elysianentropy · 5 years
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As you drift to sleep, you see the darkness close in, the stars blinking out one by one. You feel it, embracing you. You hear it, whispering to you.
Listen. Listen, and hear your name.
Aimil Càidh - Ultimate Dragon Whisperer
Alekos Dracoleer - Ultimate Alchemist
Araphine Amastacia - Ultimate Archivist
Bessh Valerian - Ultimate Organist
Dark Scourge - Ultimate Weapon Smith
Euphoria Pedravar - Ultimate Priestess
Evie Nimbledigit - Ultimate Oil Painter
Fas - Ultimate Messenger
Fedosia Elif - Ultimate Farrier
Harmony - Ultimate First Mate
Iolo Decavlo - Ultimate Storyteller
Kava - Ultimate Scavenger
Reyfiel - Ultimate Tarot Reader
Ursin Emptyeye - Ultimate Canine Breeder
Xiu-Xiu Kil-Moon - Ultimate Prizefighter
Yevgeniy Kuznetsov - Ultimate Horse Sleigher
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elysianentropy · 5 years
My apologies for failing to update the blog. Applications closed some time ago, and the mods have since had a lot on our plates so we haven’t been able to work on the roster. We’re finally getting back on track, however, and hope to have it out as soon as we can!
In the meantime, we’re trying to make our final roster decisions, but there’s a few people who are no longer on the discord server, and given how long it’s been we’re not sure if they still want to be considered or not. If you sent in an app and then left the server, please let a mod know whether or not you still want to be considered!
Thank you all so much for your patience. Happy adventuring!
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elysianentropy · 6 years
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You saved the world. That’s what you remember, waking up slowly. You saved the world from… something. Your memories are fuzzy, but you know that. You saved the world from a great danger, you went on a long journey, you trained and fought and met people and reached such great, great power- Or, or do you? That… Maybe that was just a dream. I mean, reaching such power, fighting such great creatures…? And you remember so little of it… It must have been a dream. No, you think, blinking awake slowly, looking around the room you’re in. No, you just recently set out on your adventure, didn’t you? You just went on the road - barely out of your hometown, barely any experience. There’s no way you could have done something like that. It was just a dream. It must have been.
Elysian Entropy is a Discord-based killing game RP with world and mechanics inspired by Dungeons and Dragons. Eighteen to twenty Ultimate Adventurers of all classes and races are captured and held in a mysterious town, told to kill each other to escape. Elysian Entropy combines investigation and trial mechanics with ability checks and dice rolls to create a unique killing game experience, saturated with the mystery and intrigue of a town gone missing, memories stolen, and prophecies unfolding.
Applications are currently open, with no set due date as of yet. We’re greatly in need of apps, so we encourage anyone interested to come in and take a look! No knowledge of D&D is necessary for the game, as we’ll be here to explain everything you know.
Good luck, and happy adventuring!
About | Application | Game Explanation | Rules | Hopefuls List | Mods | Hopefuls Server
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elysianentropy · 6 years
Plot Role Apps Closed
Hello, everyone! Plot role apps are now officially closed! Thank you to everyone who’s submitted an app!
We can’t say exactly how long it will take us to decide on our mastermind and traitor, but we’ll let you all know when they’re picked.
In addition, player apps close January 15! The deadline will not be extended again; we will offer short extensions on an individual basis, but other than that, this is the final deadline. So get those apps in!
Thank you all, and happy adventuring!
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elysianentropy · 6 years
Mastermind and Traitor Deadline Extended
Hello! Due to a lack of applications submitted closing in on the deadline for mastermind and traitor apps, we’ve decided to extend it to December 15! In addition, the regular player app will also be extended, though we aren’t sure the exact date yet. If you can make it, we encourage everyone to send in a plot role application, because we really want to be able to make plot decisions and get the game started!
Good luck, and happy adventuring!
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elysianentropy · 6 years
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You saved the world. That’s what you remember, waking up slowly. You saved the world from… something. Your memories are fuzzy, but you know that. You saved the world from a great danger, you went on a long journey, you trained and fought and met people and reached such great, great power- Or, or do you? That… Maybe that was just a dream. I mean, reaching such power, fighting such great creatures…? And you remember so little of it… It must have been a dream. No, you think, blinking awake slowly, looking around the room you’re in. No, you just recently set out on your adventure, didn’t you? You just went on the road - barely out of your hometown, barely any experience. There’s no way you could have done something like that. It was just a dream. It must have been.
