duchessviola · 7 years
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I fortunati casi dell'altalena.
(Il mio preferito. In assoluto.)
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duchessviola · 8 years
Und wir gingen auseinander, ohne einander verstanden zu haben. Wie denn auf dieser Welt keiner leicht den anderen versteht.
- Die Leiden des jungen Werther, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
by Varian
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duchessviola · 9 years
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I had this school project this semester: I had to make a visual representation of an invisible city from Calvino’s masterpiece. I took Ipazia and created this illustration.
«Di tutti i cambiamenti di lingua che deve affrontare il viaggiatore in terre lontane, nessuno uguaglia quello che lo attende nella città di Ipazia, perché non riguarda le parole ma le cose.
Entrai a Ipazia un mattino, un giardino di magnolie si specchiava su lagune azzurre, io andavo tra le siepi sicuro di scoprire cose belle e giovani dame fare il bagno: ma in fondo all’acqua i granchi mordevano gli occhi delle suicide con la pietra legata al collo e i capelli verdi di alghe.
Mi sentii defraudato e volli chiedere giustizia al sultano. Salii le scale di porfido del palazzo dalle cupole più alte, attraversai sei cortili di maiolica con zampilli. La sala nel mezzo era sbarrata da inferriate: i forzati con nere catene al piede issavano rocce di basalto da una cava che s’apre sottoterra.
Non mi restava che interrogare i filosofi. Entrai nella grande biblioteca, mi persi tra scaffali che crollavano sotto le rilegature in pergamena, seguii l’ordine alfabetico di alfabeti scomparsi, su e giù per corridoi, scalette e ponti. Nel più remoto gabinetto dei papiri, in una nuvola di fumo, mi apparvero gli occhi inebetiti d’un adolescente sdraiato su una stuoia, che non staccava le labbra da una pipa di oppio.
Dov’è il sapiente? – il fumatore indicò fuori dalla finestra. Era un giardino con giochi infantili: i birilli, l’altalena, la trottola. Il filosofo sedeva sul prato. Disse: – I segni formano una lingua, ma non quella che credi di conoscere- . Capii che dovevo liberarmi dalle immagini che fin qui m’avevano annunciato le cose che cercavo: solo allora sarei riuscito a intendere il linguaggio di Ipazia.
Ora basta che senta nitrire i cavalli e schioccare le fruste e già mi prende una trepidazione amorosa: a Ipazia devi entrare nelle scuderie e nei maneggi per vedere le belle donne che montano in sella con le cosce nude e i gambali sui polpacci, e appena s’avvicina un giovane straniero lo rovesciano su mucchi di fieno o di segatura e lo premono con i saldi capezzoli.
E quando il mio animo non chiede altro alimento e stimolo che la musica, so che va cercata nei cimiteri: i suonatori si nascondono nelle tombe ; da una fossa all’altra si rispondono trilli di flauti, accordi d’arpe.
Certo anche a Ipazia verrà il giorno in cui il solo mio desiderio sarà partire. So che non dovrò scendere al porto ma salire sul pinnacolo più alto della rocca ed aspettare che una nave passi lassù. Ma passerà mai? Non c’è linguaggio senza inganno.»
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duchessviola · 9 years
I need feminism because every boy who will experience similar problems will be told to “man up”.
I need Feminism because
When they flat out told Peggy Carter in Agent Carter that “You’re a woman. No man will ever see you as an equal,” my brother nodded his head and I started crying.
When my science teacher told my class that “Men are always first, and women are always last,” all the women in the classroom were silent while the men laughed.
When I sat down at lunch one day, one of my ‘friends’ told all us that “(our government teachers name) was being sexist earlier, it was hilarious,” and all the men at the table wanted to hear what he had said.
When I asked to stop being called a bitch at the lunch table, I was asked “is it that time of the month again?”
When I listen to men’s conversions at my school, their jokes are all women based.
When I hear one of those jokes is “wanna hear a joke?” “sure, what?” “women’s rights!”
When my ‘friends’ girlfriend broke up with him because he started doing drugs again, she was a “crazy fucking bitch” and “controlling as hell” and “she didn’t have the right to say anything anyways.”
