Since the
Very Very Tolerant And Fair Staff At Tumblr
continues to treat their ideological opponents as Second Class Citizens, y'all can follow me over at @electronicosmos15 if you'd like 😊
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If you only care about rape when it happens to a woman then you don't actually care about rape.
If you only care about racial injustice when it happens to a black person then you don't actually care about racial injustice.
If you only care about domestic violence when a man does it then you don't actually care about domestic violence.
If you only care about an issue when groups you like are negatively affected, then you don't actually care about the issue.
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“God tolerates even our stammering, and pardons our ignorance whenever something inadvertently escapes us — as, indeed, without this mercy there would be no freedom to pray.”
John Calvin
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Anytime you hear "Experts Say" 😒😒😒
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Aged well this did not.
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WHAT Slippery Slope?
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Oh by the way
Hunter Biden's LEAKED Search History EXPOSES Joe Biden, They SHARED PHONES And Adult Content
Why have over 20 Black staffers left the Biden White House?
...wait, you mean, you haven't heard about that on the corporate news? 🤔 Weird.
Oh well. These things don't really matter that much to you, do they? And anyway, he's old. It's gotta be an exception to the rule.
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Why have over 20 Black staffers left the Biden White House?
...wait, you mean, you haven't heard about that on the corporate news? 🤔 Weird.
Oh well. These things don't really matter that much to you, do they? And anyway, he's old. It's gotta be an exception to the rule.
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How To Think Like A Leftist
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If you're morally outraged at how much money the NRA spends on lobbyists every year, just WAIT until you hear how much pharmaceutical companies spend
Did YOU get a 12% effective jab in the last 2 years? Or one that had to be taken off the market due to blood clots? Or one that they had to change the dictionary definition of the word "vaccine" in order to call a 'vaccine'?
Man, those lobbyists, amirite?
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A Black Man reacts to a Black Man on the subject of Black Culture in America.
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The entire western world needs to watch the first 20 minutes of Ricky Gervais’ new comedy special Supernature.
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“While ‘being nice’ is a societal norm today, nice is not a virtue because it is not an interior habit of choosing the good. - Fr. Andrew Dickenson  
God has not called us to be nice. Rather, he has called us to be good. Here’s the difference: nice people never confront evil. Good people do. Nice people are weak. Good people are strong. Jesus wasn’t nice. He was kind, he was compassionate, he was caring, but he was unbending and unflinching when it came to standing for the truth. And it cost him his life. …Nice people don’t change the world but good people do. - Bryan Fischer
This is what we call the Church of Nice. We do not speak with the courage and prophetic utterance of the Pentecostal Spirit. Rather, we manage words, tailor phrases, and buckle under the weight of the culture’s latest mores. It is all very nice. It is appeasement. - Father Angel
God is not nice. God is not an uncle. God is an earthquake. - Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel
The Church of Nice too often sacrifice truth on the altar of charity and the Church of Nasty too often sacrifice charity on the altar of Truth. There must be a way to be both truth and charitable…. It’s both. The gospels and the lives of the saints will show us how to live this wonderful, paradoxical, strange and marvelous message of life for the whole world… that we can live out a love that is tough and tender at the same time. This is the message of the gospel. We MUST live this or die. We MUST live this or the world will die. - Fr. Dwight Longenecker
Our culture has filled our heads but emptied our hearts, stuffed our wallets but starved our wonder. It has fed our thirst for facts but not for meaning or mystery. It produces “nice” people, not heroes. - Peter Kreeft
The primary beneficiary of a Christianity that has been systematically redefined to mean little more than “be nice” is Satan.  - Joshua Charles
Nowhere in the Bible does it say to be nice. It says to be kind, to be gentle. to be respectful, to give careful instruction when someone is messing up. Nice is way below all those things, because nice gets used as an excuse to never stand your ground and never have the courage (a virtue the Bible does call us to exercise) to say something that needs to be said. - Glen Fitzjerrell
The moment we diminish the Divine to a moral law of the universe, the moment we rob God of his awe-inspiring mystery, we have started on the road to sentimentalist religion. That road leads to a God who is no longer person, no longer involved in our lives, but rather a feeling that we sometimes seek but that is not worth dying for—and consequently not worth changing your life for! God has become the nice God. - Ulrich L. Lehner
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The staff of this one comedy show has more actual compassion in their little fingers than the entire Left in the entire Western world.
Why? Because they're able to make a few jokes at such a tragic time? That can't be it! And it's not.
It's because compassion without information can be incredibly dangerous, and a representative republic of 320 million making decisions out of emotion would shortly lead to exponentially more deaths. If you're concerned about unnecessary deaths, you will want to have the facts before you demand "action."
When you have that necessary information, you will be able to direct your emotion, like a grown-up, rather than being directed by it, like a child. Your position will be moderated by a more objective truth rather than a more subjective emotion. You will see that there are a hundred times more lives preserved by the defensive use of guns every single year, and each life is precious. Every life lost is tragic, not just those lives that can be used to manipulate the uneducated. (How disrespectful to the dead is that, by the way?) Every right you have to complain has been secured, up to this very day, by the human right to bear arms for self-defense (personal and national) that has made the United States the most desirable home in the world. That right to complain goes the way of the dinosaur when the only ones with guns are the wealthy, powerful, politically connected. Equality is gone; you are a slave. Tyrants and criminals must know that if they want to steal your liberty, they must be prepared to pay for the attempt with their lives.
Don't you dare give in to these tired, empty, deceptive, childish emotional appeals. Don't you dare let them make merchandise of you.
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Wake Up
Something is off with the information coming out.  Like “false flag” off…
“According to what the friend told CNN, Ramos ‘was taunted by others for the clothes he wore and his family’s financial situation,’ and, the friend said, ‘he ‘slowly dropped out…he barely came to school.’“
If true, then, how at age (18) could he afford thousands of Dollars worth of firearms, ammo and tactical equipment? [Daniel Defense AR-15 rifles sell for $2,000 (+); magazines sell for $22 / each, or (12) for $256; Level IV plate carriers $475+; 400ct Federal .556 ammo $248]
“A source told Click2Houston that Ramos “legally purchased two AR platform rifles at a local federal firearms licensee on two separate dates: May 17, 2022, and May 20, 2022.” One rifle was found in the truck; the other in the school (a Daniel Defense rifle.)
THat source told the television station that the suspect bought 375 rounds of ammunition on May 18. His home address was given as the 500 block of Diaz Street in Uvalde.
Click2Houston reported that Ramos “dropped a backpack with several magazines full of ammunition near the entrance of the school.” Seven 30-round magazines were located inside the school. That site reports that, instead of body armor, he was wearing a “plate carrier.”
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