enjagoodness · 2 days
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enjagoodness · 2 months
Someone is targeting my Enja works with Kudos and I LOVE IT!!!
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enjagoodness · 4 months
Ever the pursuit of knowledge~
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enjagoodness · 4 months
Book Bound
This was inspired from a scene of RP I've been doing with Ja'far from the Magi Madness discord server. When I got the prompt "Library" I thought of this cute scene of them reading a book together on a couch, so here's a bit of that Modern Day Corporation AU~
It was a chance meeting: a Gala raising funds for charities. His brother had instructed him to network while there, but Kouen didn’t imagine he’d find someone so appealing while attempting to mingle. Something about Ja’far caught his eye and the more he learned of him, the more interested he became. They met up after the event, grabbed a bite at a cafe, worked side by side on their laptops at the park in the dark, and eventually ended up with Ja’far taking Kouen to his home so they could spar for a bit.
After spending the night, he had woken up to a delicious breakfast. Things were so pleasant, he proposed they start dating, which Ja’far accepted. This was new territory for both and Kouen still had a few hours until he needed to be at the airport.
“Let’s do something fun before I go.” As they cleaned up breakfast, Kouen eagerly waited to learn what his new boyfriend considered fun.
But then the question was turned right back at him. “Fun? What did you have in mind?”
“Oh…um…read a book together?” Kouen fumbled as his mind raced over what he enjoyed, and the hours he could spend reading history was the first thing that popped into his head. “...or…we could hit a museum or any of your favorite local places. There’s also the workout room and pool back at my hotel…” the one he was originally going to stay in before meeting Ja’far. “Or we can stay here and spar some more…” He smiled at his perceived smooth recovery and even managed to end his sentence with a coy wink.
Ja’far stared at Kouen for a moment before a chuckle parted from his lips. “I wouldn’t mind enjoying a book together. That sounds rather nice.”
The visitor’s crimson eyes darted to where he recalled seeing the living room before in this quaint abode. He imagined a couch or recliner for them to get comfortable on. “A book it is then. Do you have any recommendations?”
“Kouen, first I just need to tell you something. The moments we have shared…it is unlike anything I’ve experienced. I appreciate that it was with you.” Ja’far smiled gently as he took Kouen’s hand to lead him to his personal collection of books.
It was reciprocated with a firm but gentle grasp by a man hoping the fluster wasn’t so visible on his face. Kouen was at a loss of words from this confession, even though he felt the same way. “T-th…I…ahem…” He curled the fingers of his free hand around his mouth as he cleared his throat with solemnly closed eyes. “To have many more such experiences with you in the future would bring me great joy.”
Arriving at the home library, Kouen opened his eyes to see the selection of books. Many various non-fiction filled the shelves, indicating someone who valued facts. There were also some historical fictions that Kouen’s eyes zeroed in on. Many familiar titles and renowned authors.
His finger rubbed along the top of one, tempted to pull it out. “Oh. I’ve been meaning to read this one…”
Ja’far gently pulled the book out as soon as he heard Kouen’s interest. Silver strands of the calligraphed title contrasted beautifully against the dark brown canvas cover.
“This one it is then. I’ve never had the pleasure to actually finish it.” 
“Try not to give any spoilers,” Kouen hummed.
Ja’far directed him to a comfortable two cushion sofa in the living room. “Is here okay?”
Kouen’s hand ran along the green plaid blanket draped over the couch before sitting down to test it. Then with a smirk, he grabbed Ja’far’s wrist and pulled him onto his lap. Sideways at first, but Ja’far opted to turn and lean his back against Kouen’s chest.
He sat the book on his lap and delicately fingered the edge of the cover, savoring the moment before starting an adventure together. It would be easy to lose track of the outside world once started, so Ja’far checked, “Did you leave anything at your hotel room last night? You have time to read, but did you want to check back at the hotel?”
He had only brought the essentials for this short trip, so it was easy to gather all his things the night before. He was pretty sure everything was accounted for. Confidently, Kouen rested a hand on the slender shoulder as the book opened to the preface. “If I forgot anything, I could just buy another.” He nuzzled his chin into Ja’far’s neck. “I’d rather spend this time holding you.”
This made Ja’far’s body quiver, the closeness and attentiveness was endearing. “Of course…” Subtly, he bit his lower lip as he turned the pages to the beginning of the story.
Their height difference was perfect to allow both of them a view of the pages in this position. Ja’far started reading out loud until Kouen cut him off after a few paragraphs, giving them alternating turns to read and listen to the dulcet tones of the other’s voice. Occasionally there were side comments, with them sharing their thoughts or knowledge together. They were swept away by the contents within this magical book. It was all so comfortable and at the same time, mentally stimulating.
Every brush of one’s fingers against the other’s while turning pages sent tingling sensations up their backs. Their breaths wavered at each little squeeze, wondering how things could have gone so right for them. How unexpectedly they found their perfect match and came together as cozily as two jigsaw puzzle pieces.
Surely there must be a way to prolong their time together? Maybe Kouen could get to the airport later and V.I.P. his way through security? Or maybe his plane would be delayed? His eyes scanned across the words as Ja’far read them aloud, but his mind kept going back to the earlier confession: A unique experience, and was glad it was with him. As he wanted more, less awkward words formulated in his mind. When Ja’far finished to allow Kouen a turn, the latter squeezed his arms around the former’s waist and rested his chin on the other’s shoulder.