When my mom came home one night, bloodied and bruised, the cops showed up the next day to arrest her for slapping her boyfriend.
When I started wearing leggings when I was 13-14, my mom bought my first pair and a can of pepper spray to match.
When my best friend lived across the street, I would walk the few feet home with my keys ready to fight at the first sound of a step.
I need feminism because every women has or will experience all these things, even if it’s just one time or everyday. I need feminism because there are women who will read this and cry. I need feminism because 12 and 13 year olds are being cat called while walking home.
I need feminism because sometimes, I wish I wasn’t a woman.
Feminism is more than a want. It is a need.
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duchessviola · 9 years
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I fell in love with the album "Zaubererbruder" by ASP and decided to create some illustrations based on the album's story and the original sorbian legend using ink pen and my new brush pen! Here's the song which inspired the second illustration (the song that inspired the first illustration is not available online): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8VHw1V2bnA Brush pen, ink pen, graphite
Here’s the DA link: http://duchessviola.deviantart.com/art/Krabat-der-Betteljunge-535347477?ga_submit_new=10%253A1432585482
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duchessviola · 10 years
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Finally something new! A "draw it again" meme with the first drawing I seriously try to create 2 year ago! I was very slow this time.
The first drawing was made on February 2013, the last one on February-March 2015.
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duchessviola · 10 years
50 shades of I have to finish the thesis
So I partly saw "50 shades of grey". I saw it because me and my mates really needed to laugh (we planned to drink every time the main character was called, just because "Ana" in italian has a very funny meaning that I'm not going to explain). I had the chance of reading some parts of the book and I couldn't prevent myself from despising it deeply. BUT if you don't watch it like a sort of romanticish story but as a representation of the corruption of the university system it might actually be funny.
Yes, I know it sounds weird. But just think about some facts.
Christian: So how do you see your future?
Ana: I just want to pass my exams right now.
That's like the only quote that made sense in the entire movie. Later Ana pretends to forget some notes for the thesis. That means she is still working on it... and then, three days after her first time with Christian Grey she graduates.
AND he is doing a speech during her graduation, which means that he is important for the university itself and might have some power. COINCIDENCE?
I don't think so. Corruption occurred. You know, I know, they know but nobody says it.
But this, again, just proves that "50 shades of grey" is pure sci-fi, since no student might write a thesis hanging out with friends, wearing a bra and still looking like an almost decent human being. That is simply metaphysical. 
The last thing I wanted to share with the tumblr is I am impressed by the resemblance between the iron rings we can see in the movie during some sex scenes and my window tent rings. Just a random thought.
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duchessviola · 10 years
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I feel like there is not enough love for BBC Bleak House (2005) and for its Mr Tulkinghorn. Here, get some of my favourite Charles Dance's reaction from episode 2.
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duchessviola · 10 years
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I'm in love with my new ink pen! Also, this is the first drawing I publish in 2015! 
Gong Li as Hatsumomo from "Memoirs a Geisha"
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duchessviola · 10 years
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Marlene Dietrich is like my favourite actress ever and I never drew her, so i decided to randomly sketch her...
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duchessviola · 10 years
My favourite animator of all the time <3
Designing An Animated Short Film with Kathy Zielinski
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duchessviola · 10 years
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Self portrait, Christmas 2014
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duchessviola · 10 years
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I'm currently trying to write a novel. Since it is set at the beginning of the 20th century I needed to study a lot and I got so inspired by the atmosphere of the time that I decided to digitally draw the portrait of one of the main characters.
I also took the chance to try to learn how to use Fire Alpaca. I did quite like it, actually, but I still like Photoshop better. 
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duchessviola · 10 years
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 Game of Thrones’ cards by Simona
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/simonabonafiniartwork
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duchessviola · 10 years
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I'm still alive, don't worry, I'm just working on my new project, a short animated movie. Here you can see some concept art (and my little Spongebob and Patrick.) I'll post some news about it soon!
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duchessviola · 10 years
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Me: I want to do something about the Lannisters
Me: Something with Tywin
Me: and Kevan...
Me: and they must look majestic as fuck
aaaaaand that's what happened.
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duchessviola · 10 years
*cries* do not read the books if you love them. Just don't.
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It's war out there, Sister.
I came back as fast as I could.
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