foodieaty · 5 months
High-Fiber Vegetables and Their Health Benefits - Rank and Analysis
Vegetables, overflowing with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, are essential contributors to a healthy diet. One of their key elements, fiber,
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Cauliflower - 2.1 grams of Fiber (8% DV)
Cauliflower, a cruciferous vegetable that counts broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, and kale among its kin, offers a myriad of health benefits due to its versatile nutrient profile.
Carrots - 3.6 grams of Fiber (13% DV)
Carrots, common staples in most kitchens, stand out as vegetables with exceptional health benefits. Their vibrant orange color is an indicator of their high beta-carotene content, an antioxidant that gets converted into vitamin A in the body.
Sweet Potatoes - 3.8 grams of Fiber per Medium Potato (14% DV)
Sweet potatoes, boasting an enticing combination of sweetness and nutrition, are a widely-enjoyed staple of a healthy diet. With a fiber content surpassing traditional potatoes, they also rank lower on the glycemic index, providing a slowly released, steady source of energy.
Brussels Sprouts - 4.1 grams of Fiber per Cup
Belonging to the cruciferous vegetable family, Brussels sprouts share their lineage with well-known counterparts like broccoli, cabbage, and kale. Brimming with nutrients, these tiny green nuggets provide an array of health benefits from heart health to cancer risk reduction.
Spinach - 4.3 grams of Fiber per Cup of Cooked Spinach
Spinach, a dark, leafy green hailed for its nutritional prowess, is infused with vital nutrients and health-promoting properties. Its rich nutrient content contributes to various aspects of health like bone health, vision, and immunity.
Kale - 4.7 grams of Fiber per Cup of Cooked Kale
Kale, one of the most nutrient-dense greens available, has gained popularity as a superfood in recent years. Its strong, earthy flavors and crisp texture complement various dishes, while its exceptional nutrient profile offers health benefits ranging from enhanced digestion to inflammation reduction.
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foodieaty · 5 months
Best High-Protein Fast-Food Sandwiches
Discover best high-protein fast food sandwiches, ranked for nutrition by a dietitian. Achieve healthy eating on the go
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Not all fast food is a health disaster. While some offerings can lead to skyrocketing counts of calories, fat, sodium, and sugar; there are healthier orders available. For those in need of a quick and budget-friendly meal, here are some high-protein, health-conscious fast-food sandwich options.
Note that a high-protein count does not necessarily mean healthy. For instance, Wendy's Pretzel Bacon Pub Burger provides 89g of protein but is not worth the compromise with 1,500 calories, 44g of saturated fat, and over 1,800mg of sodium. The search for a healthier fast-food sandwich involves knowing what to look for and where to find it.
Dietitian Mary Sabat MS, RDN, LD provides some tips for ordering healthier sandwiches.
Protein content: look for sandwiches with plenty of protein which supports muscle maintenance and promotes satiety.
Whole grains: choose sandwiches with whole-grain bread or wraps to increase your fiber and nutrient intake.
Lean protein sources: opt for sandwiches filled with lean proteins like grilled chicken, turkey, fish, or plant-based options such as tofu or black bean patties.
Fresh vegetables: select sandwiches with fresh vegetables for added nutrients and fiber.
Added sugar and sodium: be mindful of added sugars and excessive sodium in sauces or condiments.
Portion size: consider portion sizes. You may want to share a bigger sandwich or order a smaller size.
Below are dietitian-recommended high-protein fast-food sandwiches.
Subway Grilled Chicken Sandwich: A Detailed Look
The Subway Grilled Chicken Sandwich is a popular and health-conscious choice at the fast-food chain, boasting an impressive protein content and relatively low calorie count. Here's what you need to know about this sandwich:
Subway Steak Sandwich: A Detailed Look
The Subway Steak Sandwich is a delicious and popular choice for those who enjoy red meat. Although slightly higher in fat compared to the Grilled Chicken Sandwich, the Steak Sandwich remains a balanced and protein-rich option in the realm of fast food. Here are the key details regarding this sandwich:
Chick-fil-A Grilled Chicken Sandwich: A Detailed Look
Chick-fil-A's Grilled Chicken Sandwich is a fantastic high-protein, lean-meat alternative for fast-food enthusiasts. It's a well-rounded option featuring chicken breast marinated in citrus and grilled to perfection. Here's a more detailed look at this popular sandwich:
Wendy's Grilled Chicken Ranch Wrap: A Detailed Look
Wendy's Grilled Chicken Ranch Wrap presents an alternative to traditional fast-food sandwiches and provides a high-protein, low-calorie option. The wrap format can also give a more satisfying bite with every mouthful. Here's a closer look at this healthy fast-food choice:
Arby's Classic Roast Beef: A Detailed Look
Arby's Classic Roast Beef Sandwich is a staple in their menu, famously known for the thinly sliced, tender roast beef piled on a warm sesame seed bun. It's a protein-rich choice, but it also has higher sodium content. Here's a closer look at this well-known sandwich:
Panera's Deli Turkey Sandwich: A Detailed Look
Panera's Deli Turkey Sandwich is a classic, versatile option that offers a balance of proteins, carbohydrates, and vegetables. As a healthier choice in the realm of restaurant sandwiches, it can be customized to suit individual tastes and dietary needs. Let's delve into the details of this popular sandwich:
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foodieaty · 6 months
Simple Ways to Boost Your Protein Intake
Explore simple methods to increase your protein intake using various sources like legumes, cheese, and protein-enhanced foods for a balanced diet.
