Sometimes, carrying on, just carrying on, is the superhuman achievement.
Albert Camus, The Fall (via books-n-quotes)
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Look what I bought today! ❤️🐢
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Book Review Title: The Eternal Ones Author: Kirsten Miller Genre: YA Fiction “Haven Moore has always lived in the tiny town of Snope City, Tennessee. But for as long as she can remember, Haven has experienced visions of a past life as a girl named Constance, whose love for a boy called Ethan ended in a fiery tragedy. One day the sight of the notorious playboy Iain Morrow on television brings Haven to her knees. Haven flees to New York City to find Iain and there, she is swept up in an epic love affair that feels both deeply fated and terribly dangerous. Is Iain her beloved Ethan? Or is he her murderer in a past life? Haven asks the members of the powerful and mysterious Ouroboros Society to help her unlock the mysteries of reincarnation and discover the secrets hidden in her past lives, and loves, before all is lost and the cycle begins again. But what is the Ouroboros Society? And how can Haven know who to trust?” My Review of The Eternal Ones: (4/5) *Spoiler Alert* The Eternal Ones is a great read. This book is full of romance, suspense, and mystery. With the chapters being so short and the story so interesting it makes for a quick read. There are two parts to this story. The first half is the development of the plot and main characters. Haven is a 17 year old girl with amazing sewing abilities and visions of what seems to be a past life where she is called Constance and where she and her love Ethan die in a house fire. She has lived her whole life in a very Christian community in Snope City, Tennessee. Losing her father in a horrible accident and mother to an insane asylum Haven was forced to live with her strict grandmother Imogene. Her visions of her love Ethan and their life together disappear around this time and are forgotten until one day Haven sees rich playboy Iain Morrow on tv being accused of a murder. She then faints recalling an intimate moment between Ethan and herself causing a fight between her and Imogene. Haven is drawn to New York City, which is where her visions take place, and wants to go to college there. Imogene refuses to let Haven go until she is cured of the “Demon” living inside her, which she was accused of having been demon possessed since her very first vision. She can’t stop the visions from happening and they become more intense over time. With the help of her gay best friend Beau and a strange mountain girl named Leah Frizzel, who also happens to have visions of the future, helps her get to NYC to meet Iain because she believes he might be the guy she had seen in her visions. The second part of the story takes place in New York City. After being forced to see her Preacher for counseling and completely destroying his office in a vision induced rampage, Haven disappears to see Leah Frizzel. Leah has a vision of her own and warns Haven of a fire. Haven leaves town after being accused of starting her own house fire and having a fight with Beau she takes a train to NYC. After thinking she has been followed by a “gray man” she heads off to the award ceremony Iain Morrow was supposed to appear at. She gets the the front and catches his eye and he has her whisked away to a room in the building where he finds her and confirms her visions. Shy of the paparazzi Iain hides Haven in the old remolded house they used to share in their past life. While he is out pretending they aren't together in public and going about his business Haven tries to figure out who killed them in their past life, often believing Iain did it and then switching back and forth between him killing them and someone else doing it which gets annoying because she so easily believes anyone but him. They take a quick romantic trip to Rome and are quickly put on the front page of every gossip magazine. Havens mother and grandmother keep trying to get her to come home after seeing the magazines. She refuses and they threaten cops on her. She visits the Ouroboros Society where she hopes to find answers where she meets the president Padma and a guy named Adam with horrible intentions and confusing answers. Iain doesn’t want her to go again but she does anyway. She finds out who is responsible for the house fire and then falls in love with Iain again. Her going again causes the kidnapping of Iain and she has to then save him after Beau saves her from being held hostage by creepy Adam. Together Beau and Haven rescue Iain and head to their house to retrieve some items before they leave NYC. Someone sets the house on fire again while they are inside and they have to escape. Haven makes it outside to Beau only to find that Iain did not follow. With Iain dying in the fire Haven inherits his fortune and then goes home to Snope City and Beau goes off to college. She comes home to find her home rebuilt and her hysterical mother. She then goes to see Leah again. They go swimming and we find a big twist in the story and what seems to be a happy ending. I enjoyed this book. The story was nice and the characters were great. Haven could use some work she is so indecisive and is willing to believe anything anyone tells her and it can be a tad annoying. I read this book when I was younger and loved it, I still do. I will be reading the second book soon and reviewing it as well.
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Night air, good conversation, and a sky full of stars can heal almost any wound.
Beau Taplin, Remedy (via books-n-quotes)
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Sometimes you are going to miss a person who was an almost to you. And feel sad because there is no name for that feeling. You just feel it in a way that makes you tired to your very bones.
Nikita Gill, Almost Feelings (via books-n-quotes)
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There are some things in this world you rely on, like a sure bet. And when they let you down, shifting from where you’ve carefully placed them, it shakes your faith, right where you stand.
Sarah Dessen, Someone Like You (via books-n-quotes)
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Uploading my book review tomorrow!
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Me when I read the Trylle Trillogy
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You think you’re the painter, but you’re the canvas.
Turtles All The Way Down - John Green (via demonstrash)
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What could be worse than the life I’m living?
—life without you.
@sparkandashes (on tumblr )
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There’s a new used bookstore in town!
Paper Trail Books - Royal Oak, MI
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