dreams-in-charge · 4 years
This is absolutely perfect! I really loved how you portrayed him. And I can totally relate to the reader in here.
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gosh same honey,,I was gonna play the golden deer route but changed my mind and just replayed the blue lions route again ;-;
this ask,, has me in tears it’s so cute and fluffy and I love it (pls guys send all your Dimitri requests and fluff and angst bc I love him)
➼When people think of Dimitri, they think of a kind young prince who’s ideals are quite chivalrous. Tons of girls swoon at the sight of him, as he’s as good looking as he is sweet.
➼Many speculate what his future spouse will be like. Perhaps as upstanding as him? Someone who believes in justice? Maybe even someone that’s ready to fight at his side, confidence being their number one priority!
➼...Or they could be you.
➼Shy, meek, weak hearted, and a bit of a recluse. The exact opposite of the boy you have feelings for.
➼Because of your quiet nature, you often fade into the background. More often than not you’ll find yourself in the back of the class, face aflame as you gaze at Dimitri. You aren’t even sure he knows you exist despite being in the same class, and while that’s disappointing, perhaps it’s for the better?
➼Of course, your very obvious feelings don’t go unnoticed by Sylvain and the rest of the Blue Lion House. His three closest friends find you one morning in the dining hall, dragging you to the training grounds to discuss romance.
➼The entire time you’re there consists of you being bright red, burying your face in your hands while Ingrid and Sylvain try to brainstorm on ways to confess. (Felix keeps trying to leave, but is dragged back in every time)
➼You insist you don’t love the prince! They simply thought wrong! There’s no need for them to help you confess because there’s nothing to confess! You shuffle away and quietly apologize for the trouble, running a hand through your hair shakily.
➼But that conversation gets you thinking; what if you did tell Dimitri how you feel?
➼That day during the lesson, you somehow end up making eye contact with Dimitri himself. He smiles kindly, waving before going back to his lesson. And all you can do after that is practically melt in your seat and try to find out what his favorite tea is.
➼That night, you lay in your bed, gazing at the ceiling while gripping a paper and quill in your hands. You really hadn’t thought this through. What would you even write? ‘We may have never talked but do you want to have some chamomile and maybe kiss?’ What could you do?!
➼It takes all night, but you manage to at least write something that doesn’t sound completely atrocious. Slowly, you place your initials at the bottom of the paper and swallow the lead taste in your mouth. The worst case scenario would be him not knowing who you are at all, and even if he did thoughts of rejection were sticking to you like a bad cold.
➼You wrap the letter in a ribbon, quickly finding Byleth and asking them to deliver it for you. The professor smiles at you and will gladly accept your request, already heading off to find the leader of the blue lions. You scramble to keep up, quickly hiding behind a pillar once they find Dimitri in the entrance hall.
➼He looks surprised when Byleth hands him the note, carefully unwrapping the blue blow and starting to read your confession. You want to cover your eyes so you won’t be disappointed when he throws it away, but can’t stop yourself from looking in case he does... well, anything else!
➼You watch his expression shift from neutral, to surprised, to that of a bashful smile, and then suddenly going very red! He slams a hand over his mouth and stares wide eyed, turning straight towards the pillar you’re hiding behind.
➼You almost faint, but quickly move back and grab the edge of your outfit in fear. Had he seen you? Hopefully not. Had he accepted your invitation to a tea party later today? Hopefully so.
➼And so you escaped from the entrance hall, entering the dining hall and starting to brew his favorite tea. You kept an eye out for the prince as you made preparations, praying to the goddess he didn’t show up and interrupt your plan.
➼(What you didn’t know was that the entire class was keeping him preoccupied while you readied everything. Dimitri was never one for subtlety and Ingrid had seen the whole thing, so she took action and gathered the rest of the students to keep him busy.)
➼And so the time came. You sat in the garden practically on the verge of a heart attack, unable to even eat the pastries you yourself had laid out. The teacup shook violently in your hand as you sipped some to pass the time. Your nerves were completely uncontrollable by now.
➼“My my, you really did everything S/O. And you even brewed chamomile! My favorite!”
➼You stifle a terrified scream when you feel a gentle hand reach from behind you and move a stray strand of hair behind your ear. You turn to the prince, absolutely speechless as he flashes a charming smile at you. He had actually come!
➼He takes a seat across from you, face lightly dusted red and staring at you with an affectionate gaze. You open your mouth to speak, but click it shut and suddenly feel your face growing increasingly warm. “I-I-I didn’t think you’d come!”
➼“Of course I would, S/O. It’s only natural I should tell my beloved that I feel the same way, should I not? Really, I’m surprised you noticed. I kept my crush on you hidden rather well, don’t you say?”
➼You choke, covering your mouth with your hands and stifling the coughs. You don’t need to see yourself to know that you’ve probably turned purple at this point from embarrassment and happiness. A giggle escapes your mouth once you realize the situation. You had both had a crush on each other without the other knowing! How in the name of the goddess had that happened?!
➼You hear Dimitri chuckling, and you look up to see the prince gazing at you dreamily. His hand reaches over and grabs yours, watching in amusement as you stutter while the blush on your face starts to travel to your ears.
➼“Ah, you‘re always so adorable, my love. Now, how about some tea before it gets cold? I want to know all about you, so let’s stay here for as long as we can together, ok?”
➼(You two don’t see the rest of the class and Byleth watching from the monastery windows cheering you both on and giggling at your young love, but hey, some secrets are just meant to be kept, right?)
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dreams-in-charge · 4 years
I absolutely love it! The wit of Donna and the picture of them in my head made me laugh for minutes.
A Noble Ship Embarks
Pairing: Tenth Doctor/Reader
Warnings: None but the bad title, which you’ve made it through! You did it!
Summary: Donna Noble knows attraction. Donna Noble knows romance. So when the two idiots she travels with can’t see that they’re meant to be, it’s up to Donna to put the pieces together. 
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Donna Noble was, by nature, a highly suspicious person. This, in spite of her track record of missing the finer details—suspicious fiancés, planetary invasions. That time she’d worn that one top inside-out for a month (it had looked better that way anyway, so honestly? Kudos to blind intuition). 
So maybe she couldn’t rattle off the name of each planet in the universe like a certain beanpole of an alien. Maybe she couldn’t half-understand the Doctor’s ramblings like his other bright-eyed companion. But she could definitely, one-hundred-percent tell if a certain beanpole and a certain companion wanted to… to… dance around the maypole?
