#imagine that. you have the free cast there doing their thing and then a literal danganronpa character just stands there
important note to myself: should I ever make a hyper accurate fanime adaptation, I should definitely draw Nagisa as the character he's called as in a chapter
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eelhound · 1 year
"The idea of reforming Omelas is a pleasant idea, to be sure, but it is one that Le Guin herself specifically tells us is not an option. No reform of Omelas is possible — at least, not without destroying Omelas itself:
If the child were brought up into the sunlight out of that vile place, if it were cleaned and fed and comforted, that would be a good thing, indeed; but if it were done, in that day and hour all the prosperity and beauty and delight of Omelas would wither and be destroyed. Those are the terms.
'Those are the terms', indeed. Le Guin’s original story is careful to cast the underlying evil of Omelas as un-addressable — not, as some have suggested, to 'cheat' or create a false dilemma, but as an intentionally insurmountable challenge to the reader. The premise of Omelas feels unfair because it is meant to be unfair. Instead of racing to find a clever solution ('Free the child! Replace it with a robot! Have everyone suffer a little bit instead of one person all at once!'), the reader is forced to consider how they might cope with moral injustice that is so foundational to their very way of life that it cannot be undone. Confronted with the choice to give up your entire way of life or allow someone else to suffer, what do you do? Do you stay and enjoy the fruits of their pain? Or do you reject this devil’s compromise at your own expense, even knowing that it may not even help? And through implication, we are then forced to consider whether we are — at this very moment! — already in exactly this situation. At what cost does our happiness come? And, even more significantly, at whose expense? And what, in fact, can be done? Can anything?
This is the essential and agonizing question that Le Guin poses, and we avoid it at our peril. It’s easy, but thoroughly besides the point, to say — as the narrator of 'The Ones Who Don’t Walk Away' does — that you would simply keep the nice things about Omelas, and work to address the bad. You might as well say that you would solve the trolley problem by putting rockets on the trolley and having it jump over the people tied to the tracks. Le Guin’s challenge is one that can only be resolved by introspection, because the challenge is one levied against the discomforting awareness of our own complicity; to 'reject the premise' is to reject this (all too real) discomfort in favor of empty wish fulfillment. A happy fairytale about the nobility of our imagined efforts against a hypothetical evil profits no one but ourselves (and I would argue that in the long run it robs us as well).
But in addition to being morally evasive, treating Omelas as a puzzle to be solved (or as a piece of straightforward didactic moralism) also flattens the depth of the original story. We are not really meant to understand Le Guin’s 'walking away' as a literal abandonment of a problem, nor as a self-satisfied 'Sounds bad, but I’m outta here', the way Vivier’s response piece or others of its ilk do; rather, it is framed as a rejection of complacency. This is why those who leave are shown not as triumphant heroes, but as harried and desperate fools; hopeless, troubled souls setting forth on a journey that may well be doomed from the start — because isn’t that the fate of most people who set out to fight the injustices they see, and that they cannot help but see once they have been made aware of it? The story is a metaphor, not a math problem, and 'walking away' might just as easily encompass any form of sincere and fully committed struggle against injustice: a lonely, often thankless journey, yet one which is no less essential for its difficulty."
- Kurt Schiller, from "Omelas, Je T'aime." Blood Knife, 8 July 2022.
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spirits-having-flown · 10 months
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“matthew, it is with heavy heart i say goodbye. the times we had together are honestly among the favorite times of my life. it was an honor to share the stage with you and to call you my friend. i will always smile when i think of you and i’ll never forget you. never. spread your wings and fly brother, you’re finally free. much love. and i guess you’re keeping the 20 bucks you owe me.” - matt leblanc
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“i am so grateful for every moment i had with you matty and i miss you every day. when you work with someone as closely as i did with matthew, there are thousands of moments i wish i could share. for now here's one of my favorites. to give a little backstory, chandler and monica were supposed to have a one night fling in london. but because of the audience's reaction, it became the beginning of their love story. in this scene, before we started rolling, he whispered a funny line for me to say. he often did things like that. he was funny and he was kind. 🤍🕊️" - courteney cox
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“oh boy this one has cut deep... having to say goodbye to our matty has been an insane wave of emotions that i've never experienced before. we all experience loss at some point in our lives. loss of life or loss of love. being able to really sit in this grief allows you to feel the moments of joy and gratitude for having loved someone that deep. and we loved him deeply. he was such a part of our dna. we were always the 6 of us. this was a chosen family that forever changed the course of who we were and what our path was going to be. for matty, he knew he loved to make people laugh. as he said himself, if he didn't hear the 'laugh' he thought he was going to die. his life literally depended on it. and boy did he succeed in doing just that. he made all of us laugh. and laugh hard. in the last couple weeks, i've been pouring over our texts to one another. laughing and crying then laughing again. i'll keep them forever and ever. i found one text that he sent me out of nowhere one day. it says it all. matty, i love you so much and i know you are now completely at peace and out of any pain. i talk to you every day... sometimes i can almost hear you saying "could you BE any crazier?" rest little brother. you always made my day... ❤️🕊️” - jennifer aniston
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“matty, thank you for ten incredible years of laughter and creativity. i will never forget your impeccable comic timing and delivery. you could take a straight line of dialogue and bend it to your will, resulting in something so entirely original and unexpectedly funny it still astonishes. and you had heart. which you were generous with, and shared with us, so we could create a family out of six strangers. this photo is from one of my favorite moments with you. now it makes me smile and grieve at the same time. i imagine you up there, somewhere, in the same white suit, hands in your pockets, looking around— "Could there BE any more clouds?” “ - david schwimmer
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“shot the pilot, friends like us, got picked up then immediately, we were at the nbc upfronts. then... you suggested we play poker and made it so much fun while we initially bonded. thank you for that. thank you for making me laugh so hard at something you said, that my muscles ached, and tears poured down my face every day. thank you for your open heart in a six way relationship that required compromise. and a lot of "talking." thank you for showing up at work when you weren't well and then, being completely brilliant. thank you for the best 10 years a person gets to have. thank you for trusting me. thank you for all I learned about grace and love through knowing you. thank you for the time i got to have with you, matthew.” - lisa kudrow
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friends cast remembers matthew perry 🤍🕊️
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ffsg0jo · 6 months
I loved your Ramadan works with the JJK characters. It's so nice to see another muslimah who writes for JJK :)). I am not sure if you are still actively posting, but would you consider writing a piece with the cast's reaction to the hijab and abaya? JazakAllah!
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jjk characters with a muslim/hijabi reader [gojo edition]
gojo x reader [platonic or romantic it's open to interpretation]
w/c: 955 words
a/n: i got so carried away writing gojo's i realised if i added more characters, it'd be an incredibly long post. so i took them out and i'm gonna post them over the next couple weeks <33 so far i have megumi, nanami, itadori and nobara lmk if you want anymore characters :)) also guys pls feel free to send requests/suggestions :))
also anon you're the sweetest person every thank you so so much you've single handedly given me motivation to keep writing and ive got more works coming out. i hope you're having an amazing day inshaAllah bestie 💗
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Gojo definitely thinks you’re doing a cosplay of some sort. It’s not uncommon in certain parts of Tokyo, so it’s safe to assume so most of the time. Even he’s been mistaken for Kakashi cosplays a lot of the time, with his black get-up and blindfold.
But then he sees you wearing different colour hijabs and abayas, and sometimes even a cute lil jilbabs and it confuses him. Suddenly, the thought occurs to him that maybe you’re not in a 24/7 cosplay, like him, and actually just dress covered head to toe.
As soon as he reaches that epiphany you best believe he pesters you and badgers you for answers. “y/n are you cold? is that why you’re always dressed like that?”
At first, you think it’s funny to give him nonsensical answers because he keeps saying stupid things, but you realise he's being deadly serious. plus, he gets increasingly bothersome, so you eventually get annoyed from all his questioning and just tell him about how you’re a Muslim and observe hijab.
He actually takes it quite seriously and apologises for lowkey making fun of your shitty cosplay in his head. He’s ignorant, not prejudiced, so he defo takes it back and, for once, takes accountability and apologises for his actions. He’s personally not a believer, but he respects it.
Once, you complained about how expensive abayas were becoming and how you just wished someone would just buy you a whole wardrobe of them to all the students, and he happened to overhear.
Literally days later he’s at your door with multiple bags full of abayas and hijabs and all sorts of modest clothing. You’re completely shick shack shook and don’t know what to say. You defo cry and try to hide it with your headscarf.
He barges into your room (after making sure you’re fully covered, he's learnt from that mistake) and spends the next 5 or so hours showcasing each item and telling you where in the world he got it from, the materials and everything.
He has really good taste in colours and styles and knows what would look good on you. You’re literally set for life. Absolutely refuses to let you pay him back. Every single time you mention money, he shuts you down and changes the topic entirely.
