fander-pride-meetup · 3 years
In case you missed it...
Here’s the link to this year’s discord server! It’s for all fanders who are LGBTQ+!
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fander-pride-meetup · 3 years
Howdy hey guys, gals, and non-binary pals, and welcome to the Fander Pride Meetup 2021!
What is the Fander Pride Meetup?
If you haven’t heard of/need a refresher on what the Pride Meetup is, in short, it’s a month-long virtual event in which LGBTQIAP+ Fanders share their LGTQIAP+ experiences through art and other forms of media based on a prompt! You post your work here on Tumblr using the hashtags #fanderpridemeetup and #fanderpridemeetup2021 and tag us in your work. The mods then reblog your work, and we all get to know each other!
This event lasts the entirety of Pride Month and is meant to be a celebration of your identity! An added bonus is that hopefully, you’ll come out of this event having made some new friends with an improved sense of unity with those in the community.
Post content relating to each week’s prompts and your identity/experiences on Tumblr through any form of art or media.
The meetup is intended for Fanders in the LGBTQIAP+ community. We respect our cishet allies, but this meetup is for those in the LGBTQIAP+ community to feel seen and connect with each other during Pride Month. Feel free to like and reblog participants work though! Signal boosts help!
Don’t hate on other people and the way they identify. This is a celebration of all identities.
How to Participate:
To participate, make any form of art or media that relates to the prompt, your identity, and/or your experiences.
Tag the blog (@fander-pride-meetup) and use the tags #fanderpridemeetup and/or #fanderpridemeetup2021
Tag your characters (Sympathetic/Unsympathetic) and any other triggers at the beginning of the work and in the tags.
Post it on Tumblr and you are all set! We’ll reblog it to this page for all to see!
What Can You Submit:
All forms of art and media are accepted! From writing to art (traditional and digitl), to edits to cosplay, any and all ways you can think of is welcome at the Meetup! If you can express yourself through it, you can do it! 
Some examples of media we accept:
Art (Traditional/Digital)
Headcanon bullet lists
(However if you still have any questions, feel free to send an ask!)
This Year’s Prompts Are:
Week 1 (June 1-7): Closet
The closet, the place we all begin in, be it for a few weeks or many years. Some don’t have the opportunity to come out of the closet. Even now, many of our friends may be closeted. But even if you’re closeted, we wish you a happy pride month as well.
This week’s prompt is Closet. Use any form of media you’d like through the TS Characters of your choice to share your experiences in the closet.
Week 2 (June 8-14): Celebration
The Fander Pride Meetup always has been and always will be a celebration of the LGBTQ+ community in the Thomas Sanders fandom. Now, let’s celebrate together in what big or small ways we can! From large parties and outings to jamming out in your room to music, celebrations of your identity come in many different way. There is no right or wrong way to show who you are.
This week’s prompt is Celebration. Show a way that you celebrate your identity through any form of media you’d like through the TS Characters of your choice.
Week 3 (June 15-21): Journey
This journey never really ends. It lasts our entire lives, and we experiences ups and downs. People come and go from out lives, and we continuously learn new things about ourselves. We grow, adapt, and change from these experiences and hardships, and we keep pushing through.
This week’s prompt is Journey. Share a part of your LGBTQ+ journey through any form of media you’d like through the TS Characters of your choice.
Week 4 (June 22 -28): Hope
No matter how difficult the situation, how long the journey, the people you meet, there is always hope for a better future. As the world makes advances in LGBTQ+ rights, this week is about spreading hope for the people who are struggling with their identity, who can’t be open and out all the time, and who have to come to terms with who they are. 
This week’s prompt is Hope, and can be shown through any form of media you’d like through the TS Characters of your choice.
The last two days (June 29-30) are WildCard Days! Post whatever you’d like relating to your identity and the TS Fandom!
Q: Do you set up meetups IRL?
A:  This event is held completely online! We do not schedule a place and time to meet each other irl. If you do want to talk with other LGBTQIAP+ Fanders outside of Tumblr, check out this year’s Discord server! [Copy/Paste link: https://discord.gg/Jj7drExCb5]
Q: I’m cisgender, allo, and heterosexual. Can I participate in this event?
