finnbecker · 6 years
Tishala: Now that you mention it, Annoying Orange sounds more correct but I'd have to search it to know for sure and lol I'm not seeing that thing again if you paid me. OMG I just meant that it would be a beer from the devil, I don't think it would be his fluids or anything! Probably just something that makes your soul easier to steal. For some reason he always wants souls.
Finn: Well, unless the devil's got his own brewery the beer liquid's coming from somewhere!
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finnbecker · 6 years
Venus: OOOH GOOD CALL BUT YES it has to be a first name! Otherwise it's our last name mashup and Fitzati isn't cool lol. Hard shell tacos apparently aren't "real" tacos anyway. I don't mind whatever vehicle my taco comes in but I'm partial to soft and djdjxjde now I want tacos, thanks :-p
Finn: Break the rules, V! People do name mashups combining first and last names all the time now. Like Melwood, that weird couple from Supergirl. WHAAAAT? Stop speaking such blasphemy! Hard shells were the OG for me.
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finnbecker · 6 years
Kaz: Those all sound like the same things but different shapes! People like varieties in color, that's what is most fun! When you can make a rainbow red velvet, we'll talk. I... don't know? Some peoples faces or likeness are copyrighted for sure, like the rich and famous people, but most people's probably aren't???
Finn: It would be a super dark colored rainbow because it's chocolate based! Like... an emo rainbow!
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finnbecker · 6 years
text ✉% finjax
Ajax: Haha no, they haven't, and I'd like to keep it that way; I'm sure I'd do fine in that kinda thing but also I'm used to eating really controlled portions so I'd probably be sick for days after and sick days aren't an option lol. Oh dang! That's hilarious! Did you go see a doctor?
Finn: Dude, whaaaat? I love sick days, having a good reason to stay home and miss class is nice. Or at least, it always seems nice until my head's stuffed up and I'm whining to Kali about needing her to make me feel better. Nah, not that time!
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finnbecker · 6 years
Lucas: About the time you started listing pros and cons I thought this was an actual dilemma, so yeah. I guess.
Lucas: We need to find a new topic besides tacos before I go make tacos. Or get tacos. That's easier right now.
Finn: Whoops! I've just watched too many rom coms... how did this become my life?
Finn: Uh... golf?
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finnbecker · 6 years
You guys? That sounds pointed at me. Did you miss when I said I wasn’t planning on using them? Damn, thanks for the faith in me. Appreciate it, bud.
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Sorry, signals got crossed there! Although I guess I still didn’t have any faith in you -- I was assuming that you looked into it at all because you didn’t have any game, my bad.
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finnbecker · 6 years
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“Then… I don’t know. I kind of hadn’t thought that far into things.” Sophie was already starting to worry. She could feel her heartbeat picking up and the sweat on her palms increasing. Finn was probably right in his assumption. They definitely wouldn’t last. “Your dad makes cakes?!” This perked her right up, “I forgot he was a baker! That’s right! Oh man I hope to be like him one day. A successful bakery, getting to make cakes for Valentines Day and actually sell them.” She sighed dreamily. 
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Finn wasn’t great at romance talk, so he was glad when that part of the conversation seemed to come to a close and he could focus on something he was excited about instead. “Yeah! The famous Attila,” Finn said brightly. His dad might be big and gruff and scary looking, but the only thing that was actually scary about him was how scary delicious his baked goods were. “I’m sure you will be if that’s what you really want, though! You just might have to pay higher rent, you look too nice to scare people into lowering prices.”
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finnbecker · 6 years
I wasn’t actually, I was just bored and happened to find a list of these things and they’re just… they’re bad. I would never use one of these if I was actually trying. It just sounds like a way to get caught for having no game, honestly. Like how many times have some of these been used?
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I don’t know, I guess your best guess is to look at which results are at the top of the page and assume they get used more often? Although hey, if someone recognized the lines, that means they have no game either and you guys are at least in like.. gameless company.
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finnbecker · 6 years
Tishala: That just makes me think of the Angry Orange for some reason. Goodness, a series about a nose would be a billion times better than that and that went viral somehow. I think if God were to send anyone any drink, it wouldn't be you and it wouldn't be beer LOL. It would definitely be wine, aka the body of Christ. What if it was the Devil? He seems more like a beer guy to me.
