dmctuesdayblog · 4 years
It is absolutely biting my ass that I never posted pics of Marabbecca aFJsdkafjlsakfjlskf
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dmctuesdayblog · 4 years
Fic Updated!
One chap to the end gamers!
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dmctuesdayblog · 4 years
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The Nero suit mod got me in the mood to have Clear join the fun. I might make the Tatzelwurm collar pins for myself!
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dmctuesdayblog · 4 years
Fic Updated!!
Been a while since I posted one of these, but we’re at 17/21!! I’m hoping to get some more work done before I go back to school, hoping to finish this by the end of February if all goes well!
Here’s the link: 
https:// archiveofourown .org/works/ 19362325
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dmctuesdayblog · 5 years
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Not gonna happen for a while (if at all lol), but some ideas for Clear in DMC5. And self-indulgent wearing of Dante’s jacket because why not LOL 
He’s wearing Nero’s shirt pretty much for the same reason that Lady wore one of Nico’s jumpsuits. I’m crying I can’t believe DMC5 gave Lady TWO girlfriends. 
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dmctuesdayblog · 5 years
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Some ideas for the DMC cast lol I’m trying to strike a balance between the anime’s designs and DMC4 which is uhhhh hard lol I will eventually color these. Hopefully. 
Trish’s outfit is very much based of Hyolyn’s in her DALLY MV, because honestly the croptop/big pants combo is illegally hot. Also I’m pretty sure Trish never changes clothes cuz she can snap them into existence, but look it’s my fic I can do what I want. 
Lady’s got one thigh out, she’s allowed, it’s a good design choice that’s my hot take. I’m too into DMC5′s design for her to not be inspired by that LOL oops
Is Dante wearing a vest because Vergil jsut died??? Is he wearing cowboy boots because he got them at a discount??? Idunno, maybe.
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dmctuesdayblog · 5 years
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fuccn OLDASS doodle from when I was planning things but it’s based off the banana cat meme which is one of my fav memes kfja skfjs
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dmctuesdayblog · 5 years
Fic Updated!!
We’re at the halfway point!!!! Chapter 10/20, babey!!!
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dmctuesdayblog · 5 years
Fic Updated!
Up to chapter 7, and everything is edited too!! Wao!
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dmctuesdayblog · 5 years
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Did some floor planning after dinner because I ate WAY too much lol So here is the Arms Race warehouse in it’s entirety, very badly drawn because I never too architecture as a class LOL 
The space is roughly 90% Dimitri’s. The bottom left is weapons storage where customer returns/builds go and eventually Clear’s Devil Arms (Grendel is stored there, along with EVENTUALLY Mundus Cereris when that gets finished lol Dunno about the rest of them, I think they’re just gonna end up in Dante’s basement.) Also between the two rooms Clear’s is slightly smaller, that is not me fucking up drawing two even rooms; actually I think I just drew Clear’s too big OOPS. Bathroom does not have two toilets, the one by the shower is a sink.  I did mess up drawing the shower to washer/dryer ratio tho LOL;;
Iiiiiiii don’t really want to transcribe my writing so hopefully it’s legible enough lmao
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dmctuesdayblog · 5 years
Fic Updated!
Chapter 4 posted! Gotta go edit-edit it later tho lol;;
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dmctuesdayblog · 5 years
Fic Updated!
Chapters 2/3 posted! Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series :3c
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dmctuesdayblog · 5 years
reblog from my art blog, I want to get around to coloring them all soon.
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My love of designing weapons will probably get me killed one day. But until then, it got me into art school, so have some wep designs for a DMC fanfic I’m working on lmao Favs are either Regalia or Grendel, hey capcom when you’re looking for DMC6 weps hmu ;;;;))))
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dmctuesdayblog · 5 years
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A couple of OG designs for Clear lol Not a lot changed, maybe I’ll give him the beauty mark back tho LOL There’s one other design I have from memory but it was lowkey based off the reboot and I Hate It so I’m not gonna redraw it lol
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dmctuesdayblog · 5 years
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I did this instead of finishing my cosplay today but I really didn’t want to sew and just wanted to draw Clear instead so-- 
While I could have been making Lux’s shirt, I was mastering the art of freehanding straight lines instead.
The main character of my fic, more information/explanation and translation of my messy writing under the cut ^^ 
First of all, I realize from early drafts his ponytail has gone through So Many Changes. I ended with it here because this is the most ‘realistic’ length. The notes on that are: 
- Hair is not quite black.