In summer he’s shocked you look relatively calm and okay. He’s literally boiling his bum off with a tank top (I’m laughing at imagining Gojo in a white tank top like an immigrant dad lmaoo) and you’re looking as fresh as daisies with everything covered. He asks how you're not melting and you’re waffling to him about airflow and how it’s actually quite breezy, and you’re not wearing anything underneath, so it’s fine, and he stops breathing and short circuits.
He looks at you with his eyes wide, and his sun reddened face goes a shade darker. "You’re not wearing anything underneath?" He takes it the completely wrong way, and you realise what it sounds like, and you’re both a bumbling mess.
It's the first time anyone’s ever seen Gojo that flustered.
Also some quickfire headcanons:
He genuinely thought you slept and showered with your hijab on, so he burst into your room one day and you screamed and he immediately warped somewhere else when he saw you wearing pyjamas (he didn’t see anything above your clothed knees, he panicked and left so quickly plus he was scared to look).
Gets you cute little clips to put on your hijab. He thinks they’re pretty.
Is absolutely devasted you can’t have mochi and some other desserts because they have pork gelatine in them and he always tries to find vegan alternatives.
Purposefully steps on your abaya/dress when it's flowing and he's behind you to annoy you.
Has extra pins pinned onto his uniform for you just in case you need them.
This is a secret he’ll take to his grave, but he actually tried to make you one of his favourite desserts you couldn’t eat (he threatened the bakery for the recipe), but it went so disastrously wrong he gave up and didnt want to face the embarrassment.
I’m talking melted plastic in the oven, small kitchen fire, eyebrows singed, and potential carbon monoxide poisoning bad.
You wore this specific shade of light blue once with a cream khimar, and for some reason, he was absolutely obsessed with that outfit. It wasn't until Nobara pointed out that your outfit matched Gojo's colour scheme did he finally realise why <33
The abaya sizing really confused him and he was so baffled as to what the numbers meant. Wdym size 52 what does that even measure 😭😭
He was faffing about for 2 hours before he realised he could've just googled it, and he felt absolutely stupid about it.
Whenever he sees a bit of your hair accidentally peeking out he covers his eyes and screams at you to "cover yourself woman goddammit". He's so dramatic honestly.
Thinks it’s hilarious seeing you run in your abaya. He thinks its the funniest thing in the world.
Once (he's lying defo more than once) he was zoned out while watching you and his heart started beating faster when he realised how beautiful you are with your long dress blowing in the breeze and your hijab lightly fluttering. You looked ethereal. He didn't know what to think, and he pushed his feelings back down. Deep deep down.
He doesn't need unnecessary feelings complicating things, but for some reason, his heart still yearns for you.
He also makes terrorist jokes about you to you. I will not explain that one, but he 100% does.
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© ffsg0jo 2024 — do not plagiarise, repost, modify, or translate any of my work in any way, shape, or form; i will piss in your cereal if you do. all work belongs to me and me only.
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wellofdean · 2 months
Sorry ,for me personally, it has to be out loud acknowledge to even remotely make up for how badly they treated fans over the years, the out loud queerbaiting in one breath and mocking in the next. The in text gay jokes, sexism and homophobia. The digs at their own fans.
They want the credit without having to do it. Again. They want the pat on the back they need to earn it this time.
Years of baiting for views and profit needs a payoff imo. Sorry people downplaying how important the canonization of this ship in particular is just hurts to see over and over. Stop letting them off the hook please. You deserve more. We all do.
It’s important. It does matter.
The cas/destiel hope baiting continued with the Winchesters and that’s why I’m at a put up or shut up moment with Jensen and the writers. He and Danneel kept the hype up every week that the show was airing all the while knowing cas doesn’t even get a name drop. He’s not even hinted at. Mary/john paralleled destiel so many times yet refused to call it want it was.
They could have shut it down week one, they interacted on tweeter a lot during airing and knew what fans thought there was going to be an acknowledgment or hint that never happened. They are smart people, they saw the speculation and hype but didn’t step in with a gentle ‘sorry guys this is about the new crew’ they fanned the hope instead with ‘something big happens’ that was just dean meeting the new team.
Loved the Winchesters as a show, sad it got dropped cause I loved the new cast so much. That said the baiting hurt and wasn’t necessary, the show was good.
Everyone is looking back with rose colored glasses and rewriting history. But things were ugly with the spn team/cast/writers at times. The homophobia was pretty out loud in a way it was allowed to be in the early 00s. They’ve grown and that’s wonderful but it still happened.
They need to earn the praise they want imo. No hate! Glad you are happy! just feels a little unfair to say we should all let them off the hook again and be happy with nothing while praising the benevolent straights. Just my two cents 😅💚💙
I want to answer this sympathetically, because I know it's disappointing that no one has been willing to just say "Dean and Cas are gay for each other" out loud, and I don't think there are many people in this fandom who picked up what the narrative was putting down, and were not disappointed in the finale for LOADS of reasons, only one of them being that Dean never had the chance to acknowledge what Cas said to him. I understand your feelings, my anonymous friend, I really do. I too found the end of Supernatural deeply frustrating, because they managed to erase the meaningful journeys of every single character, not just Dean, though what they did with Dean was the worst. I completely understand wanting them to JUST FUCKING SAY IT. I do. I get you. I simply do not agree.
My argument, which I have made many, many times, is that what you want is THERE in the narrative. They made Cas Dean's ride or die, they made it obvious that Dean can't carry on without Cas -- that the loss of Cas means Dean loses his will to live. That was explicit. They made it clear that more than anyone else, EVEN Sam, Cas is essential to him. They structured the narrative around Dean and Cas's emotional beats. They let Cas say the obvious thing out loud, and then showed us Dean behaving exactly as Dean would in a situation like that -- in the midst of his existential crisis about who he is and whether he has ever had free will, and with the world falling around them -- they showed us Dean unable to speak, unable to respond but overwhelmed with emotion. Like, remember that when Mary died when Dean was four, he was unable to speak? Is it really so hard to imagine that he loves Cas with all his heart? To read love in Dean's watery eyes, and the way he chokes down his heart and begs Cas not to do this? Not to being saying goodbye? I mean... I CAN DO THAT MATH. Literally everything about the story supports it. IT IS THERE.
Fandom always argues: if Cas were a woman, we wouldn't have any questions, so what I am just wondering is, why do we have questions again? Is it because we (homophobically) can't just see it for what it is because it's gay? Because, when it's gay we lose our ability to interpret narrative, and we need to be told, like we are 5 years old, what's happening in a perfectly obvious story? Or, is it a skill issue? Is it because we need the creators of the story to affirm our interpretation? We need the actors to just TELL US what they meant when they did that thing with their faces? Do we need their permission to understand it for what it is?
I've said many times that calling what happened on Supernatural 'queerbaiting' because no one ever made out or fucked on the maps table is really offensive to me actually. Don't you know that there are queer people in this world who never get to live their truths? Who just ache and yearn and want, and never get to have? Like, that there are in fact queer people who are afraid to say what they feel, or who don't understand or embrace who they really are and what they really need until it's too late? Are those not QUEER EXPERIENCES? I love Dean and I love that story because it's queer as hell and it makes ME feel seen, because I am like him! I am a queer person of his age who didn't ask myself those questions seriously enough in time! My own queerness is very fucking real, and it is UNLIVED. That HAPPENS to actual queer humans, and like, it's not queerbaiting when it's just queer, but didn't tell you the queer story YOU wanted it to tell. You saw years of tease? I saw years of choices, and love, and accretion of deep wells of emotion. I saw a clear romance, and a character becoming. It was a story I needed, AS A QUEER PERSON.
And the Winchesters was just joyful if you went in with that understanding of the previous story. It was like getting an A+ in Supernatural week after week from Dean himself. I can accept that the stars didn't align for Cas/Misha to come back in the first season, accept that if he were coming back, it needed to be more than a cameo to make it right, and that it didn't work out. I am so sad it was cancelled, but I can accept that it was leading someplace it didn't get to go. That's not queerbaiting, either! It's telling a story that was aborted, and I think if you don't see that, then that is DEFINITELY a skill issue.
I'm not looking back with rose coloured glasses; Supernatural is fresh in my mind. I watched it again without the internal pressure of expectations that aren't going to be met, and let it tell me what it was really doing all along. I am happy. It's a really compelling, deeply romantic, deeply queer story. I don't need permission from anyone involved to think that, and I don't need it explained to me. I understand wanting it to just be fully explicit, but I would not trade the story it did tell for a simpler, less engaging one, that asked less of me. I love it very much AS IT IS.
And, please: point me to this fabled abuse of fans. I have never really seen an example of it that is not easily debunked with a little bit of context.
