doctorrex02 · 1 month
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please read this oh my god
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doctorrex02 · 2 months
Salty Lotus's Library
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This is the library I created for a DnD campain I'm running
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doctorrex02 · 2 months
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Kor'vin the yellow Corvid.
Kor'vin is a male in a society of switched gender roles. Living during a period of time where men are not allowed to join the military for the most part, though some slip through on occasion like Hatch'lok. After being refused over and over again. Kor'vin took advantage of the fact all his family had passed, to forgo his identity. He now crossdresses as a woman so he could serve his home and hopefully help make it easier for everyone to join the service and have equal trearment in the military/scoutting communities as a result. He was only recently old enough to join, so she has a long journey ahead. His plot was based on actully historical cases of this happening, of women pretending to be men to fight in battles. Such as Christian Davies, Deborah Sampson, Hannah Snell, and many many more. Part of the reason he wishes to fight is to defend children and families from the dangers of the underdark and protect young kids that were once like him from being orphaned in the visious cycle of death. He has yet to have been found out.
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doctorrex02 · 2 months
Important things
My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/doctor_rex_3654/
My Wattpad (It's all in spanish, good luck!): https://www.wattpad.com/user/rafaelsanchez11
My Youtube channel (if for some reason you're interested): https://www.youtube.com/@Doctor_Rex920
More things to come here, hopefully...
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doctorrex02 · 2 months
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Snowind used to be apeacefull town, a place of transit for those who travelled throug the cold north. But one day and witout prior notice, It began. A terrible nightmare from wich there was no waking up. Mighty snow storms, howiling winds and a cold loaded with evil.
In the mids of It all there's Ivar the Cold Whisper. A cursed warrior from the ancient past.
¿What kind of evil force has awoken him from his icy toumb and granted him power over the cold and the ice? Nobody knows for sure. Some say his spirit never left his body, and now he has come back for vengance against those who betrayed him in the past. The one thing that is certayn is that when It gets dark and the winds start to gain strangth, when the dead begin to crawl out of their graves and you see a pair of glowing green eyes in the dark of the night, It's already too late to save your soul.
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doctorrex02 · 3 months
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With its curious appearance and distinctive dorsal sail, Colorosaurus (which means blushing reptile) is a small sauropod that inhabits the forest and the coastal regions of Eden. Measuring 1.9 meters tall (6.2 feet) from toes to head, and 3 meters long (9 feet), it’s quite small in comparison with some of its bigger relatives and an easy prey for most of the giant predators. To fight this, Colorosaurus moves around in enormous herds of dozens or, in some special cases, hundreds of individuals. They’ve also developed a primitive but effective system of communication. Their beaks can create potent click-like sounds, and depending on the force of the click produced and frequency on which they’re emitted they can communicate basic messages. Another tool that helps this species to communicate are their sails. Much like modern humans today with our cheeks, Colorosaurus’s sails are filled with blood vessels. If threatened, these animals can pump blood towards their sails, which then turn a bright red, signaling any other Colorosaurus about nearby danger.
Usually, Colorosaurus’s herds spend the day foraging on the forest floor for conifer hard fruits or digging up roots with their claws. Their strong beaks are specialized in biting on hard foods. If applied enough force, they’re even able to crack open the strongest coconut. This makes Colorosaurus especially important for the conifer forest ecosystem. Given their large numbers and ability to eat the hard fruits of the conifers (like pinecones), they’re the main seed distributor for these forests.
Although their strong beak wouldn’t have any trouble breaking bone or penetrating skin, Colorosaurus’s first response to danger is running away. If cornered, the animal’s last response is to start screaming on a high pitch note, which can become incredibly painful to hear, even to the Colorosaurus itself, it also pumps more blood towards their sail while moving erratically their whip like tail on every direction.
The Colorosaurus scream, however, doesn’t have a threat purpose, on the contrary, it’s an invitation to any other predator that can hear it. This scream can travel a long distance, and upon hearing it, carnivores in the area recognize the sound of a prey. If the Colorosaurus is lucky and manages to entertain its pursuers long enough, there’s a chance a bigger predator may show up and start a fight over the prey, giving the Colorosaurus a chance to escape.