A: The meetup is intended for Fanders in the LGBTQIAP+ community. We respect our cisallohet allies, but this meetup is for those in the LGBTQIAP+ community to feel seen and connect with each other during Pride Month. Feel free to like and reblog participants work though! Signal boosts help!
Q: I’m questioning. Can I participate in this event?
A: Of course! You’re welcome to participate in the event if you’re questioning!
Q: I want to participate, but I don’t think I can do X prompt for X week!
A: Participation in each week is not required! This is supposed to be a fun event so if you are unable to post something for one of the weeks, don’t stress it!
Q: I have a late submission! Can I still submit it?
A: Of course! We reblog late submissions on the first day of the next week. (Example: A late submission for Week One posted on June 8th, the first day of Week Two, will be reblogged.)
However, if you are submitting anything later than that, message one of the mods, Lissa ( @amazinglissawho ​) or Anon ( @books-sketches-and-ink​) and we’ll get your post up!
Q: I don’t have a Tumblr account/would like to stay anonymous while participating.
A: That’s completely fine! Just submit your post to our submission box, and we’ll post it for you!
Post Content
Q: Can I really use any medium I want?
A: Yes! In whatever way you express yourself best, you can do it!
Q: Can we use fem!Sides? Can we use Fander/personal Sides?
A: Yep! If it helps with expressing your identity or if you think it’ll just be fun, you can use them!
Q: Do I have to project my experiences onto a character? Can I project identities rather than experiences onto the characters instead?
A: Of course! You can use your identity and make the character have different experiences!
Q: Can I write about a negative experience that has happened to me?
A: Sure thing! If you feel like you would like to write what feels real to you, then go ahead.
Additional Notes
Part of the meetup is to, well, meetup! Talk to each other and learn about the various identities of people in this fandom!
Since this is a Fander Pride Meetup, try to keep your content related to TS content or yourself. Other fandoms are okay to be mentioned, but please keep it minimal.
Please signal boost! If you have any friends or know any blogs who might be interested let them know! This is for anyone under the LGBTQIA+/SAGA umbrella!
Remember that though “Meetup” is in the name, this event is held online! We do not schedule a place and time to meet each other irl. If you do want to talk with other LGBTQIAP+ Fanders, check out this year’s Discord server!
If you have any more questions, send in an ask, and happy pride!
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fander-pride-meetup · 3 years
Are you doing another meetup anytime soon?
There will be one this summer! Stay tuned!!
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fander-pride-meetup · 4 years
Anon: It truly is wonderful to find such a welcoming community here and learn so much more about ourselves. This is a very cute drawing and I like it a lot!
Mia: I'm glad you could figure yourself out like that. It's great how Thomas can be an inspiration for you and many others. The art is lovely. Thank you for participating in the meetup
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EgoSidesPride 2020 - Something more
And thus this little challenge comes to its end. I had contemplated doing this little thing for @fander-pride-meetup 's Figuring Ourselves Out week but it decided to push it back for their 'random days'.
TW: mentioned homophobia
Thomas Sanders was most definitely one of the most influential people of my life. I grew up in a family that wasn't directly homophobic or anything but openess and awareness towards the subject was definitely also not something they taught me. I never used homophobic slurs or insults but the concept of 'gayness' was still weird or foreign to me and in my first fandoms I tried to stay clear of any m/m or f/f ships. But when I suddenly got bombarded with the subject of course I looked into it a bit. But Thomas was one of the first persons ever I had a connection to that openly said 'I am gay and I am proud of who I am.' And I was just like 'Huh, okay.' Since then I wandered from being an Ally through several orientations. I have learned so much and I aquired such an incredible mindset.
So thank you Thomas and a huge thanks to the people that make up this wonderful community.
Day 30 (Click for better quality) (I'm sorry that this got so long.)
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fander-pride-meetup · 4 years
Anon: This was beautiful to read, and quite honestly I shed a tear. I hope that you’ll be able to be out and proud to be you when you’re ready!