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mashiraostail · 7 months
could you elaborate on that wyll turn om your wrote? pretty please? 👉👈
being a wyll fan is literally looksmaxxing.
nsfw under da cut!! My Wyll bias is sooo gnarly i could write a book about him he's sooo handsome.
You were hobbiling towards camp, the sun was already lowering in the sky, not that you had the energy to lift your head up to see the sky and notice. Wyll had your left side and Karlach your right, you were dragging your feet letting the duo mostly carry you.
"I think," Karlach hoists you up a bit, "we should ban the casting of haste on our good friend here for at least 5 days."
"Possibly six." Wyll agrees, squeezing your waist a bit.
"Never again." You turn into him, in favor of Karlach.
"I'm sorry, Gale was hoarding scrolls." Wyll hobbles a bit at the sudden shift of weight but he still helps you along none the less.
"I wasn't hoarding anything!" Gale argues, "don't blame this on me! I'm carrying all the stuff, I've repented!"
You chuckle a bit, "don't be mean to Gale."
"Defending Gale??" Karlach guffaws, "oh god, they're delrious." She hoists you over her shoulder, "Wyll standby, they might need mouth to mouth."
You laugh but reach out for Wyll nonetheless, "Wyll! Get me down!"
You lock eyes for a second with him, not before he gives your body, hoisted upon Karlach's shoulder, a once over . He can see your exposed sides through your armor, the fabric rumpled up so he could even see down to the small of your back. When he looks at your face he can't deny you do look a bit delirious. Your eyelids looked particularly heavy but you were smiling at him sleepy and content.
"Come on, give them to me Karlach you're scaring them." Wyll chuckles a bit and gestures for you.
"I don't know if you can keep this one on a leash." Karlach shakes her head, "what if they really have lost their mind? What if they're a doppelgänger?"
"Is it so odd they would be nice to me?" Gale sounds offended, "I'm shocked, and offended. We really are good friends, the two of us!"
Karlach sets you down on the ground once you can see your camp in the distance and you stumble into Wyll. He steadies you by your waist.
"Alright, be careful." Wyll wraps an arm around you, "Karlach don't shake them around so much next time."
You're laughing, giggling, turning into him. He uses his free hand to rub his face and look anywhere but you. You don't notice the way Karlach snickers but he sure does.
Back at camp the others were already settling in for the night, dinner had been started and everyone was lounging around pretty contentedly given the dire situation you all found yourselves in.
"Let's get you settled down then." Wyll helps you down to lounge against a log by the camp fire. "Are you alright?"
"I'm alright." Your head lolls to the side, "exhausted."
"I can imagine." Wyll produces a small flask of water and hands it to you, "have something to drink. I'll get you dinner." He starts to stand, "and try to wash up a bit? I'd hate for you to fall asleep covered in the dirt from today."
You nod lazily with no real intention of heeding his words, you could sleep in your armor right now. When he returns his own armor had been discarded and he had dinner in hand for you, to be fair to pot wasn't far away but you were almost certain you'd be sleeping right against this log tonight.
"Will you be alright if I go help Karlach out with some things?" The way you reach out for his hand makes his stomach flutter nervously. You're looking up at him with tired eyes, your dinner sitting beside you, forgotten.
"You won't stay with me? I need some place more comfortable to lay on." The back of your head is resting against the log you're leaned on. He bites the inside of his cheek to keep his jaw from hitting the floor.
'I....will be back for you as soon as everything is sorted." He feels your thumb slide over his knuckles. You're pulling his hand subtly, enough so that he can feel and just take half a step towards you.
"Can't you sort it later?" You pull again and of course he kneels, not before choking back a gasp tinged with equal parts arousal and surprise. When you're closer to eye level he can see the way you fight to keep your head upright, the way it subtly lolls every time your eyelids linger closed. He supposed it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world, to yield to you. He could lay down right beside you and your would go to him, wrap your arms around him, he could take a deep breath of you and enjoy the feeling of your skin against his. He'd wanted to do nothing more since your initial getting together, but he had difficulties finding the right time for such indulgences given your rather dramatic day to day lives. You seemed to not share his troubles, dusting your fingers over the tattered hem of his shirt and down the short hairs trailing towards his pants. He'd seen you look there before, but in the fleeting moments you spared with him you tended not to linger on it.
"Gods-" He doesn't manage to choke it back this time.
"Wyll," He feels your other hand starting up his arm.
"What are you doing now, I can't-" He's willing all the heat out of his face as your hand closes around the crook of his neck, "what are you doing now?" If you can sense his nervousness you don't mention it.
"Oi! Wyll!" Karlach's voice echos all the way across camp, it makes you jump.
"I'm sorry-" You scrub your face, "I'm tired it's...poor impulse control. Karlach is looking for you."
"Karlach is-" Wyll looks over his shoulder, "I'm....I mean she doesn't...it's not pressing." He clears his throat, "if you..have something you need from me?"
"It sounds pressing." You look up at him, "I'll..be here I can't move." You flop backwards and the loss of proximity makes Wyll feel cold. He gets up though, seems to dust himself off before heading in whatever direction Karlach had been screeching from.
He almost feels bad for how little help he is to Karlach. His mind simply can't stop wandering to how you stuck to him. How you'd seemed more than open to showing him all the things you liked about him, and all the places you'd wished to linger. He wondered if he hadn't gotten up would you have started letting your lips wander the way your hands did? Even covered in your conquests for the day he still found you to be incredibly inviting. Had you not been in the middle of camp he would have been happy to lay back and let you touch and mouth all over him, if it's what you wanted. And the way you'd said his name then too, it was just knocking around what felt like an otherwise empty skull. Poor impulse control? Did you think about touching him all the time then? What other impulses would your sleep hazed brain be unable to inhibit if you were alone with him? He was almost too egear to find out.
"You know they're alright?" Karlach seems to take his absent mindedness as worry, "just exhausted. It's gonna be okay."
"I.." Wyll shakes his head, trying to get the various nude images of you to fuck off, "yeah..gods..yeah trust me I know."
She seems to perk up a bit, "well is there something I don't know?"
"No secrets between friends, Karlach." Wyll waves her away as the memory of your sleepy, coy smile creeps back into his mind.
True to your word you don't move, not because you don't want to. You simply felt no desire or motivation to get up and move. You do eat a bit, and chat with Astarion briefly, but then you're alone again contemplating the fire. When Wyll returns your glad to see him for more reason than one.
"Gods, you're still in your armor." He holds his hands out to you and you take them, hoisting yourself up. "Come on, if you needed help cleaning up all you had to do was ask."
"I didn't want to trouble you." You follow him staying close behind as he walks around the edge of camp to the water. You cant resist the temptation to reach out and brush your fingers over the exposed nape of his neck, he falters just barely, but says nothing about it.
"It's no trouble." He sits you on a rock and starts helping you remove your armor. You do notice the way his eyes seem to latch onto each and every inch of your newly exposed skin. "It's an honor."
"An honor?" You laugh a little to try and hide your embarrassment, "come off it."
"It is." He insists, even taking off your boots for you. Once your armor was discarded he takes a damp cloth to your skin. "I'm honored you trust me to have you like this. I hope I'm one of a few."
"More like the only." The cloth feels perfect on your sore skin, red from where your armor chafed against you and dug into you all day. You figured, since he's touching you, you may as well get to touch him. You graze your fingers down his forearms, and over the veins on the back of his hand. Your other hand brushes over the side of his neck and down to his chest pulling just barely on the collar of his shirt.
"You'll never be rid of me if you keep blowing up my ego." Wyll warns you, but he's smiling, his free hand is damp too and pinning your hair off your face.
"I don't want to be rid of you, Wyll." You cast your gaze up to meet his, "I'd like you close, just like this, for the forseeable future. Closer even."
He laughs, "well there will be no protest from me." You feel a wave of warm content wash over you at the sound of his laughter and voice which it makes keeping your eyes open all the harder. You drag your flat palm over his chest, then back up over his shoulder.
"Am I putting you to sleep?" He asks, wringing the cloth over the water.
"It just feels nice." You shake your head, "'s all." He brings the rag to your face, beginning to wipe off the dirt stuck to you there. "And your voice is very soothing."
"Is it?" He seems elated to have you like this, if his grin and the flutter to his voice are any indication.
"And you're very handsome."
"I'm thrilled you think so, I've noticed you've been having a hard time keeping your hands to yourself." You can hear the smile in his voice as he drags the cloth down the cut of your jaw, "but am I handsome enough that you'd consider spending the night with me?"
"I was worried you'd never ask." You manage it through a yawn that puffs your chests and pulls out your collarbones in a way that makes Wyll turn his eyes up to the stars to save his own decency.
