explosione17 · 6 months
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explosione17 · 6 months
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explosione17 · 6 months
that is a goose. You fool.
My brain: You have so many tight deadlines. So many things on your weekly schedule. So many important jobs. You have to get important work done!!!
My hands:
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explosione17 · 6 months
why are u running? why are u running?
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explosione17 · 6 months
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explosione17 · 6 months
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explosione17 · 6 months
Just think of how many times Faramir must’ve drawn attention to the fact that it was his wife who took down the Witch-king of Angmar. He never left a room until he was certain that its occupants knew and respected his wife for what she did. He was just the proudest husband in all of Middle-Earth.
He heard someone on the street telling the story of the great siege of Gondor. He stayed silent through all the parts with him in it. But when it got to the part where the Witch-king was finally killed, he interrupted the story to say to the listeners, “That was my wife. My wife did that. She did that and then she chose me, of all men.”
He told the story himself to their children and made sure they knew and remembered, “That was your mother. Your mother did that.”
He heard his adult children tell the story to their own children in his later years and called out from his lounge chair in front of the fireplace, “Your grandmother did that.”
He read Pippin’s copy of the Red Book that he brought to Gondor, skipped ahead to that part, pointed at the page, and said, no matter if he was with someone or alone in the room, “I’m married to that woman.”
And every time this happened, when they were in their prime, and when they were old and wrinkled, Eowyn always blushed the same blush and said “will you ever shut up about that and let me brag about how my husband resisted the Ring and saved the world?” And Faramir always kissed her and replied, “Never.” It was the only request he ever denied her.
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explosione17 · 6 months
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explosione17 · 6 months
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Just gonna start using this excuse IRL.
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explosione17 · 6 months
no wait. He's right
chimking samitch
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explosione17 · 6 months
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explosione17 · 6 months
(Accidentally explodes myself)
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explosione17 · 6 months
with the bread?
Hes a genius.
cursed with shark fins, by some sorcerer that I fought with at the market over some bread.
What do.
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explosione17 · 6 months
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explosione17 · 6 months
Real observations since I started wearing a wizard hat daily:
- Brim is so wide that I stay BONE DRY taking walks in the rain
- Brim can be positioned to block the sun from ever getting in my eyes AND keeping it off the back of my neck
- The pointed top part creates an air pocket, keeping my head from getting hot or squishing my hair as it might in a ball cap
- Hat can easily be pulled down over the tips of my ears without looking dumb, protecting them from wind chill
- Strangers say they like my hat, giving me the chance to tell them that I am a wizard
- When you’re wearing a wizard hat, ALL OTHER FASHION CHOICES become secondary, allowing you to branch out with style
Embrace ego death. Stay protected from all elements. Wear a wizard hat.
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explosione17 · 6 months
I think the wizard council needs to rethink banning testicular torsion.
Because it was fun.
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explosione17 · 6 months
bitches call my dick game weak bc my thrusts are uncoordinated and sloppy and i keep losing my erection thinking about the ramifications of the maze
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