God, never mind. The metaphor got away from her.
Point: Donna Noble wasn’t blind. Unlike the lovable, frustrating, absolutely dense idiots she traveled with.
She’d been hesitant to label things, at first. Maybe she was over-reading the situation, too set on seeing what she’d wanted to see. Because of course she wanted to see it. The two of you deserved to be happy, more than anyone she knew, and wouldn’t you make just the cutest babies for her to spoil rotten—
“Oh, what did you get?” you asked, eyeing the strawberry-tinged cone in the Doctor’s hand. You three were out for ice cream on Pirth. Walking down the longest boardwalk in the universe (roughly the length of Texas, the Doctor had said), a sea breeze flapped at your clothes and the bright banners hanging off stall fronts. Donna kept having to rescue her hair from her bright blue snow cone. The Doctor’s ice cream glowed crimson, with little swirling, amber currents that looked more like lava instead of a fruit puree.
“Mount Olympus Mons Mango and Mocha,” he said, over-enunciating the M’s. Donna would bet five pounds that he’d based his whole order on alliteration. The big dork.
You wrinkled your nose. “I can’t tell if that sounds disgusting or delicious.”
“Here,” the Doctor offered. “Try mine.”
“You sure?” you asked. When he nodded—something about his blank face struck Donna as far too forced, his nod too fast—you accepted the ice cream, juggling it with your own. The Doctor’s brown eyes never blinked as your tongue darted out and swirled around the cone. His cheeks seemed to grow pink, and his hand was shaky when he took back the dessert.
Donna’s brow furrowed. She watched the pair of you as you walked a few steps ahead. Yes, she’d slowed down to… spy a little. It wasn’t as crazy as it sounded, shut up. Laughing, you licked your lips, then said you still weren’t sure about the flavor. The Doctor chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck.
Donna nodded to herself, half her hair inside her ice, mouth stained turquoise, and let out a low “Hmmm.”
“Can I drive?” you asked. You were leaned across the TARDIS console, head propped up on your hand.
The Doctor looked down at you, and his mouth pulled up into a smirk. “You. You want to drive the TARDIS?”
“Oh, it can’t be that hard,” you replied. Donna knew that she’d better settle herself in for another endless round of ‘platonic teasing between friends.’ She watched the two of you from where she was sprawled out on the rickety console chair-thing. Flipping through her magazine, she began eavesdropping. Which was completely normal, thank you.
“Can’t be that hard?” the Doctor scoffed. “Little cocky, aren’t we?”
“Well, you’re always mucking it up, but I think I could handle it.” You flashed him a grin, then surprised him by imitating his signature wink. Donna had to swallow her snort when the Doctor’s comeback faltered, stuck staring at you. Eventually his big ole brain rebooted, and he cleared his throat and began explaining some swirlymajigger. What a massive goof.
Of course, Donna knew all about this sort of thing: the light flirting that could suddenly catch up with a person and make their stomach drop. She knew how friendship and banter could lead to the rumpy numpy, Humpty Dumpty. Donna Noble understood hidden attraction. Donna Noble knew romance.
All right, so she’d seen it on the telly, back off. It’s called living vicariously. God.
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dreams-in-charge · 4 years
Pairing: 10th doctor x Neutral!reader
Warnings: maybe light signs of depression, fluff and something to shake sad thoughts away
a/n: Felt the inspiration this evening.
Sometimes, we just need someone to make us feel alive. And sometimes, we need just the right stranger to listen.
Your eyes followed the movement of the water in front of you.
The reflection of the water captured itself in every wave, every sharp turn and curve of the surface as you followed it.
In that very moment there was nothing inside of your head.
It felt numb and empty, no thoughts at all, no emotions, just empty.
This day was especially hard for you. So much was done, but needed to be done. Like the other days before that, and before that, and before that... How long was it now? You stopped counting.
The muscles of your body felt tense as you sat there on the bench, right in front of the pond. A duck family made it's way across the surface, disturbing you from the almost trance like state of numbness.
How you longed to see the ocean right now.
The deep blue see, waving, shooing you with the depth of it. With this calming energy to bring you down from the high of stress you even felt in that very moment.
The sunny day burned your eye, the laugh of children drumming in your ears.
Yes, it may be a seemingly wonderful day, families making picnics under the blue sky, green all around you. How you hated it.
The bags under your eyes showed your distress and oh, how glad you were about the empty seat beside you on that bench.
Or were you?
Closing your eyes you tried to zoom out, to the ocean right before your eyes. Endless, blue, deep, calming... And the stars above that. Endless...
There was movement behind you. The sound of grass being pushed down onto the ground and the light movement of the bench, the light warmth of a body sitting next to you.
An annoyed groan almost left your lips. Couldn't you have a moment just for yourself? You deserved it after those stressful days.
“Hard week, ey?”
Surprise was the only emotion that came through and pushed you to open your eyes. The water surface shined like before, maybe a bit brighter.
The first you noticed about him was his smile. Those little corners of his mouth, upturned. Next his nose, up to the bridge between his eyes, his brown brows and finally – his eyes.
Brown like the earth but shining like the stars you always imagined yourself laying under.
He seemed to understand your confused eyes watching him and his mouth opened, his brows pushing upwards.
“Oh hello, sorry. Didn't mean to disturb you that much” he said. His brown hair seemed to point up and you questioned yourself, which hair gel he might usw. “I – uh – just saw you here, all alone.”
This stranger was confusing.
His eyes were only focused on you and you needed to hold yourself back to turn around. Maybe he meant someone else? But no, you were the only other human being around the area.
Which confused you even more.
But not more than that happy smile he gave you.
“Uh... What?” was all that left your lips, eyes blinking to watch his smile stretch a bit first, then turning and making him frown a bit.
“I know a sad human when I see one. And you my dear, look just like you need someone to listen to ya.”
Did you believe it? No. Did you want to believe it? More than anything.
This absolute stranger just asked you how you felt. If everything was okay.
How should you answer to that? Did you even have an answer to that?
It was a miracle that he even noticed you, let alone the state of mind you were in.
Your gaze lingered on him shortly, then returning to the water in thought. You didn't know what you wanted to say. Or you didn't know how you should say what you needed to say.
“Just a stressful week, I think.” you returned, not looking at the handsome stranger next to you. He could plan anything for you knew. But he seemed satisfied with your answer as he hummed, trailing his eyes from you to the ducks in the pond.
