#unrelated chatter
you ever lay awake at 2am totally stoked bc you think it might be a good idea to turn cgr into an audio book
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catboybashirs · 5 months
hello. let's play a game. i want you to describe how nagito komaeda acts in sdr2. if you use the words "crazy," "deranged," or "psychotic," you will be dropped into a pit of venemous snakes and beaten to death with hammers. let's begin
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I'm sorry W H A T
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braisedhoney · 1 year
y'know i always say i tend to like villains (or at least antagonists??) more than the protagonist, but what i don't know is like. Why.
did i have one specific childhood villain that just formed my taste in characters for the rest of time??? if so wtf was it? i need to unravel my own lore it's driving me up the wall.
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chipistrate · 5 months
ugh. I want that stupid fucking hedgehog dead.
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lunetual · 1 year
the sooner you guys can divorce your enjoyment of creating from how many notes your set gets the happier you’ll be and the more fun you’ll have on here !!! flopping is a social construct. kill the idea of it !!! eliminate it from your mind !!! if you love it, that’s enough. if others love it too, that’s a great bonus 🫶
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acaciapines · 6 days
and a grove of palistrom to you real tomorrow.....its so wild to be nearly there. like what do you mean this thing that's existed only for me for the past two years is going to be public now. what??? huh????
if you've ever wanted to ask any questions about this series, well, today's the last day i won't care so much about spoilers! otherwise, we're in it for the long haul, y'all. 161 chapters! 900k words! i posted the first daemon au in the owl house tag on ao3 and now im back for round two!!
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vani-ash · 2 months
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sovpologist · 2 years
y’know at first i wasn’t sure how i felt about mara being confirmed bi instead of a lesbian but the more i think about it the more i kind of love it? like finally we have a canonly bi character whose romantic and platonic relationships don’t revolve around men… having a bi character especially a bi WOMAN who prioritizes women romantically and platonically is so refreshing to me
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I don't play genshit but i am exposed to it by proxy sometimes and i know there's some sort of dude with a snake
And sib once jokingly said he's a lavos gijinka
And i laugh every time i think of that bc it's such a virgin vs chad meme in my mind when compared to human!Higgins
The virgin genshit character vs the chad surfer dude who's blind in one eye and will steal your kneecaps and/or explode your coffee machine
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deviantart fixed its watch page so now it actually shows you what the people you follow post actually. this journal is from a few days ago (but I didn’t see it bc even tho I’ve recently been logging into deviantart, it didn’t show notifications).
...tbh I only wanted to post this now that I saw this bc 1. good to know that our beloved author hasn’t just abandoned the account entirely and 2. the character development of not minding reviews and parodies is making me feel things.
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erstwhilesparrow · 3 months
I just saw that post you reblogged about archiving MCYT stuff - is there a particular reason stuff disappears so often? (That's very cool people are putting in so much effort to preserve it, though; big respect to that tbh)
reyni! :D okay i should be clear upfront that some of my information may be incomplete here because (1) i don't have twitter and (2) i'm not directly involved in any mcyt archival efforts. also putting this under a cut because it's long and i do need to reference recent events involving abuse and sexual assault:
despite mcyt = minecraft youtube(r), a lot of stuff relevant to mcyt happens like. exclusively on stream? really, really ~plot-critical or deeply characterizing stuff happens on stream sometimes and never makes it into a youtube video! and on twitch at least, unless you explicitly set it to save your vods, twitch will just delete them after a certain number of days. i don't know exactly how this works if you stream on youtube but also my impression is that a significant majority of people are not streaming on youtube anyway. since fairly early in my time in mcyt fandoms, there's been concern about creators not saving their own vods, and on top of that, sometimes you save a vod and it gets taken down anyway for copyright infringement (playing copyrighted music, the creator themself asked for it to be removed, etc). so like. as baseline, there's a sense of inherent ephemerality to the medium. that post i reblogged is explicitly pushing back against the description of mcyt vods as "a constantly burning library of alexandria," and in light of the evidence that follows i agree (and also am a little weepy about the efforts people make to save these things), but that sense doesn't come from nowhere, you know?
speaking of that post though, i suspect this archival stuff is coming up More now because it's been a rough couple of weeks in mcyt fandom. several really influential creators in the space were recently outed as being abusive or predatory in a way that's caught a lot of attention, and many people in response have been (understandably!) deleting their fanworks or otherwise distancing or removing themselves from mcyt fandom. i want to be clear, i know stuff gets deleted all the time in fanspaces -- the internet is kind of just Like That in terms of how easy it is to lose things -- and it's incredibly fair to go "no, even if there was a strong distinction between character and creator this leaves a sour taste in my mouth and i'm not doing this anymore." i don't want to pretend that no one has ever deleted a fanwork outside of mcyt spaces, and i don't want to insinuate that it's bad to vocally revoke your support of those creators -- those people have done awful things and generally failed to meaningfully apologize or take accountability, and it is worth remembering and saying so. but to give you a sense of numbers: antimony-medusa does monthly stats on mcyt fic on ao3, and dsmp, which even after it's kind of died off has seen monthly increases in the range of hundreds of new fic per month, saw a decrease of roughly 800 fics. other fandoms have similarly seen decreases, and video blogging rpf, which ao3 treats as an umbrella for basically all mcyt stuff, saw an increase of 51, as compared to last month's increase of (approximately) 3500. and that's just fic -- there's also a rich trove of animatics, fanvids, fanart, etc that i don't have any numbers for, but i've seen people talking about deleting those, too, you know? you see how people might be worried about what we are losing.
at this point i think your question is answered, but if you'll forgive some baseless speculation here, i wonder to what extent mcyt is also. complicated by how closely character and creator can sit? i don't know how other people feel, but there is a difference to me between "i've written fic about This Person Specifically (or, arguably, their streamer persona which may be somewhat divorced from the Real Life Human Being Behind The Screen)" and "i've written fic about a character this person plays." i dunno, there's a sense to me of the flimsiness of the line between creator and character and then also of the line between creator and fandom that i think makes it harder to be like "okay, i am doing my own thing, separate from the creator, so i'm going to keep my stuff public even if i don't stand by it 100% anymore." i remember when i first joined mcyt fandom, there was a period of time people were really worried that the creators were actively on ao3, or that fans would try to send their fanfic directly to the creators. i thought to myself, "well, if anyone Tries Shit with my work, i will simply delete all my relevant accounts and disappear." that's... not really a back-up plan that i feel good about these days, but. you know. it's been a thing, if not always for the same reasons, and i do understand the impulse.
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I know he's just kind of Like That, but. . .
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interesting capitalization there bigb
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braisedhoney · 1 year
i love your art it tastes like cinnamon!! it's very unique /pos
awww oh my god. i'm not sure if this is just an artistic compliment or if you have synaesthesia, anon, but either way i appreciate it. i do enjoy a little cinnamon on things every now and then akdjgkws ;;
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chipistrate · 6 months
Not me putting TADC songs on my Gregory/Dr. Rabbit playlist cause of my carnival GGY origin theory
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vgilantee · 3 days
i woke up this morning with cracked lips and my bottom lip split and bloody. it’s been annoying me all day but i’m once again thinking about omegaverse141 and how claimings are so bloody and gross (affectionate)
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