Got a new job today!!!!!
Today, I got a new job can't wait to start work these at any new bosses!!!!
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Today, I wanted to KILL MYSELF more than ANYTHING!!!!!! Why you ask? BLACK JEWS!!! I've never been more disappointed in the third Reich than when they forgot to put these bastards into Auschwitz!!!! Today a group of about 10 big black hairy Jew girls came into my store and stole all of my black veil bride bracelets. Now I'm PISSED!!!!! I'm gonna go home and shove a big giant screw driver through my eyeball and a potato into my vagina!!! Good day sir
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Saw trump today! F**k him and his white nationalist privilege,I would suck his dick if he wasn't elderly, but I might, simply because of lays potatoe chips, gotta love em,.
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Touched a black dick today, can I go back?
Today, I was touched by a strange man. He came up grabbed me pussy, than shoved his dick in my ass. I didn't mind that, but he was a black guy wearing a make America great again hat. I yelled WTF are you doing you black jigger. Afterword I went home and it occurred to me that I may not be able to go back. What do I do?
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Touched a dick today!
11/6/16 A man approached me today. He asked me to touch his dick. Well, out of the kindness of my heart, I did, than I took this old razor I keep in my glove compartment, and cut it off. How do you feel about that fucking faggot nigger cunt bitch? #Ineedafuckbuddywillyobethatbudddy?
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Got fucked with a potatoe!
Was having sex with my dog as usual, and I thought it would be a great idea to masturbate with a potatoe, well not such a gret idea because it got stuck ,a nd I had to go to the doctor to get it out. Docotor said I was lucky because It could of killed me, well I don't take shit from nobody So I stuck it back in, I aint no bitch!
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I wanna suck this guys dick, Yeah Boi!!!
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I’ll fuck it!
Furs Are lyfe
Yo whats up i’m just ooking to yiff alot, love big juicy whore tits and i’m a little slut for mommy
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Fuck me in my WHOREASS PT.2
Told my mom to kill herself. She said she would but I don't think she did, oh well! Anyway, my dad was like omg and than he went lol, I was confused. My aunt came over, I fucked her, and her husband. Decided to eat sushi afterwords. Anyway, fuck of guys
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Fuck Me in my WhoreAss
Saw a gay dude today! Fuck him and his white privilege. He told to fuck his ASS! I said yes of course out of courtesy but fuck (Get it I made a pun)
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Fuck My Life
Found out I have a kid I don’t remember having! It’ s wierd because he’s older than me! He said he time travelled to see his mother in her younger days! He won’t tell me who his father is! I need to know so I can kill that guy!  Anyway, I have a 45 year-old kid now.
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What the fuck is Tumblr?
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Gay ass monkey faggots
Went to my feminist club today! They want equal rights apparently! I believe we should enslave all men, and make them into a real life human centipede, and make the front one a monkey, and feed it nothing but Viagra and hotdogs! We shall sew them together by threes, like the first movie, but involve a monkey! We will also along with their anus, put their penus in their mouths too! We will collect their sperm before hand, but we will do it very painfully! If we birth any males, we turn them in Walruses! We will make them fight in one on one walrus combat! We will lick eachother’s cunts while they do so! Anyway, back on topic, at the club we discussed how we could get equal rights, nd I got kicked out for pitching them this idea! So I've decided I’m gonna make my own club, and only allow demisexuals ,like myself, and have constant centipede fantasies, and shove snakes in my cornhole! And, who the FUCK IS UNCLE KRACKER!!! I FIND HIS MUSIC EXTREMELY SEXIST!! LIKE HIS SONG FOLLOW ME,WHAT HE FUCK!!!
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Licked my own vagina today, didn’t know I was that flexible!
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ate butthole
Ate butthole today. tasted delicious after I put barbecue sauce in it. It made the leftover poo taste better!
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Had sex
Had sex today!! LOL small penis (With my dog) now i’m just like whitney winsconsin, she is my inspiration
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Today, I feministwhoremonger, was discriminated against by cis white males. They called me ma’am, of which if you were to look at me. I am clearly not a ma’am but I am an it. I am clearly a demisexual, who prefers the pronouns, they, them, it, they’re, and their. So if anyone I'm know calls me ma’am or sir, I will go bathsalt zombie on your face, and swallow you like cis white females, swallow the oppression from cis white males!
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