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Consuming adequate protein offers several benefits such as hunger control, muscle development, bone health, metabolic stimulation, and weight management. However, balancing a busy life with health goals can present a challenge. To aid you in achieving your dietary needs, here are simple ways to incorporate more protein into your day, including some expert dietitian recommendations.
Here simple ways to boost your protein
1. Prepare a protein-rich meal or overnight parfait: Cooking a meal with high-protein ingredients, such as grilled chicken, quinoa, and a fresh salad, provides substantial protein to your diet. However, this option may require a bit of extra preparation time. Alternatively, prepare an overnight parfait containing Greek yogurt, nut butter, seeds, and nuts for a quick and protein-packed meal.
2. Incorporate milk into your smoothies: Enhance the protein content of your morning or mid-afternoon smoothies by using milk and ingredients like nut butters, seeds, and protein powder. Besides fruits or vegetables, consider the addition of varying types of milk. For instance, replacing almond or oat milk with cow's milk in your smoothies will significantly increase your protein consumption, thanks to the high protein content of cow's milk.
3. Boost oatmeal with protein powder: Transform your fiber-rich oatmeal into a protein-packed meal by stirring in a scoop or two of protein powder. Not only does this increase the protein content in your oatmeal, but it also enhances the flavor, resulting in a more satisfying and nutritious breakfast.
4. Opt for beef jerky as a snack: If you find it difficult to meet your protein goals amidst a busy schedule, choose portable, non-perishable snacks such as beef jerky. High in protein and easy to carry, beef jerky provides a quick solution to fuel your body while you're on-the-go.
5. Indulge in eggs throughout the day: Eggs are versatile and packed with protein. For example, enjoy a morning omelette, munch on hard-boiled eggs as a protein-rich snack, or add a fried egg to your dinner for an extra protein boost. Their diverse usage ensures you can fit them into any meal or snack time effortlessly.
6. Utilize Low-fat Greek yogurt: Greek yogurt, especially the low-fat version, is a protein powerhouse. It's a versatile ingredient that can be used in several ways, from a yogurt parfait with granola and fruit for breakfast to an afternoon smoothie to a garnish for meals. You can even use it as a substitute for mayonnaise or sour cream in recipes to increase the protein content while keeping the dish creamy and delicious.
7. Add protein-rich nuts and seeds to your meals: Nuts and seeds such as almonds, pumpkin seeds, and hemp seeds are filled with protein and can easily be added to various dishes. Incorporate these into your meals by sprinkling them onto salads, mixing them into grain dishes, or blending them into smoothies. They not only increase the protein content but also add a tasty crunch to your food.
8. Choose quinoa over rice: Quinoa is a complete protein, meaning it contains all nine essential amino acids your body needs. If you're looking to add more protein to your meals, swap out rice for quinoa. You can use it just as you would rice – as a base for stir-fry, mixed in with veggies for a grain salad, or as an accompaniment for your main course.
9. Incorporate lean meats: Lean meats such as chicken breast, turkey, lean cuts of beef, and fish like tuna and salmon, are excellent sources of protein. Including them in your lunch or dinner not only enhances your protein intake but also provides important nutrients like iron, B vitamins, and omega-3 fatty acids (in the case of fish). These can be grilled, baked, or sautéed to fit into a variety of meals.
10. Opt for protein-enriched pasta: Nowadays, there are many pasta alternatives on the market that are specifically formulated to be high in protein. These include pastas made from beans, lentils, or chickpeas, and many of them contain significantly more protein than traditional wheat pasta. By swapping your regular pasta for a protein-enhanced one, you can effortlessly boost your protein intake while still enjoying your favorite pasta dishes.
11. Embrace protein powders: Protein powders such as whey, casein, or plant-based options like pea or hemp protein are a quick and easy way to increase your protein intake. These can be mixed with water or milk for a post-workout drink, blended into smoothies, or even incorporated into baked goods or oatmeal. This makes them a versatile tool in your protein-boosting arsenal.
12. Don't forget about legumes: Legumes, which include beans, lentils, and chickpeas, are packed with protein and versatile enough to be used in various dishes. You can add them to soups, salads, and stews, or even blend them into dips and spreads like hummus. Additionally, legumes are rich in fiber and other nutrients, making them a healthy and beneficial addition to your daily meals on multiple fronts.
13. Incorporate cheese and dairy products: Cheese and dairy products are a solid source of protein and can easily be included in your meals. Types of cheese like mozzarella or gouda can be sliced and served with whole grain crackers for a protein-rich snack, while cottage cheese can be mixed with fruits for a refreshing dessert or breakfast option. Similarly, you could add a slice of cheese to your sandwiches or grate some over your soups, salads, or pasta to increase protein content effortlessly.
