ffauthor · 3 months
'Broken Screens' - Michael Afton x Reader
Part 2!-
Part 1 here: https://www.tumblr.com/ffauthor/722034282106929152/broken-screens-michael-afton-x-reader?source=share
You hadn't anticipated to be holding Michael's now-broken phone in your hand today. It only makes you wonder what today will bring you. Reading the top message from thirty seconds ago, you knew something wasn't right. His screen is cracked, there are glitching colors at the cracks, and the phone is doing its best but failing miserably to do its job. The five simple phrases that were being tattooed in your brain made your heart drop. ''Michael, we lost the house.'' The sound of clothing implementing next to you sends you off into reality, Michael grabbing the phone from your grasp. You cleanse your throat before exhaling a small amount of air. ''I guess that'll have to be a new phone...'' You try to seem delightful and lighten the weight of the tension in the room, but it only makes Michael angrier. His knuckles brush across his hand, and he slams the phone down ten times harder.
It even makes you flinch as glass bits from the screen fly throughout the classroom. ''Goddamnit! Look at what you did!'' Was he really going to hold you responsible for this? Just as you were ready to feel awful about this gigantic jerk? ''What I did?! Oh, come on, Afton--this isn't even my-'' a spat of his spit spilled on your face, Michael was enraged and taking it out on you. ''SHUT THE FUCK UP!'' You slowly back away, standing just next to him but further away from where you sat. You were about to strike him with one of your sarcastic comebacks when you chose to remain silent in response to the text you just saw. He needed this release, but he didn't need to let it all out on you. ''Michael-'' He slid a rapid hand through his hair before pointing a finger at you, his posture a little unsteady, as if he was going to fall down.
He opened his mouth to speak but then turned back to one of the desks and buried his head in his hands. It didn't take long for sobbing to erupt around the room. You were still stunned, stuck in place, unsure of what to do. You'd seen Michael angry, irritated, and even laughing. But today, you were faced with two completely unexpected emotions from the one person you believed you could resist the most. You swallowed the thick bulb developing in your throat, and as an even louder sob made its way through, you quickened your pace and laid your hand on his back.
As his muscles tensed and tightened, you were about to pull your hand away, deciding that it was probably the stupidest idea you'd ever had, but when he suddenly relaxed under your touch and muffled his cries even more, you rubbed soothing circles, the fabric of his shirt grooving between your fingers. ''I'm so so sorry, Y/N. I'm so fucking-'' a high-pitched sob escapes his mouth, and the mere mention of your own name did not sit well with you. You never used to call one other by their first name; it was always your last name. It was just something that belonged to you guys, something that began as a joke and was held for a long time. Maybe he had the same strange feeling when you used his first name before he really broke down.
You weren't going to hug him as well. You were already attempting to soothe him in this situation, so you weren't going to be all mushy and throw down your boundaries. This was already much out of your comfort zone. And perhaps that was exactly what he desired or expected. a hug, a simple, warm-hearted hug that could instantly lift the weight he carries, but maybe he also understood that it wasn't going to happen. ''Don't even try to finish that sentence, Afton. I get it,'' you say, biting the inside of your lower lip. ''And maybe I even want to help you in some way...' His head shoots up at that, and the perplexed look on his face makes you snort a little. You could see him wiping away some of his tears, but not totally in cause you were fucking with him.
''What?-'' his voice was gruff and unsteady, almost making you feel guilty. But you may have already felt a tinge of it. Like hell, that would be the only reason for what you were about to offer him, ''I-'' ''God Afton, don't you dare say anything stupid about what I'm about to say next.'' He shrugged, still unsure but his curiosity growing. ''If you wish, you can stay with me... and-'' you exhale deeply, sighing and closing your eyes tightly. ''Not only you but also your father and siblings... I-I could make it work..'' Great, y/n. Stuttering right now? You inwardly facepalm, expecting to be laughed at, but instead, you are faced with a lot closer Michael, his entire focus on you.
''L/N, I swear to you. This better not be one of your crappy jokes right now because I swear I'm not laughing.'' You gaze at him, taken aback, before gradually relaxing your shoulders. ''I may be cruel, Afton. And I may hope for a variety of things. But I'm not that mean that I wish you were homeless.'' His eyes nearly dug into you, making you feel uneasy. ''I'm not joking, Afton. I promise you.'' His tears had dried, with only a few remaining in the corners of his eyes and his sleeve almost totally flooded, yet you could see a faint smile grow on the side of his mouth. ''L/N- I- You have no idea how much this means to me.'' You snort slightly at his lack of words, but you only pat him on the shoulder slightly. ''Oh please, your father hasn't even agreed yet.'' - ''Speaking of which, I really think you should ask him, or let him know,'' You cautiously pick up the skin on your neck, suddenly feeling very different from before: Happy that you might be able to help them, but a little creeped out that you were offering this to the person you are meant to despise the most.
You haven't even had a proper conversation, and this one clearly doesn't count as one, assuming neither of you knows what to say and you're both as speechless and weirded out by the whole situation, both in different ways, but also in the same ways because you're about to see each other a lot of times right now and partly because you might see each other somehow... shirtless. (at least you with a bra-) Your breathing quickens slightly as you shake your head, attempting to squeeze the thoughts out of your head. And now you're thinking about Michael fucking Afton inappropriately? You almost choke on your own spit as you turn to face Michael, who has this inquiring look on his face as if he has just asked you something or is going to ask you something. But you cut him off before he can finish. ''But, just so you know, This doesn't make us friends.''
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ffauthor · 10 months
'Broken Screens.' - Michael Afton x Reader
Part 1! -
''Well, well, if it isn't, Afton.'' You tease him somewhat, seeing Michael open his locker with a tiny force, hiding himself behind the locker. He's sunk his head, a huge sigh exiting his mouth as he mumbles something quiet. ''Not right now, Y/n. I'm just not in the mood.'' You'd be the one mocking those words to him all the time, despite not being in the mood for any of it a lot of the time. It forces you to slam your door shut, go over a few lockers, and walk to the other side so you can see Michael clearly.
He had dark bags beneath his eyes that were slightly red in tone. You'd never seen him like that in the four years you'd known him. His walls weren't easy to breach, but watching him in such distress made your gut clench. ''What's up with you?'' you ask softly, glancing at his face, which slowly turns to meet yours. He looked terrible. ''Jezus-'' You exhale a little gasp, resting your hand on the locker next to you and attentively inspecting his face before leaving out a heavy sigh and rolling your eyes at your own silly statement. ''Look. I know this isn't any of my 'enemy' duties, but... I guess you can talk to me.''  You didn't even know why you said those things; it just felt good knowing he wouldn't dare to say them.
