fantasyatitsfinest · 3 years
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If you ask me, magic systems are sort of a bitch to create. Not only does it need to be at least somewhat original, but it also has to serve a purpose in your story. So, I’ve compiled a few tips and tricks to help you get started, or at least get you inspired.
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To start off, magic can come in all forms. Whether it be growing vines from your hands or rumbling the earth’s core with your mind, it is acceptable for magic to be as big or little of an element in your story as you want it to be. However, it must have limits.
If you want your magician to be able to let spells fall effortlessly from their tongue, fine, but maybe every minute they use magic, they lose a minute off their life. That’s just an example, but seriously, if your magic system has no limits, your readers will find that they’re bored. A story without conflict is not a story at all.
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Adding onto that, limits don't have to just be fatigue, or the example mentioned above. They can also come as rules. Maybe your magician has the ability to send the world to its knees, but they're a stickler for rules. That could be the only thing stopping them (though I don't suggest going down that road).
Rules, and just limits in general, also play important roles when it comes to introducing your magician. Especially when they are the protagonist.
If you want your readers to care, you should be easing them into your character's ability. Let them warm up to the character, whether they want to or not. This way, when the actual greatness of their power is revealed, it'll be kind of a big deal.
It may feel as though your characters are another part of you (in a way, they are). However, you have spent months creating and writing them. Of course you're gonna be attached, and that's okay!
It's different for your readers. They have never met these characters and, therefore, don't care too much about them.
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Since I'm a sucker for questions, I've compiled ten simple questions that should help you get started on your creation.
What do non-magical beings think of magic?
Has that opinion changed over a period of time? If so, why?
Where does your magic come from?
Can anyone do magic? Is it taught? Inherited through blood?
What does magic add to your story?
How does magic affect the setting of your story?
Is magic punishable? If so, how severe is the punishment?
How was magic introduced to your world?
Does having magical ability set some higher than others in the hierarchy of your story?
Are there certain types of magic that are considered "good" and "evil?"
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Okay, I know I sort of threw all that at you.
Remember, you don't actually have to listen to me. Make your magic whatever you want it to be. Write what you want, and don't let any more strangers on the internet stop you.
Feel free to ask any questions.
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fantasyatitsfinest · 3 years
WORLD BUILDING: Questions to Consider When Writing a Monarchy
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Monarchies can be challenging to write (I know from personal experience). It can be difficult to know where the hell to start, especially when you have no experience creating an entirely new world from scratch. Hopefully these questions can help you start to understand your world a bit better than before.
What do the people think of the royal family? Are they loved, hated, or even respected behind closed doors? If they aren't, why?
Likewise, what does the royal family think of their people?
How did this monarchy start? Consider the world around the monarchy to answer this.
How much power does the royal family actually have? Do they have the final say on everything, or is there more than one small group of people on board with the decision making?
About how many people actually live here? Is the population small, large, or is it at what you would consider a happy medium? How does the population affect the way things are run?
Is there magic in this world? If so, how does it affect the monarch and their family?
How complex is the royals' family tree? Are there any members of said family that the current one is ashamed of? Ones they are particularly proud of?
What holidays does this world celebrate? How similar are they to the holidays celebrated in the modern world?
What do other royal families think of this one, and vice versa? Are there any?
How far away from other civilizations is this one? How does this affect trade?
What form of money does this world have? How valuable is their currency compared to others'?
How progressive is your world? Would they say no to a woman to inherit the crown or do they not care? Would they accept if a member of the royal family came out as gay, trans, bi, etc.?
Does your royal family stay in one place? Do they travel a lot? Where do they stay?
What is the education like for members of the family?
Will you keep the titles "king," "queen," "prince," and "princess" or change them to something different?
How messy is the family's history? Do they think it's messed up? Do their subjects?
In the event that your monarch was murdered, how seriously would it be taken?
How strict is marriage among the family? Do they do it strictly for alliances? Could a peasant marry a royal? Can the heir get married without their parent's permission?
Can the hair challenge the monarch for the throne, or do they have to wait until their death?
How separated is the heir from their siblings?
What is considered treason in this world?
Does your royal family value the arts?
How often are balls held?
How much responsibility does the monarch actually have? Do they make a million decisions a day, or do they live a life of luxury, having people around them do their work for them?
How much does your family interact with the public?
I hope these helped! This is my first post, so feel free to ask any questions on my page if anything is unclear.
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