dreambelievecreate · 2 years
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All our Dreams can true if we have the courage to pursue them - Walt Disney
  A dream is the theme of my archive in general. That is why I am so fond of Walt Disney and what the company stands for. All my photos tell a story of what the artist’s dreams tell, what I see in my dream and where I dream of being. 
Indeed, let your dreams come true because mine are and I cannot wait to tell you about them. Dreams never end but begin. Dreams to be me equal the touch of Disney magic, it is because I have grown up watching Disney, or I have grown an attachment with the ideal of what Disney stands for. To Make Dreams come true. With the wonderful magic of color, to reach out and find happily ever after, to find what we seek, and to let a bit of magic set us free.
Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopedia. "Disney Company". Encyclopedia Britannica, 27 Mar. 2022, https://www.britannica.com/topic/Disney-Company. Accessed 18 April 2022.
Disney World history. Magic Guides. (2021, August 27). Retrieved May 2, 2022,
Dreams and visions. Annenberg Learner. (2020, February 7). Retrieved May 2, 2022, from https://www.learner.org/series/art-through-time-a-global-view/dreams-and-visions/
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dreambelievecreate · 2 years
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San Antonio Botanical Garden- A Recent exhibition I went to this past weekend, I went there to oversee the natural wonders. I also wanted a gateway before my upcoming retreat. By looking over the beauty of nature I was ready for my retreat! This happens to be my last Monthly Archive for my current class. But, I hope I can continue to do this just for the fun of it. When walking in the garden, I realize this is my last semester in the Texas States. It has been a ride but it's time for me to find where I truly belong. Which is here in San Antonio. I will miss San Marcos but I will always have a special place in my heart and I will always be a Bobcat! Whenever you need a place to rethink, find peace or just smell the roses. Come to the beauty that is SA Botanical Garden.
It's has been fun! Core 2, and I can't wait to see where my journey will take me!
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dreambelievecreate · 2 years
Research Topic- Disney Animation
Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. "Disney Company". Encyclopedia Britannica, 27 Mar. 2022, https://www.britannica.com/topic/Disney-Company. Accessed 18 April 2022.
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Concept Map- Disney Animation
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dreambelievecreate · 2 years
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Core 2- Project Collections and Research - Library Scavenger Hunt Edition
A fun way to learn more not only about researches and collections but to use sources to find each book within the library!
Go check out your library !
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dreambelievecreate · 2 years
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Concept Map- Selena
Sources: Selena Research Collection, The Wittliff Collections, Texas State University.
Selena. Smithsonian American Women's History Museum. (n.d.). Retrieved April 17, 2022, from https://womenshistory.si.edu/spotlight/latin-music-legends-stamps/selena#:~:text=Sometimes%20called%20the%20%22Queen%20of,artist%20to%20win%20a%20Grammy.
Orozco , C. E. (n.d.). Quintanilla Perez, Selena [Selena] (1971–1995). TSHA. Retrieved April 17, 2022, from https://www.tshaonline.org/handbook/entries/quintanilla-perez-selena-selena#:~:text=Her%20career%20began%20when%20she,at%20weddings%20in%20Lake%20Jackson.
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dreambelievecreate · 2 years
5 Collection Archives
The Declaration of Independence: 
The Reason why this document is part of an important collection is because it stands for what we the people fought for today. This takes the principles on which our government and identity as Americans. Though it may not legally be binding but its is powerful. Our former 16th president Lincoln called it “a rebuke and a stumbling-block to tyranny and oppression” this is a reminder to inspire all around the world and fight for our freedom and equality. We all bleed the same, We're more beautiful when we come together. Let's keep it that way.
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Selena Research Collection 
This collection was created by Joe Nick Patoski, as he is writing about the tragedy of a well-known celebrity Selena Quintanilla-Perez. The collection of the Tejano Singer has clippings, manuscripts, interviews, photos, and more of the star's life career till her tragedy in 1995. If after the stars pass still talks of her death and her killer sentenced. Selena is a big part of my culture and as my role model, I wanted to include her in my collection to show how she inspired not only me of millions and still on. 