You rest your head on the locker, looking up at Michael, who slowly takes a book from his locker and closes the door behind him. Michael snorted softly, a faint smirk returning to his face, and the understanding made you almost smile as well. A smile on his face was far preferable to a frown. ''Yeah right, L/N. Where did you suddenly buy this personality? Wish?'' Your mouth met agape, and you found yourself slapping his arm playfully with one hand while grabbing your chest with the other, pretending to be humiliated. ''Wow- And to think I was trying to be helpful for once.'' you cross your arms, causing Michael to lean against his own locker, facing you with a much brighter smile. His smile faded far too quickly for your satisfaction, and you felt your own follow suit.
You merely stared at each other before turning away and facing the floor. Your sneakers had become far too tempting. ''I'm serious, Afton.''You were terrified of what he may say, therefore this was not something you would do. Even five minutes ago, you still despised each other. And you still do, despite the fact that this sensation was fresh to you. And you weren't sure if you liked it...
'' Thanks, L/N. But I'm-'' Loud talk and a swarm of running young people invaded both of your ears, distracting you both - or at least yourself. You looked around at the crowd pressing in on you, almost forcing you up against Michael if it weren't for the phone in his hand. The screen was brightened, and Michael's face became a little too pale, and the three dots developing on his phone screen nearly vanished, replaced by a text message saying, 'Talk later.' You didn't have time to get to the remainder of the messages, and you wouldn't be able to even if everything wasn't upside down for you.
You could only make the word 'rent' out of it before you were pushed on the ground in a much quieter room, Michael falling straight atop of you, or at least on your arm; Making you groan out loud. You felt the weight of his body on your arm and you tried to push him away, but he was too heavy. His phone flew a couple of meters further, it being the closest to your reach. The boy on top of you let out a little yelp, followed by an angry groan and a roll away from your arm, worsening your discomfort.
You stared over his shoulder, trying to figure out what had brought both of you into a room with nothing but books, a handful of desks, and a lot of windows. But you come up empty-handed. A crowd had gathered outside the open entrance, precisely where the two of you were standing. You lowered your head to the floor, hearing a slow sigh from next to you. Michael, who is lying on the ground with his brows furrowed, appears to have had the same thought as you. You couldn't help but wonder what was in the text message and why it was so urgent. Specifically, why it got Michael so fired up. But another part of you knew it wasn't your business, and you weren't sure why you cared or why you had the moment you stepped into the hallway and saw him go off to your lockers.
Part 2 here:
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ffauthor · 10 months
William Afton story link
If u want to read a longer William afton x reader story (which is still in the making and currently only has a few chapters) Click on this link! :)
^^^^ It has a small amount of Michael Afton x Reader which might grow out to be something more in the future (if people would like that)! 
Check it out if ur interested! And if u can’t click on the link, then you can either seek for: 
Oh, Darling- William Afton x Reader 
AftonSread (author name)
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ffauthor · 10 months
Michael afton x reader + William pt.2
This one is more of a william afton x reader one!
Read part one here:
You were laying on a bed, William was standing next to you on your left side, and michael was sitting in a chair on the other, holding your hand softly. After putting the chard back at the shelf at your foot end, he made his way towards you, gripping a small flashlight out of his pocket. He moved your hair out infront of your eyes, giving you a quick peck on your forehead before he held his hand on your head, flashing the flashlight into your eyes, making you move his finger afterwards. "Does anything hurt you still?" He asked, looking down at you with a kind smile, yet worry could be read over his expression. You shook your head carefully, your head still pressed in the pillow.
"You've been very lucky, love." By this michael shook his head, the grip on your hand tightening. "I still dont understand why you did that, y/n. It could've turned out so much worse!" Followed by, "you really scared the shit out of me. Don't you ever do that again." Michael still had a faint red color around his eyes, sniffing his nose quietly. "I'm sorry -" you tried to apologize, but william just shook his head down at you. "Don't love. And michael, keep your voice down. You're scaring her." Michael's eyes widened slowly, letting your hand go. Making you look towards him, the warmth is now completely replaced with the cold, windy atmosphere. You didnt say anything, just letting the quilt feeling swallowed down. "Will?" Your voice was sore, raspy even. "Hm?" William was looking at the machine, connected to one of the tubes stuck in your hand. "When can I go home?" William looked back down at you, a small sad smile on his face.
"I'd like you to be here for atleast two more days for observation, then. Because ur lucky ur amazing man of a partner is a doctor, we can try and get home." He was playing with roots of your hair, his white jacket softly scrooving across your skin. "But. That is, if ur stable enough. And even then, we gotta take it slow love. Meaning no pizzeria for a long time." You nod your head, smiling slightly.
"Now, scoot over. Ive got about a hour until I have to do rounds again" you could hear the annoyance in his voice, he'd rather stay here with you at all times, holding you close and protecting you at all costs then leave you for even a split second. You did as told, scooting over just a bit for william to get in with you, holding you softly against his chest, but still with a protective hand over you, his head laying atop of yours.
You smiled, softening against him as you watch michael swallow, looking down at the floor. He was probably still upset about the scene that went through before you were here. William yelling at michael outside your room, ofcourse blaming him for you getting hurt, even when you tried to convince william it was your fault, he wouldnt blame you. He would never, you were his after all; nothing could make him blame you or look negatively at you.
It made you grab michaels hand softly, making him hesitantingly interwine your hands together, as he looks up at you, seeing you smile softly at him. "Come on, silly." You mumble, using your strenght to pull michael of his chair, him standing up his own, not wanting you to do anything that could hurt you. You scooted closer to william, making michael get in at your otherside, his hand carefully at your back and the other awkwardly resting on his own hip, his leg pulled underneath yours.
This is exactly what you needed, laying in a bed with the two people you love the most, even tho you wish to forget the accident that brought you here.
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ffauthor · 10 months
Teacher William Afton x reader pt. 2
Read part one here:
William was still cradling you in his arms, rubbing soft circles on your thighs, kneeding his fingers in soft motions. You stopped crying, and your breathing was completely stable again, your head burried inside Williams warm chest. His arms over your shoulders, keeping your body pressed against his, you basically sitting in his lap.