The only creature able to counter this tactic is the elusive Kajinurus, which will encase the Colorosaurus in a thick cloud of fog that will avoid any sound exiting the area, so it can have a meal all to itself.
During the mating season, the herds will begin a long and dangerous migration towards a specific island near the eastern coast of Eden. Slowly, the herds will start to congregate and temporally fuse, until there are thousands upon thousands of Colorosaurus walking in the same direction, pretty much like modern wildebeest and zebras do. Usually, a lot of predators travel alongside the big herds, waiting for the opportunity to catch any unsuspecting individual.
Once they’ve reached the coastline and get close enough to the island, they begin the most difficult and dangerous part of their journey. They need to swim about 1.5 kilometers of sea water (1 mile approximately) to reach the island’s coast. It is at this point where the biggest threat towards the Colorosaurus appears. Like clock works, Aiguillesaurus, a kind of mosasaur, congregates near the coast in big numbers, waiting for its prey to get into the water. The Colorosaurus are left defenseless, only the fastest and luckiest swimmers manage to get to the island.
Despite being vulnerable to the mosasaurs, Colorosaurus have the numbers on their side, so, eventually, the predators will become full.
Once they’ve arrived to the island, males will began to compete with one another, showing off their sails, filling them with blood and screaming as loud as possible. The first one to back down loses, and the winner gets to mate.
Once they’ve mated, most of the Colorosaurus will remain on the island for as long as it can sustain them, after that, the females will lay their eggs on the ground, and then burry them, leaving them to fend for themselves. The large herds then swim back to the mainland in search of food.
As for the small ones, they hatch in synchrony with one another, much like modern sea turtles or crocodiles, these little creatures make squeaky like sounds to trigger a mass hatching event. With the only natural predators on the island being pterosaurs patrolling the beach, these younglings spend quite the peaceful life in the forest until it’s finally time for the next mating season. Juvenile Colorosaurus will exit the safety of the forest and join one of the great herds into the mainland, and the cycle will repeat itself every year, returning to the very same island where they were born. Sadly, very few of them will ever return here.
It is because of these species and their particular life cycle that this island receives its name, Isla Colorado.
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doctorrex02 · 4 months
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Fourth in a series I of comics about protesting safety tips I made with @this.is.ysabel . This one is about the dangers of police surveillance and how to avoid it if possible. Keep being safe when you go out. Don’t get snatched!
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doctorrex02 · 4 months
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Making the ground shake there were It walks, mighty Mymachairiosaurus is one of the largest inhabitants of the grasslands and swamplands. This huge hadrosaur of almost 4 meters tall (13 feet) and a body length of 18 (59 feet), whose name means “blade nose lizard”, spends most of its time eating in small family units of no more than 5-7 individuals, composed of a bull, multiple cows, and their calves, which are jealously cared for by the herd.
The most remarkable feature of these animals are definitely their 2 big horns, which protrude from their heads, like those of a rhinoceros. These structures, composed of solid keratin, are used for defensive purposes. When threatened, Mymachairiosaurus will start to vocalize and shake its heavy head from side to side, showing their sharp horns to the enemy. Even though both male and female Mymachairiosaurus poses horns, it is the males who present the bigger ones. During mating season, the big and heavy bulls will fight against each other for the right to mating. Usually, the contestants will give each other headbutts and pushes, and if this fails to scare away the competition, they’ll begin slashing each other with their horns; the older males usually show multiple scars on their bodies, showing off the many fights they’ve survived. The winner of the fight becomes the bull of the herd, and earns the right to mate with the females, if a challenger were to win against the herd’s current bull, the new male will banish the calves that aren’t his, usually, chasing them away, but in some extreme cases, the new male could kill the calves.
Mymachairiosaurus will spend a long time taking care of their horns, constantly sharpening them against rocks and trees, for these structures never stop growing, and need to be worn down.
Given their enormous size, Mymachairiosaurus needs to be moving constantly, walking huge distances on the lookout for food. It is said that they think more with the stomach than with their brains, because they’ll crush forests or swim through the sea just to find more food. This is the main reason they’re so vital for grassland ecosystems, stopping trees from overgrowing and taking up the space of ferns and other low height plants.
