electra-buttercup · 5 days
Who cares if it's weird? Is it harmful? Is anyone actually getting hurt by it? If not, mind your own business!
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electra-buttercup · 8 days
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Happy birthday to the love of my life, Venti! 💚🍺🍃
(Guys I know I messed up this, he looks like an alien 😭)
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electra-buttercup · 14 days
I grew up with those actually!
Yeah My R may be a weird kid song but what yall know about Miss Wanna Die
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electra-buttercup · 23 days
Tasteless Engine (3)
In the next few days, you task yourself the mission of making this puppet a decent boy. Like a cat, he likes to roam around the bungalow and take naps in weird places (in the corner of the kitchen, for instance). You have to go after him to take him back to the little bed you make for him in the living room (you were not really sure if he needed a bed, but he throwed a tantrum). Once the storm outside calmed down, you went down the mountain to buy clays of porcelain. It almost took you a day, and when you come back to the bungalow, you find Scaramouche sleeping on YOUR bed with YOUR pillow hugged between his arms. Annoyed, you put the clay on the kitchen table and go in your room. You take the two corners of the blanket and suddenly throw it, making the poor doll waltz on the floor, yelling.
“You were sleeping on my bed! I made you one and you don’t even use it!
After arguing for half an hour, he decides to give you the silence treatment.
You start to be annoyed of his long, dirty dark purple hair and proposed him to take care of it for him. At first, he refused. But Scaramouche can’t resist it when he is given attention, and it doesn’t take long for him to give up to your cares and stop being mad at you. You take him to the kitchen, and he does not object. He sits on a chair and you examinate his hair. It is very long, almost reaching the floor. It is also tangled and kind of sticky. You grimace and take a big bowl off a shelf and put it on his head.
“What are you doing?
-I’m sorry, Scara, but I don’t have another choice…
You take scissors and start to cut his hair. After this, you put his head in the sink and start to wash his hair, it’s a very awkward moment…
When you finished to dry his hair, you realized that you forgot to cut the hair at the base of his neck, and it look like a small mullet now. Embarrassed, you say nothing and let him look in the mirror.
“What do you think?
-It’s hideous.
-Then do it yourself!
-I don’t want to.”
You looked a him, annoyed, and he looks back at you, also annoyed. You show him the clay you brought, and proposed to fix him. He reluctantly agrees and you lay him on the table, half- naked, near the candle burning on the shelf. You take the clay and start to fill the hollows and the wounds, then you do the most difficult part: the hole in his chest. This is the worst part to fix, but when you finished, at the first lights of the morning, you let out a little yell of victory. You told Scaramouche to not move until the porcelain is done drying, and he whined all day because of that. But at least, you could close the door, and enjoy -for once- a bit of calm in your house. Once the porcelain is dry, you tell him that you would buy clothes for him at the market this weekend, but he objects: he wants to go himself and choose himself his clothes. So, you spent two hours arguing with him and explaining him that if people saw him, they would panic. But your words fell on deaf ears, and during a couple of days, Scaramouche refused to wear the clothes you bought him, and throwed a tantrum like a child. But after promising him that you would give him your bed (that was a lie), Scaramouche finally accepted to stop walking around half-bare in his torn clothes and wear the one you bought.
In the evening, you are so tired that you fall on your bed like a worm. You did not even tell Scaramouche goodnight, but he annoyed you so much during the last few days that it is not nothing to worry about. Once your head hit the soft pillow, you black out and fall into the world of dreams…
Only to wake up next to him.
English is not my first language, and I wrote this while being very tired so, sorry for the mistakes!
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electra-buttercup · 25 days
You should put wisp venti in a jar. with sticks and leaves and stuff
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It is a creature to be studied
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electra-buttercup · 1 month
Tasteless Engine (2)
Suddenly, the puppet’s eyes flutter open and the doll stares at you.
Flabbergasted, you jump back and stop touching them. The porcelain puppet slowly, weakly sits up with numb arms. All you can do is stare at the living doll with wide eyes, while the mass elevates itself until it stands up before you.
“Who are you…?” the porcelain puppet asks with a low, groggy voice. Definitely a boy.