"You know... I was supposed to do tons of paper work." You opened your mouth to speak, but william took this as an opportunity to stick his thumb in your mouth, making you stay quiet, confusion stilting your every move. "But... i'd rather spend my time with you." You just nodded, making Williams hand softly trail over to your chin, holding it in place. "How about... I'll take you home.. or too my place, and get some take out?" you basically melted in the way Williams warm hands massaged your collarbone, trailing down slowly. "Which one sounds good for you?" His thumb gets pressed further in your mouth, making you roll your eyes back slightly, your muscles clenching.
"I want you to be okay after all.." you mumble a slight yes, but it comes out muffled, making william chuckle slightly. "You have to use your words, darling." His finger tops press further into your skin, making you whimper. "Y-Yes.." Suddenly the warm touch turns cold, and the thumb in your mouth leaves a trail of saliva connected to the tip of his thumb and your lips. The sudden lack of touch gets you chills, and you beg to grave for more of his comforting touch. "Yes to which one?" His hot breath is nearby your ear, his mouth almost nibbling at your ear. "I-I'd like the.. second one, Mr. Afton." William nods in approval, shifting slightly underneath you. It was then that you realised the soft touch underneath you hardened, even tho you were in between his legs. William groans, holding your hair at the side and grasping his hand slightly on your throat. "Uhg. I love it when you call me that." He caresses the back of your hair softly, tangeling your hair around his finger and then janking only slightly, not that it hurt you. Williams intentions were to help you, to comfort you and make sure you were okay, not to hurt you. You just had a panic attack after all. And he wanted all the thoughts about that filthy rat who dared to make you uncomfortable and touch you in such a inappropriate way to be replaced by him. And only him.
"Very well then, sweetheart." William crawled backwards, standing up in a fast motion and not daring to leave his hand off your skin for a split second. He moved infront of you, holding his hand out to you and giving you a kind smile.
When you reached out to grab his hand, you were suddenly pulled in a tight hug, startling you completely. Just then you knew why. Henry was at the other side of the door, his cheeks colored a slight tint of red as he hesitantly holds the doorknob. He saw all of it, and both you and William were aware.
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ffauthor · 1 year
H-hello!.. uh .. can you write something soft and fluffy(maybe with little nsfw?) with William Afton and demonic!male!reader?
Pretty please👉👈
Oh! Yes i can! (I hope). Thank you!
Alr, this is my first time writing a male reader, so I hope I did a decent job!
Definitely... Uh- soft, hehe-
Male! reader x Wiliam Afton
SW!: Gore ending with- fluff.
The screams of supposed children echo through the hallways. A burst of familiar deep laughter fills your ears as you lay your hand on the metal door, a sign saying 'staff only' catching your eyes.
You recognized that laughter, although not this darkened and full of.. anger. You only heard it softly, when you two would be laying in bed, with your head on his chest and his arms wrapped around your torso.
It was one of those 'rare' moments. Most of the time William would be making sure you wouldn't be doing anything stupid, like yelling at a random person staring at you too long or trying to sneak in a random house and plundering the fridge at a fast phase. Yes, you attempted that a few times, and one time William let you.
You weren't used to it, but still, it attracted you more than ever. The sound of his breathing and the grunts mixed with the cries for help were like music to your ears. You were hesitating, listening with your ear close to the door while biting your lip.
What the hell was he doing? Thoughts were running through your head, constantly ending up with the same solution. Open the damn door and-
A gasp leaves your mouth as you look at the scene in front of you. There he stood, knife gripped strongly in his left hand while a yellow bunny suit was hanging loosely in his middle. The knife was full of blood and the yellow suit was now stained in red liquid. The liquid of a helpless child laying in front of him, they're weakened arms trying to keep the male away.
Your eyes widen, and your mouth met agape as you just switch between the helpless child and the male you love dearest, your body shaking a bit. ''William-'' The male in front of you froze at the mention of his name and the sound of the beautiful voice coming from behind him.
He knew he fucked up. Especially now that the love of his life was standing a few meters away from him. When he turned his head around, afraid of the look on their small bunny's face, his heart beat fast against his chest, he could feel it in his throat.
His little demonic bunny wasn't scared, angry or.. sad. He was smiling. Not a very bright smile but a light smirk, as he bit his lip. A habit he always did when trying to solve the situation.
William didn't hesitate any longer and stood as fast as he could, careful not to activate the spring locks.
He slowly made his way towards the smaller male, leaning against the doorframe. ''Y/n- I can-'' The male just shook his head and leaned forward, the door closing behind him with a thud. It was the smell of blood that freaked him out a little, sure he wasn't the most innocent boy either, but he never hurt a fly.. psychically.
He had to get used to the fact the male he thought he knew killed little kids like there was no tomorrow. He was stuck in his thoughts, zoning out and completely oblivious to his name being called over and over again. ''Y/n!'' Two strong arms met around your torso, the smell of blood a little too close for your liking.
But William would never hurt you. You knew that. William made that very clear. It took you a while to pull yourself together and wrap your arms back around William's bloodied suit, but when you did you immediately relaxed when he pressed a kiss against your forehead.
''I'm sorry you had to see this, my love, really-'' you shook your head once again, pulling away slightly from the male looking into your eyes confused, as to read your next move.
William imagined all kinds of scenarios like you pushing him away and never talking to him again or you slapping him over and over again while cursing him inside out.
When you didn't do any of those things he was shocked. You moved your hand towards his cheek, tracing your eyes against your hands' movement as you wiped a little bit of blood from his cheek, your intrusive thoughts making you lick the blood from your finger slowly.
you kept eye contact with the much taller male in front of you, his eyes showing pure confusion and shock. Until your soft lips met his, causing William to hold his breath. You cling onto his strong figure like a little child holding onto their parents' leg.
William held you up, his grip on you protectively and securely as you buried your face into the crook of his neck. You accidentally looked over his shoulder to see the poor kid in a pile of their own blood, which made you look away and back into William's chest again.
William opened his mouth to talk but closed it when you interrupted him.
''Don't talk, just.. bring me home please.''
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ffauthor · 1 year
!Doctor William Afton x Reader + Michael Afton.
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Taking care of a fainting reader.
‘‘Williaaammm-~’‘ you winced, standing infront of the massive mirror threatening to fall of the bathroom wall. His hands were wrapped  around your waist, his head burried in your shoulder. ‘‘I really need to shower.’‘
His arm tightened around your waist, pushing your body even closer to his. He tried so hard to get you back to the room you two shared, he wasn’t the type to admit it but he really wanted cuddles. ‘’Nooo. Y/n--’’ 
Your hands grooved over his own, trying to pull them off of you by caressing your thumb against the back of his hand. It caused a groan to come out of the British male towering over you, unabliviated by the mirror and his eyes focused on your skin. 
