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Excited to announce (super last minute) the christening of...
Snarry Christmas 2020 Writing Challenge!
This year, it’s a *create just to create* challenge. Post as much or as little as you want between Dec. 1st - 25th, 2020. 
No daily prompts. No deadlines. Just create.
Submission requirements: Pairing: Snarry or Severitus Time/Place: Holiday Season
What can you submit?  Pretty much anything! Fics / Podfics / Fanart
Visit Snarry Christmas AO3 Collection
Hope to see you there!! <3
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Under the Mistletoe
“Potter, what are you doing?”
Severus shifted his eyes up at the raven-haired man. “That that down, immediately.”
Harry had not-so-inconspicuously placed a small cluster of mistletoe above Severus’ office door.
“Do you know how many people frequent my office? Faculty and students?”
Harry considered a moment. “Well, we can’t have that, can we?” he smirked. “Come and help me then. I can’t quite reach it.”
Severus rolled his eyes. “Are you a wizard or not?”
“I don’t have my wand at the moment.”
As Severus reached for his own, Harry got there first. “Oh, no you don’t.”
“Potter! Enough of this foolishness!” How simple his life had been before Harry Potter. Though far less interesting, he had to give him that.
Harry gave him a mischievous smirk. “Help me out here. It will only take a moment.”
Severus massaged his temples as he glared at the man. “Ugh, fine.” Severus pushed back his chair, stomping toward the door. As he had expected, Harry grabbed his wrist before he could lift it above his shoulders.
“It would be a shame for it to go to waste.” Harry looked up at him, emerald eyes sparkling. The power he held over Severus with just one look.
“Potter, I—”
“Come now, Sev.”
“Professor Potter, then,” he teased.
Harry laughed, wrapping his arms around Severus’ slight waist. “You really are impossible; you know that?”
Severus let out a soft sigh. “Against all sense and reason—impossibly in love.” 
Harry smiled brightly, then quirked up an eyebrow. “So who’s the bloke?”
Severus’ hissed, trying to break free from Harry’s embrace, but the man held firm.
“I’m teasing. I’m sure Professor Binns would be flattered.”
“And I’m the one that’s impossible?” spat Severus, yanking a tough of Harry’s unruly hair.
“Ah! That hurt!” said Harry, rubbing his head.
Severus slid a single finger along Harry’s jaw before lifting his chin. “Merely a taste of what awaits you if you behave.”
“Never been my strong suit, now has it?” smirked Harry, pulling Severus closer. He slid a hand up the nape of Severus’ neck, lacing his fingers into his long hair. Severus shivered. “I love you, Sev.”
Severus kissed him, not the passionate collision of tongues and teeth, but sweet and gentle. Harry’s fingers grasped Severus’ hair as he deepened this kiss. The Potions master pulled back. Disappointment flickered in Harry’s eyes.
“I love you too.” He kissed Harry’s nose as he grabbed the mistletoe. “I think I have a better place for this,” he smiled. “Class starts in twelve minutes; you mustn’t be late.”
Harry let out an exasperated groan. “I can keep track of my own schedule, thank you very much.”
Severus gave him a knowing look.
“Fine. So I’m a bit daft. Better to be the cool Professor than the most despised of the entire staff.”
“That hurts, Potter. It’s taken years for me to earn such an honor. Now get.” He tapped Harry on the ass as he pushed him past the threshold.
“I’ll see you later then, yeah?” asked Harry.
Written for Snarry Christmas 2020
Visit original post on A03 here!
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The Snow-Mandrake
“Potter, what are you doing?”
“What does it look like I’m doing, Malfoy? I’m making a snowman.”
“That’s a snowman?”
“Wha’ d’ya mean?” huffed Harry. “Of course it is! It’s got a hat and a face...sort of.” 
The stones Harry had used initially had fallen off, so he carved one instead—very poorly. Draco bit back a laugh. It looked like a wailing Mandrake. Draco would have been impressed if it had been his intention.
Draco approached the lumpy pile of snow, lifting a mittened hand to his chin as if in deep thought. “I think it’s missing something.” He turned to Harry, snatching his Gryffindor scarf.