“These past dozen or so hours have been incredible, Thank you,” Kouen purred sincerely.
The hairs on the back of Ja’far’s neck stood upon the words that graced his ears while his entire face went red. Trying to calm his own nerves of excitement, Ja’far cleared his throat and humbly stated, “You…need not thank me for anything…”
Kouen hummed encouragingly, insisting Ja’far was worth the praise. Still, he settled back into reading out loud: such dramatic authority in his voice to compliment the author’s tone in the current scene.
After some time, they arrived at the last page of the third chapter. Upon finishing the page, the way Kouen’s hand glided over Ja’far’s was more of a caress. Seeing as it was getting late and a convenient stopping point arrived, he gently pushed the book down.
His other hand slid up Ja’far’s arm as he teased amusingly into his ear, “You should fly back with me. If nothing else, so we can finish this story together.”
Ja’far’s breath hitches, those words nothing but enticing to him. He placed a mark in the book before closing it with the intention to keep his focus strictly on Kouen. “As…amazing as that would be…I am needed here…”
“Of course,” a disappointed sigh escaped Kouen’s lips, temporarily easing his hold on the other. “Your company is lucky to have such a dedicated employee.” His arm snaked up Ja’far’s side and fingers stroked under the pale chin, urging them to make eye contact.
“You think so, hm?” Ja’far’s gaze fixated on Kouen, his pale cheeks tinted crimson.
It would be a lie if he said he did not desire someone so dedicated. “I know so.” Kouen then urged Ja’far closer for a kiss.
Ja’far indulged by pressing his lips to Kouen’s. Setting the book on the empty cusion, he shifted to more fully embrace this affection as one kiss became two and then more.  The pale fingers started twirling the red locks around them. Kouen’s arms supported the body on his lap. Every caressing touch was electrifying.
Amid the pleasant smiles, Ja’far breathed, “Kouen…”
“Ja’far?” Kouen breathed as he pulled the other closer into him.
“We shouldn’t get carried away. I don’t want to be the reason you’re late…” His dark green eyes gazed at Kouen with a hint of sadness. “It’s time to go.”
Longingly, Kouen gave one last caress on that freckled cheek. “Of course.” Sad as it was, he couldn’t help but admire the other’s responsibility.
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enjagoodness · 4 months
Learning to Communicate
Emerging from the Cavern of Knowledge~
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enjagoodness · 4 months
My oldest did this 🤭💗
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And a bonus I borrowed her book for ~
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enjagoodness · 4 months
Enja Day 2024!
When: Wednesday February 14, 2024.
Theme: Library
Fics, arts, photos, headcanons, music, whatever you come up with! As long as it includes Kouen and Ja'far, All is welcome!
Either Submit the goods or tag #EnjaDay 😚
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enjagoodness · 4 months
Had too much fun with Happy Color
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I think this was my fav
But also did these:
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And their reverses
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enjagoodness · 4 months
TFW you realize it's only a couple weeks until your rarepair's self-designated ship day...
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enjagoodness · 5 months
Magical Journey
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I got a new dragon and had to do a photoshoot 🤭 like they're riding the Mother Dragon
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enjagoodness · 9 months
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enjagoodness · 9 months
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I Did AARRTTT!!! So proud of it!!!! The idea of these three as gangsters was gifted to me from a discussion with @devilrosola where we discussed these AUs and our own works with these AUs!! So glad I experimented with the colors!!!!
Also, I will FOREVER be a Muu simp!! I'm so glad I was gifted with the idea of him like this and with this fit from, again, @devilrosola!!!
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enjagoodness · 10 months
Sindria's Sealed Scrolls - A Ja'far fanzine
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This is a fan-magazine dedicated to Ja'far from "Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic" put out in 2023, brought to you by the Ja'far Appreciation server.
Free for download!
The plots, artistry, and characters belong to their respective owners. Sharing the link is okay, but do not scan, copy or upload to any media or platform. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of its owners.
Join us on Discord!
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enjagoodness · 1 year
Exhibit A: Ja'far promoting Vol 16 release
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Exhibit B: said Volume 16
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Drenched in blood is right...
No dark past revealed in the volume. Just Magno arc stuff. Unless the dark past is just beginning at the end of the volume with Mogamett telling his past. Or the brief, vague glimpse of Alma Torran.
No Ja'far or Kouen in this volume. Despite them in the promo and cover.
Ergo~ they must have had a secret past together 👀
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enjagoodness · 1 year
Kouen: If you had to choose between Ja'far and all the money I have in my wallet, which would you choose?
Sinbad: That depends, how much money are we talking about?
Ja'far: Sinbad!
Kouen: 63 cents.
Sinbad: I’ll take the money.
Ja'far: SINBAD!!!
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enjagoodness · 1 year
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Happy Enja day! (And valentines LOL) I usually don't do art for these but I wanted to this time. Buuuut... I didn't finish my drawing in time, so i made a smaller one, granted, it does look rushed. I may send WIPs for the other one later !! Just know its a 5k drawing hohoho
The theme was soulmates, so I drew Ja'simp ! Because fem ja'far is so common, I decided to draw Fem kouen!
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enjagoodness · 1 year
"No, not KOUexist...Coexist!"
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