“I could return you the question! My name is […] and I’m a toy maker.” You reply.
“Good. I have been looking for you.” Says the puppet casually, as if he was not crying on your floor a few minutes ago. He starts walking in your bungalow with his chin raised high, as if he was the owner of this land. His torn clothes barely cover himself, and his joints and articulations creak with every move he makes and you decide to go after him.
“Wait! So, you know me, but what’s your name and how are you… Living?! Aren’t you a puppet?” You ask while walking behind him, in pure confusion.
“That’s none of your business. As for my name, I don’t have one.” Replies the doll boy. “What’s that?” he asks, pointing a book with his hand.
“Just a theater piece. It’s La Comedia Del Arte. You never heard of it?” You reply, taking the book and handing it to him. The nameless puppet takes the book and examinate it carefully.
“Well, just call me Scaramouche then.” He says after reading a few pages.
-Scaramouche” He objects, refusing the nickname. He puts back the book on the self.
“This bungalow is pathetic, but it is not the reason of my visit. I saw the sign near your house saying that you are a toy maker. It kills me to say it but I need your help.” After saying that, Scaramouche takes off the clothe that was hiding his bust. At the place where should be his heart if he was human is a huge hole, the porcelain is fissured and painting is damaged all around the hole and even slightly melted. You stare at it in awe for a few minutes. Never, in your life, you saw a human-puppet with a hole in the chest. Look then up at him in his eyes, which are a bit damaged too.
“… What happened to you?” You ask, shocked.
“None of your business too.” Answers the puppet with a dark face.
Promptly, you put him on your table and observes his features with a lot of caution.
“I never saw a doll this damaged. I’m not sure I’ll be able to fix all of that.
-What about my heart?
-You had a heart?
-Yes. But in an access of rage, I pulled it out of my chest, that’s how the hole… You know…”
You look at him, you can’t help but feel bad for him. Sure, he is not human at all, but it is almost like it, is it not? And mostly, he had a heart. You don’t know how it is possible, but you stopped asking yourself question when a living puppet started to cry before you.
“Sadly, I can do nothing for a heart-broken puppet, asides from repairing the damage, I can’t give you a heart.” You tell him softly, looking at him in the eyes.
“Then I’ll find someone who can.
-No one can. Scaramouche, a heart isn’t a clock! It is not mechanical, you can not buy it, or repair it with a hammer, nails and tools. I can’t do anything for this heart, nor no one can.
-You’re worthless! I should have known it when I crossed your door! I’m leaving, now.” The enraged doll jumps off the table and heads toward the living room.
“If you go outside, you’ll be even more broken!” You protest. “I can fix you! And maybe your heart will grow back! I bet you’re not that stupid…”
After you said that, Scaramouche looks down, lost in thought. Leaving the bungalow would be counterproductive, and after all, maybe those promises you tell him are true. In this case, it is not in his interest to leave. He turns to you.
“Alright, you win, human.
-I have a name.
-Don’t get me started or it’s you who’ll end up broken.
-So you’re staying here?
-Unfortunately.” The puppet rolls his eyes.
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electra-buttercup · 1 month
Tasteless Engine (1)
You always dreamed of being a doll maker. Since your tender childhood, they were always around you. To comfort you. To play with you. To hear you cry when no one was there. The dolls are pretty, and they were there. You lived in a small animated town. Everyday, the scent of fresh-baked bread would wake you up before going to the boutique. This boutique is a small cabinet, stuck between two big houses in a tiny alley. Your family supported you when you told them your dream, and you ended up being the apprentice of the best doll maker of the region (it is not a very popular job).
But one day, this sweet life stopped. The master you followed so whole-heartedly died, and they were no place in town to welcome you. So, after weeks of thinking about your future, you decided to buy a tiny bungalow in the Snowy mountains near the border of the country. There, you would create your own dolls and toys, and sell them in the nearest town, down the mountain. The weather would be harsh, but you had to do this.
And that’s how you ended up living there. Today is easily the coldest day of the winter, and you abandoned your work on the toys and dolls you will sell at the end of the week to snuggle in all the blanket you could find near the fireplace.