“Hey!” bristled Harry, clasping his hands around his bare neck.
Draco proceeded to wrap it around the Snow-Mandrake’s indeterminable neck. “There.” He smirked at the disgruntled boy.
“I’ve only got one of those, Malfoy! Come on, give it back. It’s freezing.” His cheeks were already chapped from the harsh winter breeze. He shivered violently as he tried pulling his cloak over his face.
Malfoy pulled the scarf from his neck as he walked up to Harry. Apprehensive, Harry took a step back, nearly toppling over as he lost footing in the snow. Draco grabbed the front of Harry’s cloak, keeping him upright. As his steely grey eyes stared intently into emerald-green, he wrapped his scarf snuggly around the Gryffindor’s neck. 
“Here. Now quit your whining.”
Shit, he was so fucking cute. Standing there all pink-cheeked with snowflakes in his messy hair—wearing Draco’s green and silver Slytherin scarf. 
Harry’s embarrassed expression only enhanced his appeal. He tugged at the scarf. “No, it’s fine. You can have it ba—“
Draco grabbed Harry’s wrist. “No. Keep it, Potter. I want you to have it.”
Harry stared at him skeptically. “Oh...um...alright then. Thanks, Malfoy.” Harry shrugged the scarf up over his nose. His eyes fluttered closed for a moment as he took in a warm breath. 
Was Harry...smelling it? Draco could not hide his blush.
“I...uh...better head inside,” said Harry.
Draco, realizing he still had hold of Harry’s wrist, dropped it. “Right.”
They stood in silence for a few moments. “I mean it,” said Harry softly. “Thanks.” The slight lift of his cheeks betrayed a smile as he turned from the blond, trudging up toward the castle.
When Harry was well out of sight, Draco retrieved Harry’s scarf. Though covered in snow, he ignored the shock of the cold as he wrapped it around his neck. The snow melted on his skin, leaving him wet and shivering. It smelled of peppermint hot chocolate.
Draco couldn’t help smiling, even as the icy droplets trickled down the back of his neck. The truth of it—he had never felt so warm.
25 Days of Draco and Harry: Early Bird Prompt F
See original AO3 post here!
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Yes!!! This was my first NaNo and I DID IT!!!
I started writing fanfiction in October and LOOK AT ME NOW! So proud!!
Congrats to all the other Winners this year!! <3
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A birthday commission of Draco Malfoy for JVB to accompany their drarry fic, Unseen - go and give it some love!
Join me on Patreon!
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More illustrations for my fanfiction stories! Kawaii Harry Potter. All the blushies!
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No Good Crying Over Spilled Potion
“Potter!” yelped Draco as the cauldron’s contents spilled over the table, pooling on the floor.
“Shit! I’m sorry!” said Harry, scrambling to right the toppled cauldron.
“Must you always be a clumsy oaf?” sneered Draco, checking his trousers for splattered potion.
Harry glowered at him. “It’s not my fault. If someone kept their hands to themselves…”
Draco’s grimace twisted into a playful smirk. “You cannot expect me to behave when you walk in here, dressed like that.”
“I’m wearing trousers and a jumper,” huffed Harry, rolling his eyes.
“Precisely,” purred Draco, brushing his lips against the nape of Harry’s neck.
Harry shivered, his hand slipping in the slick potion as he fell forward onto the table.
Draco growled at the sight. Harry, bent before him, his front and face covered with the thick, cream elixir. A delicious mess. Draco slid his hands under the soiled jumper and along Harry’s curved back.
Harry moved to lift himself, but Draco held him firm. “I don’t think so. Someone needs to punishment for wasting such a difficult concoction. It will take me days to replicate it. You’re lucky it’s completely harmless in its current state.”
Sputtering, Harry let out a soft moan as Draco’s hands traveled to Harry’s stomach, sliding painfully slow toward his waistband.
“Draco, someone could see,” rasped Harry, adversely lifting his hips in anticipation.
“Isn’t that part of the fun?” Draco’s fingers found the clear sign of Harry’s arousal through the thick fabric of his trousers. “It appears that you agree,” he growled, fingers to Harry’s waistband, pulling his pants and trousers to his knees.
