errorspacecomics · 7 years
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So Nick's been playing Persona 5, and I've been trying to help him out with negotiations. Each persona has one of four personality traits, and depending on the trait, you should answer the questions in the negotiation in a specific way: vaguely, serious, etc. You go through two questions, and really it's the last question that decides whether the persona will lend you their power or not. Super frustrating when you think you got the vibe of the persona, and you screw up the last question. I haven't played any of the other Persona games, so there was a lot of confusion and questions about EVERYTHING. Even then, I still really liked the plot of the game. And the soundtrack! And this other persona!
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errorspacecomics · 7 years
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So eating oranges in the shower is a thing, and it even has a subreddit dedicated to it. It makes sense since it started on reddit as something unconventional that everyone should try. Since you are already in the shower, you can be as messy/savage as you want. For some people it induces some primal rage/instinct. I wouldn't know, though :)
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errorspacecomics · 7 years
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March has definitely been a Zelda month. For a good part of the game I tried getting around wearing doublets/tops/tunics. For the longest time, I was even just scavenging around for frogs and bugs without realizing I could stumble around with the game's plot..
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errorspacecomics · 7 years
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Click the image to see the comic! So much of Tattletail's dialog reminds of what Rupee would say if she could talk. Whenever I stop giving her treats or wake her up to go for a walk, I can just imagine Rupee whispering behind my back, "No more momma..." Here's a link to all of Tattletail's lines in the game.
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errorspacecomics · 7 years
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So Nick introduced me to this game called Dragonvale World. At first, I told him I didn't want to play a game that sucks in money. He got me to try it out, and I can saw that I don't really feel the need to pay to play, and it's really more of a "gotta catch them all" sort of game. You build your own little dragon theme park, and breed them all to get even more dragons. You occasionally log in to collect food and money from your park, and for the most part you do a few things and leave the game alone for a while. Unless you're trying to breed and get the limited time dragons. In which case you breed like crazy and speed things up when you still haven't gotten that dragon @u@ As a side note, I did end up getting the Eve dragon... unlike when I couldn't get Zeruiah last year from Brave Frontier :P
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errorspacecomics · 7 years
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As 2016 came down to a close, I started thinking about my resolutions... and more importantly... looking at my past resolutions for 2016. I think I did a pretty good job at keeping up with some of the resolutions, I played more games this past year, and I've been trying my best at doing comics bimonthly (at least until the end, haha). I still plan to do two comics a month (and by gah, I have so many new games to try and earlier games to finish).   I was thinking of tacking on some of my past resolutions to this year's resolutions. I want to still start a shop and ship things I make to people, start another comic series, and collaborate with other artists. I condensed my resolutions to a single word for this year: Connect. That's my main focus for 2017 :) In the end, I wish you all a happy new year! Whether 2016 was good or bad to you, I hope 2017 can be a great year for us all!
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errorspacecomics · 7 years
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Click the spoiler image to see the comic! I went in knowing nothing about the game, and I'm glad I didn't. It's a sneaky game that has some pretty good tricks up its sleeve if you don't know about them! I don't know about you, but for five dollars on Steam, it was an immersive yet quick puzzle game (with a plot!) that got me good a few times. No spoilers, just enjoy a dark puzzle game with ponies and pseudocode ;)
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errorspacecomics · 7 years
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Reference to the mysterious Zoids announcement! I used to watch Zoids as a kid, and building the models was one thing that helped steered me towards an engineering degree. I was glad to see that a shield liger was in the announcement photo (I prefer the shield to liger zero). It seems like the project would be a movie, but it doesn't matter to me what it ends up being, as long as it's not terrible!
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errorspacecomics · 8 years
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I wanted to delve into the Metroid series in celebration of the 30th anniversary, and I'm starting out with Metroid Prime. I'm still going through the game and reading the manga, but I'm liking it so far! You get to play a badass space bounty hunter that morphs into a ball and does the pew pew. I wish the new Metroid Federation Force had more Samus (than almost none at all, boo). I'm also thinking of working on a Samus cosplay once I check out some local maker spaces. I know it's been done before, but I want to put an interesting twist on it based on a drawing I saw. I might try to make a separate tab on my weebly to blog my progress, but I'll see if that would be interesting enough. This is also my 30th comic! I wanted to match the 30th anniversary of Metroid with the 30th comic! Okay, technically on Tapastic it would be the 31st episode, but I didn't count the comic a day episode in my files as a comic, so this comic is numbered 30! I'm excited to keep making comics and eventually achieve those milestones!