Given their huge size and heavy muscular body, big predators will be wise enough to leave an adult Mymachairiosaurus alone, a juvenile on the other hand can be quite the easy meal for any lucky hunter. The reason why the mothers become extremely aggressive against almost anything that gets near the calf. Usually, a female Mymachairiosaurus will lay up to 5 eggs. After hatching they’ll be taken care of on a nest. Once the herd needs to move again, the little ones will leave with their mother. Sadly, most of the calves die during this period, and only the biggest and strongest manage to reach the first year; there are exceptions, of course, but seeing brother Mymachairiosaurus is as rare as spotting a unicorn.
Curiously enough, it’s the smallest threats, the ones that can make the colossal animals nervous. Even though an adult Mymachairiosaurus could crush a school bus with no problem, their heavy bodies are quite slow and clumsy. Small agile creatures can easily break the defense of these animals. When travelling through tropical forest, predators like Thanatoraptor will congregate in large numbers to try and take down one of these colossal dinosaurs. It is a horrid and slow spectacle, involving the helpless screams of the victim and the reverberant laughter of its tormentors.
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doctorrex02 · 5 months
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A long time since I uploaded something to Tumblr, guess I've been a bit unispired by... a lot of things. Anyway, I've figured, the only way to end this is by being creativly active.
For a long time now I've been having this ideas in my head. Restricted to me and me alone, that's how it's been for years. I don't like this, so, I decided to put some of this ideas out to the world for people to see. I really want so create so much, but I decided to start a bit small, and what better place to start that one of my big pacions, dinosaurs.
This is "Thanatoraptor", wich name (if my translation is correct) means bird of prey of death. It's a small predator, about 1,20 meters tall (3,9 feet) and 1,70 long (5,5 feet). It inhabits the tree tops of large and dark forests, from here, Thanatoraptor watches over its potential prey, and when It detects an oportunity, It launches itself over its unespected vyctim, attacking It with Its jaws and It's 2 sickle-like claws on its frontlimbs, wich have evolved into membranous wings. However, this are too small and weak to allow Thanatoraptor to fly, so the only purpose these posese is to allow gliding from tree to tree and mating. It's big eyes are perfect for seeing in the dark of night, when they're the moust active. Its prehensible tail helps them hold on to the tree branches, but are too short and week to holde their full weight, so they serve a suportive role to Its powerfull legs.
Despite the name, this theropods aren't direcly related to other dromeosaurs, given the fact that they lack the caracteristic sickle claw on its feet.
The feathers on Its head and the spots in the wings are used in the mating rituals, but can be also used as a threat display. Some escepcional individuals have eben developed bio-luminity on their spots, wich they then light up at nigh, to confuse and scare their prey.
Stay tuned for more content coming soon, houpfully.
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doctorrex02 · 7 months
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Been trying to improve my drawing lately. It took me a while, but finally I manage to get something i liked, what do you think?
This guy is an OC from a DnD campain I'm runing with some friends. I planned to make him a minor twist villain, but when I wrote his story I fell in love with this bad boy, and now he's pretty important. His name is Trevor, BTW.
Maybe I'll post some of his adventures here one day, who knows.
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doctorrex02 · 8 months
Something has angered him...
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doctorrex02 · 8 months
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doctorrex02 · 8 months
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I call this little guy Clicky. I was kinda bored and decide to upgrade this old thing. Something's coming...
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doctorrex02 · 9 months
Reblog the writers’ fortune cookie for luck!
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doctorrex02 · 9 months
Guess this is were you ask questions on tumblr (sorry, very new at this site). I've been following this entire "Ocean Idiots" thingy for a week now (I think) and, first of all, I'm such a big fan of everything you guys been doing (keep up the good work). Second of all, this is concerning the text you writed called "Bodies are Business and Business is Good" now, almoust at the end Heather mentions (just realized I have a word limit, gona try to be brief) is Varan this "associate" of Fachnan?
First, I'd like to say thank you! It's very appreciated.
Second, yes! Fachnan is indeed the mystery silhouette. We're still working on him from a design standpoint, but you're correct on all counts. He and Varan were indeed... associates. Partners even you might say.
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doctorrex02 · 9 months
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