The reasoning is because V has black hair, and so does Lady, so Clear’s more of a brunet lol A lot of my reasoning is to make him stand out from the cast in his own way, while still fitting in. 
- Red is more ruddy than Dante’s coat and Nero’s vest. Primary color is grey. 
I made his primary color grey/black since up until Vergil in the reboot/new game, Trish is the only one who wore mostly black. I also am really fond of monochromatic schemes with a pop of color around the waist, especially in action series where people employ a lot of acrobatics and kicks and stuff cuz the color accentuates the motions nicely. I also gave Clear something around his waist to match the long-coat silhouette since he wears a shorter jacket than every other character. 
The reasoning for red as his secondary color is mainly because of his relation to Dante lol But also, the game uses colors really well within the Sparda family to show each character’s alignment, and thanks to DMC5 giving Eva a model we can now assume that red is the color that represents humanity. So, going off that notion, since Clear is fully human, red became his second color. 
Other notes on his clothes: 
- Layers make him look more bulky. Yes, those are moto-jeans, I am trash and accept it. Sheath 4 knives. Generic black combat boots (2lazy2draw lol srry...) 
Notes on physical appearance: 
- Height: 5′9. I wanted him to be a little on the shorter side compared to the other guys, so he and Lady are around the same height when she’s in her usual boots. 
- Built for speed/acrobatics, not like Dante and Nero’s more muscular build. It’s cuz he doesn’t claymore, bro lol. Not super lanky like V tho, kinda in-between. 
Because his primary weapons are a pair of knives, his fighting style is based a lot around hit-and-run, and block-checking his opponent. So, unlike Nero and Dante who just rush in swords blazing (literally in Nero’s case) and just destroy shit in a flashy manner, Clear actually considers a lot of actions and backs out if he needs to reset. 
The Tat: Custom made w/ maximum edge. Also is functionally a Devil Arm.
I’d say that’s a spoiler but it comes up in like, chapter 7 lol Design-wise, it has to be different from V’s so it only covers his arms/upper back/part of his collar and has much more color; it also doesn’t fade in and out of existence and So Far doesn’t give Clear a Devil Trigger (still deciding if I wanna do that or not tho). The current design was no where near what I was intending when I first started designing Clear, but I really like where it’s ended up. The tail was a spur-of-the moment decision. 
- Based off of Sin DT and Clear’s knives. Orbs and alchemic circles are featured.
The two sets of wings, tail, and then scales are what were inspired by Devil Trigger. The reason for basing it off Sin DT is because *lowkey spoiler* the tattoo is infused with Sparda’s blood retrieved from Nero. We don’t have time to unpack all that so the TLDR is the person who designed the tattoo was a heretical scientist from Fortuna. Also, the top set of wings is supposed to be more ‘feathered’ as a homage to how Clear initially was going to have something to do with angels/high-order demons. But I scrapped that idea pretty early on lol 
- Base of circle is a Directional Circle. Disposal nodes. None of these are real elements tho lol
I did my own research into alchemic circles and ended up basing mine partially on a circle used to make bread LOL But the intended use is deconstructing /redirecting energy from demon blood, disposing of the blood/remains, and transferring the energy left over into Clear to give him power. I’m not functioning with the ‘equivalent exchange’ mechanic of FMA, so it’s a little easier to say “these are the parts of the circle and it will do this.” As for the ‘elements’ in the six small circles, I was initially going to use Actual Elements, but finding the makeup of blood that wasn’t more than plasma, water, salt was proving to be too difficult for my feeble tired mind to handle lol So, I made up six 'elements’: the top one is a drop of blood/eye combined to represent blood, the one to the right is just a random design, the two on the bottom are orbs (one is upside-down and grinning while crying, the other is just surprised screaming), and the left one is two crossed S’s with dots that when drawn wrong just look like boobies LOL The one in the very center is based off the sun/moon array but with two moons crossed over to form an ‘eclipse.’ 
If you read all the way down to here, thank you for sticking with me! I hope you found any part of my creative process interesting ^^ I hope to do more concept art in the future !! 
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dmctuesdayblog · 5 years
Welcome to this blog! It’s a side from my main blog, that I’m just using to compile all of my art and extra content from this fic: 
https:// archiveofourown.org / works / 19362325 , It's Not Really Devil May Cry Until Dante Gets Stabbed!
It’s an OC fic set in the DMC universe, if the art interests you please check this out too ^^! 
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