flugfbop · 6 years
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flugfbop · 6 years
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flugfbop · 6 years
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this kitten weighs over 5 pounds already and he’s only 14 weeks old. He’s half the size of an adult cat and he hasn’t even lost his baby teeth yet
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flugfbop · 6 years
listen, I’m not the biggest fan of kids but if a child looks at me then you bet I’m gonna smile back at them. kids deserve to experience the world as a kind and safe place to explore okay.
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flugfbop · 6 years
Is it just me or do you feel some internalized misogyny in the purity wankers? Whether it's a ship they feel is morally repugnant or an individual blogger/author that they hate and want to feel justified in bullying. It's always women or women's works they want censored. They don't care about filmed incest/rape/abuse porn, either because they can understand it's not real, or because "boys will be boys" and they are holding men to lesser standards.
Honestly, I think it’s the fact that fanfic writers are accessible and non-professional that makes them vulnerable to this sort of thing. I don’t doubt that a great many of the people up in arms about content on AO3 also have beef with mainstream porn, to say nothing of particular novels, films and TV shows - but they know they can’t target those industries, because they’re big and distant and protected.The best they can do is vote with their money by vocally boycotting things they dislike; and of course, they’re completely within their rights to do so. But as they can’t attack those content creators directly, they turn their anger instead on their fans, because even if they can’t stop a canonical work from being created, they can sure as hell punish people who publicly admit to liking it.
Which is what recently happened with Call Me By Your Name. The amount of discourse I saw describing anyone who liked or appeared in that film as a paedophile apologist was staggering, which is yet another reason why, in this current conversation, I remain mistrustful of the claim that it’s obvious which works and fanfics are irredeemably Bad and Harmful and Need To Be Deleted. CMBYN was about a consensual relationship between characters who were 17 and 24, and it was still called paedophilia. I wrote about it and fielded questions about my response then, too, and I’ve kept that conversation in mind this time around. 
Because the fact is, there are far too many people in the purity camp who seemingly don’t have any idea what paedophilia actually is. More often than not, their working definition of the term is presented as “anything where a character aged eighteen or under is paired with someone a year or more their senior in an imperfect context or for a ship I dislike, or where a Known Adult is writing anything above a T-rating with characters younger than twenty”. Like. That is honestly, genuinely what I’ve seen argued - and if that’s the starting point for deciding what should or shouldn’t be allowed on AO3, then I’m going to go out on a limb and say that’s a Bad Idea.
And that’s before you even touch on the nature of kink and the hugely complex issue of human sexuality, let alone the psychology behind why so many people enjoy reading or creating dark content. Just as it’s common for rape victims to experience orgasm or arousal against their will during the act itself, itself also common for survivors of sexual abuse to have intrusive reactions to their experiences - meaning, in essence, that their arousal becomes tied to what’s been done to them. This is not their fault, and it’s not something they should be shamed for; so when people single out the kind of fics that are classed as badwrong porn without considering that they might play a role in the sexual enjoyment and healing of victims, it’s very difficult to accept the simultaneous claim that all this moral crusading is for the benefit of victims. 
And beyond that frame of reference: BDSM is a thing. Kinks are a thing. The difference between written and visual pornography is that, whereas videos and photos involve real human people being subjected to real sexual contact, stories do not. This means we don’t need to check in with the characters to make sure they’re willing and comfortable, because the reader is the only sexual participant. When we construct fantasies in our head, as opposed to enacting them with a consenting partner or partners, our ability to separate fantasy from reality - to know that what we’re imagining isn’t real - is what serves as a safeword. This means that the character we’re imagining doesn’t need to give their consent to roleplaying the situation, too, because the character doesn’t exist; which allows us to imagine them enjoying or experiencing things which, in real life, we would never countenance. 
Do people do this because they’re gross and predatory and broken? No. They do it because they’re people, and because we understand the difference between doing something in a safe, controlled environment and risking actual harm to ourselves or others. If a gamer goes on a killing spree in a first-person shooter, that’s not them priming themselves to murder people in real life, even though they’re engaging in a visual proxy for a horrific act that’s coded as entertainment - because we know it isn’t real. Are there still conversations to be had around the normalisation of violence, misogyny and other evils in such properties? Yes! But does that mean that every single person who’s ever played Call of Duty is a killer in the making? No! 
Sometimes, we fantasise sexually about scenarios that frighten us in real life: because that gives us ownership of the fear and allows us to overcome it, to turn it into something controllable. Sometimes, we fantasise sexually about terrible things that have already happened to us: because that gives us ownership of the trauma, an ability to reclaim ourselves. Sometimes, we fantasise sexually about things that are monstrous, or impossible, or forbidden: because we’re excited by the what if in a way we’d never feel for the reality. 
There’s a difference between fantasy and reality. The fact that they overlap should never be ignored, but that they’re two different circles in the Venn diagram shouldn’t be up for discussion.
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flugfbop · 6 years
Resources For Worldbuilding
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Historically Accurate Sexism in Fantasy: Let’s Unpack That
Debate with the Squirrels: Sexism in Fantasy
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flugfbop · 6 years
Resources For Writing Sketchy Topics
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Blood Loss
Stab Wounds
Pain & Shock
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Writing Specific Characters
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Playing a character with cancer.
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Playing the manipulative character.
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Playing a character with Orthorexia Nervosa.
Writing a character who lost someone important.
Playing the bullies.
Portraying the drug dealer.
Playing a rebellious character.
How to portray a sociopath.
How to write characters with PTSD.
Playing characters with memory loss.
Playing a pyromaniac.
How to write a mute character.
How to write a character with an OCD.
How to play a stoner.
Playing a character with an eating disorder.
Portraying a character who is anti-social.
Portraying a character who is depressed.
