eylaudie · 6 months
Tumblr, I need your help!
I'm looking for a fanfiction about Remus Lupin that I read a few years ago, I think in 2019 or 2020.
The story takes place after Hogwarts, and Remus encounters a former student in a café. The plot twist is that Remus used to date her, but had to obliviated her and erased every single memories of them because he had inadvertently put her in danger one full moon night, and it had almost ended badly.
So, he had distanced her from all his friends in the process (Lily, James, Sirius and co). Naturally, their new encounter revives feelings that put the whole team in a delicate situation regarding the young woman.
I thought I had it in my favourites, but I can't find it. I've searched through the masterlists of all the accounts I'm subscribed to, without success.
It seems to me that in the title, there was "Oblivion" or "Obliviate." (It's not the fanfiction "Obliviate" by Coffee--writes)
.Many thanks to those who will help me find it. Shares are welcome!
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eylaudie · 2 years
reblog to tell the person you reblogged this from that they are deserving of love and affection
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eylaudie · 2 years
🥺😭 that's so sweet. I'm very touched ❤❤❤
That's seems to be a perfect plan (even if I pretty sure I'm a bit far from you - I live in Paris 😅)
Thank you for your amazing writing, and thank you for the tag 😘
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It absolutely breaks my heart that there's so much nastiness on here (it's a big reason why I turned my anons off back in January) 😔
So to counteract that just a little, come and tell me which user(s) you think are amazingly wonderful and why 🥰💕🌸
Let's spread a little love, man... 😎🤩
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906 notes · View notes
eylaudie · 2 years
Reblog if it's okay to befriend you, ask questions, ask for advice, rant, vent, let something off your chest, or just have a nice chat.
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eylaudie · 2 years
Hey! Thanks for the May the 4th celebration party.
Can you, please, write a one shot with :
- Din Djarin
- "I can't get you out of my head " "... thanks?"
- friends to lovers
Thank you ♡
Thank you so much for this request! I love idiots in love!
Summary: after becoming the Mandalorian's trusted informant and developing a very close friendship with him, he starts worrying about your safety. Making the decision to keep you safe, he goes to your house to tell you about his plans, only he's not good with words and is being weird about it.
Words: 2,5k
Warning: Very brief mention of being followed.
A/N: I couldn't find any descriptions of Aq Vetina, so I took the liberty to give it two moons, because I thought it would be cute and I love moons.
You’ve got to know Din when he showed up at a bar you were at seeking information about a certain gang member. He didn’t ask you specifically, nor did you work at the bar; you just happened to overhear him asking the bartender. And oh, did you have information to share.
When he asked you how did you know so much about so many people in, let’s say, illegal activities, you simply said “I work at a beauty parlor. You’d be surprised at the way clients talk between each other like we, the workers, don’t hear anything.” You shrugged. “Be careful with what you say around the ones that work for you and treat them right, is all I have to say.”
From then on, you’d become his most trustful informant regarding that area of Coruscant.
The most exciting part of it all wasn’t telling him about meetings, appointments, plans or whatever else was being arranged, but seeing your clients lose their minds over the fact that everything kept being discovered, their spouses and friends getting caught, and the several versions of “Did you hear about them? They’ve lost it all since their spouse was taken away, poor thing”.
As time went by, a friendship started to grow between you and the Mandalorian, and you looked forward with more and more intensity to seeing him again, telling him the latest, hottest gossip, and then proceeding to talk about whichever subject would arise between you for the next several hours. It was highly surprising how well you’d gotten along, in a short period of time, coming to the point of becoming best friends.
What you did not know though, was how the Mandalorian’s feelings for you were also growing, becoming more intense with each visit he paid you. Lately, he couldn’t seem to be able to get you out of his mind – everything reminded him of something you’d said, something you’d done, or really just… you.
And he began to worry too. He’d been coming to you for information for a little less than a year, and the darker world of that part of Coruscant was beginning to get too stirred for his liking. You’d assured him nobody would ever hold you as a suspect and everything was fine, but he didn’t buy it. If anything were to happen to you – a thought he preferred to avoid – he would never, ever forgive himself.
He decided it was time to put an end to the scheme you both had. He’d take you somewhere safe, far away from there, help you with whatever you needed. But staying on Coruscant was no longer an option. If, as you said, nobody had a clue about your double agent-like life, then it was better to leave before anyone started to speculate. Your departure wouldn’t draw any attention nor rise any suspicions. It was now or never.
That’s how he ended up knocking on your apartment’s door at eleven p.m. on a Wednesday.
“Mando?!” You exclaimed, surprised to see him there. He’d normally let you know he was coming beforehand.
“I think you should leave.” He blurted out, completely not having thought through the conversation process he’d have to have with you. He was really good at planning things: attacks, fights, maneuvers, but talking was absolutely not one of them
You stared at him with a quizzical look on your face, crumpling the sheet mask you had on.