Mia: This is something from the deepest part of your heart and that's beautiful. Maybe one day this will all be true and everyone can live like this, we just have to keep pushing for that future. I hope we all get to see it happen.
So recently Roman has become my favorite side, and when people ask my why I love him I haven’t been able to give a good answer, but I finally figured it out. 
I love Roman because of how gay he is. 
Roman isn’t ashamed of being gay, he’s proud of it. He won’t let anyone forget it. He makes gay jokes like it’s nothing because you can’t erase him. 
Roman would hold hands with a boy, get told he’s “scaring the children”, and then proceed to kiss his boyfriend and tell Karen to die mad about it. 
Roman isn’t scared of being romantic, or telling a guy that he loves them. 
Roman is out and proud, and I love him for that.
Because the truth is, I want to be like Roman. 
I want to kiss the girl I love in public and dare people to say something about it. 
I want to walk around with a pride flag as a cape.
I want to be able to come out and not feel the tinge of dread. 
I don’t want to be afraid of the word lesbian, I want to love screaming it
I want to go out fighting, and I want everyone to know that I was a lesbian, and that I was proud of it. 
And every time I see Roman on screen? I feel like that could be real one day.
And I know it’s cheesy, and kind of dumb to think all of that because one character. But this fandom has meant so much to me. Most of the amazing people I’ve met are just like me. And the straight people I’ve met are some of the most kind I’ve ever seen. Yeah, it’s just a show, yeah it’s just a fandom, but it means so much to me. So for anyone reading this, Pride month is about to end, but your pride is year round. So use the pronouns you want to use, kiss the people you want to kiss, and wave your flag so everyone can see it. Don’t let anyone forget. 
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fander-pride-meetup · 4 years
Fander Pride Meetup: WildCard Days!
Hey there guys, gals, and nonbinary pals! It’s the WildCard Days, where you can post anything you’d like relating to the TS fandom and/or your identity!
You can post here on Tumblr, or if you don’t have an account, you can submit it to our submission box!
We also have an Archive of Our Own Collection for fanfic writers! You can post there and/or on Tumblr!
If posting on Tumblr, please mention us in your post (@fanderpridemeetup) and use the tags #fanderpridemeetup and #fanderpridemeetup2020 so that we can see your work and reblog it here!
Please remember to put content warnings for any potential triggers at the top of your work and in the tags below your post!
If you can’t post this week, don’t stress about it! Just remember to be proud and have fun!
We’ll be taking late submissions for Week Four on June 29th! To submit a post for Week Four after June 29th, you will have to message a mod.
Wanna meet and chat with some other LGBTQIAP+ Fanders? Our Discord server is live! [Copy/Paste this if the Tumblr link isn’t working: https://discord.gg/n3yrhG3]
If you have any questions, feel free to send in an ask!
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fander-pride-meetup · 4 years
Fander Pride Meetup: WildCard Days!
Hey there guys, gals, and nonbinary pals! It’s the WildCard Days, where you can post anything you’d like relating to the TS fandom and/or your identity!
You can post here on Tumblr, or if you don’t have an account, you can submit it to our submission box!
We also have an Archive of Our Own Collection for fanfic writers! You can post there and/or on Tumblr!
If posting on Tumblr, please mention us in your post (@fanderpridemeetup) and use the tags #fanderpridemeetup and #fanderpridemeetup2020 so that we can see your work and reblog it here!
Please remember to put content warnings for any potential triggers at the top of your work and in the tags below your post!
If you can’t post this week, don’t stress about it! Just remember to be proud and have fun!
We’ll be taking late submissions for Week Four on June 29th! To submit a post for Week Four after June 29th, you will have to message a mod.
Wanna meet and chat with some other LGBTQIAP+ Fanders? Our Discord server is live! [Copy/Paste this if the Tumblr link isn’t working: https://discord.gg/n3yrhG3]
If you have any questions, feel free to send in an ask!
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fander-pride-meetup · 4 years
Fander Pride Meetup: WildCard Days!