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foodieaty · 6 months
Losing Weight While Enjoying Cheese: 10 Effective Strategies
Let's explore 10 proven ways to manage your weight without swearing off cheese.
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Losing Weight While Enjoying Cheese: 10 Effective Strategies
Cheese lovers, here's some great news for you! It's quite possible to relish your cheese and lose weight too. Ignore the myth that cheese consumption leads only to weight gain. Let's explore 10 proven ways to manage your weight without swearing off cheese.
The Perks of Choosing Low-Fat Cheese
Low-fat cheese variants such as light mozzarella, reduced-fat cheddar, or skim milk ricotta offer the same delicious taste without the calorie guilt. Advises Trista Best, RD, "Select low-fat or reduced-fat versions of your preferred cheeses. They come with fewer calories and saturated fats, which ultimately are better for weight management."
Same Taste, Fewer Calories
Low-fat cheese versions come with fewer calories as compared to their regular counterparts. This reduced calorie content makes them a guilt-free choice for cheese lovers. For instance, light mozzarella, reduced-fat cheddar, or skim milk ricotta each offer the same enjoyable taste, but they don't contribute as much to your daily calorie intake.
Pairing Cheese with Low-Calorie Foods
Pairing cheese with low-calorie, high-volume foods can stretch the serving size and enhance the feeling of fullness. Sliced apple or pear with cheese is a prime example, or perhaps some vegetables like cherry tomatoes or bell pepper strips.
The Cheese-Fiber Combo
High-fiber foods don’t just aid in digestion, they also play a lead role in managing body weight. When paired with cheese, these foods ensure you get healthy fats, proteins, and calcium, while simultaneously keeping your calorie count in check.
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foodieaty · 6 months
10+ Refreshing Cucumber Salad Recipes You'll Love This Summer
Discovering ten more cucumber salad recipes for summer you would like to cook
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Cucumbers – low in calories, high in water content, fiber, vitamins C and K, magnesium, potassium and rich in antioxidants are a quintessential summer fruit. From May to August, they are in season, providing a refreshing, non-overpowering flavor to both food and drinks. Let's embrace this summer staple with 10 easy-to-make cucumber recipes that are both delectable and nutritious:
1). Unveiling a Treasured Delight: The Basic Pickled Cucumber Salad
Go back to basics with cucumbers, onions, vinegar, sesame oil, sugar, salt, and pepper flakes. In just 15 minutes, you can whip up a refreshing salad.
Experience an array of emotions as you savor the timeless simplicity of a beloved tradition: our Basic Pickled Cucumber Salad. It’s a jovial voyage that transcends cultures and generations, a gentle nod to the vibrant Malay wedding heritage deeply instilled in each radiant mother preparing for her daughter's exceptional day.
2 fresh, firm cucumbers, as lovely and green as the emerald Malay landscapes.
1 small onion, its layers as intricate as our beloved traditions.
1 cup of elegant white vinegar, echoing with generations of culinary wisdom.
1/2 cup of granulated sugar, a precious testimony to life's sweet moments.
1 teaspoon of salt, as fundamental as the binding vows of matrimony.
Optional for those daring hearts: chili flakes, spicing up our tale with a pinch of adventure.
2). Chicken Skewers with Spicy Cucumber Raita: A Symphony of Flavors and Emotions
An Indian-origin side dish, Raita, is a beautiful blend of yogurt with cucumber, spices, and herbs. A perfect pairing to grilled chicken skewers your next BBQ.
With the tenderness of a mother's love and the vibrant spirit of a Malay wedding, we present to you a symphony of flavors befitting a joyous celebration—Chicken Skewers adorned with Spicy Cucumber Raita. This marvel of culinary artistry is inspired by the heartwarming embrace of mothers preparing for their beloved daughter's wedding day. It is a union of poignant moments, a masterpiece that connects taste, memory, and passion.
Chicken Skewers
1 ½ pounds boneless, skinless chicken breasts or thighs, tender like a mother’s heart
2 cloves of garlic, finely minced, as sharp in flavor as the words of wisdom passed down through generations
½ cup soy sauce, as rich and deep as cherished family memories
3 tablespoons honey, capturing the sweet allure of laughter shared between a mother and her daughter
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil, a symbol of the finest nourishment we offer to our loved ones
Pinch of salt and pepper, modest accents to our tender creation
Skewers, like the support offered by a loving family
3). An Exquisite Journey to Wellness: Keto-friendly Cream Cheese Cucumbers
Emulating the taste of a cream cheese bagel, this recipe with cucumber, cream cheese, and crumbled bacon is a keto-friendly, satisfying snack.
As radiant as a bride on her wedding day, as vibrant as the silk threads of her bridal attire, we invite you to immerse yourself in the nourishing melody of our Keto-friendly Cream Cheese Cucumbers. This culinary sonnet whispers the tales of Mother Nature's bounty while honoring our journey towards radiant health and radiant joy.
Crisp cucumbers, 3 medium-sized, their green gleaming like the precious emeralds adorning our bride.
Cream cheese, 8 oz, as smooth and rich as a heart filled with unconditional love.