How to portray someone with dyslexia.
How to portray a character with bipolar disorder.
Portraying a character with severe depression.
How to play a serial killer.
Writing insane characters.
Playing a character under the influence of marijuana.
Tips on writing a drug addict.
How to write a character with HPD.
Writing a character with Nymphomania.
Writing a character with schizophrenia.
Writing a character with Dissociative Identity Disorder.
Writing a character with depression.
Writing a character who suffers from night terrors.
Writing a character with paranoid personality disorder.
How to play a victim of rape.
How to play a mentally ill/insane character.
Writing a character who self-harms.
Writing a character who is high on amphetamines.
How to play the stalker.
How to portray a character high on cocaine.
Playing a character with ADHD.
How to play a sexual assault victim.
Writing a compulsive gambler.
Playing a character who is faking a disorder.
Playing a prisoner.
Portraying an emotionally detached character.
How to play a character with social anxiety.
Portraying a character who is high.
Portraying characters who have secrets.
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How to play someone creepy.
Portraying sexually/emotionally abused characters.
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flugfbop · 6 years
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this season is going to be the end of me.
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flugfbop · 6 years
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flugfbop · 6 years
since people seem to think the timing is off in the new OP, i think i know what song it was originally set to…
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flugfbop · 6 years
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every time…
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flugfbop · 6 years
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everything kacchan does is cool
my aesthetic is bakugo fitting Nerd Aesthetics but he makes them cool
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flugfbop · 6 years
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Bakugo knows how to flirt
Kiribaku = the more flustered they are, the more action lines there are
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flugfbop · 7 years
Fanfic and Editing: Beta vs. a Concept That’s No Longer in Use
Over a decade ago when I first started getting into fanfiction, the term Alpha was used more frequently.  A writer had the option of finding either an Alpha or a Beta to help them with their writing.
A Beta is for all the basics like grammar, but when it came to an Alpha, they did so much more.  Alphas almost co-wrote the story with you, but not quite, and it was such a fun and interactive process.
What an Alpha Does:
Proofreading (like a beta)
Bouncing Ideas (email, chat, phone ideas back and forth)
Discussion (ideas, plots, problem points, or even just a pick-me-up)
Editor (small and large instances, often marked in red in your document)
Story Structure (does it flow? does it follow the format writer wanted?)
Canon vs Fanon Advice (distinguishing and suggesting)
Consistency (e.g. character has same color hat from beginning to end)
Major Rewrite Suggestions (an entire chapter doesn’t work? help!)
Cheerleading Through an Entire Fic (not just chapter by chapter)
Presentation (help in picking out everything from cover art to the tagline to the finished product structure, maybe even creating the PDF or HTML page for the writer)
And more that I’m not even thinking of right now
An Alpha would get credit for this (most of the time right underneath the author’s name on the cover art and in the story info), and people looked to alphas like they were special, they were very much appreciated, and if you found one, you would do pretty much anything for them.
I’ve been on both ends of this, and I really miss it being a more widespread thing.  I’ve got my own alpha in the form of a friend who has been with me from the beginning of Alpha House, and she’s still a HUGE help.  It wouldn’t be the fic it is without her, and I wish more writers could experience this.
How Using an Alpha Works
First you find one, and you get their email/chat ID/phone number.  You tell them the ENTIRE idea for your fic (spoiling it all), where you want it to go, how you want it to feel, what the characters’ motivations are, etc.  Then you send the alpha what you have so far, which can be part or all of the fic.
Once the alpha reads it, they mark in red any suggestions, but instead of just marking mistakes, the document looks like a professional editor from a book publishing company got a hold of it.
You’d either email back and forth or (more often) chat online or talk on the phone with them while you both went over it, each making different suggestions.  It wasn’t just a one-day/one-sitting thing, and from then on there’s emails back and forth with cheerleading and ideas and chunks of fic from both the writer and the alpha, so that by the time the fic is done, anywhere from 1% to sometimes 49% of the writing is from the alpha (with your fic in mind, not their own way they wanted the story to go), and the rest of it was at least helped along by the alpha.
It was very rewarding to do this for other writers.  I enjoyed it a lot.  And having an alpha myself was such a treat.  I can’t even explain it to you.  It’s an awesome experience, and one I’d love every writer to experience.
What it Does for Beginners
New writers are vulnerable and don’t know their way around.  An alpha would take them under their wing and help them along, helping them find where and how to post, how to use warnings, summaries, tags, etc.  If a writer got bad feedback, the alpha was there to listen and encourage.  If they got good feedback, an alpha was there to celebrate right along with them.
In my opinion, it made for more confident writers, because they were prepared for some of the shit writers get, and alphas stopped them from ever making newbie mistakes in the first place that get some writers flamed and ridiculed.  Not that I’m condoning flaming, but the truth is it happens.
All in all, I’d love for the concept of Alphas to come back.
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flugfbop · 7 years
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flugfbop · 7 years
aaaaaaaa a a a aaaaa a
So i feel like deleting this tumblr and starting with a new one. Like, a proper art one? And try to separate my random reblogs from my art stuff? I get rly disturbed when my things aren't compartmentalised LOL. Anyway this won't really impact a lot of people but I just felt like letting y'all know.
I'll do it once my finals are done though so I have some time to think shit through. Anyway bye bye
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flugfbop · 7 years
I love how humans have literally not changed throughout history like the graffiti from Pompeii has people from hundreds of years ago writing stuff like “Marcus is gay” “I fucked a girl here” “Julius your mum wishes she was with me” and leonardo da vinci’s assistants drew dicks in their notebooks just for the banter and mozart created a piece called “kiss my ass” so when people wish for ‘today’s generation’ to be like ‘how people used to’ then we’re already there buddy we’ve always been
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