eveningstarr · 11 months
Recognizing and Embracing My Beliefs, Practices, and Perspective
Zodiac Sign: Gemini (June 13th)
--Aquamarine, Tigers Eye, Moonstone--
Eclectic, Lunar, and Divination Witch (at your service~)
Attunes to and honors the moon
studies of lunar phases
comfortable at night
studies many forms of witchcraft
folk magick
Rituals, Spellwork, Deities, etc.
Includes Astrology in practices
Zodiac Sings and Planetary Placements
Celestial and Lunar Magick
Tarot Reading
Tea Reading
Bone Throwing
Candle Reading
I was purely raised over the years I have always been curious about my view of the world and what spiritual essence resonates with me. Though I was purely raised Christian - Baptist, I found solace in what is considered witchcraft. From scrying to simply lighting candles, these components expressed the most importance to me when it came to meditation. My journey is secluded. My ambition is abundant. I hope to explore more now that I have found a safe space to bloom.
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eveningstarr · 1 year
02 October 2023 Journal Entry
Today a relationship with someone I cared for ended, one relationship grew, and the realization that I bit off more than I can chew taught me more than expected. To be berated and undermined year after year made me finally snap back to reality.
I lost track of my school work and have neglected my studies idealizing a life I have never had. My personal environment is in disarray thanks to this mindset; which explains my spiraling behavior. The lesson? Taking a risk is a risk even if you don't take a risk, it is still a risk.
From this point on, I want to back within myself to heal. Losing him, the man I've loved for a while now, taught me a lot. From the conversation all the way to the well-needed disconnection. I was warned by good friends and I ignored them to remain committed that his heart and intentions meant well, he was just caught up like we all tend to be and needed space to sort things out. Defending myself seemed like a threat to him and with that said, it led to finally realizing my feelings were pure but it just wasn't right for us. It wasn't in the cards.
This week's goals:
(1) Catch up on school work & studies; contribute more in the school community than my local community to be around a healthy environment while I heal my id and ego
(2) Practice more routines dedicated to self-care. Even when it comes to the media entertainment I consume on a daily basis
(3) Show support to people and businesses that truly align with my views
(4) Save money to move out and/or get a car for an increase in income and travel within my home state
(5) Remove the toxic consumption of alcohol and cigarettes to reset my drive
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eveningstarr · 2 years
Zoro from 'One Piece' in a tank top has given me life.
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eveningstarr · 2 years
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eveningstarr · 2 years
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A lil late to the party, but Merry Black Fae Day
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eveningstarr · 2 years
“I can’t promise to solve all your problems but I can promise that you won’t have to face them alone.”
— Unknown
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eveningstarr · 2 years
“I’ve found that growing up means being honest. About what I want. What I need. What I feel. Who I am.”
— Epiphany
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