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Selena Research Collection, The Wittliff Collections, Texas State University.
John Williams- Star Wars
 This PDF tells us the story of how John Williams created the franchise collection music of “Star Wars” which jump-started John Williams career. Which made him the most famous score which is part of his collection. He then created more classics such as Jurassic Park, Jaws, Harry Potter, and Indian Jones. I like his work collection for I am a big score lover, and his work collection inspires me especially towards artwork. 
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12 Olympian Gods: 
The 12 gods of Mount Olympus were important deities in Ancient Greece, This collection is unique for most of my childhood its all I could hear throughout history and English class and I have admired them for quite some time, they are part of an important collection for all over the world they're statues, stories, and lessons throughout each of the gods. 
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Vera Bradley: 
         This collection is more popular than any other collection in the shopping business. Known for beautiful, colorful, bright, and quilt patterns on purses, bags, and suitcases. This collection was founded in 1982 and still thrives to this day in collaboration with Disney, Harry Potter, Peanuts company, and soon more! This collection brings a milestone in my middle school and high school life, it was a very popular item to own, especially the backpacks. 
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dreambelievecreate · 2 years
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Downtown San Antonio, Part of where I come from. Before I wouldn't have mention downtown, but the reason why I chose this place is because the other day I went down to celebrate my dad birthday and looking around I was truly amazed on the scenery. Fiesta was coming and every street was decorated and ready. I knew over Spring Break I had to chose one place and take pictures all around but it just didn't seem right but I got a chance to re-capture not only the beauty of San Antonio but our history. I wanted my final composition to express where I come from and to embrace the one time of year where we all come together and celebrate! Via Fiesta!!!
Market Square Downtown San Antonio
Location: 514 W Commerce St, San Antonio, TX 78207
6 Thumbnails, 4 Roughs
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Final Composition: I want people to understand the history, the fiestives, and the honor. The history of my beloved downtown, the festive of our city and how we never say no to a party, and to be honor to be born and raised in this wonderful city.
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dreambelievecreate · 3 years
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Purple, the color is known for its supernatural aura. Mainly because we can see this color within the galaxies above us. This color is known to be a royal color, if we look within our history we have never seen the color on food, locations only on the skins of our fore kings. It's also the symbolic color for Catholics I should know because I am one. It symbols Lent season, towards Good Friday and Easter. Jesus wore a purple clothe sideways during the time of his death because the guards were torturing him and calling him the “king of the jews”. For you see, Purple isn’t just the color of royalty but the color spiritually, magic, and dignity. Why you may be asking is purple so important, well without purple how can we see the color of blue or red? You need both to create purple. Purple could also mean love, but not the romance of love but a love that surrounds us. The flowers that bloom, the color of our bodies bruised, the color of the lighting sky that vibrates the world within the night. 
 James Turrell is an artist familiar with the color purple with which he has worked. “My work is about space and the light that inhabits it. It is about how you can confront that space and plumb it. It is about your seeing, like the wordless thought that comes from looking into a fire." Turrell is known for working with color, light, and space. He wanted to use purple to create a vibe within the light and space a more volcanic cinder cone to bring the color to life. He wanted us to find a connection within the color as if were closer to the sky or the air around us. Breathing in the air consumes the color and we inhale it. 
   Afterimage, Now you see it and now you don’t. Is that what we're saying about the color purple. There indeed are positive and negative when coming to the color purple. In the article, we see a live photo of the color transform. In a way, it's going around and comes around. The positive shows are retained in the illusion of original pictures whereas the negative is most likely to encounter with the original. It may not make sense, but it does when you look at the image. Each color has both a positive and negative if you look deep within it. 