‘‘Please Will.’‘ You met his eyes through the mirror facing you both, his eyes now staring back at you in the mirror too. ‘‘Fine, but you own me. The longer your in the shower, the longer your stuck with me.’‘ You knew that by this, william meant cuddles. He was one clingy fucker when it came to holding you.
‘‘Fine fine, you ass.’‘ you nudged him back, straight into his shoulder causing him to let you go. ‘‘Now, Hurry up.’‘ William held your hand until he was out of reach, looking back at you one more time.
You gave him a small smile, your body slightly losing balance as you went to grip the sink. You had a pounding feeling in your head, causing you to squeeze your eyes shut. ‘’Love?’’ You stumbled over to the bathtub, holding your hand on a closet to secure your right  side. You sat down at the side of the tub and and gripped your hands on the glass, trying not to fall over by being light headed. 
You stared down at your hands, seeing them shake and even slightly becoming double, causing you to blink harshly. Two grey trousers followed by black socks were infront of you, two veiny hands getting closer and closer to your eyes. 
William held your chin up, making your eyes meet his blue-grey eyes. One hand was caressing your arm, while his thumb was grooving over you chin, secured by his pointy finger. You saw his lips move but no sound made its way into your ears. 
Not until michael came running into your sight, a worried expression motioning his face. ‘’Hold her, would you? I’ll go grab my bag.’’ Michael listened to his father, his eyes glued on your figure as he softly but ‘protectively’ grabbed you arm, holding you in place. William wasn’t infront of you anymore, he was already half way down the stairs, rushing and searching for his bag. 
Michael moved a piece of hair out of your face, His fingers softly grooving over the skin covering your cheeks.  You felt yourself slip in and out of consciousness, making michaels worried expression even more panicky. ‘’Hey, no no. Y/n. Keep your eyes open.’’ - ‘’Dad!!’’ 
By this william ran back into the room, his black bag securedly swinging in his hand. He placed it down next to your legs while he held your other side, nudging for michael to get out of the way.
‘‘Come on, darling. Keep your focus on me, okay?’‘ You tried your best to keep your gaze on William, one hand grooving over your hip, securedly letting your weight fall back towards Michael, who held his hands on your shoulders. 
You didn’t even realise william searching for something in his bag until a bright light shined straight into your eyes, a hand cupping your  cheek. You felt yourself melting against his touch as a cold metal made its way against your chest. You noticed this to be a stethoscope, which william held against your chest, the back of it in his ears.
His free hand made its way off your cheek, holding your wrist to get ahold of your pulse. William was focused on the sound coming from your chest, a satisfied look on his face once he heard that everything was going the way it was supposed to go.
William continued to do some small tests on you, making sure that everything was alright. He checked your visuals, making you follow his finger, making you stretch your hands out and closing your eyes and eventually handed you a glass of water. ‘’Have you eaten today, love?’’ You gulped the water down your throat before shaking your head, still swallowing the rest of the water. 
‘‘What did i tell you about skipping meals, bunny?’‘ Williams gaze darkened, still full of worry but with less tension that he had before. 
 William started to pick you up bridal style, making you burry your head in the crook of his neck. ‘‘Off to the kitchen we go.’‘ 
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ffauthor · 1 year
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ffauthor · 1 year
Theo Raeken x Reader
In which you and Theo get captured together without the knowledge of each other.
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Theo was grunting against the metal fence, his wrist tied with only the strength of tie-wraps, burning into his skin.
His gaze was blurry, but that didnt stop him from noticing a small figure in the corner, the blood smell hazing but smellable.
There you sat, blood drippling down your forehead and your skin basically ripping apart.
Your entire body hurts, to the point that even swallowing hurts. You have no idea what happened to you to get in this bad of a state or how there's suddenly a very attractive guy hanging against a fence, with his eyes glued to your damaged body.
Theo didn't say anything tho, and maybe he didn't even get a chance to because a guy with a taser strongly gripped in his hand came crashing through the thick metal doors, the door slamming shut behind him with a hard sound.
The worried expression Theo had towards you was turned into a cold deadly stare, this time being thrown at the guy in front of him, who had this goddamn smirk on his face.
you knew he just liked to torture people and based on the look on the boy's face he knew it too, maybe even about to feel it.
Theo growled to the man as the man patiently took his time to throw water over the now impatient boy, sewed to a metal fence he can't get out of.
You could take this as the opportunity to get up, sneak away and never return. But deep down you couldn't, not just because some part told you to stay, but because you were too weak to even say anything, let alone break through your tied wrists.
''You surely do enjoy this. Don't you?'' his hair was messy and was hanging partly over his eyes, and you could've sworn he was biting his lip while still showing his teeth. Showing absolutely no fear, no... mercy.
The man was tasering Theo with force, basically slamming the hard metal into his skin, making sure he hits every vein. In the hope, it would make him weaker.
You closed your eyes to not get any sight of it, although you could barely see anything because of your burning headache and the blurry images in front of your sight.
You don't know how long you have been sitting here, in the dark corner with the presence of a boy you surely didn't mind. All you felt was the blood dripping out of your wounds and your breathing slowing down with the minute. You were convinced you were losing a lot of blood.
''They fired you, didn't they? What- Did you get caught sticking needles into helpless patients again?'' you could hear the beeping sound of the taser getting to a higher level as though it was music, but still the boy showed no fear. ''Or did they catch you trying to stick them with something else?'' His body was stiffened against the fence and he was groaning between his uneven breaths and breathless chuckles.
''Looks like-'' You could see a glimpse of the tie-wraps getting orange with the amount of pressure being put on them, a sensing smoke forming past his wrists.
''We got-''
''A winner.'' The tie-wraps broke by the amount of strength and rubbing it got and sprang to the other side of the room.
The boy got off the fence while his eyes lit up, a bright yellow color replacing his cloud-grey ones. Claws came out through his nails with force.
Chimera. Right in front of you.
Theo started to attack the male who was taken aback by the sudden action the boy pulled, and his screams for help caused you to bang your head against the wall, in the hope you would somehow manage to block the noise.
You closed your eyes, now being at your weakest as you felt the presence of someone, now closer to you than before. In fear your adrenaline gave you a boost, which caused you to startle and back away even more, but with no success.