One little duckling dove down and almost vanished under the water, until it rose to the surface again.
“Beautiful, isn't it?”, your confused gaze returned to him, “The water I mean. Deep and alive. Making everything else alive.”
He was really strange. But you somehow didn't mind strange.
“Made everything possible. Every being. Did you ever see the ocean?”
You liked this one.
The picture in front of your eyes shifted to the beautiful wide blue you needed to see right now.
“Magnificent. Wide and endless. You know what? You should go and see it right now.”
Brows furrowing the picture vanished, but seemed livelier than ever before.
“''Mean it”, there was that smug grin again. The twinkle in his eyes. “Go there. Do what you need. Do what you want, the world is big and waiting. And there is so much more. I can tell you, that vacation will be life changing.”
And he had the audacity to wink at you!
How could he say that? It was cruel of him to just ask of you to throw everything out at once just to do a stupid vacation. There was so much work-
Damn, he had a point, didn't he?
“What are you saying? I can't just leave everything. I don't even know you” you said, without much resolve. What were you doing?
“Not yet. Or maybe now you know me, and I know you. Always so confusing, ya know?”
You wanted nothing more than that. A moment to breath the fresh salty ocean air again. To wash your lungs and your head.
“What's holding you up?”
What was holding you up?
Making excuses all the time.
You wanted to say something again, but that twinkle in his eyes, the warm and, god, caring smile on his face swiped every word on your tongue out of your mouth.
“You're so fragile. And I can tell you, there is much more out there for you. Just you wait. Everything will be well in the end. The world does not end just because you need time to breath.”
Lips pressed together, hands pulled on the fabric beneath them, were that tears in your eyes? Frustrated, stress, everything.
Your eyes returned to those of the stranger, a warmth on your lips, but he understood anyway. He understood you.
“Thank you.”
“'Course. That's why I'm here.”
“No, really. Thank you.”
You stood, on both legs. Maybe not upright and shaky, but you stood.
“You should come and see the ocean too” you told him and the grin on his face returned full force. There was this silent plead in the air, the question of “Will I see you again?”, obvious but not demanding.
“Oh, you know. I come around, here and there, believe me. I will be there in no time at all” he returned, standing too. Now you noticed how tall he actually was. “But now! You, my dear, you need to go.”
Now you noticed the stupid grin on your face too. My dear? How strange. You liked that. You were strange too.
“And no excuses now” he said as he winked again, shooing you on your way. The right push here and there didn't hurt. And as he heard your “See ya by the ocean!” his two hearts jumped with happiness.
The gaze of his brown eyes lingered on your form, almost running until you vanished behind the corner of a tree, making your way to get some fresh air.
A proud smile lingered on his face as he made his way back to the blue box, hidden behind a pack of trees in the lovely park.
You were already there, waiting for him and leaning against the time machine, watching him emerge.
“How was your vacation?” he asked, the twinkle in your eyes, older than the version before, making his hearts beat happily.
“Oh, you know, I came around. Was here and there, believe me. And now come on, you mad man. I want to see the ocean again!”
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dreams-in-charge · 4 years
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dreams-in-charge · 4 years
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dreams-in-charge · 4 years
Slytherin: *gets into the kitchen of Huff, everywhere cute things, details and food, towels with tiny sheep and flowers on them*
Slytherin: ...
Hufflepuff: *smiles nervously*
Hufflepuff: What?
Slytherin: *turns to Huff, full on straight face*
Slytherin: I will always protect you, you precious wonderful being.
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dreams-in-charge · 5 years
I really loved it! Especially the connection to all the different doctors.
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Requested by @brbraisingcain
war veteran!reader specific. Starts out very serious and ends on a somewhat silly note because we’ve been too angsty here lately. This is a little sloppy because I wrote it in about ten minutes, but I was in the mood for speed-writing so this is what you get.
If the Doctor had ever asked you, you would have proudly told him that, yes, you had served. You were a soldier. You were one of those people who he sneered at because they held guns and took orders. You would have shoved your service record in his smug face when he acted like not using a gun or disliking salutes made him so morally superior. But he didn’t ask, so you didn’t say anything. You just waited for him to notice, and you knew the look on his face when he found out was going to be worth however long your silence lasted.
That said, the fact that the Doctor didn’t know about your military background was the only thing keeping you from slapping him. Both of him.
Well, there were three of him, at the moment. A future him and a past him. The future him, Eleven, was actually being less irksome than the present him, but they were both being rather difficult. And that was all because of the past him.
His past self, the Warrior, was achingly familiar to you. You liked him, too, as much as you liked every other version of him. And, as brusque as he acted, you had caught him shyly staring at you when he seemed to think you weren’t looking. They called him the Warrior, but all you saw was a man who just wanted the fighting to end.
And the Doctors were acting like it was all his fault. Their behavior wasn’t as surprising as it would have been if you didn’t already have the gist of their dynamic as different versions of the same man, but, oh, the anger you felt blindsided you. You hadn’t expected to feel like this, like there was fire in your chest, just because one Doctor sneered so derisively at another. But the anger was there, and you had to focus mainly on breathing evenly and not slapping either of the Doctors.
That got a little more difficult when you were all confined within a small space.
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dreams-in-charge · 5 years
Pairing: 10th doctor x Neutral!reader
Warnings: - (pure fluff?)
a/n: Felt bad for the one before, making it up. Really need to write more fluffy pieces...
A light-headed little adventure with the 10th doctor that ends up with you both laughing and maybe, just maybe a little bit more...
The door of the TARDIS nearly broke with the intensity the doctor pushed it to close, seconds before a hoard of not-so-happy-looking-aliens crashed against it.
Even with the danger of the situation, everything that struck the air around you seemed to be the laughter of the both of you:
The doctor and his wonderful companion; you.
“Did you – did you SEE their faces?” you laughed, almost tripping over your feet with trying to breathe and getting fresh air inside of your lungs, while also pushing all of that out at once with laughing so much.
With the biggest grin possible the doctor rushed past you, instantly grabbing what seemed to be a lever and a compilation of many different buttons. His brown, gravity defying locks wiggling up and down with the movement of his head.
“I mean, what did they expect? For me to just stay there and ignore that OBVIOUS big, red button? Come one!”
You joined the doctor at the console as the TARDIS moved, hopefully leaving the angry minions behind in a cloud of dust. That was when the doctor turned to you, all giddy-biddy-happy.
