exulansiscrisis · 1 year
He won’t miss me
He won’t cry rivers
It’s amazing how someone can be the world and you are but a speck of dust
I play a dangerous game
I walk a thin line between blaming the victim and blaming the perpetrator
I want him to suffer
I want him to remember me
Not as a lover but as his worst nightmare
I want to haunt his memories
And for my name to echo throughout the room in his loneliest moments
I want to hurt him
I want my voice reminding him of the monster he became
But then again, I loved that monster
I see the sky cry during a storm and I see them
His eyes
And I’m reminded that I still love that monster
And when he bleeds I bleed
The thought makes me want to dress his wounds
It’s such a disgusting and pathetic feeling
Wanting to comfort someone who betrayed you
It’s so vile to ache for his touch
To long for the sound of his voice
I have so much love and I don’t know what to do with it now
The only thing I know how to do is use it to fuel my rage
Burning the memories is better than crying until my throat closes up
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exulansiscrisis · 1 year
Tear my skin and expose my bones
My thoughts are in a cyclone
I destroy what I touch and I’m fucked if I don’t
I know I’m selfish but I don’t want to be left alone
Why am I never satisfied?
Do I cast my brain aside?
Is that what must be done just to survive?
Out of my mind
I’m dead inside
I’ll just lie here and turn blue choking on my pride
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exulansiscrisis · 1 year
I love you more than self preservation
You only love me when the bowls nearly gone
We got caught up in the intoxication
You stayed in my arms until dawn
You let it slip while half awake
Played it off like it was a game
But it meant everything
Everything to me
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exulansiscrisis · 2 years
I don’t know how much longer I can hang on. I think tonight might be the night I’m not sure. I’m scared, but it hurts too much to keep going. I can’t imagine a life where I’m happy and alive. The people around me tolerate me at best, I’m really stupid, I’m never going to be the man I want to be, and god there are too many factors to name. I’ve been trying so hard to hold out hope but I don’t think I can anymore. I don’t even know what to write in my letters. Im stuck between finally telling everyone to go fuck themselves and telling them I love them. Either way im gonna kill myself at some point. Just not sure when. And I won’t make the mistake of not taking enough pills again.
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exulansiscrisis · 2 years
When I was younger
I thought I’d be stronger
Nothing could take me down
So come on lay me with me now
I’m fading in and out
The poison is filling my veins
My heart’s giving out
Press your lips to mine
It could be the last time
I thought I’d be more scared
But somehow I’m prepared to die
doesn’t frighten me anymore
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exulansiscrisis · 2 years
If I had pulled that trigger at 12
I wouldn’t have made it to 21
I wouldn’t have discovered myself
But that would’ve been better for everyone
Sometimes I fantasize
It’s cold earthy embrace
The comfort of my grave
I’m not sayin I’ll do it
But the lines get blurry
I’m somewhere in between
Living and surviving
I can’t promise past 21
But I promise I’ll live through spring
If I had bled out at 16
It wouldn’t have been such a bad thing
But of course someone had to intervene
Who knew the trauma life would bring?
Sometimes I fantasize
Dancing in the flames
Only ashes that remain
I’m not sayin I’ll do it
But the lines get blurry
I’m somewhere in between
Living and surviving
I can’t promise past 21
But I promise I’ll live through spring
If I had overdosed at 20
I wonder what the world would be like
Everyone would probably be angry
But some sick part of me
Hopes that for me you’d cry
Cause’ that means you loved me after all
I’m not sayin I’ll do it
But the lines get blurry
I’m somewhere in between
Living and surviving
I can’t promise past 21
But I promise I’ll live through spring
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exulansiscrisis · 2 years
Red was your favorite
It signified you were fast and young
Now when I see it
I remember that we are done
Oh when you
See royal blue
Do you remember me in the dark?
Is purple stained on your heart?
You lived for the Summer
You embraced its warm sunny days
I preferred Autumn
There was an odd comfort in the decay
They compliment
We met in the middle with spring
Two years didn’t mean a thing
Every place you touched left a bruise
Your honeyed words
Oh they couldn’t of been true
I tore myself apart to be with you
And by the time I was done
So were you
So were you
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exulansiscrisis · 2 years
Where did it go?
That passion that glowed
I’m the one making the effort every time
When you used to see me
You would be beaming
Now it seems I’m barely ever on your mind
I have lost everything I have
I don’t want you to be next
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exulansiscrisis · 2 years
And in that moment I was 13 again
Crying alone at 1 AM on the floor
Because I couldn’t bring myself to get on my bed
A stuffed animal being my only comfort
I guess I haven’t grown up at all
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exulansiscrisis · 2 years
I rather bury myself six feet deep than ever hurt you like that again
I will reopen my wounds and douse them in gas if that’s what it takes to make it past
I rather spill acid in my eyes and glass in my mouth before you learn to hate me
And if you choose to leave me behind I’ll curse at the sky praying you won’t forget me
I promise to be a better man
As long as you promise to hold my hand
But if you let go I think l will just spiral until I’m left in a hole to the worms and the earth takes me home
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exulansiscrisis · 2 years
I’m gonna tweak in about 5 fucking seconds. I’m literally about to fucking lose it
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exulansiscrisis · 2 years
My standard for love may be absent
But the memory of it still remains
My heart has been torn right out of my chest
But it is still mine to reclaim
When I’m ready
Dear Angels grant me your blessings
Im following your instructions
I found a person that you would’ve loved
There’s no place in his heart for corruption
It’s such a shame
Such a gorgeous wedding on a beautiful day
And I can’t help but weep
Cuz you’ll never get to see
I got my happy ending
And you both were
My inspiration
We will get our own house
Have two kids with my spouse
I promise you’ll be proud
And you both were
My inspiration
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exulansiscrisis · 2 years
I’ve painted myself as the nymphomaniac
I’ve starred as the call boy
It was me who created this sensual image
This self pitying is a joke
Living up to the expectations I’ve set is much harder than I could’ve imagined
It’s too late to back out now
There is an audience awaiting an encore
I was made to perform
I am not a living creature with wants and needs
I am an experience
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exulansiscrisis · 2 years
Lately I’ve realized something funny
All my ex’s ex’s looked nothing like me
Seems like they had a type until they met me
It’s so strange
They went from liking one thing
To the total opposite
It’s so strange
It’s odd how fast their taste changed
I am a total misfit
I must be an experiment
I’m an outlier in this data set
So those who look their type are seen as a threat
I can’t help but feel out of place and upset
It’s so strange
They went from liking one thing
To the total opposite
It’s so strange
It’s odd how fast their taste changed
I’m a total misfit
I must be an experiment.
I look into their history
And wonder what they saw in me
Now I am so insecure
There is nothing similar
Sometimes I want to change to fit
I’ll change my hair and outfits
Cause’ how could they love me when I’m so different
I must be an experiment
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exulansiscrisis · 2 years
You tell me how much you hate him, but you’re just like him! You left me the same exact way he did. You’re no different from each other.
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exulansiscrisis · 2 years
I genuinely want to scream as loud as I fucking can
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exulansiscrisis · 2 years
I really feel like I’m not actually his type.
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