You are drinking your third tea in a row in hope to warm yourself a bit more. Your eyes are half-lidded with tiredness and you could not feel your limbs when a big “BANG” resonates in your ears. Alarmed, you leave your mug by the fireplace and quickly go check every room to assure that nothing is broken with the harshness of the wind, blowing and howling outside.
Nothing wrong.
Reassured, you walk back to the fireplace when you hear a lamentation outside, coming from the door. You freeze. You try to listen a bit better to those cries, when the tiny broken voice whines a heart-breaking “please” and you rush to the door to open it.
A bit of snow and cold wind enter your house. There’s no one at the door. You follow the directions of the cries and lower your eyes. They set on a humanoid thing laying on the ground, covered with snow. Your heart jumps and you clumsily grab the body to bring it inside the small bungalow and you quickly shut the door.
“Who are you?!” you shout, louder than you wished.
But the strange thing can only make weird cries and the sound of pieces of wood cliquing. Slowly, you walk toward it. You brush the snow and discover a huge puppet, messily wrapped in violet torn silk. You brush its long dark purple hair and realize that this hair is almost human-like. The puppet seems to act exactly like a human, so maybe it is cold. You put some of your blankets on the body. It groans.
After a some time, the unknown mass stops crying and sobbing, and you assume that it is asleep. Carefully, you step toward it, curious to see what exactly is this body. You delicately remove the torn violet silk, only to reveal a beautiful face covered by messy long dark purple hair. Their traits are well-defined, thin, elegant, and androgynous. They look like a teen, but their skin are white and virgin of any imperfection, glowing... Like porcelain. Your curiosity is picked, and you decided to touch his cheek (just a finger won't hurt, right?), which is strangely solid. You touch it again : you can't be wrong, what is laying on your floor is a human-sized porcelain doll.
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electra-buttercup · 1 month
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Archons headcanons!
When he first took his friend's appearance, he was pressured by his every action, afraid to give a false memory of his dear friend. Later, he gained confidence when he realized he does not have to "be" him, his appearance would be just a way to remember him, like the shell of an oyster worn as a necklace.
Venti doesn't let anyone carry him, because he is too light for a human of his size. Being the wind, he never clearly understood the notion of weight, and you will have a little surprise when you try to carry him, because he is as light as a feather. Quite literally.
Venti lives in a room at the hotel Goth that he reserved before the fatuis came. They try to get him to leave, but whoever pushes the door without his consent gets mysteriously a mini tornado in their face...
Every time Barbara finds Venti drunk in the streets of Mondstadt, she brings him to her and Jean's home, to Jean's great annoyance.
Venti is a hopeless romantic, he is the type to confess to you every now and then, just so you remember he loves you just like the first day. He would also gift you cecilias or poems everyday indirectly, by placing them somewhere he knows you will find them (besides you on the bed, in the kitchen, or even up in his statue's hands)
Unlike Venti, who has a lot of experience with humans, he does not know a lot about humans. So, sometimes he forgets to blink at a regular pace, or even to breathe.
He often does meditation by staring at rocks. He cannot really explain it, but it soothes him every time.
He will never ask you for mora, or at least not directly. Zhongli still has an archon's pride after all.
Instead of asking you for mora, he will tell you that he forgot his wallet at home...
You're the only one Zhongli shows his anger, or annoyance. Like the gentleman he is, he never shows anyone that he is annoyed or angry at them. But around you, Zhongli allows himself to express those emotions, because he knows you will understand.
Although, Zhongli has Olympic patience. He will never get angry at you, he prefers to leave it how it is and talk about it with you later, when both of you are calm.
Raiden Ei
Ei is very curious about human life, and most of your dates are just making her discover the nowadays-Inazuma. Even the slightest thing will make her have sparkles in her eyes, just like a little girl !
Yae Miko is very intrusive in your relationship, but she always respects your intimacy. She just wants every detail- maybe it will inspire a book!
Ei has a very low self-esteem. She is always scared to be too weak, too nice, too old fashioned... That's why she lets the Shogun do most things.