Theo was kneeling down in front of you, holding your small hand into his massive one, black veins coming out through the skin of his arm. You felt the pain releasing as you get lifted off the cold floor.
''I got you, I got you.''
''Lay your head against my chest, okay? but keep your pretty eyes open for me.''
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ffauthor · 1 year
Kinda new to this whole requesting stuff so please forgive me if it’s confusing
Could you possibly write a Michael Afton x reader in which reader is Henry’s eldest daughter? Maybe Michael and reader might be kissing and Henry catches them in the act? I'll leave the rest up to you! :D
Hey! Thank you so much for requesting this! I'd love to write this! :D
It's not confusing at all!
Sorry if this isn't due to your expectations, I loved writing this.
y/f/f= your favorite flower,
In which reader is Henry's daughter/son.
Cw: Cursing, bestfriends with.. benefits?
''No! Just, please. y/n.'' Michael has been walking around the room quickly, craving his hands over his face and covering his eyes.
''Please, just hear me out.'' You have been hearing him out, that's the whole problem. You always heard him out, and even now with your hands playing with the guitar strings and your sight glued to his. You never did anything else but hear him out, because you cared about him. You truly cared about him to the point you would be damned if anything ever happened to him.
Michael was your best friend, and you hated to know that you might lose your best friend over a stupid thing he did.
You couldn't blame Michael though, you were nothing more than friends. You weren't even together, but it hurt seeing Michael smile at a girl in your class, the girl you spend all your breaks with and do all of your school projects with. She became one of your closest friends.
It still hurt seeing Michael put effort into getting to know her. It hurt seeing him become distant from you to hang out with.. her. But what hurts the most is that you had no reason to hate her, because she was everything you wished to be. She was perfect, for Michael. She was perfect for everyone around.
So when you saw Michael, looking at you with this saddened expression and his fingers intertwined with hers you speeded out of the cafeteria. You didn't care where you were going, all you wanted was to get as far away from him as possible. You were afraid that after not talking to him for weeks would cause you to break down, to maybe be weak in the knees again, for him.
Because as much as you wanted it to not be true, you liked him. You actually caught feelings for him, and although it hurt, it felt too damn right.
And that brings you here, stuck in one of the music rooms with your 'best friend' only inches away from you. He's now fidgeting with his fingers, making you wonder if he's as nervous as you are right now, stuck in a position you wished to never get in.
''I'm listening Michael... I have been listening!'' you get ahold of the sudden raise of tone as you feel your eyes burn slightly, your heart raising. ''Please, If I knew you... liked me, I wouldn't have treated you like this.'' you held your breath, afraid to bust your cover even tho it has already been blown.
''I- Michael, I don't like you. I mean.. not like that.'' you looked away, you wouldn't dare to look at him any longer. Not after those few words, not after damn well knowing you weren't only lying to him, but to yourself too.
And maybe Michael knew, or maybe he didn't, whatever it was, he would never like you back.
Michael started to chuckle as he rubbed his hand on your chin.
''Don't lie to me, sweetheart. Come on, I can see the lie written on your face.''
''You get shy when you lie, you look away. I can read you like a goddamn book y/n.''
''Don't hide from me, please.'' His voice was so desperate yet so passionate and.. truthful. He tilted your head a little bit so you were looking him in the eyes, those goddamn blue eyes that would let you drown right there at the moment.
You were desperate for his touch, maybe to even feel his lips burst onto yours but you couldn't help but push him away. ''This... This is wrong Michael.''
His hand gets lifted off your chin, and he takes a step back to keep some space between the two of you. Michael would lie if he said he didn't feel a little taken aback by you pushing him away, maybe because he didn't want anything else but to hold you and tell you a thousand times how sorry he was, in multiple different ways.
''No, Michael. We- You, can't do this. You have a.. a.. girlfriend.''
''Even though- I wouldn't want anything else but this-... It won't.. work.''
''You should probably go... if she sees u-'' Lips crashed straight onto yours, his lips. His soft light pink lips against your reddened ones.
It formed butterflies in your stomach, it caused you to widen your eyes and have your hands hang loosely, while he made its way in your hair, holding the side of your head and cheek cupped.
It is that he pulled away, otherwise this kiss would probably.. have turned into a make-out session. I mean, it's not like you would have minded tho. You already forgave him the moment his hand touched your chin. The feeling was magical, and the kiss really finished it.
''These flowers, these y/f/f's you love the most? they were for you, okay? I wanted to give them to you. I wanted to give them to the most beautiful girl right here in front of me. But I was a coward because I was too scared to give them to you because I was scared I was gonna ruin our friendship, and so I wanted to ask F/N if they could give them to you.''
''But I couldn't even ask it because she got the wrong idea... and so she kissed me. And - And I know that is not an excuse... I really know that but- I swear I pushed her away, okay? you just ran away t-''
He gets interrupted by a hard smack against his cheek, coming from your own strength. You had a tear roll down your cheek as a smile formed on your face. Michael's face was priceless to see, you have to admit.
''You really are a goddamn asshole, Michael Afton,'' you mumble, intertwining your fingers with his as you press your lips back against his. You could feel him smile against your lips as he took you by the waist and deepened the kiss a little bit, mumbling in between.
''I deserved that.''
The door of the classroom opened with a slam, making you both flinch and end the kiss in a heartbeat. The loss of his warmth makes you groan.
''You've got to be fucking kidding me.''
''Seriously? my best friend's son out of every guy you can get?'' You hear the voice of your father saying, his figure in the doorway matching it completely. He threw the well-known bouquet of flowers that Michael meant to give you on the floor just in front of you two.
''I think you forgot those'' Before you placed your head on Michael's chest, Michael's arms wrapped around your body.
''Hey- Mr. Emily.''
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ffauthor · 1 year
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ffauthor · 1 year
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ffauthor · 1 year
William afton x reader
Cw: Blood, cursing, reader taking care of William./William taking care of reader, panic attack, angst & fluff.
The doorknob twitched, followed by loud footsteps and the thud of keys being thrown on the kitchen counter. You hear groans coming from the front door and use your weight to lift yourself up so you were able to look over the large backrest.
There he stood, your beloved boyfriend biting his lip in pain, holding his hand against his hip as to try and keep pressure.
You sprint up from the sofa causing you to almost fall back down by how dizzy you got. But when your sight was normal again you rushed around the couch and in front of William. ''Will!'' you say with a worried look as he just smiles down at you, planting a sweet kiss on your forehead. ''Hey, love.''
