fabiobuda · 5 years
Libvirt KVM high CPU usage with USB attached device
Today I have needed to attach permanently an USB device to a Linux Virtual machine hosted on Ubuntu 18.04 running on KVM hypervisor.
All works fine except that the CPU usage on the Host was oddly high even if the Guest OS was idle.
The CPU usage on Host was always over 12% that is very high if at the same time the Guest is doing nothing. I mean that while the Guest CPU was between 0% and 2% the Host thread was between 12% and 15%.
The only apparent solution found was switching 'hpet' timer from 'no' to 'yes' as discussed in a thread on the Proxmox Forum.
But it didn't the trick (it was related to Windows Guest).
The solution
At the end I found that switching the controller USB model from USB2 to USB3 changed the scenario making Host CPU usage (when Guest is idle) between 2% and 5% that is definitely acceptable. So easy!
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fabiobuda · 6 years
Arp scan on linux
arp-scan --interface=ens9 -l
This will output all reachable ETHERNET (and IP) Addresses on your local network.
If used, this will obviously work only on your VLAN.
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fabiobuda · 6 years
Magento Mageplaza SMTP requirements
Mageplaza SMTP module for Magento 2 requires some additional php packages:
apt install php7.0-bcmath php7.0-soap composer require mageplaza/module-smtp
This is related to mageplaza Magento 2 module
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fabiobuda · 6 years
Convert Joomla redirects to Apache 301
If your plan is to switch your website from http to https and the CMS you use is Joomla, you could have issues with redirects.
These issues are produced by the redirect component of Joomla which is protocol aware and isn’t able to use existing “http” redirects as “https”.
If you have a only few redirects in Joomla you can modify them by hand but if you have dozens or hundreds of redirect it’s not a good solution.
Here I share with you an SQL Query useful to build custom Redirects as a string in Apache2, all ready to be added to your VirtualHost configuration.
SELECT CONCAT(REPLACE(old_url, "http://www.oldurl.it", "Redirect 301 "), REPLACE(new_url, "http://www.oldurl.it", " ")) RedirectString FROM joom_redirect_links WHERE published=1;
Be careful because this query works only for same domain redirects, if you have redirects who points to external domain you have to modify them by hand.
I had more than 100 redirects so this was a very fast solution for me!
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fabiobuda · 7 years
Recent Open source activity
Magento Stack Exchange - bin/magento deleted when upgrading to Magento 2.2.0 using composer
ISSUE - Composer update deleted all files in mage2 folder #4792
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fabiobuda · 7 years
Magento account reset password doesn’t work as expected
During the last months I had to reset my “Magento Connect” account many times because I’m not able to remember hundreds of passwords and I don’t like to store them on paper nor on software password wallets.
No Problems! Magento Connect allows you to reset your password.
But the link it sends to you doesn’t work or says you your password reset token was not valid.
The issue is related with the URI sent to you by magento password reset procedure.
The password reset email contains an URL like this:
But the correct URL is like this:
The solution is up to you, you have to change the YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID and YOUR_UNIQUE_TOKEN accordingly to the URL you receive by mail but use the URL i pasted above to complete the “Magento connect password reset” procedure.
Have a nice Magento password reset!
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fabiobuda · 8 years
L’implementazione si un software CRM diventa sempre più un’opportunità anche per le piccole e medie imprese tanto che il mercato è in forte crescita. Scopri maggiori informazioni grazie al report di Gartner Inc.
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fabiobuda · 8 years
PHP dba on Ubuntu 16.04
If you are migrating your web infrastructure from Ubuntu 14.04 (or another release) to the newer Ubuntu 16.04 you could have issues with all the dba functions.
If some of your web application uses dba_* functions you could get an error like these in your Apache error_log:
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function dba_popen() PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function dba_open() PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function dba_handlers()
The issue is caused by a lack in the php7.0 package that doesn't include support for dba extension.
I discovered this issue thanks to the #ubuntu-server IRC on 22.06.2016. Please referer to the chat log to read the whole conversation: https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2016/06/22/%23ubuntu-server.html (I'm mbutubuntu on IRC).
Nacc, that is one of the php maintainer at ubuntu, offered himself to build a test .deb package and publish it in his PPA.
How to solve the problem
You can read the whole BUG description on launchpad and you can solve upgrading your packages using the PPA from Nacc.
Add the PPA:
add-apt-repository ppa:nacc/lp1569128
And upgrade your php7.0 package and install php7.0-dba
apt-get update apt-get upgrade apt-get install php7.0-dba
Many thanks to Nacc who helped me to fix the issue in a few hours.
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fabiobuda · 9 years
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fabiobuda · 9 years
Il web è sono uno dei canali di vendita di un’azienda. Così come avviene con i potenziali clienti che entrano in ufficio, anche dal web possono arrivare dei perditempo ma ciò non significa che sia il canale a non essere efficace.
La cosa importante è misurare misurare misurare!!!
"Dal web arrivano solo perditempo..." Ne sei proprio sicuro?
Un'obiezione che mi viene spesso fatta quando propongo ad un'azienda di avvicinarsi al web per trovare nuovi clienti è questa: “…tanto dal web arrivano solo richieste di perditempo”.
Ma a conti fatti è poi vero? E se non fosse solo “colpa” di chi naviga?
Continua a leggere
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fabiobuda · 9 years
Da consultare mensilmente ;)
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For more cool UX stuff follow us on Behance: http://bit.ly/UXstudioBehance
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fabiobuda · 9 years
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Come trasformare in opportunità i big data, secondo IBM
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fabiobuda · 9 years
Il Dato è tratto
Il ‪#‎DATO‬ è tratto. Hai voglia di parlarne?
Pochi giorni fa, facendo benzina presso un distributore automatico, ho incontrato un motociclista da cross con una "Action Cam" montata sul casco. Recentemente un mio caro amico ha deciso di dotarsi della stessa tecnologia e di filmare i suoi viaggi all'Università.
Entrambi hanno un obiettivo comune: registrare ‪‎informazioni‬ visive relative alle proprie esperienze per analizzarle e scoprire eventuali errori, curiosità o più semplicemente per "rivivere" la loro esperienza.
Entrambi sfruttano la maggior quantità di #dati a loro disponibile.
E tu? Come sfrutti i dati generati dalla tua organizzazione, dalla tua clientela, dal tuo sito web e dai tuoi canali social? Dedichi del tempo all'organizzazione e all'analisi di tali dati? Credi che possa essere utile definire insieme nuove strategie per l'accumulo di informazioni? Che il dibattito abbia inizio ;)
Approfondisci questo argomento, leggi l’articolo Il Capitale 2.0, il valore della conoscenza su #Fare web news.
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fabiobuda · 9 years
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È nata Event Analytics, una libreria javascript leggera e di semplice utilizzo che supporta lo sviluppatore web nel registrare le interazioni con l’interfaccia grafica all’interno del proprio motore di analytics preferito (Event Analytics supporta Google Analytics e Piwik).
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