Harry cried out at the rush of cold air licked at his bare skin. Draco placed a hand on the base of Harry back, holding him fast against the desk. Draco dragged his fingers through the spilled potion before grasping Harry’s throbbing erection.
Harry writhed beneath him, making pleading moans as Draco stroked him, slowly increasing his speed.
“Look at you,” said Draco. “How filthy you are.” His hand released Harry’s back to grasp a tight buttock, pumping his hand furiously along Harry’s shaft.
“Fuck,” Harry gasped. “Draco, I’m going to—”
Draco felt Harry’s cock pulse as release claimed him, splattering hot white liquid among the ruined potion. Harry collapsed against the desk.
"That felt...like..more of a reward," panted Harry.
"Oh, I'm afraid my fun has only just begun."
AO3 | No Good Crying Over Spilled Potion by Drarry_Quite_Contrary
November 2020 Drarry Discord Drabble Challenge Prompt: Potion WC: 394
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“Where’s my potion?“ 
"Draco,” Harry breathes, nosing at his lips, slipping his tongue between them. “Please. Just tonight.”
“I need my dose,” Draco says weakly, instincts unfurling in his chest at his lover’s scent.
“It’s been three years,” Harry whispers, “we’ve been so careful.“
Three years. Three long years since an incident had left Draco more beast than man—a tightly drawn tangle of flesh and voracity, a creature of the night.
"Harry,” Draco growls. He can hear it—the low murmur of crimson, just beneath Harry’s skin. It beckons, and Draco’s mouth waters at the memory of its coppery sweetness, of Harry’s pulse, throbbing wildly only to be reduced to a sated flutter once Draco had his taste.
The familiar pressure in his maxilla wanes as he takes a breath he doesn’t need. Trivialities like oxygen or water are just that—the single primal greed Draco’s body is wired to feel these days, is bloodlust.
“You can control it,” Harry whispers, bringing their hips together. “I trust you—”
His words are swallowed into a gasp when, in a flash, Draco flings them both onto the bed. Superhuman speed is one of the few perks his gift entails, among a plethora of inconveniences, the potion being one of them. Draco’s learned to control his hunger over the years, to keep it coiled and dormant at the back of his mind, and the Erythrite Potion ensures that.
But then, there’s Harry. Harry, who so eagerly bares his neck for Draco to feast on; who’s already hard and leaking under him, who begs so sweetly to be devoured. His musk is overwhelmingly strong now, and Draco’s fangs pop out on their own, their quiet slash making Harry arch under him. 
Gods, to be allowed to taste him, to tap the raw magic blazing inside those veins—he growls against Harry’s neck, possessive of what is given freely.
“Not here,” Draco whispers, licking off the sweat pearling under Harry’s ear. “I want you to wear it. Make it count.”
The femoral artery is his favourite, its blood like a light-bodied red scented with something wild, virile, and so unbearably intimate, Draco feels his cock swell as he buries his nose in the thick, dark hair at Harry’s abdomen.
Control. Stop when it slows.
Gripping Harry by the knee, Draco kisses the soft flesh. It smells like dinner.
And then, he bites.
This was written for The November Drarry Discord Drabble Challenge I had the immense pleasure of hosting and prompting for, all alongside the lovely @legendrarry (394 words, prompt: “Potion”).
[other stuff I wrote]
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This is absolutely adorable!! 🥰
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Smooching in secret places 👀
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Drew some 16yo Sev to accompany my Time Travel Fic!
Time Heals All Wounds
By Drarry_Quite_Contrary (me)
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lmao this is so embarrassing … all i can think about lately is drarry
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Draco by Lorandesore
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Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy
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Draco is bad at Muggle Tech
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Draco casting a Patronus for the first time ✨
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draco : i need a hug... from anyone.
pansy, opening arms : me.
draco : not you.
blaise, opening arms : what about me?
draco : lol, no.
ron, opening arms : m–
draco : nope, not the weasel.
harry, opening arms : ツ
draco : fucking finally.
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