dungeonsanddeeznuts · 5 months
THE CAST (as described by their players)
Billie- High Elf- a crossbow weilding maniac incapable of forming healthy relationships
Ansel- Aasmir- golden Paladin true to his golden god of the sun, always trying to share his gospel to even those who dont wanna hear it
Kairon- Tiefling- a cleric of Ilmater trying to do the right thing but it isnt his fault he's annoying and has cronic resting bitch face
Caspian- Water Genasai- An unintelligent moon druid on the run, whose main tactic in any situation is to light it on fire
Pyeiaytbyie - Drow - A well meaning but awkward musician who has an affinity for flower crowns and an aptitude for not being very good at crime
Mr Bingsly - Blueberry Dwarf - he's just a guy in a suit thinking bout how much he misses his wife, but man look at that suit.
Vi-Be and Pete - Box and Christmas Beetle - codependent both in past and future
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