"You're always invited. You know it's only a short walk across camp from your spot to mine." He's kneeling between your legs to get the best access to your neck and shoulders which he'd left for last. Your hands were wandering again, just like they had at the fire. One on his stomach and the other running up his arm and shoulder. After a moment he discards the cloth, but let's his hands stay against your skin. When you lean forward he isn't sure what you're going to do, but the way your lips graze over his exposed stomach and down to the hem of his pants was probably closer to the bottom of his list. He can feel your breath against his skin, in deep through your nose and out through barely parted lips.
You lean back again to see him, looking down at you with a mixture of shock and arousal.
"I'm not unwelcome, am I?" Both of your hands are on his arms now, like you were mapping out every part of him you liked, he was almost egar to find where you'd indulge yourself next.
"No, not not..not at all." He shakes his head and you feel his gaze all over your face and neck, almost like he was waiting for permission.
"KIss me." You turn up at the feeling of his hands on your face, he's quick to indulge you, and when he does he feels your hands drag immediately down to his chest and stomach.
"You've never touched me like this before." Wyll chuckles into your lips, "it's all very telling."
"My impulse control." You remind him and he hums, a knowing tone in his voice.
"Well feel free to..never control another impulse of yours again."
"Do you intend to make me wait forever, Wyll? To have you?" You wrap you arms around his shoulders and draw him into you, your lips go easily to his throat and down to his collarbones.
"I will not make you wait a second longer." He rolls over with you, taking you in his lap. He easily discards his shirt and feels you working at his pants which he doesn't protest in the slightest. "Tell me what you want." The feeling of your palms against his chest keep him grounded enough to keep talking to you, otherwise he thinks he'd be somewhere on cloud nine.
"Touch me, Wyll just touch me." He watched your chest rise and fall with shallow sleepy breaths, so content to look that he'd plain forgotten your request for him to touch as well. You guide his hands over your body, one on your chest and the other on your thigh. You kiss him, over his neck and shoulders, his bicep his chest, occasionally biting anywhere that looked particularly supple.
"Oh gods you're being unfair now-" He feels you starting to rut against him, "gods you're so lovely."
You're practically purring for him and he realizes he's hardly done anything but call you lovely, and if it was as easy as that he was happy to continue to indulge you.
"Maybe tiring you out like this isn't a bad thing." He feels your hips starting to to stutter and he figures he'll do you the favor of turning you over and helping you along.
"Should I take this off?" He tugs the last bit of fabric covering you and all you can do is nod and drop your head back. You're grateful he doesn't feel the need to tease you or be cruel, he's touching you immediately, fingers stroking over you with a firm touch. You're arching into him gratefully, all the while still practically groping him.
You can feel his breath heavy against the side of your neck as he dips a finger inside, then another. He holds one of your legs against his chest, the other you spread almost comically apart for him. You were holding your breath, you aren't sure why, maybe you'd forgotten to let it out.
He presses his temple against your leg draped over his chest and shoulder while his eyes scan over your body, "don't hold your breath, just let it all out, let yourself go, I've got you, right here." His fingers curl at the knuckles and true to his word you take in a deep, shuddering breath, your hand scrambling for his wrist.
"Please, Wyll," You squeeze his wrist until he pulls away, "I want you."
"I know you do." He runs his palm flat against your stomach, "can't I just enjoy you a bit first?"
"Please." You turn your head away but buck your hips a bit.
"Okay, okay, you know I can never say no to you." He leans down to your lips and you wrap your legs around him desperately as he pushes in.
"Yeah that's it, wrap your legs around me, just like that pull me in. I want to feel you, close." He's rocking his hips into you, he can feel the rattling breaths your taking in as your chest expands against his. He doesn't mind the not so subtle groping of his arms and chest at all, or the way you bury your face into his neck. The biting was unexpected but he really doesn't mind that either.
"You can bite me, hold onto me, it's okay, whatever you want." Your moans make the side of his neck vibrate underneath your lips as you squeeze your legs around him, pulling him deeper. You feel his chest rumbling against yours as he moans, "oh gods, just like that, pull me in, that's perfect."
If he had any idea what the sound of his voice and the rumbling of his chest were doing for you he was being more than generous with you.
"I love to look at your face like this, you can't even keep your eyes open," he looks down at you, just a few inches between your faces, he uses one arm to hold himself up, the other pulls your leg tighter around him.
You head lolls to the side and he makes a quiet noise, like he's kissing his teeth, "don't move, don't move. I'm right here, it's all yours, I'm all yours, I just want to see you." When you turn your head back to him he grins, "that's it, that's it my love."
Now that you think of it, the grin on his face tells you he more than understands what the sound of his breathless voice does for you. He'd probably always been a devil, even without the horns, they certainly helped.
It didn't take long for you to work yourself up to near hysterics, especially when you found the sort burst of energy to turn over. You were sat on his lap, with unfettered access to his chest and arms, and a perfectly clear sightline to his stomach. You didn't need much to finish after that, and when you both do it's easy to flop down onto him, pressing your face into his neck.
One of his hands holds the base of your skull, the other rests on your back. "I'll have to talk to Karlach, about that rule." He pushes your hair to the side, "I'd like for you to always be this honest with me."
"I'm always honest." You sound almost offened, but too tired to push it there.
"It was your body, you love me." He sounds proud, preening, actually thrilled,"you couldn't help yourself, you were practically begging me to touch you and I hadn't even done anything. I quite like this side of you, you know? Who were they? What's their name? How could I see more of them?"
"Stop it," You shove him, your face burns but he couldn't see it, hidden in the crook of his neck, "I want to go to bed."
"I will happily take you there." Wyll's hand drags suggestively down your back and you gasp at him.
"To sleep."
"Yes, I completely understand." He sounds smart when he says it, teasing, and simply delighted.
"And you should carry me, for you indiscretions."
"Oh, nothing would make me happier my love."
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vvh0adie · 1 year
watching my friends leave tumblr is really sad
you literally can't win
at this point the writer's strike should just be a cultural movement
like ppl are writing for FREE and you're complaining about turn out rate and shit
we have lives and some of us (HELL ALL OF US) have some form of mental illness, so we can't be fucking cogs all day and churn out fics.
writing is suppose to be therapeutic and writers want to share that with you to ease the tension of this hellscape we live in
but some of these readers and even fellow writers are taking it too far with the bullying
like its mean and nasty. you don't know what someone is going thru.
instead of asking for updates how about check and see if your writer is mentally stable to do so. that right there is a booster, to have someone say "are you okay?"
and then the whole accusations of favoring a certain member/character. if that person is my muse or safe space then of course imma write for them. most solo writers i see don't even talk bad about other people. its a SOLO account. think of it as a shrine blog of writing if that helps. they're not there to trash, just share their writing for other's who might also share the same muse.
then you have readers who can't separate fiction from reality. just because someone writes a character with irl people faceclaimed onto them doesnt mean they actually think that person would be or do those things irl. i'll be the first to say that i only gave my characters bts faces cuz thats who im attracted to and they're who i imagine would be casted to play my characters.
then IN THE YEAR OF 2023 we still have ppl making fun of their peers writing and also THE FACT THAT ENGLISH MIGHT NOT BE THEIR FIRST LANGUAGE? that's nasty asf. majority of us dont even speak 'proper' english as our first language no way. you only shooting yourself in the foot. don't act like you dont have beta readers... like what are yall on?
and anybody who gets on THAT BLOG behind anon is an opp. not just to the writing community but in how you interact with the world all together. yall don't know how to talk to people anymore? it may have started as a place for critique and accountability but no one is bringing receipts or critical thinking anymore. its mainly for drama and not rehabilitation. yall serious scare me in how we'd see the reality of social change applied to the real world. like i'd be more scared to let yall around the prisoners with minor offenses cuz yall act like its the end of the world and that change cant happen. yall give nobody room to change ignorant stances but ignore the real egregious shit because you honestly dont have the bandwidth to take on actual fascist views.
also the plagiarism has got to stop too. if you need writing resources just ask. but practice makes perfect. so you're gonna have to write yourself. you may not like your writers voice but you will feel shitty in the long run when you don't feel like its you putting those words on the paper. it literally just prolongs your inferiority. make something you're proud of and don't hurt your fellow writers. we went thru the process just like you. we earned it. and most of us aren't gatekeepers, we will help you.
like its really tuff being on here sometimes. cuz if you not being hounded by readers its your own community praying on your down fall.
we have to do better.