You were so distracted from the blood dripping down his leg and staining his white shirt that you forgot to greet him properly. He noticed this and chuckled under his breath as that made him winch even more. You hated seeing him like this.
''What the hell happened?'' you mumbled back, taking ahold of his hand and pulling him with you to the sofa you just sprinted off from. You were probably more worked up than he was in this whole situation. And you weren't even the one bleeding dry.
You rushed back down to the kitchen to grab a cloth and the first aid kit. ''Just a little work accident-'' making your way back in front of him and setting the kit down next to you caused him to look down at you, your small figure looking so cute and attractive sitting down on your knees like that. ''Put your arms up for me.'' you really felt like a mother treating her son's wound he got from running too fast and stumbling.
William didn't disobey, partly knowing you wouldn't stop bugging him about it and partly because it hurt him like shit. He was always one to handle pain badly.
You pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it down somewhere next to you. Your eyes widened when they fell on the wound just above his hip, the blood basically pushing itself out of it. You could tell you held your breath for a second as you felt a weird sting in the bottom of your stomach.
your chest started to tighten and your head started to feel heavier as you tried to focus on the wound. Yes, this is what you were doing. Shake those blurry flashes away and goddamn treat his wound.
Your hand started to shake as you gripped the cloth next to him, pressuring it down on the place the blood only started to flood more. it was staining itself on your hands, but you kept pushing yourself to clean it with a tiny bottle of alcohol that was somewhere buried in the kit.
William's groans only got louder and it made you feel even worse than you already felt for him. You kept mumbling sorry's as you felt tears welling up in the corner of your eyes. forcing them away is when you felt one of his hands on your arm, caressing it softly. ''Bunny-''
You pushed his hand away, grabbing the big role of bandages and wrapping it around his waist at least 6 times. when you were sure it wouldn't fall off his waist and was pressuring the wound enough you connected it together with plasters before letting everything fall.
Your shaking got more and more panicky and frustrated as your hands grooved up to your hair, pulling it softly while covering yourself in your arms.
William didn't like it, he hated seeing his bunny so worked up over something she didn't do, over something he was the cause of and he should've fixed on its own.
So he took your arms, trying to pull them away from your face but had a hard time doing so, with you struggling and pushing against him.
This didn't stop William tho, though he kept trying to calm you down, letting you hit him over and over again if that's what it took for him to get you in his arms.
and that's exactly what it took because after multiple punches he found a way to slide you towards him, sitting you down on his lap and pulling his arms around you. One on the back of your head and one supporting your back while you sobbed into his shoulder.
''Hey- Hey, hey.''
''Listen, Hey. You did so good my love, you did so so good. and I'm so proud of you, okay? I am so so proud of you.''
''Now look at me with those pretty little eyes of yours, alright?''
''Good girl, now I want you to focus on my breathing, okay? and I want you to mirror them.''
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ffauthor · 1 year
Michael Afton x Reader + William Afton.
Which reader has a little work incident and gets helped by her oh-so-sweet co-worker, which takes her to the hottest doctor in town, also his dad.
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"Michael!!" You scream, running towards the boy who is clueless about what is happening around him. You sprint in front of his back and get hit by one of the multiple electric wires, making you fall to the floor in pain.
Your body was shaking intensively and your whole left arm was burned and shaking by the electrical pain shooting through it.
Michael's gaze met yours as his mouth fell wide open and his pupils grew. He fell on his knees, crawling towards you while his mind went crazy. He saw his pretty y/n on the floor, clearly in pain. Your screams and then the sudden silence made him worry, it made him clinch his fist and let his breath hitch.
Michael held you down, placing half of your body on his lap as he brushed pieces of your hair out of your face. he could feel his eyes getting irritated, and although he hated crying in front of you, he couldn't help it. he let tears fall down his cheeks while he screamed, sore throat for help.
He knew he didn't have much of a choice, or even much of luck sincerely since the only people in the building were you, Michael, Jeremy, and possibly even henry, if you both were lucky.
But that didn't provide him from screaming, crying, and being a panicky mess. Not even when he took ahold of you in his arms and ran out of the electrical room with you losingly hanging over his weakened arms.
His screaming for help did seem to catch people's attention because both of them came rushing down to where the sound was coming from. Y/n unconscious in Michael's arms.
Both of the males helped Michael rush you into henry's car, while they exchanged keys. Henry trusted him enough to drive both you two, and the car unscratched to the hospital, Michael was driving for his license after all.
And he did, he drove pretty neatly even tho he was speeding harder and harder, holding your hand secured in his. Mainly to reassure himself. You were a strong woman, you were gonna make it. At least, you had to. He wouldn't accept losing you, not when you were all he had.
''Come on y/n. We are almost there okay? Hold on for just a little while.''
His car grazed over the highway, slipping through the sharp corners and dribbling past any other car that was getting on his nerves. Normally, Michael was a patient male, but right now. He was everything but.
When he finally reached the parking lot and felt your pulse grow slower and slower he slammed the door shut, running to the passenger seat to open your door & take you out as quickly as possible. He didn't bother locking his car, all he cared about was seeing our beautiful eyes open and glowingly healthy.
People all around looked at the scene where a stressed messy haired male with a purple crumbled shirt and his eyes red and puffy was holding an unconscious pale girl fighting for her life.
Michael didn't care, he just kicked one of the doors open with his feet and started to scan the hospital in his blurry sight. It was hard for him, especially since he had to particularly squeeze his eyes to see something. But when his gaze met a brown-haired male with glasses calmly placed on his nose and a Stethoscope hanging around his white large jacket he started to breathe.
He walked toward the male who was talking to a possible patient at a rushed pace before he raised his voice, making the male look up towards him, his eyes widening and a nerve of panic hitting him straight in the head. ''Goddamnit dad, please. Y/n.. she-''
Y/n. Unconscious. 
Two words were enough for William to keep his head up and take things seriously. ''I need one bed, one Iv-drip, and one goddamn oxygen mask!'' William yelled to one of the nurses, who nodded and left to get the supplies immediately.
William placed his clipboard underneath his armpit and got a penlight out of his pocket, only to open one of your eyelids and shine it on there, seeing your whitened sclera twitch.
William looked so focussed but so worried as he put the light back in his pocket and started to softly hit your cheeks.
''Okay. Michael, I'm going to need you to tell me exactly what happened.''
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ffauthor · 1 year
Oooooh you write for Michael Afton? Omg, that's so awesome! Here's my request:
Michael with a female reader who he used to be academic rivals with back in highschool. The two haven't seen each other in years and Michael was wondering where she is now and what she's doing.