Elysian Entropy is a Discord-based killing game RP with world and mechanics inspired by Dungeons and Dragons. Eighteen to twenty Ultimate Adventurers of all classes and races are captured and held in a mysterious town, told to kill each other to escape. Elysian Entropy combines investigation and trial mechanics with ability checks and dice rolls to create a unique killing game experience, saturated with the mystery and intrigue of a town gone missing, memories stolen, and prophecies unfolding.
Applications are currently open. Mastermind and traitor apps close December 1, and general apps close December 20. Art mod apps close December 1.
Good luck, and happy adventuring!
About | Application | Game Explanation | Rules | Hopefuls List | Mods | Hopefuls Server
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elysianentropy · 6 years
Oh im super excited for this!
we are super glad to hear that! we are also excited to see the turn out of it all! :>- sarah
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elysianentropy · 6 years
Art Mod Applications Open
Hello, adventurers! If you’re interested in being an art mod for Elysian Entropy, please fill out the form over here. Art mod apps close December 1, and the mods will be notified within a few days after that date.
The player application can be found here; power roles close December 1, and regular apps are due December 20. Thank you for showing interest, and happy adventuring!
About | Explanation | Rules | App | Hopefuls List | Mods | Hopefuls Server
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elysianentropy · 6 years
Applications are now open!
The application can be found here, and is open until around December 20. Mastermind and traitor apps are tentatively due December 1. However, both of these due dates may be subject to change.
Good luck, and happy adventuring!
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elysianentropy · 6 years
Is the setting DND-inspired too? How much influence does it have on the game? (As someone who loves DND)
The game is going to be set in the D&D world, and in addition to borrowing basic game mechanics, characters will have races and classes as well, so it has a pretty heavy influence! It’s a really watered down version of the game, but it borrows pretty heavily from it.
For anyone who is well-versed in D&D, it’s going to be cut down a lot from what you’re used to, and for anyone who isn’t, we’re trying to make it as simple as we can and get all necessary resources to you. Mechanics-wise, we’re going to explain how it works because it’s not exactly D&D, but it is similar. Story-wise, if you know D&D you’re welcome to use canon D&D lore, but if you aren’t familiar with it, generic medieval fantasy lore will work just as well. And you can always ask the mods to find what you’re looking for, or if you’re unsure of something!
tl;dr: In general, yes, but it’s pretty loose because we’re trying to make sure it’s accessible to everyone, regardless of experience!
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elysianentropy · 6 years
ask for the promo so it shows up in tags!
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You saved the world.That’s what you remember, waking up slowly. You saved the world from… something. Your memories are fuzzy, but you know that. You saved the world from a great danger, you went on a long journey, you trained and fought and met people and reached such great, great power-Or, or do you? That… Maybe that was just a dream. I mean, reaching such power, fighting such great creatures…? And you remember so little of it… It must have been a dream.No, you think, blinking awake slowly, looking around the room you’re in. No, you just recently set out on your adventure, didn’t you? You just went on the road - barely out of your hometown, barely any experience. There’s no way you could have done something like that.It was just a dream.It must have been.
Elysian Entropy is a Discord-based killing game RP with world and mechanics inspired by Dungeons and Dragons. Eighteen to twenty new adventurers wake up and find themselves in a mysterious, isolated town, where the only way to escape is to kill each other.
Applications open sometime in late September.
About | Game Explanation | Rules | Hopefuls List | Mods | Hopefuls Server
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elysianentropy · 6 years
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You saved the world. That's what you remember, waking up slowly. You saved the world from... something. Your memories are fuzzy, but you know that. You saved the world from a great danger, you went on a long journey, you trained and fought and met people and reached such great, great power- Or, or do you? That... Maybe that was just a dream. I mean, reaching such power, fighting such great creatures...? And you remember so little of it... It must have been a dream. No, you think, blinking awake slowly, looking around the room you're in. No, you just recently set out on your adventure, didn't you? You just went on the road - barely out of your hometown, barely any experience. There's no way you could have done something like that. It was just a dream. It must have been.
Elysian Entropy is a Discord-based killing game RP with world and mechanics inspired by Dungeons and Dragons. Eighteen to twenty new adventurers wake up and find themselves in a mysterious, isolated town, where the only way to escape is to kill each other.
Applications open in late September.
About | Game Explanation | Rules | Hopefuls List | Mods | Hopefuls Server
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