this moment, I am still waiting for my yes- but waiting for it with baited breath. As I would watch a wave roll in to greet me, and lift me up out of the ocean. 
If God built you to do a specific thing, and you’re lucky enough to know your purpose (for me, it’s writing), then pursue it. Fight for that purpose like the third monkey trying to board Noah’s ark.
And brother, it’s raining.
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divinitysykes · 4 years
Christian Fiction
When we write Christian Fiction it is important to remember that the world in which we live is not a flat, 1 dimensional space. Nor does being a Christian mean that all our obstacles or challenges simply dissolve. Challenges can be used as modes of internal and relational growth, and are important for the characters to go through. 
Likewise, no character should be perfect. Even the pastors or the clergy men we write are going to have internal sin struggles, temptations, and day to day problems that just make them grumpy. 
Writing people as they really are is the source of inspiration for we broken people. It is not a bad thing to have good characters go through bad situations, thoughts, fears, or even actions. Sometimes it’s just what humans do. Show us how they’ll overcome!
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