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fand0mswithbunny · 2 months
this is so different from the other posts i do but fuck it. descendants 4: rise of red review, spoilers ofc, we still boycott disney's ass, pirate this movie like uma and her crew ate the intro of this movie instead of watching this from disney+
keep reading if youve seen it or dont care about spoilers but tldr: if you havent seen it and see this as a spin off movie instead of a 4th installment, i say go watch it. its basically how i feel about the 2024 mean girls movie, im just here for certain characters, dynamics and songs, and a bit of the actual plot, its fun but definitely not for everyone, i liked parts of the movie/plots tho
okay honestly overall, despite the fucking terrible rushed ass ending, i still honestly enjoyed a lot of aspects of this movie.
songs, generally i liked. yeah its all pop-y but yk, none of them were unbearable, i loop red, whats my name (red vers.) and love aint it what about it
the editing was. a choice at times. like it will cut at the most random moments and when red was being transported and fell from that. pipe. thing in the castle it was so. disney channel editing core LIKE OKAY I KNOWW OFC IT IS but grahhhhhHH
the cg was good, direction was. also a choice at times. idk how to explain it but it felt like every scene was being directed like a music video and not like a MOVIE esp the lighting oh my god idk what it is but its so GLOWY AND WEIRDD
the characters themselves, i love the main cast, red, chloe, ella, bridget, etc. were all cool. IM A FIRM RED/CHLOE SHIPPER THEY ARE GIRLFRIENDS IDC and i also liked the dynamic they have with their past moms it was nice
oh yeah i dont mind how they wrote mal, evie, jay, and ben outta the story, i mean they gotta explain their absence yk. and i loved the carlos tribute, you can tell china was genuinely not acting in that tribute scene.
the vks were. okay. i dont mind that literally every villain/princess/disney protag goes to high school. this whole series basically feature length fanfiction anyway, idc personally about that. its weird URSULAS SISTER was the main antagonist. like i get having a completely new villain aside from the vks parents or something but. ursulas. sister??? besides you could tell me shes ursula and ill believe you.
its nice seeing filipino prince charming thats it thats all i gotta say RAHHH PHILIPPINES BABYYY 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 MY MANS GOT THAT 'PINO RIZZ OKAYYY
the plot was actually fun, but yeah I WISH WE COULDVE SEEN CASTLECOMING WE WERE ROBBED OF THAT i knew when red and chloe got the book there was like 10 minutes left in the film but cmonn we couldve had Morgie, I DONT KNOW somehow freeing the rest of the vks and them STEALING THE POCKETWATCH AND RED AND CHLOE HAVING TO GET IT BACK, GET ANOTHER 30 MINUTES IN THE FILM MAYBE, ANOTHER ACTION SEQUENCE, CASTLECOMING. but its finee im sure theres a fanfiction in the works somewhere that has that exact premise because thats what fanfic is for babyyyy
imagine. during the dance chloe and red are scrambling to find the watch, they see the vks, they find bridget crying because her best friend isnt there, she thinks ella bailed on her, they have to find the watch but, they gotta make her feel better right? red comforts her while chloe chases after them to find the watch, ella comes to the dance late after deciding, fuck my stepmom, get your hands dirty parallels, something something, the four of them all stopping the vks together, THEN they travel back.
i should just write a fix it fic for this movie at this point damnn i impressed myself
but yeah the ending does leave a lot of plot holes, if bridget didnt change from the past WHO DID, if Red even CONSIDERED a VK in this timeline? if not then WHO IS IT?? IS IT CHLOE?? its hella rushed, its ass, but i guess we'll find out in the 5th movie ig
also i thought they were totally setting it up for Ella to be the one that humiliated Bridget in the past, like the "I saw through her" in Love Ain't It we NEVER GOT ANY CLOSURE FROM THAT WHAT HAPPENED?? sighhh its okay its fine
i see this movie as a spin off movie rather than a 4th installment of the universe because it pretty much is, like its basically its OWN universe with the lack of the og cast and new characters. i unofficially coin it as the "Descendants: Redverse" because it just makes more sense
so many questions, mainly WHY, but yeah, still liked it, would rewatch. certain. parts of it. but honestly? a 7/10. leaning towards a 7.5
is this a recommendation? not sure, depending on who you are you could totally love this film or hate it, i say give it a chance and completely ignore the busted ass ending <3
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lisaas2418 · 1 year
The overblot boys showing their unique magic to the great seven.
Alright so I can imagine that the overblot boys were explaining their unique magic and the great seven were interested and wanted to see a demonstaration.
Riddle 🌹
So for this to work and 'cuz it's my headcanon, Riddle can only do his spell on those who have magic, since on people without magic like Yuu it wouldn't work 'cuz there is no magic that can be sealed.
So a person with magic steps forward to be spelled on (whoever that is you can decide on your own) and Riddle says and points his magic pen at them "Off with his head".
And at that second the person has a collar aroumd their neck and they can't cast their magic anymore. After the demonstration Riddle let the collar disappear.
The Queen of Hearts was ofcourse very proud of Riddle for having such a useful spell
Queen of Hearts: I know I don't have magic but if I were to have would wanted to have a spell that can actually behead people? 😁
Riddle: With all due respect your majesty......no.
Leona 🦁
Leona just grabbed a nearby plate said "King's Roar" the plate turned into sand and called it a day.
Scar likes that it's called King's Roar but he hides his happyness very well.
Although Ruggie stepped a few steps away as Leona grabbed the plate due to what happened to him in Book 2
Shenzai: Hey what happened there tell us!
Benzai: Yeah yeah come on it can't be that bad
Ed: .......
Ruggie: Leona grabbed my arm used his spell on it and almost turned my arm into sand 🙂
The hyeanas:...........
Benzai: Are you ok?
Ruggie: Well still a little grumpy at him for doing it but yeah I am fine 😁.
(He is not fine, boy is traumatized)
Azul 🐙
Sucks to be him 'cuz no one wanted to make a contract with him, especially not Ariel.
Ursula was sad that she couldn't see it herself buut is still happy that here deal and his spell are kinda the same
Azul: Come on it isn't bad at all 😁
Yuu: Yes it is 😒
Azul: What did you said?
Yuu: You heard me you shady octopus.
Azul: Hey!
Jamil 🐍
Yeah no one exactly wanted to be hypnotized, especially those who have been before......that was until Kalim voluntered so he could give Jami a chance to impress the Sorcerer of sands. Jamil was a little perplexed but he agreed nontheless.
And with the words "Snake Whisper", Kalim was under the spell....again.
Yeah it did impressed Jafar and also a tiny little jealous since he has to use his staff to hypnotize someone and Jamil just can do it with his eyes, but is still impressed.
Yuu: Alright you did now free him.
Jamil: You know he didn't had to. I mean I wouldn't mind using it on you agai since-
Yuu: Try it ever again and I will punsh you much worse then I did then and even more 🙂
(And no Yuu doesn't hate him but they really hate that stunt he pulled)
Vil 💄
Well since he didn't exactly wanted anyone to actually hurt, he just touched an apple, decided that the curse shall be slowely rottening in 10 seconds, said "Fairest One Of All" amd it happned as he wanted it to happen.
The evil queen found that as a valuableand usefull spell, especially in terms for against people.
Ace: I still a little stiff due to that stupid spell
Vil: If you wouldn't have eaten the food in the fridge over nightime it wouldn't have happened.
Ace: We were hungry for crying out loud!
Vil: You ate dinner and decided to have an useless "midnight snack".
Ace: That dinner wasn't enough!
Yuu: Can we move on already?
Idia 🎮
For obvious reasons he can't do the spell at all
But Hades found that cool that he can literally open the gate like that without needing extherna things
Yuu: I really hope you will never use that spell again.
Idia: I am not an idiot.
Yuu: Yet you-
Idia: I was under the blots influence!
Yuu: So were the others!
Malleus 🐉
Yeah he ain't gonna put people into sleep again he learned his lesson.
Well Malefizent did knew about his spell since she is his great-great-grandmother.
Yuu: Tsunotaro.
Malleus: Yeah?
Yuu: I forgave you alright. It's just.....I don't like to remember it.
Malleus: I...can understand that
A little angst on the last part but screw it
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queentala · 2 years
Random small headcanons for my fav SJM men
Those are totally random thoughts I had and just kept collecting, also I'll be adding new ones when I'll come up with something. Feel free to reblog and add yours <3
I think Gavriel can draw really well, especially with pencil. Like, you know, he's a really precise and detailed guy, plus thanks to his soldier skills he has really stable hands, and it just sits right with me
Azriel loves when you paint his nails black. Also once you made him wear eyeliner and he actually really liked the results, so now from time to time he lets you do it
Aedion has his ears pierced but doesn't wear any earrings (it was probably a dare, even more likely he was drunk then)
Ruhn likes to have a small, faint lamp put on when he sleeps. It looks like a white sparkle and doesn't cast much light but having it next to his bed makes him feel somehow more safe and comfy
Also, he loves being held while sleeping. When you let him snuggle to your chest and hold him tight... It's his paradise, he can stay like this for eternity
Cassian is very ticklish (especially on feet). It's actually his secret because, come on, he's the Lord of Bloodshed, how can he be ticklish? And of course you fully respect that, not wanting his reputation to suffer, however, when it's just the two of you... Let's say Cass has to be pretty alert most times as you love to take advantage of that
Fenrys always brings you a plushie from his travels to foreign countries. Actually, he brings you many different things like jewellery, dresses, combs, mirrors, gems... everything. But a plushie, is a must. You have a whole collection of small cute stuffed animals (mostly wolves) from different parts of the world. Every one of them has a name, personality and a back story which you and Fenrys always come up with
Aedion is a horse girl. He rides so well and just loved being around those animals since he was a little boy. Often he takes you on all day long trips around Terrasen. Also he has few of his favorite horses and he spoils them so much, they're just his babies.