“Aww, I wanted to press it first! And you know, these will be vicious, huge things in a few thousand years” he told you, watching that glimmer in your eyes burn for anew, into – again – a big laugh tirade.
Your mind flew to the little gremlins you've seen before, the biggest of them not even reaching your hip, with their big heads and ugly faces. You couldn't contain yourself.
“Oh right, sure, I will look out for them. I mean, I could've just picked them up and tossed them around like a rubber ball. But I'm just too nice for that.”
“Mhm” hummed the doctor, still grinning from ear to ear and leaning against the console, pushing his hands inside the pockets of his coat. “You did kick one on the way to the TARDIS like, what do you humans call it, a football.”
“Oh yes, don't even start with that. I was just protecting myself” you said, smiling your best angel-like-smile at him, making the doctor chuckle again.
Sometimes you were everything but that, however, the doctor kept his mouth shut. Even with his more than protective sense for you, he liked the thought that you could protect yourself in such situations.
After all, he already worried to much about you.
You were an independent human being, totally able to protect yourself from others. Especially against tiny gremlins, shaped like a ball.
There was the thought again.
“Vicious, huge things?”
“Oh, yes, definitely. May have stumbled upon them a couple of times, billywig, evolution did great on them. Still furious buggers, may remind me of you” the doctor rambled, still concentrating on your shining eyes that were locked with his. The two beating hearts inside of his chest danced together a sinful melody when you grinned at him like that, with that look. That look of mischief.
Oh no.
“Of me? Doctor, but you know that I'm the innocence in person. Where would you get such an idea?”
All that running and the fun, laughter and joyful energy within and around you made you brave. Brave and teasing, but you couldn't help it. That annoyingly smug grin on the doctors face, the way his eyes flew over your flushed red cheeks, your still messy hair from the adventure...
How you wanted to take those skinny hands of his, out of his pockets and into your own. You imagined how warm they would be like every time he joined them with yours.
With every thought and an amused grin you leaned forward towards him, making him stumble a bit over his own tongue. He didn't like it, but somehow... He liked it.
“Oh, yeah, yeah of course. No – I mean” he stuttered, keeping his eyes on you when you took his hand out of his pocket, joining it with yours. “Nowhere. OF COURSE from that football kick. Brilliant, if you ask me.”
The grin returned to his face, together with yours.
“Especially brilliant, really. Not that you're not brilliant as you are – I mean...”
With a huff, a frown appeared on his face, making you laugh again and squeezing his hand.
“Don't tell me, I, a mere human, made the doctor speechless!” you grinned, stepping away from him to give him the time and space to regain his usual I-don't-know-what-you're-talking-about-composure.
“Well, obviously not! Did you ever see me speechless?” he began to ramble again, watching you dance around the console towards him.
“Oh I did and it was – how do you always say? - brilliant.”
That got him to pout, moving himself closer to you and taking your hand again in his, now him pulling you towards his body, making your one heart stumble inside of your chest. He had that look again, that glimmer within his brown orbs.
“You humans are cheesy little fellas, aren't you? Sometimes, these mouths of yours will get you in much trouble, I can tell you.”
Oh, that was the perfect line for you. Brave as you were in that moment you sorted the perfect, flirtatious line in your head, tasting it on your tongue a second before, trying the heaviness of it.
“Well, our mouths can do so much more, I can tell you.”
With that, both of the doctors eyebrows were tugged upwards, surprise and amusement flowing through his veins as his eyes settled onto your oh so soft looking lips.
Maybe you were right, he wondered and kept his gaze there, where it should not belong.
But, perhaps it does? He wasn't sure.
At least you were and your heart swelled with all the happiness your teasing brought you. You caught his glance to your lips and couldn't say that your eyes haven't travelled to his at all.
“Oh, I can imagine, believe me...” was all the doctor, in all his glory, could whisper. This time, it was you who was speechless.
And his lips...
They looked slim but welcoming and as you both were so fixated on each other, both of your hearts jumped into new highs. Adrenalin flushed through your body, everything you felt was so intense and not shortly after you felt the doctors hand on your hip, helping his other one to keep you flush against him, maybe to pull yourself towards him even more.
The hot breath of him caressed your lips and cheeks, softly like you wanted him to do. Swallowing, everything it would need was for you to lean forward to capture the air from his lungs again, to close what kept you apart.
His heavy lidded eyes searched yours, with his fingers gliding over yours, until they travelled towards your lips again. There was no time lord in that moment, only a lonely man in a box, wanting to touch something he wanted for the first time. And he would, if you allowed him to.
The brain of him was silent, no thoughts running and it was marvellous.
Then it snapped a little as you moved forwards, instantly shutting his eyes close and waiting for the contact he wanted and needed from you.
Only to get it onto his left cheek.
Not where he wanted it, DEFINITELY not where he needed it.
The look on his face was glorious as you pulled away a bit, grinning and glowing with happiness and mischief you, oh so tormented him with.
“Gotcha, doctor.”
Pulling away you tried to hide your rapidly beating heart and the flush of your red cheeks behind that smile of yours, but the doctor had none of that.
Absolutely none.
With one tug of his arm your body spun around, facing him and in the next heartbeat his lips were joined with yours. Every breath you took before was needed, every little drop of air, as the patience of the man in front of you slipped into nothingness.
It was everything and none at the same time, new but just as you expected it to be, everything. Up to the point where you were the stumbling damsel, the moment you waved your fingers through his hair, shaping it without knowing.
The slightly chapped lips of his made the butterflies looping and the slight tug on your hip towards him made you jelly. There was nothing you could do but lean into the curve of his body against yours to get as close to him as you could.
Too soon, much too soon for your liking, you couldn't feel him against your lips any more and it made you pout. And the time lord had the audacity to grin and say:
He got you.
“Okay, okay, I get it. I'm a bad human. But, maybe, we could get back to where you stopped?” you began, smiling that angelic smile in the arms of the 900 year old child. Making him and yourself laugh again.
“That's why you remind me of them. Always so vicious with me.”
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dreams-in-charge · 5 years
Pairing: 10th doctor x Neutral!reader
Warnings: angst, sadness
a/n: I've been long gone, but I have returned! With a rather... Sad piece. I hate myself too for that, I know.
The doctor couldn't save you. Well, he had. By taking him from your memories, by bringing you back to earth, to your old home. That didn't mean it hurt him any less.