Fresh dill, 1 tablespoon, its aroma carrying the whispers of traditional Malay gardens.
Freshly squeezed lemon juice, 1 tablespoon, a lively splash of tartness reminding us to embrace life's varied flavors.
Salt and pepper to taste, modest seasonings weaving cohesion into our lovely symphony.
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foodieaty · 6 months
Top Proteins to Add to Salads for Ultimate Satisfying Power
Boost salad satisfaction with these top protein sources. From chickpeas to salmon, learn how to create nourishing, protein-rich salads.
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We've all experienced it: enjoying a seemingly substantial salad, only to feel hungry shortly after finishing. To combat this, choosing the right proteins can make your salads more filling and satisfying. Proteins play a dual role by reducing the hunger hormone ghrelin and promoting fullness through the peptide YY hormones. Additionally, a high-protein diet may lead to eating fewer calories and, ultimately, weight loss.
We consulted expert nutritionist Lauren Manaker, MS, RDN, LD, CLEC, for her top protein-packed salad toppings to help keep you full and satisfied. The list provided below offers diverse options to boost your salad's protein content while maintaining delicious flavors.
1. Chickpeas
Chickpeas, also known as garbanzo beans, are a great addition to salads for those looking to increase protein intake. One serving (1/4 cup) adds about 3 grams of protein, which might not seem significant but collectively contributes to your overall daily protein intake. Chickpeas are especially beneficial for vegetarians and vegans who are always seeking plant-based protein options.
2. Black Beans
Black beans, a staple in South and Central American cuisines, are another protein-rich food to toss into your salad. A single teaspoon of black beans can contribute nearly 6 grams of protein to your salad, significantly enhancing its filling factor.
3. Quinoa
Quinoa, often mistaken for a grain but is actually a seed, is an exceptionally nutritious food recognized as a "superfood," that could be a delightful addition to your salads. A cup of cooked quinoa holds roughly 8 grams of protein, making it one of the highest protein sources among plant-based foods. Uniquely, quinoa is a complete protein, meaning it contains all nine essential amino acids our bodies can't produce on their own.
4. Salmon
Salmon is a fantastic protein option for those looking to enrich their salads with a high-quality animal protein source. A 3-ounce (85 grams) serving of cooked salmon packs an impressive 22 grams of protein, ensuring your salad is not only delicious, but also leaves you feeling full and satisfied.
5. Hard-Boiled Eggs
Hard-boiled eggs can be an excellent source of protein to add to your salads. One hard-boiled egg provides around 6 grams of high-quality protein, which makes it a quick and convenient protein source to include in a meal.
6. Walnuts
While not as high in protein as other options on this list, walnuts still offer an impressive nutritional boost to your salads, making them a valuable component to consider. One ounce of walnuts (roughly 14 halves) contains about 4.3 grams of protein. However, what truly distinguishes walnuts as a protein source is their unparalleled fat composition.
7. Pistachios
Pistachios are a versatile and delicious addition to any salad, ticking both the boxes of nutrition and flavor. One ounce of shelled pistachios (about 49 kernels) provides roughly 6 grams of protein, which contributes a decent amount of plant-based protein to your salad.
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foodieaty · 6 months
Best Hydrating Foods That Help You Stay Hydrated All Day
Discover Best hydrating foods that can help meet your daily water intake. Packed with nutrients, these foods boost health and wellness.
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When considering hydration, drinks like water, tea, and coffee usually come to mind. However, a significant amount of hydration can also come from water-rich foods. The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine suggest that women should consume a total of 2.7 liters (approximately 11 cups) of water per day, while men should aim for 3.7 liters (about 16 cups). However, around 20% of this hydration can be obtained from foods, especially raw fruits and vegetables.
To achieve your fluid intake goals through food, registered dietitian Roxana Ehsani recommends including fruits and vegetables in every meal and snack. Ideally, at least half of your plate should be filled with fruits and veggies. Here are some suggestions to help incorporate hydrating foods in daily meals:
Breakfast: Add fruits like berries or banana slices to cereal or top avocado toast with vegetables such as tomato slices, leafy greens, bell peppers, and mushrooms.
Snacks: Opt for a fruit with a handful of nuts, fruit sprinkled over yogurt, or baby carrots dipped in hummus instead of chips.
Dinner: Ensure at least half the plate is filled with vegetables, such as a pre-made salad or mixed frozen veggies.
Here is a list of the 15 most hydrating foods, ranked by water content:
1. Iceberg Lettuce (96% water)
2. Cucumber (95% water)
3. Zucchini (95% water)
4. Celery (95% water)
5. Radishes (95% water)
6. Tomatoes (94% water)
7. Watermelon (92% water)
8. Strawberries (91% water)
9. Starfruit (91% water)
10. Spinach (91% water)
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foodieaty · 6 months
Heal Your Sinusitis Naturally
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Are you tired of the constant discomfort caused by sinusitis? Do you want to find relief without relying on over-the-counter medications or invasive procedures? Look no further! In this blog post, we will explore the incredible potential of herbal solutions for healing sinusitis naturally.