Finn: Was he the Angry Orange or the ANnoying Orange? I always mix him up with that super heavy duty pet odor eliminator lol. Would beer be the Devil's blood, or do you think beer is more like... I don't know, his pee or something?
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finnbecker · 6 years
Kaz: They're our actual ones! It's VERY important to our ability to make good faces LOL. Uh are there even that many different kinds of red velvet? Because the only derivatives I can imagine are changes in food coloring. I think a whole face cake bakery would sell like hot cakes! We have a whole lot of people here in Auradon who love their own face, myself included! Can I preorder one for you to practice with?
Finn: Be more creative! Red velvet layer cakes, red velvet cupcakes, red velvet shape cakes - red velvet gets left out of the classic variations because people always just make it about chocolate and vanilla! Not everything's the chocolate and vanilla show. I mean, I feel like it would have to be custom ordered or else... are faces copyrighted?
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finnbecker · 6 years
Venus: NO BUT THAT DEFINITELY DOESN'T HURT. AND IF YOU EVER FIND SOMEONE WHO'S NAME ENDS WITH 'TI' LET ME KNOW SO I CAN MARRY THEM AND HAVE THE BEST SHIP NAME EVER. ....Okay, clever work around, I give you props lol. That makes sense, because otherwise you'd be a taco killer and I'd have to figure out who stole your body.
Finn: Uh... Dylan's last name is DONATI, does it have to be a first name? I wanna say that I'd never kill a taco but like, hard shells aren't always the best to work with. When they break sometimes you just have to let it happen and call it a taco salad!
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finnbecker · 6 years
text ✉% finjax
Ajax: Yeah, because if I DID eat them? I'd pack it away for sure LOL I'm a big dude! Big dudes gotta eat - but being this tall and fat would make buying clothes even more of a nightmare than it is now, holy juniper. Is that a learned-it-the-hard-way-lesson, have you ever ruined something with food coloring?
Finn: Has enyone ever signed you up for a food-eating contest before? You've got so much space to fit it in, I bet you'd crush everyone at the hotdog contest in Sherwood over summer. Oh yeah, for sure. Not even aesthetically, I just had green shit for like a week and it freaked me out. I thought for sure I was dying!
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finnbecker · 6 years
Marley: How was it?! Yesss please do! If it's not too much to ask. I'll just eat them quickly.
Marley: Thank you :P I was taught to behave like a princess! Hmm more like just chocolate chip cookies and oatmeal cookies.
Finn: D E L I C I O U S. Although I felt guiltier than usual wasting any drops! Definitely not too much to ask! It's almost summertime, people are going to be wanting popsicles, I should go and get ahead of the game.
Finn: Oatmeal cookies... we don't talk about those. At least, not if they have raisins in them.
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finnbecker · 6 years
Lucas: Oh, I thought with how panicked you sounded that it was an actual crisis, sorry
Lucas: I don't think I've met anyone that doesn't like tacos, so maybe you got a point.
Finn: I sounded panicked??? Wow, I really need to use less punctuation lol, does a total lack of commas and stuff make me seem chiller?
Finn: Right? And even if they don't like 'classic' tacos, you can put a spin on it that they'll like somehow. Like, dessert tacos. I'm seriously craving one right now.
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finnbecker · 6 years
text || Eminn $ 🦁🍰
Emily: Ugh, you are not who this text was meant for and I still cannot find my ring! Whatever the dumb holiday is over anyway, guess I'll just have to buy a new one for next year.
Finn: Oh! That makes more sense, but I was trying to help. I mean, stuff turns up in the weirdest places sometimes. Have you checked in your refrigerator?
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finnbecker · 6 years
Chad: Okay I'll let it slide then! Since that is true for this situation. Yep!! Her designs are honestly great. They fit my entire look. What style are we going for? We gotta pick colors
Finn: Really? Sweet, I love when rhymes actually work; if I could rhyme every recipe I make, my life would be so much easier. Uh... I've always been a big fan of blue and grey? Do those colors work for you? Do they inspire hope in people who see our superhero team?
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finnbecker · 6 years
Portia: Darling, I wrote the book on daddy issues. And that? Non issue. Just let him and don't eat what he makes, easy. I swear, I should start charging people for solving their problems.
Finn: What do you count as an actual daddy issue, then? I've never seen one up close and personal before! I was more worried about the quality of stuff he was going to sell at the bakery, but uh, I guess cutting down on snacks while I'm on my shifts is a good thing for me.
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