“I don’t even know if I should invite you in after this, but, please, come in?” You said, confused, and stepped aside so he could walk in in case he wanted to. You had no idea at this point.
He nodded, stepped in and waited for you to close the door. Once you did, you walked around him and gestured to the couch, offering a sit. He shook his head no, but didn’t say anything. You frowned in confusion, and the sheet mask slid halfway down your face. You sighed and peeled it off.
“Just a sec.” you said as you walked towards the bathroom to throw it away. “Can I get you anything?” You asked, louder so he could hear you. “Or do you just plan to not say a word after trying to kick me out of my own house at 11p.m?”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to say it like that.” He said as he stood on the doorway to the bathroom, and you jumped in a little fright, putting a hand over your chest, not having noticed that he had followed you. “But I really think that’s the best thing to do, and we should do it the sooner we can.”
“Maker! What’s wrong with you today?” You toss the sheet mask into the trash can. “Did someone hit you on the head? Do you have a fever?”
As you asked him that, you reached up and found the spot under his helmet that hid the hem of his high collared shirt, lowering it just enough to press your hand against the skin on his neck and check for his temperature. He froze in place, the action too intimate and completely unexpected. Your hand lingered on the spot for a few seconds, and he could feel the warmth of his skin melting into your colder one. Your fingers were slightly tacky, some of the serum from the sheet mask still on them, and he could smell the faint, delicate perfume coming from it.
He swallowed, trying his best to make it seem like a casual movement, since it was likely that you would feel it against your hand.
“No, you’re alright.” You pulled your hand back, a thoughtful expression on your face as you eyed him. Suddenly, you raised an eyebrow and took a step back. “Wait, how do I know if it’s really you?”
“I’m the only Mandalorian in full beskar armor.” He stated.
“You could’ve stolen it from him.” You countered.
“You know my voice, though.”
“It could just be a filter. I’ve never heard his voice without the helmet.” You point to his head as you mention it.
“Stop referring to me in third person.” He sighed.
“What if you were sent by a gang member to get Mando, kill him, get his armor, only to get to me for passing information to him about said gang? Huh? How would I know?” You countered again, taking another step back.
“So you have thought about it!” He exclaimed, a mix of surprise and relief in his voice.
“Don’t change the subject!”
He sighed again.
“Y/N, it’s me. I promise.” He held his hands up in a sign of peace.
“Show me your hand.” You commanded, suddenly.
“I… What? My hand?” He tilted his head, confused.
“Yes. Your left hand. There’s a small tattoo on it. A planet. I saw it when you removed your glove once.” You admitted, and you could tell he was surprised that you’ve noticed. He didn’t even remember taking his gloves off in front of you before, but then again, you’ve always made him feel comfortable and at ease. Removing his gloves in front of you without even realizing it shouldn’t come as a surprise.
He nodded, and started pulling the fabric on tip of his fingers to loosen the piece of clothing. Once he’d removed it, he extended his arm towards you, showing you his hand. You leaned forward, looking at the spot between his index finger and his thumb on the top side of his hand. There it was: the little planet in black ink. From up close you could see there were two dots near it, probably symbolizing two moons. It was cute.
Finally, you relaxed.
“It is you.” You said, running a hand over your clothes to smooth them.
“Told you so.” He answered, but he was not mad. In fact, he let out a soft snort at you.
“Alright. What brought you here? Who are you hunting now?” You asked him, crossing your arms over your chest.
“I’m not after anyone this time. The reason I’m here is because I think it’s time we put an end to our informant-hunter scheme. The downfall of all those gang members and leaders is becoming too great, and it’s not gonna be too long until they start really digging deep into it to find out who’s responsible for it. If they get to you and something bad happens…” He let the sentence linger, sighing. “I can’t risk having you hurt because of me.” He confessed.
“Oh…” you scratched the back of your head. “Yeah, I’ve- I’ve been thinking about that, too, lately.” You admitted, and then averted his gaze and lowered your voice to a whisper “especially after a guy followed me from the beauty parlor to the station.”
“Excuse me, after what?” Mando exclaimed. “When was that? Why didn’t you reach out to me?” He paused for a millisecond to hear your answer, but spoke again before you had the chance to. “It doesn’t matter. We’re leaving. Now.”
“Wait, I can’t just leave like this. There are things I need to do first, people I have to talk to--”
“The less people know about you and where you’re going, the better.” He interrupted you “Trust me. Let’s just gather your things and go.”
“And not telling my friends or my boss? Won’t that make it even more suspicious?”
“As long as no one follows us we’ll be good. Now let’s do it. Grab your suitcase. I’ll help you out.” He said and started looking around the bathroom, opening the cabinet doors to find a necessaire in there. He opened it and started shoving things into it: your toothbrush and toothpaste, a comb, pads, a moisturizer, and everything else he figured you’d need.