Sinusitis is a common condition characterized by inflammation of the sinuses, resulting in symptoms such as facial pain, congestion, headaches, and difficulty breathing. While there are various treatment options available, many individuals are seeking natural remedies that not only alleviate symptoms but also promote overall wellness.
The Benefits of Herbal Solutions for Sinusitis
Herbal solutions offer an array of benefits for sinusitis sufferers. They are sourced from natural ingredients, making them a safe and gentle alternative to traditional medications. Furthermore, herbal remedies can help address the underlying causes of sinusitis, rather than merely masking the symptoms. Let's dive into some of the most powerful herbal solutions for sinusitis:
1. Young Coconut Water Ultimate Concoction
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Young coconut water and ist meat still very smooth.
1 Black Seed capsule
Mix all the ingredients using a blender or similar. Once thoroughly mixed, pour into a glass. Please wait until it settles. Then, separate the dregs or drink the clear part directly. Black Seed can be replaced with turmeric, pineapple hump, or ginger.
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foodieaty · 6 months
Home Remedies for Sore Throat
Discover effective home remedies for soothing sore throats. From warm saltwater gargles to cardamom, find natural relief for throat discomfort
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Home remedies - a sore throat is one of the health problems that is often experienced by many people and can be treated with natural remedies and drugs in pharmacies. this pain is caused by inflammation in the throat.
As a result, you feel uncomfortable because your throat feels hot, dry, and/or painful, making it difficult to swallow food and drinks or even speak. So, when you have a sore throat, what natural remedies should you take?
The cause of sore throat
Inflammation that causes pain in the throat can be caused by bacterial or viral infections. However, the main cause of sore throat is viral infections that cause colds, flu, measles, smallpox, and fever. Bacterial sore throat is usually caused by Streptococcus pyogenes bacterial infection. This disease is called strep throat.
Apart from that, allergies, dry air, air pollution, increased stomach acid, and injuries can cause sore throat. In general, a sore throat will usually subside on its own in less than a week. This is especially true of sore throats caused by allergic infections, viruses, or minor injuries.
According to the American Academy of Otolaryngology, treatment through natural remedies for sore throat can be tried to alleviate the symptoms while speeding up recovery.
Here are various home remedies for sore throat:
1. Cardamom sore throat tea
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2 star anise
5 cardamom
5 cloves
Enough hot water
How to do it:
Brew all the ingredients above with hot water.
Drink this concoction while warm. This recipe can warm the body, be antifungal/antibacterial, antioxidant, and healthy for the heart.
2. Gargle with warm saltwater
Gargling with warm salt water is a proven way to cure a sore throat. Gargling with salt water several times a day can relieve swelling, loosen clotted phlegm, relieve discomfort when swallowing, and help kill bacteria in the throat. To make this herbal sore throat remedy, dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water and gargle several times a day. This can help soothe the throat and reduce inflammation.
How to do it:
Start by dissolving half a teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water. It's essential to use warm water, not hot, as hot water may cause additional irritation to the throat.
Take a sip of the saltwater mixture and tilt your head back, allowing the liquid to reach the back of your throat.
Gargle the mixture in your throat for about 15 to 30 seconds. Try to make the sound "ahh" while gargling to ensure the saltwater reaches the affected areas.
Spit out the saltwater after gargling. Do not swallow it as the purpose is to cleanse and soothe the throat, not to ingest the saltwater.
Repeat the process several times a day, especially after meals or whenever you feel discomfort in your throat.
Why it may be effective:
Gargling with warm saltwater is a popular home remedy for sore throats because of its potential benefits:
Soothing effect: The warm saltwater can help reduce inflammation and irritation in the throat, providing temporary relief from pain and discomfort.
Moisturizing: Gargling helps to keep the throat moisturized, preventing it from getting too dry, which can worsen the soreness.
Reducing swelling: Saltwater can help reduce swelling in the throat tissues, which may be contributing to the soreness.
Loosening mucus: If there's excess mucus in the throat due to an infection or allergies, gargling with saltwater can help loosen and expel it.
Mild antiseptic properties: Salt has mild antiseptic properties, so gargling with saltwater may help to reduce the number of bacteria in the throat.
3. Honey and lemon tea
How to use it:
Prepare the mixture: Mix one tablespoon of honey with the juice of half a fresh lemon in a cup or mug.
Optional addition: If you prefer, you can add warm water to the honey and lemon mixture to make it a warm drink. However, this is optional, and some people prefer it at room temperature.
Consume the mixture: Slowly sip the honey and lemon mixture, allowing it to coat your throat as you swallow. You can do this several times a day or whenever you feel discomfort in your throat.
Why it may be effective:
The combination of honey and lemon for sore throats is a popular home remedy with potential benefits:
Soothing properties: Both honey and lemon have natural soothing properties that can help alleviate throat irritation and discomfort.
Antibacterial properties: Honey is known for its antibacterial properties, which may help fight off certain bacterial infections that could be contributing to the sore throat.
Anti-inflammatory properties: Lemon contains vitamin C, which has anti-inflammatory properties that may help reduce inflammation in the throat.