Hey there guys, gals, and nonbinary pals! It’s the WildCard Days, where you can post anything you’d like relating to the TS fandom and/or your identity!
You can post here on Tumblr, or if you don’t have an account, you can submit it to our submission box!
We also have an Archive of Our Own Collection for fanfic writers! You can post there and/or on Tumblr!
If posting on Tumblr, please mention us in your post (@fanderpridemeetup) and use the tags #fanderpridemeetup and #fanderpridemeetup2020 so that we can see your work and reblog it here!
Please remember to put content warnings for any potential triggers at the top of your work and in the tags below your post!
If you can’t post this week, don’t stress about it! Just remember to be proud and have fun!
We’ll be taking late submissions for Week Four on June 29th! To submit a post for Week Four after June 29th, you will have to message a mod.
Wanna meet and chat with some other LGBTQIAP+ Fanders? Our Discord server is live! [Copy/Paste this if the Tumblr link isn’t working: https://discord.gg/n3yrhG3]
If you have any questions, feel free to send in an ask!
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fander-pride-meetup · 4 years
Fander Pride Meetup: WildCard Days!
Hey there guys, gals, and nonbinary pals! It’s the WildCard Days, where you can post anything you’d like relating to the TS fandom and/or your identity!
You can post here on Tumblr, or if you don’t have an account, you can submit it to our submission box!
We also have an Archive of Our Own Collection for fanfic writers! You can post there and/or on Tumblr!
If posting on Tumblr, please mention us in your post (@fanderpridemeetup) and use the tags #fanderpridemeetup and #fanderpridemeetup2020 so that we can see your work and reblog it here!
Please remember to put content warnings for any potential triggers at the top of your work and in the tags below your post!
If you can’t post this week, don’t stress about it! Just remember to be proud and have fun!
We’ll be taking late submissions for Week Four on June 29th! To submit a post for Week Four after June 29th, you will have to message a mod.
Wanna meet and chat with some other LGBTQIAP+ Fanders? Our Discord server is live! [Copy/Paste this if the Tumblr link isn’t working: https://discord.gg/n3yrhG3]
If you have any questions, feel free to send in an ask!
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fander-pride-meetup · 4 years
Fander Pride Meetup: WildCard Days!
Hey there guys, gals, and nonbinary pals! It’s the WildCard Days, where you can post anything you’d like relating to the TS fandom and/or your identity!
You can post here on Tumblr, or if you don’t have an account, you can submit it to our submission box!
We also have an Archive of Our Own Collection for fanfic writers! You can post there and/or on Tumblr!
If posting on Tumblr, please mention us in your post (@fanderpridemeetup) and use the tags #fanderpridemeetup and #fanderpridemeetup2020 so that we can see your work and reblog it here!
Please remember to put content warnings for any potential triggers at the top of your work and in the tags below your post!
If you can’t post this week, don’t stress about it! Just remember to be proud and have fun!
We’ll be taking late submissions for Week Four on June 29th! To submit a post for Week Four after June 29th, you will have to message a mod.
Wanna meet and chat with some other LGBTQIAP+ Fanders? Our Discord server is live! [Copy/Paste this if the Tumblr link isn’t working: https://discord.gg/n3yrhG3]
If you have any questions, feel free to send in an ask!
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fander-pride-meetup · 4 years
Anon: This is very sweet! Your art style is simply lovely and I’m glad to see some very supportive friends!
Mia: oh this is looking great. It's a very simple but very pleasant art style. Well done!
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EgoSidesPride 2020 - Acceptance
For week three of the @fander-pride-meetup part of my friends group, with me (Omni Ace), Tes (questioning), and two of our very supportive friends (Through, honestly, we're all a bit gay here).
Day 26 (Click for better quality)
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fander-pride-meetup · 4 years
Anon: It’s a happy little coincidence that you finished it on this day and this is a lovely piece for acceptance!
Mia: This is great, your art style is really cute and I love Logan’s sweater. It truly is a great coincidence but one worth celebrating.