He also probably has like six dogs and wants to adopt every one he sees on the street
Lorcan most of the times either doesn't cuddle or is the big spoon. However, after really hard day he loves to fall asleep with his face in your breasts and his hair stroked
Sometimes when Rowan is engrossed in his work, he hums songs mindlessly
Fenrys talks in his sleep, and this goes to the point where you can literally argue with him or have a whole conversation as he's asleep
Aedion swears a lot. Gavriel doesn't swear almost ever and his face when Aedion starts throwing curses he could never imagine is just priceless
However, Gavriel knows many langues. So, whenever he's angry and finally hit his breaking point, he starts shit talking and insulting everyone in a foreign langue no one knows (just imagine him aggressively talking to himself in Spanish while walking around and throwing hands in the air lol)
Cassian always sleeps naked and refuses (will literally get offended) to do otherwise, even if there are different people sleeping in the room (read: Azriel)
Dorian baby talks to his dogs. Sometimes when he does this he forgets that he is a king and then have the whole castle talking about it for the next week (people find it adorable though. some of them at least.)
Rowan always has some blades with him. Always. Dude could be standing in the room only in his boxers and still proceed to pull out a knife from gods know where
Also, he will never admit it but he has some of his favorite blades that he had named. But if you'd ever done this he would laugh at you
Once you've gotten Ruhn a bracelet for his birthday that was a guitar pick of his favorite guitarist on a black string and from then he doesn't take it off. Ever.
We know Ruhn has this very rare and useful ability to speak in people's minds, however his favorite way to use those abilities is to make the dumbest jokes in your head in the most random moments and watch you burst out laughing around all those strangers that have no idea what is going on
(he also got the big d genes from him but it's the topic for other post)
So, Fenrys is a master at coming up with the weirdest nicknames for his loved one, however, no one compares to Cassian in this matter. His creativity sometimes is more than flesh and blood can bear
Lorcan is actually the biggest girl dad
Let's be honest, Dorian has better skin care than any lady in the whole sjm universe
Cassian loves being called your pretty princess
Azriel loves puzzles. And Legos! There's no better way to spend your day off than building castles and forts, and then having an actual battle between your kingdoms
Bat boys are not really fond of thunder... I think they have bad experiences with flying during storm and it haunts them to this day. They always want to be the little spoons and be cuddled when there's a storm outside
Azriel has bat slippers and Fenrys has wolf or bunny slippers
Dorian loves wearing sygnets. He has so many and you're simply obsessed with them. He's a king, he has to look decent, you know, but Dorian loves wearing them even if it's just the two of you snuggling or sitting in the library reading. Or when he fucks you and you can feel them dig into your skin when he grabs your ass..
Lorcan enjoys having his hair combed. He just melts when you do it. And if you do a little braid somewhere on his head he will keep it and wear it for the next few days
Gavriel is the best dancer you will ever meet. On the balls he can easily make everyone's attention turn to the two of you. But he also likes to dance with you in your house or chambers, where there are no people or music, and to be honest both of you like those moments much better
To be continued....
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esprei · 7 months
I just recently got into the submas Fandom and people kept telling me about Emmet x Volo being bad and toxic.
But when I looked into it, all I saw was your art of them and some. And it's not toxic at all??? What are people talking about?
You show them so nice and healthy wholesome together. It actually makes me interested in that ship.
Is that wrong of me? I just think your art of them is pretty neat.
Maybe more people should see how you show their relationship and stop not letting people have nice things.
hey there! first of all, welcome to the fandom! :D hopefully you'll have a great time! and I can do my best to explain this from my perspective at least. or... at least from what I've experienced/seen. (sorry, this will probably end up being long ;;) so to preface, it's not wrong of you at all to be interested in the ship! Emmet and Volo themselves have had zero interactions with each other in canon up to this point, so their interactions/relationship/etc are a blank slate, free real estate sandbox that's up to one's imagination and fanon interpretation. there's nothing inherently wrong about putting them together because they have no dialogue between them or anything that can be referenced as "this is how they would go together, this is how they would interact because it's been established that way in this game or piece of media". all we've got is their dialogue and individual personalities that we can glean from official sources (i.e. Pokemon Masters EX, the Pokemon Special manga and BW/BW2 for Emmet and Legends Arceus for Volo). really the only thing that "connects" Emmet and Volo is Ingo ending up in Hisui. and the reason I say this "connects" them is because a popular theory is that Ingo being sent to Hisui was a direct result of Volo having Giratina open the rift to try and drive Arceus out. but none of this is actually ever stated in canon, I believe. (also when I've seen some people talk before about this theory, there's basically this implication that Volo did it out of malicious intent, as if he knew he was going to bring Ingo specifically to Hisui by doing it and...? I'm so sorry, but no, I just cannot get behind this at all. Volo's sole purpose of getting Giratina to open up the rift was to drive Dialga and Palkia mad in order to bring Arceus from out of hiding - that's literally what he says in the game's dialogue.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
I highly doubt that he had any idea as to who Ingo was at all before he met him at some point in Hisui for the first time). but yeah. i only bring this up because it's kinda what I think started the idea of Emmet and Volo interacting at all? maybe not exactly, I can't remember because it's been too long and I both don't remember and wasn't too directly involved when all of this started. but essentially Emmet and Volo even being considered interacting kinda revolved around this idea that Emmet is looking for Ingo, finds out that Volo was the reason for the rift that caused Ingo's disappearance, and that now leads me into the part of why I think the ship is seen as toxic. so. the main reason I'm pretty sure that people say that the ship is toxic is because of how much a lot of early art/works portrayed it (based on what I just explained above). and it's totally fair. because admittedly it did start out with some violent aspects and really just Emmet doing things I personally don't think he would ever do. for example, beating the crap out of Volo for being the reason Ingo disappeared. Emmet being violent in order to demand answers for the sake of getting his brother back. etc, etc. and this really put a bad taste in people's mouths because it really just cast Emmet in a bad light. that, and it was a toxic, unhealthy portrayal of an enemies to lovers trope. and Volo was kinda portrayed as conniving/sneaky/manipulative/etc, and yeah. just things like that I think made popular for it ended up giving the pair a bad rep early on when Legends Arceus was still a popular topic (we're talking like... I dunno. late March into April and on of 2022? ...2022 was when PLA came out right?) honestly though? the beauty about a ship like this is that, as i said before, it's a completely blank slate. it's free real estate. you can portray it however you see fit because there's absolutely zero canon to base it off of (as far as the two characters themselves interacting with each other goes). it can be as wholesome as you want it to be. or it can be enemies to lovers. it can be rivals to lovers. it can be just two guys who happen to meet on the Battle Subway or in Gear Station and connect through a shared love of Pokemon/battling and develop a relationship that way. just because the ship itself maybe had the majority of its portrayal in the beginning as unhealthy doesn't mean it's forever bad, toxic and all around unsalvageable at this point. and while I certainly don't expect anyone who's perhaps uncomfortable or otherwise turned off from the ship because of its roots to suddenly turn around one day and warm up to it because it has potential to be portrayed in a wholesome or positive way, I also don't think it's very fair to blanket label the whole ship bad and toxic just for the fact alone that a lot of the early works for it were depicting a not-so-healthy relationship between the two. i mean that was like... two years ago at this point. things can change. anyway, this is getting long like I knew it would so I'll stop there XD I hope this at least maybe gives some context as to why the ship is seen that way by some? but at the end of the day there's no canon official way to portray it. it has potential to be healthy! and there's nothing wrong about being interested in it. that's just my two cents on it :D
and lastly, thank you so much! it really warms my heart to hear that you think my art of them is pretty neat! I really do want to draw more for them, just... you know. time and motivation 😅 but hopefully I can do something again for them soon!
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thehollowwriter · 3 months
If I really think about it, watching all those Mary Sue oc videos as a kid really ruined my ocs at the time for me. Like listening to these grown adults with cool art and a big channel trashing ocs that were probably just made by kids my age and ranting about how stupid and awful and overpowered they were made me hate my own ocs so much. I felt embarrassed that I even made them, and I was like... 11? 12?
Looking back it's a pretty common part of the process if you make ocs from young to have overpowered ocs. That's just how little kids are. "Yeah, you might be superman, but I've got a magic kryptonite sword!" "Oh yeah? Well my oc can break the time barrier with their speed!" "(That second one was brought to you by smol Quinn copying the flash)
They're just having fun and want to come out on top. Losing isn't very fun. And they just want their characters to be like all the other cool characters they've seen!