“Mando, stop! You’re panicking.” You told him but he didn’t listen, instead continuing to look around the cabinet for anything he deemed would be necessary and shoving it inside the small bag. “Stop!” you took the necessaire from his hands, finally drawing his attention back to you.
“Y/N, please, you don’t understand…” He whispered.
“What do I not understand? Tell me what’s going on. Why this now?”
“Because—” he stopped himself, letting out a breath, and his shoulders dropped. “I can’t get you out of my head.”
“… Thanks?”  
You two just stared at each other for a while, a weird silence hanging in the air.
“That’s all you have to say?” He asked when you didn’t say anything else, sounding disconsolate.
“Sorry, I—I got nervous. I…” you were unsure, uneasy, holding the bag in your hands in a firm grip. “Does this really mean what I think it means?”
“If you think it means I’m confessing my feelings for you, then yes, it does.” He swallowed thick, heart hammering against his chest, his hands going into fists as he fought the nervousness that washed over him.
“Oh…” You found yourself lost for words, and took a few more seconds to speak again. “Then I think it’s safe to say that I can’t get you out of my head either.” You looked at him, a shy smile on your lips.
Mando let out a breath he didn’t even know he was holding, and it was like an entire world had been lifted off his shoulders.
“If you feel the same… Then do you understand why I need to get you out of here as soon as possible? Why I worry about you so much?” He asked, patiently, looking at you full of hope.
“I do.” You confessed softly.
At that moment, there were so many things Mando wanted to do: hold you close, pick you up and swirl you around, shower you with kisses, nuzzle into your neck, finally kiss your lips, and so many other things. But his focus at that moment was taking you far away from where you were currently standing, taking you somewhere safe. He’d have time to do all those romantic things with you later.
“Grab your stuff.” He said again, only it was softer this time. “We’ll sort everything else later. For now, let’s just focus on the most important matter: getting you to safety.”
“Okay.” You whispered, smiling at him.
Not too long after that, you found yourself on the passenger seat of the Razor Crest, looking down at the city as the ship distanced itself from it. It was an odd feeling, leaving everything behind so suddenly. But you were with Mando, the man you had grown to love and that you trusted more than anyone else, regardless of ever seeing his face, or even knowing his real name. Still, you had a feeling everything would be just fine.
“It’s Din.” His voice brought you out from your trance, and you glanced away from the now shrinking planet to look at him.
“What?” You asked.
“My name. I never told you. It’s Din. Din Djarin.” He confided, and you smiled warmly at him. It was like he could read your thoughts, and it was not the first time you’ve had that impression.
“It’s a beautiful name.” You told him.
“Thank you…” He said, and you could tell he felt shy about it, making you stifle a giggle.
“Do you have a place in mind that you would like to go to?” He asked.
“No.” you answered, trying to think of places you’d heard of before. You’d been born and raised on the lower grounds of Coruscant, and never had a chance to visit other planets. “Do you have a place you call home?”
“Well…” He said as he set the ship to autopilot “It’s not really a place.” He turned the chair so he could look at you. “The tattoo you’ve seen,” he started tugging his left glove off “This one.” he extended his hand to you so you can look at it again. “It’s Aq Vetina, the planet I was born on.” You look up from his hand to his visor, surprised to learn that. He cleared his throat slightly before speaking again. “It’s not a single tattoo. It’s part of a duo. They both mean home to me.” As he said that, he removed his right glove and extended both hands to you. You took them, and as you looked at his right hand, you saw another small drawing, on the same spot as the one on his left. It was a star.
“It’s beautiful.” You told him as you examined it, bringing his hands closer to each other so you could look at the drawings side by side.
“I got them on the same day, a couple months ago. This one is my favorite star. You’ve always reminded me of it” once again, you looked up at him in surprise. He could tell by the look in your eyes that you immediately knew there was more to that tattoo than just the drawing of a star. As he explained, he gently squeezed your hands in his, according to which hand he was mentioning to. He started with the left one. “This is my home planet, Aq Vetina. And this,” he mentioned to the right one, and looked deep into your eyes before speaking “is my favorite star – you. Home”.
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eylaudie · 2 years
Thank you for the tag@sturkillerbase 😉
Last song : devil in me - Purple disco machine
Last show : Moon Knight 🌙
Currently watching : Narcos, last season
Currently reading : the unbearable lightness of being, Milan Kundera (but the book is laying on my nightstand for months now 🙈)
Np tags : @siriusmaraudeers @dreamwritesimagines @fortisfilia
Thank you for the tag, @lowlights !
Last song - Cry Me a River - Julie London
Last show - Moon Knight
Currently watching - Beastars (ITS FOR RESEARCH PURPOSES OK)
Currently reading - Born Wicked by Jessica Spotswood (More of a Re-Read, I read the series in high school!)
