floatinginspace1120 · 3 years
So I'm not going to name names but, I recently heard several people voice their dislike and lack of understanding for and about the marvel movies and books, and I wanted to put in my two sense in case you care. First of all there is something incredible about a theater full of people with different political views, ages, backgrounds, races and religions togeather under the light of a movie screen uniting over the love of these stories and characters. Second seeing a character who can literally save the world, struggle with the same every day things you do can be empowering. I would go to school every day and get called a freak or told I wasn't pretty enough to sit with the "popular" kids. They would put my backpack in the janitor's mop bucket and cut my arms. I would come home and find comfort in knowing that the x-men were hated just as much as I was. Or that even Captain America faced his share of bullies and people who hated him. (Steve Rodgers and Sam Wilson) I know I'm not the only one in that regard. To us fans they're not just books or movies, they're a chance to escape the real world for a little while and forget your problems. My love of comics has inspired me to peruse my passion for art, and the movies have nurtured my love of film making.(although I'm not very good) so have your opinions that's ok, but remember to people like me these characters and stories have saved my life.
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floatinginspace1120 · 3 years
I live my life trying to relive two cinematic highs.  When all the avengers came back in Endgame and when Latrice Royale beat Little Kenya Michaels in RuPaul’s Drag Race WITHOUT MOVING A FUCKING FOOT!!!
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floatinginspace1120 · 3 years
This is it...this is what withdraw feels like.
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floatinginspace1120 · 3 years
Harriet Tubman Ida B Wills Martian Luther King Jr. SGT. William Harvey Carney
Four names I will say before
George Floyd
Ma’Khia Bryant 
Danta Wright
Breonna Taylor
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floatinginspace1120 · 3 years
If they don’t close falcon and the winter soldier with a Marvin Gaye song I’m going to sue someone
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floatinginspace1120 · 3 years
I'm just imagining John Walker having a DIY channel on YouTube and I'm laughing my ass off
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floatinginspace1120 · 3 years
If you chose not to decide you still have made a choice.
Freewill Rush
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floatinginspace1120 · 3 years
John Walker Might Have PTSD *SPOILERS*
Disclaimer I am not an expert by any means, I’m basing this off of my personal experience and my slightly above average knowledge of mental disorders as I’m in the beginning of psychology classes.  Sometimes when faced with stressful situations people with PTSD will go into tunnel vision and rub their eyes.  Walker was rubbing his eyes while they were waiting for Sam and at least three times during the dinner scene with Lamar.  Both were scenes of high intensity and stress or talking about past traumatic situations.  Unprovoked aggression is another sign of PTSD.  Often people with PTSD have a history of public fights or road rage.  Walker was ready to kick Sam’s ass.  “Should I put the shield down, make it fair?”  Also the over kill at the end of the episode, but that could also be because his friend literally got murdered.  He was also twitching out of his skin in the beginning of the ending fight scene.  But I don’t know if this was because of the serum taking affect or not.  In the last scene (with the bloody shield) you can see his hand twitching slightly.  During the dinner scene Walker talks about how the things he did in the military didn’t feel right and how his awards remind him of the worst day of his life.  Bucky also talks about how somethings not right with Walker and how he knows crazy because he is crazy.  So with that said I think that Walker had or has some kind of lasting mental trauma that was either getting worse or was amplified by him taking the serum.  Sorry if I accidently offended or made anyone mad, like I said not an expert just someone with some experience and a cupel classes on the subject and I definitely think that changing it from post traumatic stress disorder to post traumatic stress syndrome is a good choice.  I just kept it PTSD because the change is still making its rounds.  If Walker does have PTSD or PTSS it’s not his fault and PTSS is just your brain trying its best to readjust after trauma.  Anyway this was my rambling have a blessed day whoever you are.
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floatinginspace1120 · 3 years
I used to think that I have an active imagination, now that I’m older I realize it’s partly because of several mental disorders.
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floatinginspace1120 · 3 years
Did anyone else think the you weren’t conscious for your imprisonment comment from Zemo rude as shit?
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floatinginspace1120 · 3 years
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floatinginspace1120 · 3 years
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floatinginspace1120 · 3 years
Sometimes I think of how many steps I’ve taken. Instead of how many I have to go, and suddenly.  The Road doesn’t look so long.
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floatinginspace1120 · 3 years
No one has a perfect life. Everybody has something that he wishes was not the way it is.
Stan Lee
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floatinginspace1120 · 4 years
The fact that he called Sam and Bucky Steve’s “wingmen” made my blood boil.  Like “Yeah the strength of our friendship broke 70 plus years of brainwashing but I’m just his wingman.”  or “yeah I helped him take down hydra infuriated SHEILD, sided with him ageist fricking Iron Man and stayed in shitty hotel rooms with him while in hiding but I’m just his wingman not friend or anything like that.”
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floatinginspace1120 · 4 years
My Problem with John Walker
I think the Problem with John Walker is that he views Captain America as more of an icon, or character rather than a real person.  Sam and Bucky both knew  Steve, he was a real person to them and a friend.  John Walker is trying to fill the shoes of the propaganda not who Captain America was.
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