Moisturizing: Honey is a natural humectant, meaning it attracts and retains moisture. Drinking honey and lemon can help keep the throat moist, preventing it from becoming too dry and further irritated.
Cough suppression: Honey has been shown to have a mild cough-suppressant effect, which can be beneficial if your sore throat is accompanied by a cough.
It's important to note that while honey and lemon can be soothing for a sore throat, honey should not be given to children under one year of age due to the risk of botulism. Also, remember that this remedy is not a substitute for medical advice. If your sore throat is severe, persists for an extended period, or is accompanied by other concerning symptoms, it's essential to consult a healthcare professional for proper evaluation and treatment.
4. Another herbal tea
How to use it:
1. Chamomile tea: Chamomile is known for its soothing properties, and chamomile tea can help ease throat irritation. To make chamomile tea, steep a chamomile tea bag or dried chamomile flowers in hot water for a few minutes. Then, strain the tea and drink it while it's still warm.
2. Peppermint tea: Peppermint has a cooling effect and can provide relief for a sore throat. To make peppermint tea, use peppermint tea bags or dried peppermint leaves, and steep them in hot water for a few minutes. Strain the tea and enjoy it while it's warm.
3. Ginger tea: Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties and can help reduce throat inflammation. To make ginger tea, grate fresh ginger and steep it in hot water for about 5-10 minutes. Strain the tea and drink it warm.
Why it may be effective:
Herbal teas, like cardamom, chamomile, peppermint, and ginger, are often used to soothe sore throats due to the following reasons:
1. Soothing and calming effect: These herbal teas have natural properties that can help soothe and calm the irritated throat, providing relief from discomfort.
2. Anti-inflammatory properties: Ginger and chamomile have anti-inflammatory properties that may help reduce inflammation in the throat, easing pain and swelling.
3. Hydration: Drinking warm herbal teas helps keep the throat hydrated, which is essential for supporting the healing process and preventing further irritation.
4. Antioxidants: Chamomile, peppermint, and ginger all contain antioxidants, which can support the immune system and promote healing.
5. Warmth: The warmth of these teas can provide a comforting feeling and may help relax tense muscles in the throat.
Marshmallow root tea
How to use it:
Marshmallow root is available in various forms, such as dried herbs, tea bags, or as an ingredient in throat lozenges or syrups. Here are a few ways to use marshmallow root for a sore throat:
1. Marshmallow root tea: Steep a marshmallow root tea bag or dry marshmallow root in hot water for several minutes. Strain the tea and drink it while it's warm. You can find pre-packaged marshmallow root tea bags at health stores.
2. Marshmallow root lozenges: Some throat lozenges contain marshmallow root extract, which can provide a soothing effect on the throat when dissolved slowly in the mouth.
3. Marshmallow root syrup: Marshmallow root syrup can also be found in health stores. Follow the instructions on the packaging for the appropriate dosage.
Why it may be effective:
Marshmallow root is believed to be effective in soothing a sore throat due to the following reasons:
1. Mucilage content: Marshmallow root contains a substance called mucilage, which forms a gel-like protective layer when mixed with water. This coating can help soothe and protect the irritated tissues of the throat.
2. Anti-inflammatory properties: The mucilage in marshmallow root also has anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce swelling and irritation in the throat.
3. Throat lubrication: The gel-like mucilage can help lubricate the throat, providing relief from dryness and discomfort.
4. Cough suppression: Marshmallow root may have a mild cough-suppressant effect, helping to ease coughing associated with a sore throat.
It's important to note that while marshmallow root can be beneficial for mild sore throats, it is not a substitute for medical advice. If your sore throat is severe, persists, or is accompanied by other concerning symptoms, it's essential to consult a healthcare professional for proper evaluation and treatment.
Additionally, pregnant or nursing individuals and those with certain medical conditions or allergies should consult their healthcare provider before using marshmallow root or any other herbal remedies.
Golden milk
How to use it:
To make turmeric milk, also known as "golden milk," you'll need the following ingredients:
1 cup of milk (you can use cow's milk, almond milk, soy milk, or any milk of your choice)
1/2 teaspoon of turmeric powder
A pinch of black pepper (optional, but black pepper can enhance the absorption of turmeric's active compound, curcumin)
Honey or sweetener (optional, to taste)
A pinch of cinnamon (optional, for additional flavor)
Here's how to prepare it:
1. Warm the milk: Pour the milk into a small saucepan and warm it over low to medium heat. Avoid boiling the milk, as this may diminish some of its beneficial properties.
2. Add turmeric and black pepper: Once the milk is warm, add the turmeric powder and black pepper (if using). Stir well to ensure the turmeric is fully mixed.
3. Simmer the mixture: Allow the milk and turmeric mixture to simmer for a few minutes, stirring occasionally to prevent sticking.
4. Sweeten to taste: If you prefer a sweeter taste, you can add honey or your preferred sweetener to the milk. Stir well until it dissolves.
5. Optional: Add cinnamon: For extra flavor, you can sprinkle a pinch of cinnamon on top of the turmeric milk before serving.
6. Enjoy: Pour the turmeric milk into a cup and drink it while it's warm. It's best to consume it before bedtime for its soothing effects.