He wanders into a small bakery where he looks around for a snack. He looks into the kitchen and sees the reader, now all grown up into a beautiful woman, making cookies and is awestruck by her beauty. He asks if he can talk to her and she complies. The two then sit together and catch up.
Oh my God, I love this idea!! Thank you!
Sorry if I'm late, I just now saw it! :,)
Here u go! (Sorry if this wasn’t due to your expectations)
Oh god i just realised i changed 'making cookies' into waitressing, so sorry about that!
Michael was having a bad day, like, bad bad. First, he got scolded by his dad for staying inside the whole day, and then he got a message saying his girlfriend wanted to break up, over text. right there, right at that shitty fucking moment.
He asked to talk to her, talk it through in person but it didn’t deliver, she had already blocked him and was unreachable. It wasn’t like he was devastated that they broke up, nor was he relieved, he was rather.. annoyed. 
People making him in a bad mood when he already wasn’t feeling himself makes him even more annoyed, let alone his rumbling stomach. With all the drama and exhaustion he had gone through the whole day he forgot to eat, and he knew he needed to eat did he want to restrain energy.
He knew there was a bakery in town, a tiny one but a beautiful scheme-themed interior. He always found himself there when he was stressed or had a bad day like he was having right now. It always brought back memories from when he was in academic school. He always finds himself smirking when he thinks back about the way he ‘accidentally’ threw hot coffee on his rival y/n’s clothes. 
He swore it was an accident, but neither he himself nor y/n believed it. She gripped some of the paper towels that were stacked next to the register as people all around them gasped. She told him, ‘’Oh- you really wanna do this huh? well then, I guess you really didn’t expect me to -’’  It made her throw her muffin back on him, dumping her iced coffee on top of his head.
Thinking back at it made him chuckle out loud by accident, realizing that he was standing right in the middle of the cafe. It was busy, the waiters and waitresses were taking orders here and there and were trying their best to bring their orders on time, even those complaining it ‘took them long enough’. 
He slowly and unbothered walked towards the register, looking straight into the shelves and what was on top of them. All different kinds of bread and small decorated cakes. The smell of freshly baked toast and the strong smell of coffee was increasing a delightful tension in the place, the chatter of people making it seem really full. 
His stomach rambled once again, motioning for him to eat something, and quick. He just couldn’t quite figure out what.
The bakery had a lot of things, and he wanted a lot of things. It all looked so extremely good and tasteful, he really didn’t know where to look. The confusion and stress he was slowly creating made him look towards the kitchen, his eyes darting into one specific position. 
The position of a gorgeous female waiting to grab food for one of the tables. She had her arms crossed over each other and had a red apron tightened around her figure. She was smiling and had her hair back into a ponytail. 
It reminded him of her, the person he hadn’t talked to for years and surprisingly even started to.. miss?
Y/n, aka his past ‘rival’, a rival he secretly started to adore. Adore even more than he should’ve. He just couldn’t help it. you were beautiful. you were even more beautiful than he remembered, seeing you years later in his favorite bakery. 
‘‘Hello? Sir?’‘ one of the waitresses who was waving her hand in front of Michael’s face particularly half screamed, impatiently waiting for his bare attention, which she didn’t get. Michael's eyes snapped back at the waitress when he saw y/n move forward, out of his sight. ‘‘Finally.’ the female in front of him muttered under her breath, making him tilt his eyebrow slowly.
‘‘I’m sorry about that.’‘ He had his hands in his pockets, looking at the woman in front of him as she asked for his order. ‘‘It’s alright mate.’‘ the woman smiled, their impatientness seeming to loosen up a little. ‘‘What would you like?’‘ the woman asked again, making him blurt ‘‘Her.’‘ out.
The woman's eyes widened as he realized what he had just said out loud. He couldn’t take it back now, he has fully exposed himself in front of one of her co-workers. 
He felt his cheeks heat up as he tried to find the words to say to make things right.  ‘’I-I meant, I was wondering if I could talk to her.’’ The woman shook her head and met Michael’s gaze, now seeing y/n walk out the door with three plates in her hand, one supported on her wrist, one in her right hand, and one on her left. 
she went past them, unbothered and with a smile on her face as she arrived at a table, placing their plates down. The woman who was now smiling like crazy waited until she was in hearing sight, and when she was, she took her change.
She got closer to y/n’s ear and whispered something he couldn’t quite catch, but when her gaze went up and met his she froze. her eyes widened and her mouth met agape.
‘‘Hey... I-.. was wondering if we could maybe talk?’‘ 
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ffauthor · 1 year
William afton x reader x Henry Emily
Well, trying something new! 
CW: Car crash, Cursing, Mention of blood, Bad thoughts, Polymarous. (In which a woman has a relationship with two males)
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You were sitting in the back seat, your knees pressed against your chest and the seatbelt threatening against your dress, listening to the music blasting through the radio and the small talk between the two males in front of you.
Henry was wearing a dark green colored suit with a black tie and brown shoes. William, on the other hand, wasn’t having a color theme, of course, he went with the color purple, the only color he could resist looking at. 
You were just in a plain black dress. You had a purple flower in your hair and green socks underneath your white sneakers. You couldn’t wear heels, they hurt like hell and were uncomfortable as fuck. 
Still, you wanted to match both of them, not wanting to disappoint one another. 
It was only once, you told yourself. It was a special day, after all, you had to help William and Henry open up the pizzeria with the brand-new animatronics. 
Well, that was ending about 15 minutes ago, and you guys were already back inside the car, wandering off to your house. You remember the looks of all the jealous girls as Henry placed a hand on your lower back or when William planted a kiss on your cheek. Normally, you weren’t bothered by them, or really by anyone but today.. that felt different. 
Their opinions mattered.
They were giving you death stares, like beyond murderous glares. You swear that if one of the girls managed to get through the security you would be buried six feet underneath the bare ground. And that thought somehow made you... feel weird, deceitful things.
You wanted nothing but to get home, hide and cry in the beloved arms of your two males. Right, they were yours. Not theirs. Then why didn’t it feel like that? Why did it feel like you had to apologize for something that isn’t even your fault?
‘‘Darling!’‘ William’s British accent slips out, his head tilted back through the front seats to look at you. You snap your head up to meet his softened gaze and wipe the tears threatening to spill away, hoping neither of them caught a glance of it. 