You were back.
But were you?
Where were you exactly?
Oh yes, you seemed to remember now.
Groaning, you buried your head in your hands, trying to remember – no – trying to ignore the paining headache you had.
Maybe you drank too much? With the one glance you've got to look at the dark night sky you tried to sort your thoughts and piecing the puzzle pieces together.
Night, with a headache, your hair a bit of a mess and your limbs feeling like they would collapse with you onto the cold street under you. Oh yes, maybe a harsh night in the club? Maybe that was it?
Or a quiet night, reading a book and taking a calming walk outside to sort out your emotions? Maybe. You felt that you came close to the answer, or what would seem like the most reality driven one.
The truth was: You had no idea.
With a look at your watch, just beneath your left hand, your brows furrowed. It showed you 11:45 am. Ridiculous. With another glance to the stars above you you were sure, exactly persuaded that it was everything BUT that.
Maybe you needed to switch out the batteries? However, it seemed to be perfectly fine. Well. Not knowing that too.
Your eye travelled around you, trying to sort you into where the hell you were. Relieve washed over you, the environment was definitely familiar to you. Maybe two blocks away from your home.
A cold breeze careful kissed your skin and your body seemed to turn around on it's own accord. You were alone. Or more likely, the feeling of loneliness caressed you.  
Something was missing.
Had you forget something?
It was strange, how your eyes squeezed together and far from you, protected by the dim light of a street lamp, there he stood. He? A tall figure.
Somehow, within this darkness of the stars you were, the warm light blinded you. In the short moment he was there and you watched him, something flickered within yourself.
You couldn't see his face, no matter how hard you focused. But everything was blank as the headache pumped and hit you with every flow of your blood inside your head.
He didn't want you to see his face.
The long coat sent a shadow over him, the spiky – maybe dark? - hair on his head being the only detail that would allow you to remember him. Remember... You forgot something, did you?
Something important.
Your glance moved from the stranger, only for a moment to sort your thoughts and escape reality ��� no – you meant the burning headache – he was gone.
The headache stayed with you. Even when you turned towards him again, or rather the lonely glowing street lamp within the night. Your aching heart stayed with you. But did it only ache because of the cold?
Well, you thought, I should better get home.
There was nothing to hold you there, maybe the stars above you? But those seemed too far away.
Turning, your head was empty of the shadow you saw, you followed the stars to lead you back home, into the warmth.
And they watched you. Those brown orbs, with every starlight in them, watched you go, further away from him, without any thought on him left. They followed you, watched you from above, protected you.
His heart ached too, as you took it with him.
One last touch of your lip stayed on his hand, one last touch of his lips stayed on yours. He had tried, but like every time – like every millisecond in the whole time string – he couldn't save you.
You went without him, he stayed without you.
Maybe, he told himself, maybe there will be one universe, one timeline, one doctor and one person of his.
Maybe one of his forever.
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dreams-in-charge · 5 years
Morning, my love
Pairing: Newt Scamander x Neutral!reader
Warnings: ~
a/n: Sorry for not posting this long! I'm currently extremely busy, because I'm stuck in learning for my exams this weeks. But finally, I've found some time to write for Newt again!
Morning sun is kissing your dreaming skin, while the warmth of your love engages you … And once hated mornings turn into beautiful moments.
The dream you had was wonderful.
Everything you could dream of awake and the wish you held, compromised into these tiny moments of sleep that were always pleasant with him at your side.
The warmth of his arms reached you, even with your mind far away. In the place you were in, you looked into the blue sky, watching the tiny clouds make their way towards the horizon. They looked like the softest things you have ever seen and you could feel it, as one cloud seemed to fly just above you, making it possible to touch it.
With a big smile across your face you leaned into the embrace of your beloved, right next to you. Newt Scamander, with his shiny eyes, that seemed to kiss you without his body moving. The green grass you were lying on twirled in the soft breeze that played the leaves of all the plants around you both, leaving you with the sound of the great orchestra, nature itself.
Everything was perfect as you saw some of his creatures surrounding you, sleeping in the warm sun. The niffler was curled up on your stomach and seemed to enjoy your calmness, deeply slumbering.
But your eyes were glued on Newt, with his shy smile that swept you off your feet. Butterflies made your stomach twirl, your heart seemed to greet him with it's fast beat and you had the feeling he could hear it.
Nothing was said, jet every word you could think of was spoken.
The ginger next to you read the warmth in your eyes, while you enjoyed the glimmer in his blue eyes … Or were they green? You could loose yourself in the colour. Sometimes they seemed like the wide ocean, sometimes you could swear you found nature itself in them.
Your body seemed to move by itself, lifting your left hand to touch his cheek and whisper sweet nothings to him. The touch of yours was soft and asking, while he leaned into the warmth of your palm, closing his eyes. Laying his bigger hand on yours, squeezing it and smiling at your chuckle.
And as his eyes opened again, meeting yours, you both seemed to lean in slowly, savouring the moment. Both of your thoughts twirled around the other, meeting them, while you closed your eyes to feel his warm breath on your lips.
Your heart took over your mind, while his slightly chapped lips moved on your soft ones. The love you felt for this wonderful man made your mind fussy and your body bloom, as you leaned into his arms.
And that was the moment you seemed to return from your pleasant dream, feeling your real body again, feeling the movement and warmth of the arms around you. Smiling, you noticed the real lips of your lover on your own, returning the movement with a soft hum.
Your body seemed to slip out of it's dreamy state, moving your fingers through the soft curls of the ginger hair.
Everything was perfect again, as the light of the morning sun shone through the curtains, symbolising a new day to learn new great things. The window was open and the breeze of your dream made it's way into the room, exploring everything with eager.
The lips once locked onto yours separated from them, still lingering near. Your once tired eyes opened and saw Newts beautiful orbs, looking at you with all the love he could give. He was so near that you could count every freckle on his face, something you've done many, many times before.
“Morning, my love” were his first words, whispered against your soft lips that wanted to taste his own again. Smiling, you comped through his locks, wanting this moment to last forever.
“Good morning” you whispered back. Your voice was still weak from the long sleep and the chuckle you felt from his torso was enough to kiss him again.
His lips were soft and loving, marking you as the most important person in his life. You were the flower that blossomed at the mere sight of him, showing the beauty of it's colours. Every morning was a wonderful morning with you right next to him. He loved your relaxed face and always wondered, what dream you would be in.