NP Tags: @scorpio-marionette @supernaturalgirl20 @kayleezra @frenchfryfranki
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eylaudie · 2 years
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Just layin’ out the facts…
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eylaudie · 3 years
Good point
Okay but Marvel really needs to sit down and figure out what exactly the relationship between the different variants are because we cannot be having the three spidermen call each other brothers while the two loki's are making out
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eylaudie · 5 years
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Am I a slytherin after all ??? 😱😱😱
Template found on Instagram (link below)
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eylaudie · 5 years
451K notes · View notes
eylaudie · 5 years
Welcome to Australia…
Where an already endangered species is on the brink of functional extinction…
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Oh, and 500 million animals unique to this country have already lost their lives, upon homes that have been destoryed and lives lost of people as well…
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I mean… we’re only living in a literal inferno…
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415 fires. Fuck are we dying…
Oh yeah and people are just fleeing to the damn ocean, you know?
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Do you want to know what Hell on Earth looks like..?
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Because there it is in all it’s unfiltered, firey rage…
There it is… my home from space…
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This is only the beginning. Our country has not only entered a new decade, it seems a new dawning era as well, because this flaming apocalypse doesn’t show any sign of stopping any time soon.
And you know what saddens me? I’ve never seen Australian tragedies trending here on this website. I mean it’s been going on for months and only now does it seem to really be getting recognized, even if it is only at #9.
And I’m going to be honest with you here - the internet, and media in general is so American centric, this website being no exception. You’d think that an entire continent being on fire for several months with devastating consequences would have more recognition, but no, it really doesn’t. The most notes I’ve ever seen on a post about the Australian fires is at least a few thousand, and that’s about it.
So just… please. If you can, with this post or any other post in regards to the fires going on down here, reblog. Because the only thing that should be spreading like wildfire, is a post about a burning country…
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eylaudie · 5 years
Hey! It’s been awhile and I’m just popping in to see how everything is :) I just wanted to say hi and I miss talking to you!
Hey ! Thanks for your message. I haven't open my tumblr for so loooong! I hope you're ok :-)
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eylaudie · 6 years
Son I can see you
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eylaudie · 6 years
Hey there! I was wondering if you can do a ship for me, please? I'm a Gryffindor. Light Brown hair, green eyes. 5.38 ft. I'm not very talkative with people I don't know well but I'm a very fun person with my friends, sometimes sassy. I like sports (watching and practising). I love watching movies / TV show, reading, taking a walk. I'm really found of animals. I'm faithful. It's sometimes hard for me to take decisions. Thanks a lot 😉
I ship you with: 
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Newt Scamander! Newt would love your sharp and witty sense of humor. You would make him laugh and pull him out of his head, making him live in the moment instead of worrying about the future. He would listen to you and make you feel heard, and also encouraging you to speak up and share your voice with the world. Your love of animals would also keep you guys together, and you would love going to travelling together and discovering new things.  
Your best friend is: 
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Leta Lestrange! 
Your relationship moment is:
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eylaudie · 6 years
Daredevil cancelled by Netflix
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If they do the same thing to The Punisher, it's definitely my subscription that I'm going to cancel
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eylaudie · 6 years
Hello there! Congrats for the 200 and thank you for your event! My name is Elodie, I'm French, and I would love a ship with a guy in Marauders era or Fantatic Beats era if you do so. I'm not very talkative with people I don't know well but I'm a very fun person with my friends, sometimes sassy. I like sports (watching and practising). I love watching movies / TV show, reading, taking a walk. I'm really found of animals. I'm faithful & lazy. It's sometimes hard for me to take decisions. Thanks 😉
i ship you with: james potter!
you guys would be childhood friends
and you’d bond over quidditch
and everything would be like a bet
you’d bet over chudley canons and holy head harpies
and it would be like this all throughout your friendship
and when u get to hogwarts
ok so i feel like you’d be a beater
and he’s a keeper (i think?)
and you’d always pick a chaser who was going to make the most goals
and whoever lost had to do something for the other
and then
one day james picked his chaser and if you lost you had to kiss him
you lost
you kissed him
your life changed
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eylaudie · 6 years
You just have to follow this blog 😉
200 follower celebration!
i have somehow managed to get two-hundred people to click ‘follow’ and i am excited. i have no clue how i have convinced this many people to keep me on their dash, but i sure am happy i did. i love each and every one of you. please, feel free to talk to me whenever! 
i will be celebrating with ships!
you have to be following me
you have to reblog this post so others can see
you have to tell me which era (marauders or lightning)
you have to tell me your gender preference, if applicable.
you have to tell me your hogwarts house
you have to tell me about your appearance, personality, and hobbies
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