‘‘There you are.’‘ he smiled softly, his tone worried and lowered, making henry look up inside the front mirror, meeting your gaze as well. ‘‘You okay, m’love?’‘ he asked so so sweetly like if he were to speak louder you’d break down immediately. Truth is, you might. 
You felt their eyes burn into your bare skin as you tried so hard to shake it away. But you couldn’t, you never could when you were about to cry. and you weren’t one to cry often, at least not in front of them. 
You nod your head, scared that if you’d say anything you would start to bail your eyes out, and you weren’t.gonna.let.that.happen. Their eyes still focused on you, unfazed.
The lantern lights were brightening up the dark night, glittering through the thin windows. It lights up your features, your beautiful thighs covered by the half-length dress, and your eyes puffy and covered in mascara. 
There was no denying your red eyes now. Maybe when- 
a loud thud caused you to look up towards the light coming closer and closer to the car, a curse leaving Henry’s mouth, and a grip from William tightening.
You were on the ground. surrounded with glass, a pile of your own blood, someone else blood, and gas all over the floor. You couldn’t feel anything, well anything except the blood coming from your nose and running down your head and the hair grooving against your skin. 
your hearing went up in beeps, hearing nothing but a loud irritating buzz inside your ears, glass still falling around you. 
Something heavy was on you, covering you from seeing the sky, the lanterns, or any type of movement. and then you heard it, two loud British voices, hearable through the buzzers. worried voices, panicked voices. 
‘‘Goddamnit Y/n.’‘ - ‘‘Y/n!?’‘ you felt someone’s soft fingers graze around yours, trying to tell you they were here, that they were going to rescue you.
You looked up to see William and henry, knelt down in front of you with nothing but a bruise and a small bit of blood on their body, their clothes ripped. 
It wasn’t fair.. how could they get away with only a small bruise? And here you are, stuck underneath a heavy ass car door, trying to control your breathing and not fall unconsious. You were trying to stay strong, for them.. and maybe for yourself, But  it was alright.. all that mattered was that they were safe, they were alright.
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ffauthor · 1 year
Teacher William afton x Reader
Cw: Panic attack, SA, Cursing. 
R/L/N = Random Last Name.
Very fast written.
You didn't wanna say that science was your favorite subject, it was just the teacher that made the lesson.... bearable.
The only problem was your seat. It was arranged in the back of the classroom, next to your ex-best friend, keep the pressure on ex.
He betrayed you, he betrayed your feelings and your deepest darkest secret, and now he's touching your leg, moving his fingers slowly over your thigh. You knew this wasn't okay. You knew that very well, but you were too scared to say anything, and the teacher seemed to have no clue.
You gazed your eyes over the clocks ticking, counting the second one by one. Telling yourself; "Breath, Y/n. You've only got ten minutes left.. keep your attention on what's in front of you, it'll be over before-" no, no, no.
Your breathing phase quickened, your chest was getting heavier and heavier and your hearing slowly faded away, making you think everyone was looking at you. Everyone's whispering at you and laughing at you and...
You feel your muscles clench underneath your skin, shaking and threatening to tear your skin open, leaving messy scars. You tried to swallow the knob in your throat but failed miserably.
You felt the presence of someone else, not just the boy next to you, basically touching you without permission. You just sat there, unable to breathe, unable to move, and unable to say anything properly.
Your leg was bouncing up and down and voices were fading away, the shadow hovering over you getting bigger, closer, and faster.
"Alright, you're dismissed for today-" the familiar voice of your teacher said, not too far from your presence. "Make sure to do your homework for the lesson on Monday."
"And no fucking bullshit. Just calm down with the alcohol or whatever shit you guys do and keep your dick in your pants so I don't have limping girls in my first fucking hour."
You heard the people you're surrendered with talk, shoving their chairs aside and making their way out of the classroom with loud noises.
Leaving you a shaking panicky mess with the boy having his arm still secured around your thigh and your teacher close to you two trying to catch what the hell is happening in the back of the classroom.
You kept your gaze on your teacher, who was giving glares between the two of you, and who possibly even... checked you out? he saw the stupid grin on his face as his arm kept moving up and down, and that seemed to trigger some part in Mr. Afton, sincerely knowing you were very uncomfortable, plus he knows you guys aren’t on good terms. And now let you be his favorite student after all. 
He bent down to see his hand on your thigh, brushing it and pulling it harshly, Mr. Afton’s eyes darkening. ‘’Mr. R/L/N, mind explaining what you're doing over there?’’ he stood back straight, not daring to take his eyes off the grinning boy next to you. the boy's gaze softened a little, his face getting redder at the knowledge that he’d been caught. ‘’N- What do you mean sir, I’m just.. comforting dear Y/n here.’’ Mr. Afton’s gaze met yours, following your jawline and your head which was shaking or at least attempting to. and that was enough for him to snap. ‘’Well, then mind explaining why my dearest student over here is very very uncomfortable?’’ he didn’t wait for an answer, he didn’t give him a chance as he didn’t want to hear any other word out of their disgusting mouth. 
He got ahold of the boys' hand, slowly brushing his finger against your thigh by accident as he basically slammed his hand against the table, making the boy winch in pain. ‘’I don’t tolerate such behavior towards any of my students, especially her.’’ Mr. Afton kept his hand twitched on the table, before pulling him off the chair and shoving him towards the door. ‘’F-F... I will tell the principal, you- asshole.’’ R/L/N managed to say before hearing a loud laugh pointed at him, the door slammed straight up into his face. 
When he turned around to see you still shaking and panicking his gaze softens, immediately speed-walking to your side. ‘’Hey- Sweetheart.. can I come closer to you?’’ your eyes were teary and your voice trembling as you softly nodded your head, causing him to make his way towards you in a slow trust, sitting down on a chair next to you. ‘’I’m gonna need you to breathe for me, okay love?’’ - ‘’I’ll help you, just focus on my breathing and breathe with me.’’ he saw your shoulders tense and got a hold of your hands who were now in your lap, softly caressing the palm of your hand with his thumb. He smiled reassuringly at you while he showed you his breathing methods, surprisingly calming you down for the most part. ‘’There we go love, you are doing such a good job.’’   
He showed you a reassuring smile, a proud one too.. one you’ve never seen before. And before you know it, your arms are wrapped around his waist, his  quickly making it around yours.   
Hey! This one is a quick written one, my apologies. I had a panic attack when i wrote this and didn’t go very deep into the details.
I hope you somehow enjoy this!  I’m always here for you guys if you need me.
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