“I've dreamed about you” were the next words coming from your – oh so delicious – lips. His curious eyes found your again, as he still felt the loving form of them on his.
“I dearly hope that it was a pleasant dream” he replied, hugging you and pulling you towards him once more. Laughing you snug your arms around him, feeling save and loved in his arms.
“Every dream, with me sleeping in your arms, is more than pleasant.”
Kissing the top of your head, Newt runs his fingers through your hair, taking in your sweet smell. He smiled, happiness blooming in his chest, because he could say the same about you.
“May I ask what the dream was about?”
Your eyes closed again, relaxation taking your body for anew. Remembering the dream, warmth spread through your heart and a smile made it's way onto your face.
“It was a beautiful day outside … With a shining sun, nature around us, while we were laying on soft grass with your wonderful creatures sleeping around us ...”
“That truly sounds wonderful” Newt whispered, smiling to himself because of the picture in his mind. The peace of the moment reached him and he wished to experience it with you in reality. And with a quick glance outside, to the promising weather, there might be a chance to let that come true.
“Yes, it indeed was.”
You snuggled even closer into him.
“What do you think of making it reality?” he asked, looking at you and smiling at your relaxed form in his arms. “Although I can't promise to make my creatures sleep like you've told me.”
Chuckling, you met his gaze with your own and felt true happiness spread through you.
“That would be wonderful.”
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dreams-in-charge · 5 years
This is all I need.
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dreams-in-charge · 5 years
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lord of the rings + the hobbit wallpapers pt.2
like/reblog if use💓
(request are open!!)
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dreams-in-charge · 5 years
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"Thranduil is the hot one"
Watching "The Hobbit, Battle of the five armees" and stopped just at the right time.
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dreams-in-charge · 5 years
Slytherin: *grunts inside the bathroom*
Hufflepuff: *looks inside the bathroom*
Hufflepuff: What's wrong? It sounds like you're murdering someone.
Slytherin: This fucking soap i hate it so much i want it to die i hate my life WHY
Hufflepuff: The container is empty, isn't it?
Slytherin: Goddamn, YES
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dreams-in-charge · 6 years
Fantastic Beasts
What he loves
Morning, my love
Love and authority Part I  // Part II // Part III
Doctor Who
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dreams-in-charge · 6 years
Love and authority II
Pairing: Newt Scamander x Female!MacusaPresident!reader
Warnings: ~
a/n: This is an image for the idea of : “IMAGINE Being the President of MACUSA and Newt falls for you“ by @imagination-of-fictional-men .
This is part 2 of “Love and authority” that I decided to upload again. This, because of problems that it didn’t show up properly.
There will be part 3, the last part of this.
Newt and you lingered in the thoughts of the other one. The recent attacks of – whatever it was – caused you to take action in form of a conference. But with Newt's secret revealed in front of everyone, you couldn't help him this time … Or could you?
As the owl with the letter reached you, you sat on the chair in your kitchen, making yourself breakfast and thinking about the mysterious man you met just yesterday:
Newt Scamander.
You wanted to get to know him better. You wanted to experience him. You wanted him to call your name again, with this beautiful thank you on his seemingly warm lips.
But your thoughts were stopped by the owl, landing in front of the window with the letter, that caused you to immediately make your way to the building of Macusa, calling out to every ministry in the magical world.
Rushing into your office, there were already different Aurors gathering inside.
“Tell me everything. Now.”
And they did. They told you everything you needed to know as the President of Macusa. About the death that occurred in the evening on the day before. The No-Maj that lost his life because of an invincible force, killing him right on the spot.
This is it.
This would be as far as it gets.
And you would make sure of it.
Right now, one of every country sent a wizard to you, gathering in an emergency conference. You, in front of everybody, looking at the body floating right in front of you like a ghost.
You've got too distracted by that man. And this was the consequence you needed to deal with. Maybe, just maybe, if you had taken this man with you, fulfilling your duties, you could have stopped it.
But you didn't know what could have been. You needed to learn out of your mistakes.
You needed to do what needed to be done, informing every important person on the conference about the latest happenings in New York and discussing a possible solution for this chaos.
“This is  serious matter that threatens to expose us all” said the Swiss delegate, Heinrich Eberstadt. His eyes roamed over every person gathered, lastly you.
“Proud words of the man that let Gellert Grindelwald slip out of his grab” was your remark, looking right at him and returning his gaze with authority. “You cant' lecture me.”
You needed to have a good look on Eberstadt.
But your gaze lifted from him to the hologram of the dead body, floating in front of you.
“I think the most important thing now is to-”
But your word were cut short as Tina Goldstein stormed into the hall. She seemed stressed, but something like the faintest of a smile lingered on her face.
Instantly, your eyes were on her and you stopped as you recognised the case in her hand.
“Madam President, I'm so sorry to interrupt, but this is critical-”
She stopped, just now realizing in what she ran into. Every eye was on her and her confidence seemed to get less and less. Everyone was silent, all too occupied with the surprising behaviour of the Ex-Auror.
“Mrs. Goldstein. I hope you have a good explanation for your rude and surprising intrusion” you said, with the thought of Newt in the back of your mind. Worrying what she was up to. No – you knew what she wanted to do.
At first, Tina looked at you with a nervous look. But she seemed to remind herself of the urgency of what she was going to say. So, she gathered all her confidence, stepping forward and looking directly at you.
“Yes, Ma'am. Yesterday, a man arrived in New York City, with a case full of magical creatures. And – unfortunately – some of them escaped. I hope you remember the person I brought to you yesterday?”
Of course you remembered him.
You actually had the chance to take the case from him that was placed in Tina's Hand right now.
But you didn't take it.
Your (e/c) eyes shifted to the case you remembered all to well, thinking about the man the first time after the letter arrived. Memories tumbled through your head, bringing you the same rapid heart-beating you experienced in his presence.
“Where is he now?” you asked, without any clue of the storm of feelings that raged inside you. This situation needed you to keep your cool, to act like the President of Macusa you were. Especially in front of the many wizards of the different country's.
Tina took one step forward and sat the case onto the floor.
You instantly knew.
She seemed to knock on the lid of it, taking a cautious step backwards and waiting for something – or rather – someone.
After some seconds, the case seemed to open itself from inside and a nervous looking Newt emerged. At first he didn't seem to register the situation he was in, as all eyes were on him. After him the No-Maj Jacob Kowalski, laughing at first, but realising the same thing Newt did.
