eannpatterson · 17 days
Meaningless on holiday
I spent a substantial proportion of last month enjoying a summer holiday in Cornwall walking sections of the South-west Coast Path (see ‘The Salt Path’ on August 14th, 2019), sampling local beers and reading books.  The books were mainly fiction.  So it should be no surprise that a recurring theme in the books was relationships because no one exists independent of their relationships with…
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eannpatterson · 1 month
Imagination is your superpower
About a year ago I wrote an update on the hype around AI [see ‘Update on position of AI on hype curve: it cannot dream’ on July 26th, 2023].  Gartner’s hype curve has a ‘peak of inflated expectations’, followed by a ‘trough of disillusionment’ then an upward ‘slope of enlightenment’ leading to a ‘plateau of productivity’ [see ‘Hype cycle’ on September 23rd 2015].  It is unclear where AI is on the…
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eannpatterson · 3 months
Where has the blue planet gone?
They had moved across the galaxy at half the speed of light, covering the 17.6 light-years from their planet in the orbit of Ehseaplus to the Sol system in a couple of hundred days and now they had slowed down their inter-constellation craft to manoeuvre prior to landing on the planet Sol III.  They were looking for a blue planet but they had found two reddish planets orbiting the star, Sol…
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eannpatterson · 4 months
Commoditisation of civil nuclear power
A colleague and I published a paper last month that we hope will bring about a paradigm shift in the nuclear power industry. I was interviewed on BBC Radio 4’s Inside Science on the day following its publication – its the first time one of my scientific papers has made that big a splash in the media!  You can listen to the programme on BBC Sounds at https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m001zdwv. In…
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eannpatterson · 5 months
Extra on digital twins
After five months of posting monthly, I cannot resist the temptation to slip in an extra one.  Mainly because I want to let you know about the Pint of Science Festival taking place next week.  In Liverpool we have organised a series of three evenings at the Philharmonic pub on Hope Street featuring talks by engineers from the School of Engineering and the Institute for Digital Engineering and…
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eannpatterson · 5 months
Highest mountain, deepest lake, smallest church and biggest liar
Last month we took a short vacation in the Lake District and stayed in Wasdale whose tag-line is highest mountain, deepest lake.  The mountain is Scafell Pike, the highest mountain in England at 978 m, which we never saw because the clouds never lifted high enough to reveal it.  The lake is Wast Water, the deepest lake in England at 74 m, which rose slowly during our week due to the almost…
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eannpatterson · 6 months
More on fairy lights and volume decomposition (with ice cream included)
Last June, I wrote about representing five-dimensional data using a three-dimensional stack of transparent cubes containing fairy lights whose brightness varied with time and also using feature vectors in which the data are compressed into a relatively short string of numbers [see ‘Fairy lights and decomposing multi-dimensional datasets’ on June 14th, 2023].  After many iterations, we have…
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eannpatterson · 7 months
Evolutionary model of knowledge management
Towards the end of last year, I wrote about the challenges in deploying digital technologies in holistic approaches to knowledge management in order to gain organizational value and competitive advantage [see ‘Opportunities lost in knowledge management using digital technology’ on October 25th, 2023].  Almost on the last working day of 2023, we had an article published in PLOS ONE (my first in…
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eannpatterson · 8 months
Sleeping on the job
At the end of 2023, following my visit to IBM [see ‘Chirping while calculating probabilities‘ on November 22nd, 2023], I spent a significant amount of time trying to understand quantum computing and exploring its potential applications in my research.  It was really challenging because, as one article I read stated, quantum-mechanical phenomena appear to be weird and the mathematical tools used…
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eannpatterson · 9 months
600th post and time for a change
Simplism is the ideology of simple answers for complex problems and it appears to be gaining popularity as high-level reading skills decline around the world.  People without high-level reading skills also tend to lack high-level thinking skills and their need for simplicity is met by simplism delivered from a range of sources, including politicians. However, complex problems by definition can be…
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eannpatterson · 9 months
Happy Holidays!
Photo by Sarah Best wishes during the holiday season to all my readers.  I’m in digital detox over the Christmas and New Year holidays.  So no post today.  If you’re having withdrawal symptoms or want to know more about digital detox then read ‘Digital detox with a deep vacation‘ posted on August 10th, 2016.  Otherwise switch off and do something utterly absorbing, such as deep reading or…
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eannpatterson · 9 months
Linear, recycling and circular economies
I photographed this infographic at Killerton Hall in Devon this summer at the entrance to an exhibition called ‘Thirsty for fashion – circular fashion, past and present‘ which was about how clothes have been altered and repurposed through the centuries.  I hear many references to the circular economy at the moment but I suspect many people do not really know the difference between a recycling and…
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eannpatterson · 9 months
Virtual reality and economic injustice in a world with limits
It is sometimes suggested that materialism and greed are key drivers of our social and political system that largely refuses to acknowledge that we live in a world of limits.  However, Rowan Williams has proposed that we have a ‘culture that is resentful about material reality, hungry for anything and everything that distances us from the constraints of being a physical animal subject to temporal…
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eannpatterson · 10 months
Machine learning weather forecasts and black swan events
A couple of weeks ago I read about Google’s new weather forecasting algorithm, GraphCast.  It takes a radical new approach to forecasting by using machine learning rather than modelling the weather using the laws of physics [see ‘Storm in a computer‘ on November 16th, 2022].  GraphCast uses a graph neural network that has been trained on 39 years (1979 -2017) of historical data from the European…
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eannpatterson · 10 months
Empathy with the continuing background noise in society
Research has shown that skimming while reading in digital media reduces the inclination and perhaps ability to engage in higher level reading, while a lack of higher-level reading practice compromises the efficacy of skimming when reading. Higher-level reading implies critical and conscious reading, slow reading, non-strategic reading and long-form reading, according to Schuller-Zwierlein et al,…
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eannpatterson · 10 months
Chirping while calculating probabilities
A couple of weeks ago, I visited the London headquarters of IBM in the UK and Ireland for discussions about possible areas of collaboration in research and education.  At the end of our meeting, we were taken to see some of their latest developments, one of which was their Quantum System One computer.  We had seen its casing, a shiny silver cylinder about half metre in diameter and a metre and…
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eannpatterson · 10 months
Achievements, happiness and the passage of time
A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about time as ‘a giant wheel rotating through cycles of creation and destruction leading, over aeons, to the birth and death of entire worlds’ [see ‘Aeonian cycles of creation and destruction’ on October 18th, 2023].  I had written previously about Aristotle’s view of time as the measurement of change and how Newton believed that time passes even when nothing…
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