dragxnchild · 2 years
bathed in the sun this afternoon
I tried to clear my mind,
to think of the sweet warmth along my skin
but your face remained stuck to my eyelids
I shouldn't desire you so much,
craving to be touched like only the sunlight does
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dragxnchild · 2 years
their big eyes in the dark night
the only thing i hate as much as i love
lit by a thousand candles
whose glow pierces the darkness like a blade
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dragxnchild · 2 years
elle te prendra par la main
t'emmènera au bord du monde
là où il n'y a pas de limite
entre le ciel et l'océan
où le bleu des deux se confonds
elle te fera danser sur la surface de l'eau
pour te réapprendre à vivre
pour te réapprendre à aimer
pour te réapprendre à être
puis enfin tu verras dans ses yeux
qu'elle est toi
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dragxnchild · 2 years
courant le long du rivage
la peau écorchée par les bouts de verre
les yeux baignés de larmes
trébuchant sur les rochers
transportant au creux de ses bras
les fragments émoussés de son âme
que les ombres derrière le miroir
avaient terni au fil des années
un chemin vers la concorde
entre l'océan et la forêt;
l'un impétueux et envoûtant
l'autre mystique et ténébreux
et droit devant, le soleil
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dragxnchild · 2 years
à pas de loup, ne pas réveiller
l'oiseau qui dort à côté
celui niché dans le corsage
qui murmure au creux de l'oreille
"tu n'es rien, tu ne vas nulpart"
l'enlaçant de ses sinistres serres
les griffes plantées dans la chair
du sang noir tombant avec fracas
sur le sol jonché de plumes
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dragxnchild · 3 years
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“There Will Be Miracles” by  Andrea Frazzetta Christmas in the Democratic Republic of Congo
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dragxnchild · 3 years
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"When he died, all things beautiful and soft and bright would be buried with him"
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dragxnchild · 4 years
For her, and for the moon
The stars, the sky, the flowers, everything that the world had of more beautiful to offer brought me back unceasingly to her, to you. In a world where money and time are kings, you made me rediscover love and lose the notion of time. I was no longer afraid of emptiness, no longer afraid of tomorrow, no longer afraid of being alone, of this loneliness that devours the hearts of people who are constantly needy with love. You were all I had, all I desired, and more than ever I was close to nirvana. I touched the stars with my fingertips, nothing had been more beautiful, sweeter than the moments we shared and even in my dreams, your memory haunts me.
Fingers touching the white marble in front of the porch, she was waiting there. As if out of a painting, her pale skin seemed to merge with the moonlight. A slight smile lay on her lips. She was frozen in time and space. From behind the rose bushes came a woman with short brown hair and eyes as blue as thousands of glass crystals. The whole ocean seemed to be locked in the hollow of her pupils. The two embraced before disappearing into the woods hand in hand. They crossed fields of wildflowers before stopping at a ruined house that nobody remembers to this day. Except them. Their shelter from the world. Here nothing could touch them. They were alone but oh, as long as they were gathered, nothing else mattered.
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- you'll always be my treasure
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