Newts eyes landed on you and stayed. Taking you in, but with a nervous and cautious look in his eyes. You, on the other hand, tried to not really look at him for more than two seconds.
On the one side, the ginger man was glad to see you again. You, who roamed in his thoughts for the last hours, turning his heart into a roller-coaster. On the other hand … This was not (y/n) in front of him. This was the President of Macusa, Madame (y/l/n).
That was when Newts gaze flickered to the British Envoy. Rumours were heard inside the case, but you were just half listening. Something with 'Theseus Scamander? The war hero' and 'No, this is his little brother'.
You were too focused on the burning feeling inside your chest as you knew that you couldn't cover him up.
Not in this situation.
And never again.
Yesterday was a one-time-thing. Nothing you could do again, or you would risk your position. Especially not in front of all these gentleman.
So you did what you needed to do and braced yourself for the impact.
“Goldstein, who is this man next to Mr. Scamander?” you asked. Acted. No suspicion.
Tina instantly turned back to you, focusing on your question.
“This is Jacob Kowalski, Madam President, he's a No-Maj who got bitten by one of Mr. Scamander's creatures” was her answer, immediately causing another discussion to arise.
Newt's eyes found yours again, after roaming around the different persons in the hall. The pleading glimmering inside them left your heart aching, making you wonder how he could have gathered so much power over you.
He already had a chance.
Turning your eyes from him to the floating hologram of the dead body in front of you caused him to follow your gaze. Gasping, focusing on it, seeing the horror of the damage done.
“Merlin's beard … !”
Pretending to not really know this man, you needed to react on him.
“Is this the work of one of your escaped creatures, Mr. Scamander?”
Newts green eyes shot to you, biting his lip, then turning his gaze again to the hologram. He knew what you needed to do. He knew about your position, about your duties and that he had big luck yesterday. But his feelings couldn't accept this, hoping for his beasts that you would at least keep them safe.
The ginger was helpless in this situation. He didn't want to risk your job, but he needed to think about his creatures too...
“No creature did this, Madame President. And please, don't pretend to consider this option ...” he said with a short look towards you, disappointed about your words. “You must know what that was – I mean – look at the marks ...”
That was when your eyes flickered to the dead body, focusing on the evidence Newt pointed out for you. Trying to figure out what could do such things, until an idea struck you.
“An Obscurus ...” you breathed.
Muttering broke out, everybody seemed to be alerted at this point. Much so, yourself.
But that couldn't be.
“This can't be possible. There can't be an Obscurial in New York ...” was all you could say, pressing your lips together and looking through the different faces of wizards around you.
Everyone looked at Newt like he was insane, but with worry in their eyes. Some didn't believe him, some considered his thoughts. But with or without the truth, you knew that you needed take the case away from him as a symbol of at least some security and authority.
Sighing, you looked at Mr. Graves, who seemed as alerted as everyone else. Although there was a strange feeling you've got, your instincts telling you something you didn't understand.
“Mr. Graves. Take that case away from Mr. Scamander.” Panicked, Newts eyes shot to his case as the said one was gone and next to Graves with a flick of his wand.
“No ... No, no, no, no, no!” was all he muttered, taking some steps towards you until he, Tina and Jacob were forced to their knees. Spells hit them, forcing them into the strange and weak position, wands flying out of their hands.
“Madame President – this isn't right!”
“I decide what is right and wrong ... And I can't let you roam free with your creatures threatening New York.”
Your eyes met Newt's and you hoped he could at least see the true feelings buried inside of you. The silent plead, the silent scream of him to trust him with this, reached you.  But it wasn't possible.
“Mr. Scamander, Mrs. Goldstein and Mr. Kowalski. All of you are under arrest” you said, as Graves stood with the case in his hand. Shoving the screams of the ginger into the background of your mind, you stood tall above them.
“No, please – don't hurt them. You need to understand – nothing in there is dangerous! Madame (y/l/n), you know that!”
Breathing in and out you shook your head, breaking Newts heart in the process. Rumours went through the hall, all about suspicion that you may know this man better than you wanted to admit.
“We will decide that, Mr. Scamander” was all you could say, trying not to look into his pained eyes, as the Aurors surrounded them, wands in hand. “Take them to the cells. We will decide what happens to them later.”
Trying to block out the desperate cries of Newt, you turned your head to the side, closing your eyes and breathing in and out. You needed to keep calm, despite the pained feeling spreading through every pore of your body.
“Don't hurt those creatures – there is nothing in there that is dangerous! Please don't hurt them – they are not dangerous ...! Please, they are not dangerous!”
As much as you tried, all your attempts to ignore the pleading cries of him failed and caused them to rule your head even more. So much, sitting on your comfortable chair, trying to work through the papers in front of you couldn't keep them away.
Sighing you leaned back and allowed yourself a break, but no true break. Was that the right decision?  
Remembering the look Newt gave you made you flinch, making you feel his pain anew. The feelings in your chest told you that you needed to help him. But the reality was different: You needed to think about the safety of the wizarding world and the non-wizarding world. You needed to think about you.
But a tiny part inside of you made you stop.
You had heard him shout your name, the last word from him before the silence.
Burying your head in your hands, you considered your options:
You could just get along with your life. He was one of many, just one wizard in this world, his beasts roaming free in New York. Maybe, just maybe, it is better like this.
Maybe is a strong word.
Maybe everything he said was true. That you needed to help him, even risking your job, because it is the right thing to do. And you had the feeling that only Newt Scamander, the man and his beasts, were able to find the remaining creatures.
You felt it, you felt the decision you would make.
Until a knock at the door of your office made you stop. A young wizard came in, one that was just in his development to become an auror, and he was looking concerned.
“Madame President, I apologize for this disturbance. But I have a message from Mr. Graves.”
“It's all right. What is it about?” you replied, finally sitting back in your chair, looking at the still nervous man in front of you.
“It's about the wizards and the No-Maj in the cells. Mr. Graves questioned them and saw Mrs. Goldstein and Mr. Scamander as a danger for the wizarding world. He made the decision to sentence them to death.”
Your heart stopped for a minute, your eyes growing big. But then, everything seemed to move faster and faster inside you, a fierce piercing rage bubbling inside you, mixed with concern.
Concern about Tina, one of the best former Aurors you had, and of course the man, who left you with your thousand thoughts of him.
