emindes · 5 years
Craterface Cate
Craterface Cate Free on Kindle for 2 days!
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Craterface Cate is FREE for the next 2 days!
If you’re looking for something to read during isolation or your kids need something to read, check it out!
If you don’t have a Kindle, you can get the app on your phone or other devices.
Share this post, read the book, and feel free to rate it!
“With a little magic Cate’s skin clears up, but will the result be everything she wanted?”
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emindes · 5 years
#Author Life-Day 22: Greatest Strength
What is strength anyway?
Is it that I can open jars really well? 🤣
Or that I can arm wrestle my son? (never for 💰money)
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Or does it go with my maiden name: Hardy- meaning that I’m able to withstand harsh or endure difficult conditions?
Or maybe it’s something I’m…
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emindes · 5 years
#Author Life-Day 21: Your Team
My team…❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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As far as a writing team…I’m still working on that. I’m in a few writing groups but I’m an introvert and so I process a lot of things in my head and on my own. I often feel like others don’t really care what I have to say, I guess that’s why I write😁, but it’s kept me from being more open.
I am currently working with a wonderful artist and friend on a children’s picture…
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emindes · 5 years
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#Author Life-Day 20: Reader Love My most favorite comment about one of my stories came from a mom who told me that while her son was in the bathtub, he was playing said something like, "Help!
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emindes · 5 years
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#Author Life-Day 19: Background Noise I can tune out a lot when I’m in a writing zone. And believe me, I’ve got enough background noise, from dogs barking, kids, Clone Wars playing or incoming messages. I do try to write while kids are at school but it’s not always a luxury. And sometimes the background noises give me inspiration-go figure.
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emindes · 5 years
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#Author Life-Day 17: Dream Event or Retreat I’d pretty much would enjoy going anywhere for a retreat or writing event-though if I was in Europe or something for a retreat, I probably would rather go sightseeing and experience the culture.
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emindes · 5 years
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#Author Life-Day 16: Research I’m not writing Non-Fiction but Fiction does take some research. When I was drafting my mermaid story (still needs revising), I researched all kinds of underwater animals and plants so I could create this underwater place.
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emindes · 5 years
#Author Life-Day 15: Bookish Possession
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It’s not fancy, but I love my fiction books from college. They have notes written through many of them as we delved in deep. I’m not sure I could ever get rid them.
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emindes · 5 years
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#Author Life- Day 14: Treat Yourself When I finish a project I don’t really have a tradition of treating myself. But I do.
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emindes · 5 years
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#Author Life-Day 13: Writer Friends I’ve met amazing writers/friends over the years from conferences, online groups, ANWA, to retreats. The writing community is bursting with encouragement and guidance.
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emindes · 5 years
#Author Life-Days 10-12:
Doing a big catch-up. Life has been a bit busy😬
Day 10: Bookish Bucket-list
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Publish 1 novel and 1 children’s picture book this year. 🎈 🍕
Keep up with book club! 📖 👩
Attend a writing conference. ✏️
Attend a writing retreat. 🎉
Figure out a good strategy to sell books 📚
Day 11: Goals Accomplished
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Self Published a children’s book I had for several years.
Self Published…
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emindes · 5 years
#Author Life-Day 9: Author Fashion
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This is kind of a silly prompt for author life because let’s face it, a huge percentage of writers probably write while wearing their pj’s. Perhaps this refers to when they are out doing authorly events, which I’m not.
So…I’m almost aways cold and during winter I usually 1) have a blanket on; 2) wear a jacket or coat inside; or 3) wear my robe. So I might look like this while writing-minus…
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emindes · 5 years
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#Author Life-Day 8: Work In Progress This is the first time I’ve set off to write a Middle Grade novel. It started as an small idea 3-4 years ago and when I really sat down to plot it out it became so much more than what I originally thought.
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emindes · 5 years
#Author Life-Day 7
I don’t have any author swag😞
I personally don’t like all the extra stuff. My favorite swag was from a proper romance event. It was a nail clipper set that was on a keychain. It’s been very useful.
What’s your favorite swag?
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emindes · 5 years
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#Author Life-Day 6 Inspiration For me inspiration comes from nature, life, art, music, past experiences and the many ‘what if’ questions.
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emindes · 5 years
#Author Life-Day 5
My shelfie’s are scattered and have no tea organization. Maybe one day…
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emindes · 5 years
#Author Life-Day 4
Biggest Fan or Mascot
A pretty good cheering squad, don’t ya think?
All kidding aside–This guy below loves and supports me in my writing for which I’m very grateful.
And he doesn’t think all of it sucks, which is huge.
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