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Week 4 of the Fander Pride Meetup: Acceptance
This is the fourth piece I’ve done for the @fander-pride-meetup. 
I was originally planning to do this piece for the wildcard days next week, however I couldn’t come up with an idea I deemed “worth finishing” for this week, so I moved this ahead of schedule. I don’t know if I’ll be participating in next week’s prompt or not, though. I guess I’ll just have to see.
I actually didn’t plan on this being the day I’d release this, but it just so happens that the day I finish this piece based on acceptance is also the fifth year anniversary of the supreme court ruling in favor of gay marriage, so I guess that’s an upside to this piece being so late.
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fander-pride-meetup · 4 years
Anon: This was a wonderful conclusion and a nice way for it to come to a close! It was meet your Sides, and see how they learned, grew, and interacted.
Mia: Truly a great way to use the prompt of the week. Accepting yourself is important, this might mean learning new things or changing your outlook on life. I loved this story and would look forward to it every week to see what happens next. Great job.
Chapters: 4/4 Fandom: Sanders Sides (Web Series) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: queer platonic - Relationship, nblw - Relationship Characters: Original Side(s) (Sanders Sides), Anxiety - Character, Logic - Character, Self Preservation - Character, Morality - Character, Creativity - Character, Dark Creativity - Character Additional Tags: Fanders Sides, AU characters, Vira Locked, Loren Locked, Rose Locked, Jessica Locked, Reegan Locked, Padgett Locked, Basically the names are really close to the canon sides, whoever you think it’s supposed to be it is, These would be my sides because this is my story, but they dress similarly and act pretty similarly to the canon sides, Sanders Sides - Freeform, Inspired by Sanders Sides, qpp, Queer Platonic Partners, cursing, cuss words, i’m not thomas I say fork, Suicidal Thoughts, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Light Sadism, Aphobia, aphobic comments, Questioning, Questioning self worth Summary:
Meet the sides of Star Locked as we discover some things about ourself. This is for the 2020 Fander Pride Online Meet up! Check out the event on the tumblr blog @fander-pride-meetup
Week 4 is about Acceptance and wow this one was hard to finish, but we got there
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fander-pride-meetup · 4 years
Fander Pride Meetup Week Four: Acceptance
Hey there guys, gals, and nonbinary pals! It’s time for week three of the Fander Pride Meetup! We are in our final stretch of Pride Month! This week’s topic: Acceptance.
Week 4 (June 22-28): Acceptance
At one point, it may have been difficult to find acceptance. At times, it may even be difficult to accept ourselves. But one day, you will find your famILY, who will love and accept you for who you are.
This week’s prompt is Acceptance. Tell us about your found family and accepting your identity. This can be shown through any form of media you’d like through the TS Characters of your choice.
You can post here on Tumblr, or if you don’t have an account, you can submit it to our submission box!
We also have an Archive of Our Own Collection for fanfic writers! You can post there and/or on Tumblr!
If posting on Tumblr, please mention us in your post (@fanderpridemeetup) and use the tags #fanderpridemeetup and #fanderpridemeetup2020 so that we can see your work and reblog it here!
Please remember to put content warnings for any potential triggers at the top of your work and in the tags below your post.
If you can’t post this week, don’t stress about it! Just remember to be proud and have fun!
We’ll be taking late submissions for Week Three on June 22th! To submit a post for Week Three after June 22th, you will have to message a mod.
Wanna meet and chat with some other LGBTQIAP+ Fanders? Our Discord server is now live! [Copy/Paste this if the Tumblr link isn’t working: https://discord.gg/n3yrhG3]
If you have any questions, feel free to send in an ask!
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fander-pride-meetup · 4 years
Fander Pride Meetup Week Four: Acceptance
Hey there guys, gals, and nonbinary pals! It’s time for week three of the Fander Pride Meetup! We are in our final stretch of Pride Month! This week’s topic: Acceptance.
Week 4 (June 22-28): Acceptance
At one point, it may have been difficult to find acceptance. At times, it may even be difficult to accept ourselves. But one day, you will find your famILY, who will love and accept you for who you are.