Newt Scamander.
And you knew what you needed to do.
Like Queenie Goldstein and Jacob Kowalski new what they had to do.  
Hearing the thoughts of her sister and the strange man, Queenie immediately needed to take action. She just got the case out of the office of Graves, with the help of Jacob, the No-Maj she became so found of.
Every nerve in their body's tingled as an alarm got off in the distance, causing many wizards to run around them, some into the opposite directions. They didn't know what happened, but they had no time to really care about it.
Just as they turned a corner, they saw strands of (h/c) in the distance and Queenie stopped. Jacob nearly bummed into her, making a surprised sound.
“What's wrong?” he asked at first, but followed her for him beautiful eyes towards a woman, making her way to them. And he recognised her. “Oh no.”
“Mrs. Goldstein?” you asked her and she held the case behind her, blocking your sight of it.
“Yes, Madame President?”
Eyeing her suspiciously, you immediately knew what she was up to. With the sight of the No-Maj behind her, trying to look into another direction and hiding behind her, with the case in both of her hands.
You knew about Queenie's ability to read minds, about the alarm that went off and the execution of her sister and Newt. It was easy to place everything together and your analysing look on her softened a bit.
The blond woman on the other hand panicked, even reaching out for her wand to use it and forgetting her ability to read minds. She couldn't let them do what they wanted to, she couldn't let Tina or Newt die. And she was ready to fight for them.
Jacob, on the other hand, watched her with a concerned look on his face. Until he gathered his courage, touching her wrist as her eyes shot to him. And with just one look into his eyes and the faintest shake of his head, she relaxed a bit, letting go of her wand.
“I can assume where you are planning to go, Mrs. Goldstein. Especially with that No-Maj behind you.”
Her gaze flickered to you again, smiling nervously. She didn't have an excuse for this and even with one … You could see right through her. Like she did with the thoughts of everyone.
You took some steps towards her, Queenie standing her ground under your fixated gaze on her.
“And I want to help you.”
Both looking perplex, they stared at you, clearly shocked at your words. A grin spread on your lips, amused at their reaction, until you remembered what you three needed to do.
“We need to hurry. It could already be too late ...”
That seemed to get them into the reality again. Nodding, now motivated and feeling somehow safer than before with the President of Macusa on her side, all of you hurried to the lower floor, hurrying towards the cells.
You a bit ahead of them, hoping that It wasn't too late.
“Madame President-”
“I think (y/n) is more appropriate in this situation” you answered, smiling at her just slightly and she returned it sweetly. “I'm not the President of Macusa in this situation, not any more.”
“Well then … (y/n)? Why do you help us?”
“Yes”, Jacob stormed in, “I thought you needed to arrest us. I mean – because of all this mess with Newt's beasts. And you seem to be – pardon me – in a quite strong position.”
Nodding at him and their question, you needed to gather your thoughts first, smiling a bit at them.
“Well … Like Mrs. Goldstein said, she brought Mr. Scamander into my office yesterday. But in the case she showed to me were no beasts. Strangely, there seemed to be baked sweets inside. I must say, they looked rather delicious, but I of course couldn't believe her.”
Jacob seemed to blush at the last sentence and you wondered why. But you didn't ask why. That would have been quite strange.
“But on the street, when the stars shined at the sky … I saw him hunt his niffler with you, Mr. Kowalski. And he showed his beasts to me. No, not beasts … His friends. And I could see that neither he nor them wanted to do us any harm. Of course, I needed to act like my position before, but I never wanted an execution to take place.”
Both of them looked at you with understanding eyes, nodding to themselves while you sighed. Queenie had a knowing smile on her lips, reading your thoughts and therefore knowing about the feeling inside of you. As for you, concern was bubbling inside your stomach and your steps seemed to get faster and faster ...
Until you bummed into someone, nearly falling to the ground.
Your hand shot to your wand, reflex taking over you, until you somehow recognized the smell of the man that prevented your harsh collision with the ground by holding you close to him.
The name caused a storm to swirl inside of you for anew, making you numb but so much more sensitive at the same time. Your eyes connected, his beautiful green and your (e/c) ones, in a dance only you both seemed to witness.
The heart inside both of your chests seemed to explode and for a split second you thought that he would be mad at you. For sending him to the cells, for not covering you. But the glimmer in his eyes, the little smile on his lips and his hands at your lover back, radiating warmth, seemed to relax you...
“Darlings, I know … But we need to keep going” said Queenie, sending both of you out of your trance. A blush rouse on your and Newt's face, letting instantly go from each other.
Queenie and Jacob needed to chuckle, but Tina seemed to look a bit confused.
“Madame President, what are you doing down here?” she asked, looking at you.
“I've got a message about the death sentence” were your words, your face growing serious and rage growing inside of you. “I can't believe Graves just decided on his own about something as serious as this. And I want to help you.”
Looking up at you, Newt couldn't help but smile at your determined eyes, feeling proud and happy. At first, he needed to admit, Newt really did feel disappointed at you. The red haired man understood of course, but his beasts were more important for him in that moment … And now, here you were. Standing right in front of him, glowing in a pale light like the sun and the wonderful creature.
Catching his gaze you smiled at him, wanting to say something more, until you heard running and voices in the distance. Hastily turning around, you instantly shoved Queenie and Jacob towards Newt and Tina.
“I can buy everyone of you some time … But you need to hurry. I can keep them away for a short time. You need to get along alone after that. There will be chaos. Use that for your advantage.”
“But, Madame (y/l/n)-” Newt began, but you stopped him.
“Call me (y/n) … Newt.”
Even the bare name from him rolling off your tongue made his heart stop for a second, your eyes meeting again, until more voices cut the air around you.
“Now, go!” was all you said. Tina took a hold of Newts hand, dragging him and the other two away from the scene.
“Madame President!”
Turning towards the Aurors approaching you, the serious look returned to your face. You needed to buy them some time. And you knew how. Keeping the Aurors away from them for even a short moment would be difficult and they needed to have extreme luck getting out of this mess.
But you trusted them.
And that was what kept you going with it. Even when everything was a mess and you needed to regain a somewhat organized day, it was worth it.
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dreams-in-charge · 6 years
I Khan't.
Tumblr seems to hate me by not showing my Part 2 of the Newt Scamander x reader OS and not saving any modification...
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I just Khan't.
Has anybody an idea to solve this? Please.
(Nope, gif still not mine)
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