Why it may be effective:
Turmeric milk is believed to be beneficial for a sore throat due to the following reasons:
Anti-inflammatory properties: Turmeric contains curcumin, a compound with potent anti-inflammatory properties. Drinking turmeric milk can help reduce inflammation in the throat, providing relief from pain and discomfort.
Antioxidant benefits: Turmeric is rich in antioxidants, which can help support the immune system and promote healing.
Soothing and warming: The warmth of turmeric milk can have a soothing effect on the throat, providing comfort during periods of discomfort.
Throat lubrication: The milk in turmeric milk can help lubricate the throat, reducing dryness and irritation.
While turmeric milk can be beneficial for mild sore throats, it is not a substitute for medical advice. If your sore throat is severe, persists, or is accompanied by other concerning symptoms, it's essential to consult a healthcare professional for proper evaluation and treatment.
Additionally, if you are allergic to turmeric or any of the ingredients, or if you have certain medical conditions, it's important to consult your healthcare provider before using turmeric milk or any other herbal remedies.
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foodieaty · 6 months
Chickenpox and measles
Chickenpox and measles are infectious diseases caused by viruses. Two different viruses cause them. The varicella-zoster virus causes chickenpox. Measles
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What is chickenpox?
Chickenpox, also called varicella, is characterized by itchy red blisters that appear all over the body. Viruses cause this condition. It often affects children and is so common that it is considered a childhood rite of passage.
It is very rare to have more than one chickenpox infection. And since the smallpox vaccine was introduced in the mid-1990s, cases have fallen.
What causes chickenpox?
Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) causes chickenpox infection. Most cases occur through contact with an infected person. The virus is contagious to people around you for one to two days before your blisters appear. VZV remains contagious until all the blisters have crusted over. Viruses can spread by:
contact with fluid from the blisters
What is Measles
Measles, or rubeola, is a viral infection that starts in the respiratory system. It still remains a significant cause of death worldwide, despite the availability of a safe and effective vaccine.
There were around 110,000 global deaths related to measles in 2017, mostly in children under the age of 5, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Cases of measles have also increased in the United States in recent years.
Causes of measles
Measles is caused by infection with a virus from the paramyxovirus family. Viruses are tiny parasitic microbes. Once you are infected, the virus attacks the host cell and uses cellular components to complete its life cycle.
The measles virus infects the respiratory tract first. However, it eventually spreads to other body parts through the bloodstream.
Measles is known to only occur in humans and not in other animals. There are 24 known genetic strains of measles, although only six are currently circulating.
Home Remedy to treat chickenpox and measles
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Biancaea sappan-lemongrass-red ginger recipe
300 ml of water
1-2 lemongrass
Some Biancaea sappan leaves
1 piece of ginger the size is an adult's thumb (red ginger is better)
enough honey
Thinly sliced or crushed ginger and lemongrass
Boil briefly until warm (approximately 2 minutes)
Besides boiling, these ingredients can also be brewed with hot water.
Let it until warmth
After that, add honey.
Drink this concoction while warm before eating. Drink 2 -3 times a day when sick smallpox or measles. This recipe is also helpful as an antiviral, stamina booster, relieves flu and fever, and boosts immunity. to maintain stamina, enough to drink 1-2 times a day.
Children, pregnant women and nursing mothers can also drink this recipe.
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foodieaty · 6 months
Home remedies antiparasitic and antibacterial
Parasites are generally acquired from consuming contaminated food or water, but people with imbalanced gut flora, leaky gut syndrome or a weakened immune
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What are parasites?
Parasites are organisms that infect other living things and live off their host to survive. While some parasites cause no symptoms in their hosts, others can cause severe disease. Parasitic infections occur when a parasite grows, reproduces, or invades an organ system that makes its host sick.
Some of the common human parasitic infections found in the United States may include the following:
Most parasites come from consuming contaminated water or food. Traveling abroad can also expose you to tropical parasites. Depending on what parasite you have and what body systems are affected, symptoms of parasitic infection can include:
stomach ache
stomach cramps
weight loss
stomach ache
flu-like symptoms
swollen lymph nodes
aches and pains
Home remedy for antiparasitic and antibacterial
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1). Antiparasitic and antibacterial: ultimate oregano oil drink
2-3 drops of oregano oil
1/2 lime fruit
warm water
add warm water to the oregano oil
add lime and honey
2). Antiparasitic & antibacterial: ultimate aloe vera drink
200 grams of aloe vera
Enough Honey
Enough whiting
Enough Salt
Method 1:
Wash the aloe vera with water until the mucus reduces.
then soak it with whiting and salt for one hour, then rinse again
Aloe vera is ready to be consumed.
Method 2:
Soak the aloe vera in baking soda for twenty minutes until the mucus disappears
then rinse again
Aloe vera can also be boiled briefly, washed again, and made into a drink.
This aloe vera can be consumed with honey
3). Antiparasitic & antibacterial: Antimicrobial syrup
2 large turmeric segments
1 galangal segment
2 stalks lemongrass
1 lime
500 ml water
a handful of sappan
Enough palm sugar
Grate turmeric, crush galangal and slice lemongrass.