So again the color purple, a supernatural color? A romance color? What type of color is it? That's up to you. How do you see the color purple? You tell me...
cred: https://www.superblue.com/artists/james-turrell/
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dreambelievecreate · 3 years
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I was given 3 warm tone color gels to take pictures. Though many  have done a scenery instead I chose to take pictures of the classic Broadway movie “West Side Story” (now streaming on @Disneyplus) 
It’s one of my favorite love stories.  The colors went so well with my camera and I love this project being inspired to use a kind of filter and take pictures of something amazing. 
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dreambelievecreate · 3 years
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The Artist Who inspires me Is “Frida Kahlo”, She is well known here in Texas and Mexico. I admire her personality and artwork not only because she's a woman but because she is proud of her culture as am I. I am proud to be Mexican and not many people would shout it out to the world. Growing up I was consumed by what culture I stand by. Now I do, And not only is Frida Kahlo proud of who she is, but she also didn’t care about who or what people say about her or her artwork she did what she believed in. All my images and sources are from my hometown. I am glad both the McNay and the Botanical Garden are admiring and displaying how Frida Kahlo is an important but art and Mexican culture. I look forward to letting my future students know how important she was in the world of Art. 
Cred: McNay Art Museum, Botanical Garden San Antonio, Public Library Photos
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dreambelievecreate · 3 years
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Dear Color Walk, 
 I decided to write my post as a letter because when on my walk, I felt like writing a letter to the color that I envisioned. Of many by believing the color I saw was blue, crème, or green. No. the color I saw was White. Why? Well, not only was the sun out and shined but I also what was pure within my walk. Pure is a strong word but to me, it's a word not many know or under the meaning of the word. What was so pure about my walk is that it's a place where I feel free where I can think and refresh my mind. Yes, it's an outlet mall but coming there brings memories and those memories are pure. White is a color I saw and loved in my walk. I got to see people with shopping bags and people sitting and waiting or catching a breath underneath the mask. It was all so calming and peaceful and enjoyable day to let go of troubles and to remind not only others but of myself that seeing or being pure isn’t a crime, it's actually better it what God would want to me. Don’t all want this peace and purity within our day. Though at the end after looking at all the colors around me feeling the colors of the wind, I inhale not the air of my world but the air of the colors that surround us. I will always admire all the colors around me looking forward to telling each story because I know it's not the end. 
   Sincerely, Me 
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dreambelievecreate · 3 years
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We created our own color collages, One thing about me is that I love to do collages and normally I would do the colors Pink, Purple. But I chose Blue because for a while now I’ve been feeling blue. And deep down I do like the blue but more of a pastel blue. 
 This activity was a bit complicated for me to find this color scheme through magazines and anything lying around my house. I do wish to continue to do collages because it embraces who I am and shows that I am very into Pop Culture. 
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dreambelievecreate · 3 years
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10 reasons why this color represents me: Iridescent
1.  the colors reflect my emotions change how I see the world all the colors of the world. 
2. The magic beyond the color, my whole life is magical since I am a Disney girl I truly feel like a princess on the inside. The magic is calling and they have received the call and I’m ready for more magic. 
3. It reminds me of my favorite Disney song “Colors of the wind” Pocahontas my favorite Disney princess and who and what she stands for. She sees the world as do that we are all equal, no one is different. “ We need to sing with all the voices of the mountain. We need to paint with all the colors of the wind”.
4. it’s my childhood, I was born in the 90′s and grew up in the 2000′s and sometimes I look back in my videotapes to see the times I grew up and I am forever grateful for my childhood and what lies ahead. 
5. It tells how I am most of the time is dreaming, It my one of my favorite words, because it’s something I’ve always enjoyed when sleeping, which is to see what dreams lie ahead for me. 
6. I will never forget who I am and what I am meant to do, I’ve climbed the hard mountain and I’m still climbing. Life's a climb but the view is great. 
7. it’s my color of love, not just love romance but the love I feel inside and out for my family, my friends, and even my dog 
8. my voice, and how much I love to sing, and when I'm on stage or even in the shower, I feel free and just sing with all my heart and embrace one hidden talent I have and to soon show all. 
