elora413 · 5 years
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elora413 · 5 years
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It’s alright, it’s okay, it’s alright, it’s okay 
You’re not a monster, just a human 
And you made a few mistakes 
It’s alright
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elora413 · 5 years
How DO you contruct arguments well? Is it clarity? Coherence? All the small pieces supporting something bigger, with purpose, forming a whole? How do people write good? Seriously, any tips would be terrific. But, only if you feel like it. Hope you have a good day either way, Jo.
well my favorite piece of advice remains this one (this is also good, but more specific to the process of selecting a thesis question and answering it) - which is that you need to be able to interrogate every part of your argument down to its most basic assumptions, because that process forces you to carefully consider what you’re saying and make sure you actually have the evidence to support these assumptions and that your interpretation of this evidence is…well, they can’t ever be truly “truthful”, because the interpretation of evidence is an inherently subjective process, but in essence the evidence should be able to support the weight of your interpretation.
Some more rambling under the cut
Keep reading
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elora413 · 5 years
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elora413 · 5 years
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elora413 · 6 years
You read Broodhollow?? Heck yeah! Tell me about your thoughts on it!!
I absolutely love it. 
A supernatural mystery centered around a quirky remote town gets me good (no surprise, right?) and Broodhollow is one of the best.
The characters are charming, the story sucks you in. It’s genuinely creepy! Kris Straub’s sense of horror and the uncanny is so perfectly in line with mine. Ghosts and memories, weird rituals and uncanny imagery and a big, sweeping sense of cosmic horror? Sign me the fuck up. 
(He and another of my favorite webcomic creators, Abby Howard, did a short lived podcast about horror together and it’s so worth a listen. If you like Broodhollow you might also enjoy her comic, The Last Halloween.)
The art style does both cute and silly and genuinely terrifying well. There are moments that are purely frightening, moments that are purely funny, and moments in between where you sometimes aren’t sure how to feel. And that’s the sign of a good horror comedy, something that’s a gem when it’s done well.
On top of all that it has one of the best if not the best depictions of mental illness in any piece of horror media I’ve ever seen.
For those not familar with Broodhollow, the main character (Wadsworth Zane) has pretty severe OCD. (The comic is set in the 20s, before that term was used to describe his condition, but it’s very clear to a modern audience that that’s what he has.) It is neither demonized nor glamorized. It’s just something that he has to deal with in addition to the supernatural dangers and mysteries of Broodhollow. 
But it’s not irrelevant to the story, either! Uncanny situations become even more unsettling and creepy because the protagonist is already primed to find sinister meaning in the tiniest signs and habits. Wadsworth’s coping mechanisms end up factoring into the plot, in ways that I won’t spoil here. It’s. It’s good. So good.
If you’re reading this post and any of this sounds interesting, do yourself a favor and read Broodhollow. I won’t lie, it’s on hiatus. While the author is working on new pages–his Patreon indicates as much–he seems to be building up a backlog which means it may be a long while before new updates are posted. 
But it’s so good guys. So so good. And there’s plenty of archive to read through in the meantime.
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elora413 · 6 years
WELCOME BACK! For those who logged off, this is what you missed.
1. @staff made a post pretty much saying “Your stuff isn’t getting deleted, just hidden from everyone but you” and “Yeah we know you hate the term “female presenting nipples” but we ain’t gonna stop saying it” 2. If a blog has a pixelated icon that means they got hit by the ban, you cannot view that blog outside the sidebar. You cannot even view their archive. Allegedly if you follow the advice in this post it’ll be fixed but only if it was an accidental flag (aka a real sfw blog) 3. The post Staff made including examples of what was ok to post. It got flagged. 4. Yes, the bots are still here. Yes they are still stealing posts and putting porn links on them. Yes there are still ads with stuff more sexual than they allow in posts. Yes innocent things are still getting flagged. 5. So yes, the site is still here and staff are still morons.
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elora413 · 6 years
Where to find me
Pillowfort: https://www.pillowfort.io/Puzzleglum
Twitter: https://twitter.com/puzzleglum
Discord:  Puzzleglum#7924
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/MoonyMermaid
Good luck, everyone.
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elora413 · 6 years
In case you’re not aware, Tumblr has recently announced that on the seventeenth of December they’ll start purging all porn and porn-adjacent content on Tumblr.  Why does that matter to LWU, you ask?  Well, they’re using their bots to identify it, and we’ve all seen how well THAT works.  One of my Wander posts even got flagged as sensitive for no apparent reason.  What I want to do is reassure you all that I’ve taken steps to back up all of the content on LWU to my hard drive using a tool I was recommended a couple weeks ago.  I’m going to continue to do so on a regular basis just in case, so there’s very little chance that my stuff will be lost.
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elora413 · 6 years
If we’re all going down I'm going the way I lived, making shitty memes in the face of peril.
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elora413 · 6 years
pacific rim really went OFF with drift compatibility. like, there was absolutely no reason the jaegers couldn’t be piloted by a single person; a bunch of teenagers managed it just fine solo in evangelion, but guillermo del toro was like “nah, we’re gonna reinvent the concept of soulmates with mecha and kaiju” and then went and did just that, the absolute madman,
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elora413 · 6 years
The myth that panic, looting, and antisocial behavior increases during the apocalypse (or apocalyptic-like scenarios) is in fact a myth—and has been solidly disproved by multiple scientific studies. The National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program, a research group within the United States Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA), has produced research that shows over and over again that “disaster victims are assisted first by others in the immediate vicinity and surrounding area and only later by official public safety personnel […] The spontaneous provision of assistance is facilitated by the fact that when crises occur, they take place in the context of ongoing community life and daily routines—that is, they affect not isolated individuals but rather people who are embedded in networks of social relationships.” (Facing Hazards and Disasters: Understanding Human Dimensions, National Academy of Sciences, 2006). Humans do not, under the pressure of an emergency, socially collapse. Rather, they seem to display higher levels of social cohesion, despite what media or government agents might expect…or portray on TV. Humans, after the apocalypse, band together in collectives to help one another—and they do this spontaneously. Disaster response workers call it ‘spontaneous prosocial helping behavior’, and it saves lives.
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elora413 · 6 years
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i made a short comic about asriel
(tw for depression, unreality, intrusive thoughts)
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elora413 · 6 years
Anyway, if anybody cared to find me, I am way more active on Pillowfort (https://www.pillowfort.io/Puzzleglum) nowadays. I might make a new blog with that same name on tumblr in the future, but not yet. Feel free to talk to me about whatever on Discord (Puzzleglum#7924) too.
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elora413 · 6 years
Hey!! You don’t have to have just one Most Important Person in your life!!!
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elora413 · 6 years
Scribe, you are a source of light in human form. Please keep doing what you do and loving with your whole heart.
Hey. If you live in the US, please vote today, but then please take care of yourself. Find something that makes you happy. Spend time with people who love you. Don’t feel obligated to watch the results come in if it’s going to hurt you.
I’m going to spend the evening singing hope songs at the top of my lungs because that’s how I cope. I hope you all can find something to do that will help you in the same way. I love you.
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elora413 · 6 years
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Thank you for the halloween present, you funky little dog.
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