This week’s prompt is Acceptance. Tell us about your found family and accepting your identity. This can be shown through any form of media you’d like through the TS Characters of your choice.
You can post here on Tumblr, or if you don’t have an account, you can submit it to our submission box!
We also have an Archive of Our Own Collection for fanfic writers! You can post there and/or on Tumblr!
If posting on Tumblr, please mention us in your post (@fanderpridemeetup) and use the tags #fanderpridemeetup and #fanderpridemeetup2020 so that we can see your work and reblog it here!
Please remember to put content warnings for any potential triggers at the top of your work and in the tags below your post.
If you can’t post this week, don’t stress about it! Just remember to be proud and have fun!
We’ll be taking late submissions for Week Three on June 22th! To submit a post for Week Three after June 22th, you will have to message a mod.
Wanna meet and chat with some other LGBTQIAP+ Fanders? Our Discord server is now live! [Copy/Paste this if the Tumblr link isn’t working: https://discord.gg/n3yrhG3]
If you have any questions, feel free to send in an ask!
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fander-pride-meetup · 4 years
Fander Pride Meetup Week Four: Acceptance
Hey there guys, gals, and nonbinary pals! It’s time for week three of the Fander Pride Meetup! We are in our final stretch of Pride Month! This week’s topic: Acceptance.
Week 4 (June 22-28): Acceptance
At one point, it may have been difficult to find acceptance. At times, it may even be difficult to accept ourselves. But one day, you will find your famILY, who will love and accept you for who you are.
This week’s prompt is Acceptance. Tell us about your found family and accepting your identity. This can be shown through any form of media you’d like through the TS Characters of your choice.
You can post here on Tumblr, or if you don’t have an account, you can submit it to our submission box!
We also have an Archive of Our Own Collection for fanfic writers! You can post there and/or on Tumblr!
If posting on Tumblr, please mention us in your post (@fanderpridemeetup) and use the tags #fanderpridemeetup and #fanderpridemeetup2020 so that we can see your work and reblog it here!
Please remember to put content warnings for any potential triggers at the top of your work and in the tags below your post.
If you can’t post this week, don’t stress about it! Just remember to be proud and have fun!
We’ll be taking late submissions for Week Three on June 22th! To submit a post for Week Three after June 22th, you will have to message a mod.
Wanna meet and chat with some other LGBTQIAP+ Fanders? Our Discord server is now live! [Copy/Paste this if the Tumblr link isn’t working: https://discord.gg/n3yrhG3]
If you have any questions, feel free to send in an ask!
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fander-pride-meetup · 4 years
Fander Pride Meetup Week Four: Acceptance
Hey there guys, gals, and nonbinary pals! It’s time for week three of the Fander Pride Meetup! We are in our final stretch of Pride Month! This week’s topic: Acceptance.
Week 4 (June 22-28): Acceptance
At one point, it may have been difficult to find acceptance. At times, it may even be difficult to accept ourselves. But one day, you will find your famILY, who will love and accept you for who you are.
This week’s prompt is Acceptance. Tell us about your found family and accepting your identity. This can be shown through any form of media you’d like through the TS Characters of your choice.
You can post here on Tumblr, or if you don’t have an account, you can submit it to our submission box!
We also have an Archive of Our Own Collection for fanfic writers! You can post there and/or on Tumblr!
If posting on Tumblr, please mention us in your post (@fanderpridemeetup) and use the tags #fanderpridemeetup and #fanderpridemeetup2020 so that we can see your work and reblog it here!
Please remember to put content warnings for any potential triggers at the top of your work and in the tags below your post.
If you can’t post this week, don’t stress about it! Just remember to be proud and have fun!
We’ll be taking late submissions for Week Three on June 22th! To submit a post for Week Three after June 22th, you will have to message a mod.
Wanna meet and chat with some other LGBTQIAP+ Fanders? Our Discord server is now live! [Copy/Paste this if the Tumblr link isn’t working: https://discord.gg/n3yrhG3]
If you have any questions, feel free to send in an ask!
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