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errorspacecomics · 8 years
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Click the spoiler image to see the comic! It may be spoilers for the show? I don't want to say too much, but it's a mystery from the show that I imagined to be resolved ;) I recommend watching it if you haven't already!
More comics here!
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errorspacecomics · 8 years
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So there have been quite a few leaks for the new pokemon game Sun and Moon. I'm digging the new pokemon so far, and now they are releasing alola forms for some of the original pokemans. I like that these forms introduce new typing and designs for some of the classic Gen 1 pokemon, but come on... Exeggutor becomes a dragon/grass type? I'm curious to see if it can learn the HM fly (or even more interesting, how it even flies)! On a side note, I saw that this month included the 30th anniversary of Metroid! I've never played any of the metroid games, but I'll give it at shot on the GameCube and make a comic about it to celebrate (I'm still shooting for 3 comics this month!)!
More comics here!
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errorspacecomics · 8 years
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So Nick and I are going through the first season of Harmonquest, which is a live D&D game with special guests for each episode. The first episode is so far available on Youtube, and I highly recommend it if you like story telling and impromptu comedy even if you aren't that familiar with D&D. Watching HarmonQuest reminded me of playing Moose Crossing when I was younger. It was a program to help educate kids about programming, where they can create and interact with objects using scripts (you could even create a pokemon and have it battle and level up!). I remember that whenever I saw someone with an animal I didn't have, I would go create that animal and have it join my parade of animals as I walked around the Moose-iverse. I think younger me didn't think much of the wall of text that bombarded other players, I was just happy of all my "creations."
More comics here!
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errorspacecomics · 8 years
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There has been much pokemon going since the game out, almost to the point where we go out almost every night to some major pokespot locations. We tend to get at least one new pokemon every time we go, but at work, I tend to only get pidgeys, rattatas, and staryus with the occasional growlithes/vulpixes (which seems fitting I guess). I just wish that having the pools out for the dogs in the summer meant that a more variety of water pokemon came out (like squirtle, cough cough). 
More comics here!
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errorspacecomics · 8 years
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I made a google poll form for all you viewers! I appreciate any and all feedback you have to offer :) Link: http://goo.gl/forms/W4Pg9OMJQTYn2foB3 I also put a button linked to the poll in the sidebar so it's available all day err day!
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errorspacecomics · 8 years
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So, I've been going through my steam library and decided to take a swing at Papers, Please. I like the game in the sense that it really challenges myself to detect  discrepancies while rushing to process more people at the border checkpoint. The art is pretty simple and really helps set up this old-timey and dark atmosphere. There's still plenty of endings for me to unlock, but it's a pretty immersive game with a simple concept (sift through those papers, decide who gets into the glorious Arstotzka, and see how the rules and events progress!). In other news, we finally got to adopting a dog. Well, we're technically fostering until we found out more about her leg/hip problems (which we got everything figured out last week at the vet), but she's pretty much the dog of our dreams and her condition is definitely manageable for us. We're waiting to get back with the rescue about her adoption, and for now we've taken to naming her Rupee (full name: Rupee Palookie von Andria). It's been a busy month for us in terms of getting our doge situated, but expect a more polished Tapastic account/series (link provided in next comic unless you want to look at the unpolished account!) and three comics for July to make up for the lag (gotta push myself! Gotta stay on target!) ;)
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errorspacecomics · 8 years
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I generally hate blind boxes. It almost seems that every time I find a blind box that mostly has characters I would like to have, I always get the only one I would really mind getting. I almost just want to watch it burn right after I find out it's the worst figure ever. Also: Relevent!
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errorspacecomics · 8 years
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Happy 5th anniversary to Terraria! I haven't played it nearly enough as Nick has, but we both started from scratch on a new world and I got to see how much content this game has (from the boss battles, to the items, to how much terrain/exploring you can do). Here's a screenshot of our base! It's still a work in progress (like finishing up the "Beware" sign).
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