Sometimes, Ei sees a little boy crying, and she doesn't know why but she has a weird feeling and her heart tightens...
Nahida (platonic)
Nahida sometimes stumbles on her words. She has her precise idea of the sentence, but she does not know if everyone will understand...
It is nearly impossible to surprise her. She always seems so calm and collected, like reed who bends but never breaks.
She is always very enthusiastic at the perspective of explaining things to you, or teaching you some!
Like Ei, she is not very confident, but she does her best to gain her people's love.
She has a lot of trouble expressing her true personality, and she still fears judgement.
Neuvillette often visits her, and he slowly learns her true personality.
She has PTSD, but feels too humiliated to seek help.
Asks you to never mention Arlecchino.
Her smallest mistakes make her very anxious
You have to reassure her all the time
She wants to adopt every cute animal she sees
Furina loves to play pranks on you, a day never passes without her pranking you!
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That's everything! I'm so sorry that the girls' parts are so short, I'll try to make up for it!
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electra-buttercup · 1 month
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electra-buttercup · 1 month
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Please, reblog! IIt’s called self defense. Apart from having here, in the US, one of the highest cases of homicide and rape in the world and high rate of GBV, think about how this could help your mother or sister
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electra-buttercup · 1 month
hiiiiiiii uuuu🙃🙃🙃
I wanted to ask you who your favorite character from each fandom is that you said you write for.
Genshin: Scaramouche (daddy please step on me😨)
Bungo Stray Dogs: Ranpo😷
I don’t watch Vanitas no Carte (is it any good?🫨)
Demon slayer: KIMETSU no YAIBA: MUICHIRO MUICHIRO MUICHIRO MUICHIRO (he’s my husband, don’t come for me ik he’s a minor😑)
Harry Potter: Draco and Luna (see that coming or no…?😪)
—I like your post🥺💝
—From: Muichiro’s Official Wife
To: This lovely lady or man❤️
Hi! OMG someone acknowledged my existence- ヽ⁠(⁠(⁠◎⁠д⁠◎⁠)⁠)⁠ゝ
So my favorite characters are...
Genshin Impact: Venti🍃🍺 (but I also love Fishl and Klee! As for Scaramouche I don't really like him but I must give him a special mention as he was my main from my beginnings until recently)
Vanitas no Carte : Noé Archiviste 🧛🏻📖
(If you like the goofy moments in bsd you'll love Vanitas no Carte. It takes place in a fantasy Paris, 1990. Also Vanitas is basically soukoku lovechild-)
Demon Slayer/KNY : Zenitsu 😭⚡ (I don't care what you say I love him he's so precious- Also you have great tastes. Approved 👍)
Harry Potter : My first favorite characters were Neville Longbottom and Severus Snape, but now I absolutely love Luna Lovegood and I kinda like Draco honestly
-- Thank you! 💕
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electra-buttercup · 2 months
Jealousy peeping 😢
First thing you see after you zoom in is how you die
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How you dying 👀
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electra-buttercup · 2 months
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Hello! My name is Opalyn, but feel free to call me Opal!
I'm quite new to Tumblr (please tell me if I'm doing something wrong ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ) and I think I'll mostly write headcanons or short fanfiction, and maybe even poems.
So! I'm also taking requests on those :
🌟- Genshin Impact
🌟- Bungo Stray Dogs
🌟- Vanitas no Carte
🌟- Kimetsu no Yaiba/Demon Slayer
🌟- Harry Potter (Cursed Child characters included)
✅ What I write :
🌟- Fluff
🌟- Angst
🌟- Headcanons
🌟- x reader (any gender requested)
🌟- x OC
🌟- poems (I'm not sure about this one but I'll try to experiment I guess...!)
❌ What I don't write :
🌟- smut
🌟- p€dophilia, zo0philia, you see what I mean.
And if you're not sure, feel free to ask me I'll always try to be open-minded.
💫Last things but not least :💫
This is a safe place for LGBT+, neurodivergence, religion, etc. I know it can be hard to talk about it sometimes and that's alright, talk to me if you need it.
Also english is not my first language, I will try my best ( ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ )👍
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