doetomcatstag · 5 years
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Welcome to the Sappho Region! Are you ready to start your journey as a Pokémon master?
What is the server for?:
The server is a fun, safe place for sapphic people to interact and talk about pokemon
What is the server like?
We have tried to set up the server to be as close to the pokemon games as possible! We have Pokemarts, wild areas to catch pokemon, trainer battles, gyms to challenge, and even a professors laboratory!
Aside from the pokecord content, we have regular chat channels. The server runs like any other discord server where you can talk and make friends- we just have the added bonus of catching pokemon!
Who can join the server?:
This server is for sapphics only!
Must be 16+
Trans and nb inclusive (no terfs!)
How do I join the server?:
To join the server, please send an ask to @stuffulcuddles (off anon!)
If you have any question, feel free to ask!
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doetomcatstag · 5 years
there's a doe positivity blog that's trying to change the term doe to be for guys too bc "our community is gnc anyways" and am i wrong to feel annoyed about that??
yeah, i hadnt heard about it but now that i have im very annoyed 
doe is for bi women and bi nb people who are fem aligned, it definitely isnt for men. sure our community is gnc, and gender =/= pronouns, so bi women and fem aligned nb peeps can call themselves does regardless of pronouns, but no one who identifies as male should call themselves  a doe/tomcat/stag.
bi men have their own terms! theyre mage for feminine bi men, knight for masculine bi men and druid for androgynous bi men, including masc-aligned nbs of course, regardless of pronouns and bi men can and should feel free to use those terms! just because they arent as well known as doe tomcat and stag doesnt mean theyre less valid. 
but yea doe tomcat and stag are for bi women / fem aligned nb ppl only, pronouns dont matter but gender identity does and anyone who identifies as male should not use those terms. you dont see gay men using butch and femme, so why would bi men use doe tomcat and stag? ~ mod lily
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doetomcatstag · 5 years
Hey this might be weird but I've been trying to figure out whether I'm a tomcat or a doe, I'm not very feminine but also I'm not androgynous enough to like,,,, be a tomcat, and I'm definitely not masculine, so what do I do?
At the end of the day it’s what feels right to you! You also don’t have to fall under any of these labels if you don’t feel like they’re right for you. They were created to describe bi women’s experiences, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to use them. Just like not all lesbians are butch or femme, not all bi women have to be doe, tomcat, or stag. It’s a personal choice to identify as them, and you just choose which one feels the best for you. If you’re having trouble, look at posts related to them and see if any of them describe you or you relate to the experiences of the m
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doetomcatstag · 5 years
would i be a doe if im nb / androgynous and prefer to lean towards femininity ? or would that fall under tomcat? or neither? because of my complicated relationship with femininity (the whole subverting it thing seems to describe my frustrations and feelings on it) and gender i’m a bit confused. thank you.
At the end of the day, it’s up to you! I just say choose whichever one feels right and the most comfortable for you. You could use doe or tomcat or you could use the dove/crow terms as well!
If you feel like the subverting femininity describes you, then you might be a doe! Not all does are hyper feminine, they can present androgynously or a mix of both or however they choose. Maybe look at some other does experiences and see if you relate to them. Lots of them have complicated relationships with gender and could help clear some things up for you! 
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doetomcatstag · 5 years
I think I'm a doe but I don't match almost anything in that bingo thing lol
If you think you’re a doe, then you’re a doe! There is no “right” way to be a doe and you don’t have to like certain things to qualify as one. I made the bingo based on my personal experiences, and I know a lot of people relate to it, but a lot of people also don’t. I’m one of those does who loves pink and super feminine stuff, and not every doe is like that! There are many ways to be doe, and everyone is different!
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doetomcatstag · 5 years
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We gotta look out for each other
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doetomcatstag · 5 years
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Welcome to the Sappho Region! Are you ready to start your journey as a Pokémon master?
What is the server for?:
The server is a fun, safe place for sapphic people to interact and talk about pokemon
What is the server like?