9. Takes me to where I feel I belong within a fairy tale, and want to feel like every day is a fairytale.
10. It’s how I see my future, ready to see, hear and feel how my storybook truly ends. And I know it’s going to end at Happily Ever After. 
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dreambelievecreate · 3 years
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What if I was to tell you, by creating this box screen that I would be able to see what lies beyond the tiny hole of light that lies within. 
“The Unknown” is what I call my vision because it’s what I saw really, I could the screen upside such as were in “upside-down” I only imagine how strange it is to see this upside-down how could we live like this. Well, unless were bats then maybe. If you hear the score song “The Egg Travels by James Newton Howard” yes, it is from a Disney film but who cares. Listening to the score and sketching this piece as I saw the action within the music made me soar as if I’m supposed to draw this and see that is art piece is unknown. 
 The last two picture is one sketch on my sketchbook, the other is my iPad by using procreate app, I do miss sketching on the sketchbook and sometimes I draw off the sketchbook to remind to never stop drawing but lately, I’ve been drawing more on my iPad, maybe its because almost everyone is doing it but I think its because one day when I’ve becomes a teacher all my students want to do digital media. But I hope drawing on paper will also be kept alive because I will keep it alive like the artists before me. 
What if I was to tell you, by opening my sketchbook reminded me who I am and what my passion is for my life and what lies ahead for me? Well stay tune till next time. 
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dreambelievecreate · 3 years
 What is love really, is there types of love that we do not know about? What is the meaning of the word Love, and where did it come from? 
  Maggie Nelson “Bluets”  is a book that I find quite interesting that is that it’s not ordinary. She numbers all her opinions by category. Such as #10, “The most I want to do is show you the end of my index finger. Its muteness”. What she talks about is to be both confusing and understanding. It’s not about the color really is about what comes with the color from my point of view. How do you display such a color, does it have felt like me and you? How is it that this color is so loved compared to others all around, what makes it so special? 
 What is grief? if not love persevering? a quote that is quite popular but very true to us all, I believe Nelson is trying to get our attention about something small that not most of all understands. What is the meaning of “color” who created color how can we see such an amazing vision? Shades of warm tones, light tones, etc. 
In my beginning intro, I ask you what is love? well, what does it mean to you? it’s the same as asking what is color, and what does it mean to you? For if love is an emotion well what is color? isn’t it a part of our lives? Think about it. What is it that makes love just as special as color? 
Novel: Bluets by Maggie Nelson, 2009 
Quote: Marvel Studios “Wanda Vision” 2021
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dreambelievecreate · 3 years
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Claude Glass Drawing, whoa! Was this hard! This was a challenge because I have never done anything like this before and I kind of liked it. Of course, being at home I keep walking around my house to see what frame picture to use and I used the one in my room ( the Twilight Poster). 
This brings my childhood believe it or not! I grew up with Twilight along with Hannah Montana. I wanted to do more but just observe it in the dark but the challenge isn’t it? 
The second one is in my sister’s room a ballerina to inspire her to keep on dancing, the ballerina was cute and easy to see but I couldn’t get her face but I got most of her body. 
I really enjoy sketching I missed drawing on paper I mostly do it on my iPad. but maybe it’s time for a change. 
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dreambelievecreate · 3 years
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Have a little Faith, Trust, and of course Pixie Dust! 
  This project is one of the most beautiful pieces I’ve seen in person and online. Disney is a part of my life is something I hope one day to work for.  How I encountered the work of Disneyworld’s 50th Anniversary is #1. to celebrate the 50th birthday of Walt Disney's Greatest Achievement one of the most popular parks in the USA. #2. To celebrate by creating 50 golden statues of the most beloved characters throughout the world of Disney and of course the Walt’s Statue. #3. For such an event here in Orlando they also re-designed the castle for the 50th anniversary and a brand new firework show such as projection and lights and of course fireworks. 
Disney is a big part of my life and I’m so glad that I got to experience this in person and see it through other people’s eyes. 
“ If you can dream it, you can do it”  - Walt Disney
Photo Cred: AllEars.Net, News 13, laughingplace 
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