Even today too many people act like ocs made for fun should be like a fucking masterpiece that is perfectly written and not "weird" in any way. Like people try to act like times have changed and callkng things cringe is dead, but even under oc positivity posts you get people that are like "Well yeah BUT (random complaint)"
There's something so hateful and mean about taking the time to make long posts or videos (which you have to set and edit!) to trash some ocs you don't like for the crime of... being made for fun and not being realistic enough for you. Like these people put the creators of the ocs' accounts and their art in their video and just bash them.
The comments were just filled with people like "thanks this helped me realise how terrible my ocs were" "people who make characters all love their ocs are narcisstic/some other ableist nonsense" "imagine being so immature you want your oc to be the best and most powerful of all time" etc etc
"Cringey ocs" are listed as a sign a of a toxic fandom. It's so fucking ridiculous. Imagine hating ocs so much you consider it be on the same level as shit like bullying and death threats.
It made me feel so stupid and uncreative. Like I was a bad, dumb person who couldn't even make OCs the correct way. I was utterly ashamed of some of my ocs and either completely changed them or scapped them wntirely.
Even now, I worry about making my ocs "too powerful" even though I know that I'm free to do what I want, and if someone has a problem, they can screw off. I've also come to realise through listening to bool reviews ans critiques that the difference between a "cringy oc" and a "character written by an established author" can sometimes literally just be that the author is published and you're not.
Make your ocs as powerful as you want. Make the entire cast of characters fall head over heels for your ocs. Make them the most important people ever. Make them a magic goth part demon part vampire part werewolf. Make them a rainbow magic princess or a gothic dark magic queen.
Just have fun.
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deramin2 · 9 months
It feels like people were wanting the trust exercises in Critical Role c3 E79 and E80 to be research-supported therapy from a licensed practitioner where they all work together to get a good grade in therapy, a thing that's normal to want and possible to achieve.
Not A HAG fucking with them per her nature feeding off juicy drama and cringe who wants to shake them around until all their secrets come out for her to watch and realize that they're so scared of failure they're locking into the sort of inaction that will actually make them fail. (I love Nana Mori. She was exactly the sort of fucked up punk rock street wise woman they needed.)
It's BORING if they just talk about all their problems. It's BORING if they just jump to trusting each other (when the exercise was started that they can't trust each other). It's BORING if they're like "actually that power that's been set in front of me could possibly have a bad effect so I'm just going to keep ignoring it. It's BORING to be safe. Go back to your coffee shop AUs if you want everything to be soft and safe. That's not the point of the source material.
The CR cast have REPEATEDLY said they have more fun pushing the big red button than playing it safe because you spend all of real life trying to avoid the consequences of risky decisions and it's FUN to get to explore what can go wrong.
Bell's Hells succeeded because they concluded they are in a moment were inaction and hesitation will get everyone killed and they just need to push all the big red buttons and take the risks because it's now or never. They need to check in enough to keep each other in line, but they also need to imagine a scenario where none of them are traitors. (Like they had to restrain FCG from murder-bot mode, but they risked getting to murder-bot mode because the benefit outweighed the personal risk.)
This party is not OSHA approved. They literally couldn't do the job if they were. People like Allura and Keyleth are relying on them to take monumentally stupid risks while holding on by their fingernails so that other people can be safe.
Fearne came to the conclusion that she wasn't taking the shard because she was afraid of Dark!Fearne. But her friends will pull her out of that if she drifts. She also wasn't taking it because she thought Ashton was supposed to have it and that didn't work out well. If she'd put her hoof down her friends would probably have accepted her decision even if they disagreed with it. (It's actually like normal and healthy to disagree with your friends choices and not yes-man them all the time.) But she decided with her own free will that she was just being scared and actually she did want to try. (But also if they hadn't gone through the shard hurting and rejecting Ashton, Fearne might have thought her taking damage meant she wasn't supposed to have it, not just part of the trial of absorbing it.)
There's no binary where pressuring your friends is always bad. Sometimes your friends pressure you into doing things they believe will benefit you that you're reluctant to do and then you do it and are like "no actually that was the right call and I needed that." Or you conclude "No actually that was bad and I wish I didn't listen." There's actually no way to know ahead of time. My relationship with one of my best friends of like 20 years consists heavily of us battling each other's depression by pressuring each other into things we don't want to do but need to and that's healthy for us. But also other people in our lives pressured us into things we didn't want to do and should not have done and it turned out bad. It turns out that life is made up of shades of grey and not hard and fast rules. There's no way of knowing if you're fucking up ahead of time.
Imogen admitted in the Truth or Die session that she was upset that Fearne didn't take the shard. She probably would not have told Fearne that in normal circumstances. And she was probably feeling that way because part of her was upset at herself for not giving into the Predothos powers. Admitting that to Fearne gave her the courage to talk about the possibility of doing that. Which like, could be a terrible idea. But also this is a D&D game with predetermined character class powers that grow as you level and there has to be an in-game justification for getting powers like Revelation in Flesh at 14th level. Like, either she leans into these powers or they're forced on her or she stops leveling and goes home. Leaning in is way more fun. Don't you want to see what batshit thing Matt has planned for that? That's FUN. Ignoring the dark powers is boring.
Like first and foremost this is A GAME that involves yes-anding and taking risks. It's about characters who have spent their entire lives burying and ignoring their problems and getting worse because of it. It isn't REAL for them to have one revelation and be like, "Whelp I'm fixed now and will fall into none of my old patterns and just bare my soul to everyone forever now." People aren't actually like that and if that's what they need to do to be measurably better for you you'll have a lifetime of disappointments. This is an adult story for adults about how adults really behave.
Anyway I can't wait for them to schlep all their baggage and new fucked up powers to the moon with them where they're make irresponsible decisions based on a martyr complex while their friends yell at them to stop being stupid and selfish and let them help. It's going to be a disaster but hopefully they snatch victory from the jaws of defeat (or defeat from the jaws of victory) and tell an entertaining story about the fuckups who tried to stop the next Calamity. Maybe they will and they get to be heroes. Maybe it comes at a terrible cost. Maybe they totally fuck it up and it's a Ring of Brass situation. But it'll be FUN.
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unomi-well · 1 month
To people who are complaining about the recent movie adaptation of Dune I would like to point out a few things and share some opinions:
Any novel no matter how descriptively it is written cannot be hundred percent adapted exactly as is because when you read a book every single person has a unique understanding and imagination and interpretation. So it’s impossible for any filmmaker to capture everything on the page to the screen as is and satisfy everyone.
The things that were changed make so much sense and yes as fans of the books we might have wanted to see some of our favourite scenes or arcs but the movie has stayed so truthful to the soul of source and the amount of detail and hardwork that has gone into the making justified all of those changes.
If you think that the actors did a bad job you might as well start calling the 80s adaptation as the best film adaptation ever made. You don’t have to like their performance entirely but to totally disregard it is just ignorance.
Think about how much believable the movies looked like, I’m talking specifically about the setting, the world where it’s all taking place. For comparison take any other contemporary scifi movie made and think how much you feel is believable (I don’t want to slander Star Wars here because I love them too but then Dune has completely changed my view on how a sci-fi film should be made). Like yes a desert planet where people recycle their own bodily fluids seems like something actually a human would do for survival
If you didn’t like the changes made to Chani’s character you are a straight up misogynist. I won’t explain this point because this whole post is targeted at the books fans and if you have read the book you should understand why I said it.
Denis’s dedication to this movie is literally oozing out of the screen, each frame, the dialogues. The whole cast and crew has given their all and you can obviously tell. If you can’t well you didn’t pay attention.
The biggest reason I keep talking about the dedication that went into making the film is because it is a big budget movie with larger than life characters and settings and this easily could have gone wrong in every way possible but the massive scale was used as a tool like a cog in a machine that it just made sure that it was just enough to keep the machine working smoothly and not overwhelming anyone. Like for example the exotic locations and CGI were just enough to make the audience understand the setting of the story rather than show off how advanced the technology used was.
So these are just a few thoughts I have wanted to share for sometime especially after reading the book and getting a more deeper understanding of the story. Feel free to add more. Whenever I come across a blatantly biased criticism of the movie vs book thing I get irritated especially with a movie made with such heart and soul. And I absolutely admire the effort that went into this particular adaptation. I highly recommend watching the interviews of Rebecca, Timothee and Denis because the way they are passionate about the project is unlike anything I have seen from movie stars in the last few years.
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im-ovulating · 9 months
Hey, guys... so I've been writing on here for the last 2 years (almost 3) and while I have loved every second of it I can't do it anymore.
I can't....
...keep Pirate! Bakugo to myself any longer...