We have tried to set up the server to be as close to the pokemon games as possible! We have Pokemarts, wild areas to catch pokemon, trainer battles, gyms to challenge, and even a professors laboratory!
Aside from the pokecord content, we have regular chat channels. The server runs like any other discord server where you can talk and make friends- we just have the added bonus of catching pokemon!
Who can join the server?:
This server is for sapphics only!
Must be 16+
Trans and nb inclusive (no terfs!)
How do I join the server?:
To join the server, please send an ask to @stuffulcuddles (off anon!)
If you have any question, feel free to ask!
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doetomcatstag · 5 years
idk if you'll do this, but can i get some stag positivity? i've been told that i should just call myself butch but my identity as a stag is really important to me.
Hey love! If you feel like a stag then that’s what your are! And no one should get to tell you any different. You’re a cute and strong stag babe! Keep being you! 
-Mod Liyah 
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doetomcatstag · 5 years
Maybe the reason the whole “soft wlw” aesthetic is so big is because we’re overcompensating for always being portrayed as sexy, or scandalous, or risqué. I feel like so many wlw, myself included, associate sex with women as dirty, or pornographic. We suffer internalised homophobia from having our sexual identities and experiences displayed and picked apart for others to find hot. Others, but never ourselves. This has caused an inherent sexualisation associated with sapphic women as a whole, which is really fucking awful, and I think that’s why “soft” wlw culture is so big, especially on this website - we are trying to stray away from being seen as pornographic, we are trying to reclaim the innocence and the tenderness we deserve to feel and to have associated with us and our relationships. There is nothing inherently dirty or sexual about being attracted to other women, and there is nothing wrong with having a soft, tender approach to being attracted to women, so long as all wlw keep in mind: there is also nothing wrong with being sexual with women. No matter how sexual. There is nothing predatory, or dirty, about finding women sexually appealing, or having sexual thoughts about women, or masturbating to the thought of other women, or being sexual with other women. You are not dirty. You are not scandalous. You are not pornographic. You are not for anybody else’s consumption. You can be soft, but you can also be as sexual as you want, and that sexuality is yours and yours alone.
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doetomcatstag · 5 years
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Goth Doe / Goth Tomcat / Goth Stag
I love the existing flags but im an edgy bitch so I made these, feel free to use 🖤🖤🖤
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doetomcatstag · 5 years
I'm sorry I have to make this post again but here goes, I'm a mental ill wlw who's on disability benefits for mental and physical stuff and I only have £15 to last me til the 6th (when I get paid), it's not enough for the coming weeks and I have no one to ask for help at this moment in time
If you could spare anything or if you can reblog this that would mean the world to me
my paypal: [email protected]
my ko-fi: ko-fi.com/hyhule
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doetomcatstag · 5 years
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Welcome to the Sappho Region! Are you ready to start your journey as a Pokémon master?
What is the server for?:
The server is a fun, safe place for sapphic people to interact and talk about pokemon
What is the server like?
We have tried to set up the server to be as close to the pokemon games as possible! We have Pokemarts, wild areas to catch pokemon, trainer battles, gyms to challenge, and even a professors laboratory!
Aside from the pokecord content, we have regular chat channels. The server runs like any other discord server where you can talk and make friends- we just have the added bonus of catching pokemon!
Who can join the server?:
This server is for sapphics only!
Must be 16+
Trans and nb inclusive (no terfs!)
How do I join the server?:
To join the server, please send an ask to @stuffulcuddles (off anon!)
If you have any question, feel free to ask!
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doetomcatstag · 5 years
Hey, I hear you’re looking for mods! Well, I am interested! I am a stag. ^^
Check out our mod application post and then you can send that in!😊
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doetomcatstag · 5 years
Hey are there masculine terms for stag, doe and tomcat?
There is knight and mage! @bi-identities has more info on them!
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doetomcatstag · 5 years
Terfs arent welcome on our blog!
Unfollow us and don't interact.
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doetomcatstag · 5 years
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behold the stag 🦌
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doetomcatstag · 5 years
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Doe bi here!! Sending love to the mods and followers!! <3
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