Imagine you're running, through shabby alleys and past the cess pools your town calls taverns, weaving through the crowded pathways; a couple of men are chasing you, their angry shouts getting mixed with the hustle of the busy streets. You turn your head to risk a glance at your pursuers- shit, they're closer than you thought.
Just as you turn your head back and go to put once last push into your gait, you slam into something big and solid. The sudden arm in your way clotheslines you and sends you scrambling for anything to keep you upright. Not that you need to- the same arm that sent you reeling now has the front of your shirt, hauling you upright.
"Oi!-" The arm's owner barks out, just to be interrupted by the men chasing you.
"Thank you! This little bitch stole our coin," the shorter of the pair turns his yellowed snarl to your form, still held in the strangers steel-like grip.
"I stole nothing!" You growl back, desperately trying to free yourself. Your nails dig into your captor's wrist, but he remains unfazed.
You finally see his face when he turns to you. His eyes bore into your own as he stares you down. "D'ja take their shit?"
His messy blonde hair casts a scary loom over the top half of his face, almost making his blood reds glow. "I didn't steal anything..." you grunt out, trying to yank yourself free.
"So, you're a thief AND a lia-" The taller accuser snarks.
"Enough," the man holding you says, deadly calm. "She said she didn't steal it, so go."
The men raise their voices, yelling their injustices. The second man makes a swipe at you, trying to tug you away from your newfound savior. In a flash, the man yanks you behind him and clocks him in the jaw, felling him.
The other evidently decides that there are more important things to squabble over because he leaves his companion in the dust, clutching his face.
"Leave." The blonde growls, towering over the guy's pathetic form.
Neither of you moves as he scrambles away, stumbling over himself as he rounds a corner.
Your eyes widen. "Wha-"
Once gone, he turns to look at you. "Where is it?"
"-Don't play games with me. Where is it?"
You huff as you reach into your bra and pull out to coin purse. "How'd you know?"
"Only the guilty run. Now hand it over."
Eyeing his outstretched hand, you contemplate how far you could get if you ran. When he cocks his eyebrow, you relent, handing the bag over. You've done enough running today to last you a lifetime.
"What are you? An undercover constable?"
His face twists into an ugly snarl, "Opposite end o' the spectrum, doll." You watch as he counts out the gold, pocketing a few coins and tossing the bag back to you.
"Don't look at me like that- Pirates don't work for free."
Now imagine that each time he comes to port, you end up running into each other. Sometimes figuratively, other times literally (you're very prone to be chased through the streets - it's definitely NEVER your fault, though...).
You've seen him beat people up for looking at him the wrong way, so the confusion never fades about why he decided to help you all those months ago. You've asked, of course, but all you get is a noncommittal grunt or a large palm pushing you away by the face as he trudges past you.
Eventually, the "coincidental" visits turn into gifts- nothing huge, just little trinkets that "I've no use for the damned thing, thought cha might, though..."
Dont ask. I've had this in my drafts for almost 3 years, so I figured I'd just post it, lmao. If there's any grammar mistakes/spelling errors, blame 17 year old me, I didn't proofread this - I just added that first bit🙃
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phr3ia · 2 months
Love Game (Toji Fushiguro x Fem!Reader) [Chapter 04 : Day Off]
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[A few days later...]
You yawned widely, stretching your arms above your head and arching your back, relishing the sweet freedom of a day off. The sun streamed through the windows, casting a warm glow on the living room where you stood. Your eyes fell on the newspaper Toji had left on the kitchen counter, and you picked it up, flipping through the pages.
"Mmm, this is some interesting news..." You muttered under your breath, unaware of Toji's presence. Suddenly, you felt a chill run down your spine, and you whirled around, nearly dropping the newspaper.
"Jesus Christ, Toji! You scared the hell out of me!"
He chuckled, leaning casually against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest. "Been here for five minutes, just enjoying the view. Literally." He waggled his brows, gesturing towards your backside.
A blush crept up your neck, and you spun back to face the paper. "You're sick, you know that?" You snapped, feeling helpless against his teasing.
Toji walked up behind you, slipping his arms around your waist, and nuzzled your ear. "I'm just keeping you on your toes, Buttercup. Otherwise, you'd get bored."
You stiffened, trying to push his hands away without making it obvious. "Get off me, Toji. I'm trying to read."
He squeezed your waist, making you squirm. "A woman who reads, how delightful. It's a shame you're not interested in me, though. You'd be perfect for me."
You rolled your eyes, pushing his hands off you, before moving to the couch. "Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not interested in a man-whore like you."
Toji followed you, sitting beside you and flashed you a roguish smile. "Man-whore? That's harsh. You're just jealous."
You ignored his comment and said. "And I'm sure you're busy enough, so I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't bother me with your nonsense while I'm trying to relax."
Toji chuckled, grabbing a handful of pistachios from the coffee table. "Relax? You mean brood. Don't worry, I'll lighten the mood. Tell me all about your work this week. What exciting cases do you have?"
You groaned, running a hand through your hair. "Nothing exciting. Just the usual dealing with human traffickers and drug cartels. Nothing that would interest a blood-thirsty assassin like you."
He snorted, throwing a pistachio at you. "Gotta love your imagination. But tell me, have you ever thought about switching careers? I bet you'd be a natural at taking down Jujutsu Sorcerers."
Your jaw dropped, and you stared at him in disbelief . "Are you insane? I barely tolerate working with regular criminals. Why would I want to go after people with actual power?"
Toji shrugged, munching on another pistachio. "The thrill is intoxicating, the adrenaline. It's addictive." He leaned in close, his breath tickling your ear. "Plus, you'd have me to teach you a thing or two about handling cursed tools."
Your cheeks flushed, and you pushed him away, clearly uncomfortable. "No, thank you. I'm perfectly happy with what I'm doing."
Toji grinned, raising his hands in surrender. "Alright, alright. I see I can't sway you. Now, go on, tell me more about your boring, drama-free life."
You sighed, resigned to his teasing, and began sharing stories of your work. It wasn't long before Toji started adding his own embellishments, making the tales more outrageous than they already were.
As you exchanged stories, Toji suddenly paused, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. "You know, I'm kind of glad you didn't consider becoming a Jujutsu Sorcerer. I can't stand them, and I don't want to end up hating you too."
You scoffed, crossing your arms. "So, you'd hate me if I become one? Interesting. How about I just hate you for being an asshole?"
Toji chuckled, unfazed by your jab. "Ah, but it's such a fun kind of asshole. Besides, it's not like I can help it. It's in my blood. And let's not forget, you're stuck with me either way. So, you might as well learn to deal with it."
His words managed to annoy you further, and you huffed, scooting away from him. "Yeah, yeah. I thought I made it clear that I don't want your nonsense in my life."
Toji grinned, clearly enjoying your irritation. "You keep saying that, but you never really tried leaving me."
Your eyes narrowed, and you gave him a warning look. "It's my apartment. Why would I leave? So, save the shit-eating grin for someone who cares, Toji."
He winked, reaching over to ruffle your hair. "You're such a sourpuss, but I like you anyway."
You swatted his hand away and stood up, unable to take his teasing anymore. "Whatever, Toji. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go take a shower to wash off your stench."
Toji laughed, watching as you stormed off to your room. "Always a pleasure, Buttercup."
Truth be told, you came from a family with cursed energy yourself. Growing up, you saw your fair share of cursed spirits. Yet, you consciously avoided pursuing a career in Jujutsu. You knew well that such a path would only bring you more trouble.
You locked yourself in the bathroom, taking your sweet time to shower and get dressed. When you emerged, you were clad in a tight red dress that hugged your curves, Toji's eyes widened. "Whoa, Buttercup. Where are you going all dressed up like that?"
You glared at him, clearly irritated by his presence. "None of your business. I'm going out, that's all."
"Any special occasion? Or do you have a date?" Toji teased, drawing you closer to the edge of your temper.
"I am NOT going on a date, and there's no special occasion. I'm just going to enjoy myself for once, and I don't need your permission or approval."
Toji arched a brow, smirking. "So, you're going out alone? Seems like a lonely day for you. Why don't you let me tag along? I'm free today, and I could always use some company."
You crossed your arms, glaring at him. "I'm going out to have a drink by myself. I don't need your company. Go back to your one-night stands. I'm sure they'd welcome you with open arms."
Despite your rejections, Toji seemed undeterred. "Oh, come on. I'm a great wingman, and I'm sure you could use one. No need to feel lonely." He sauntered closer.
You pulled away, annoyance thick in your voice. "You're not needed, Toji. Stay away from me. I'm going out by myself, and that's final. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm leaving."
Ignoring his continued protests, you marched towards the door, determined to enjoy your night of solitude. Little did you know, Toji had other plans.
•┈••✦ ❤ ✦••┈•
End Of Chapter 4 🥀....
@meowforluv @miizuzu
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