After that, rinse the sappan using water.
heat the stove over low heat
After that, add enough palm sugar and cook until it boils slightly
turn off the stove
add lime juice and stir until everything is evenly mixed
let stand until cold
Put it in a bottle (if you want to store it in the refrigerator)
4). Antiparasitic & Antibacterial: Ultimate Sappan Drink
5 sappan leaves
1 thumb-sized piece of ginger
enough pandan leaves
Brew all the ingredients with hot water, then wait until it is warm. This drink can be consumed at night when you want to sleep or consumed in the morning.
Propolis is antibacterial. For this reason, consume propolis because it can speed up the recovery of wounds (including burns) by rejuvenating the skin and reducing inflammation. Other ingredients that have anti-bacterial benefits are star anise and cinnamon.
5). Antiparasitic & antibacterial ultimate ginger drink
1 tsp chopped ginger
5 cloves of garlic
1/4 tsp turmeric powder
2 tsp chopped chili
I tsp dandelion honey or agave syrup
1 tsp ground pepper
1 cup organic apple cider vinegar
Add the finely chopped ginger, garlic, and chili, and mix well in a large bowl.
Now add honey and ground pepper and mix well. Pour this mixture into a glass jar and add apple cider vinegar.
Close the jar tightly and let it ferment for 10 days in a cool, dark place or refrigerator.
After fermentation, strain the mixture through a fine mesh strainer and squeeze out all the juice.
Preserve the essence in the fridge.
How to use
Add 1 tsp of this essence to a glass of warm water and drink this infusion twice a week to boost immunity.
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foodieaty · 6 months
Recipe for tonsils
Tonsils are fleshy pads located at each side of the back of the throat, and here some natural recipes for tonsils
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What are tonsils?
Foodieaty - Your tonsils are the two round, fleshy masses at the back of your throat (pharynx). Part of your immune system, your tonsils are like lymph nodes. They help filter germs that enter through your nose or mouth to protect your whole body from infection. Tonsils are also called palatine tonsils or faucial tonsils.
home remedies for tonsils
1). First recipe with ginger
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3 pieces of ginger (the size of an adult's thumb)3 pieces of Curcuma (the size of an adult's thumb)1 piece of Galangal (the size of an adult's thumb)honey sufficient
Thinly sliced ginger, galangal and Curcuma.
boil these ingredients over low heat
cook until the water remains half or about 250 ml
wait until warm
add honey, and drink.
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foodieaty · 6 months
Infectious and Allergic Home Remedy
Infectious diseases are caused by harmful agents (pathogens) entering your body. The most common causes are viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites.
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What is an infectious disease?
Foodieaty - Infectious diseases are diseases caused by harmful organisms (pathogens) that enter your body from outside. Pathogens that cause infectious diseases are viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, and, rarely, prions. You can get infectious diseases from other people, insect bites, and contaminated food, water, or soil.
Natural remedy for infectious and allergic diseases
1). First recipe: Cinnamon
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1/2 thumb of adult cinnamon
3-5 clove seeds
3 star anise
200-300 ml of water
Brew all ingredients with hot water
then let stand until warm.
drink while warm.
These ingredients can also be boiled directly over low heat, but don't boil. and then
drink while warm.
2). Second Recipe: 
Replace all drinking water with alkaline water or water with a neutral pH. drink as often as possible, when drinking alkaline water add 1 tsp Honey. if you're a Muslim Every time you want to Shalah (pray), drink approximately 300cc of alkaline water + honey.
Apart from that, water can also be added to 1 habbatussauda (black seed) capsule.
3). Third recipe: allergies in babies
First way: smear the baby with castor oil or olive oil or VCO oil. After smearing it with oil, dry the baby in the morning sun.
The second way: improve the quality of breast milk in mothers by consuming more green vegetables and drinking coconut water regularly.
Apart from the two recipes above, to help treat allergies you can consume bee pollen and turmeric. Apart from that, avoid objects or foods that cause allergies.
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foodieaty · 6 months
The Sunnah of Eating
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The Sunnah of eating encompasses a wide range of behaviors and practices that were demonstrated by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) throughout his life. Some examples include:
Eating with the Right Hand
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) always ate with his right hand and encouraged his followers to do the same. This is not just a matter of etiquette but also has health benefits. Research has shown that using the right hand to eat can aid digestion and reduce the risk of overeating.
Saying Bismillah Before Eating
Before taking the first bite, Muslims are encouraged to say the phrase "Bismillah" which means "in the name of Allah". This is a way of acknowledging that food is a blessing from Allah and expressing gratitude for it.
Eating Together
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) emphasized the importance of eating together as a family or community. This fosters a sense of unity and strengthens relationships.
Eating in Moderation
Islam teaches that overindulgence in food and drink is harmful to both the body and the soul. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) advised his followers to eat in moderation and to leave one-third of their stomach empty.
Practical Tips for Following the Sunnah of Eating
Incorporating the Sunnah of eating into your daily routine may seem daunting initially, but it is quite simple. Here are some practical tips to get you started:
Start with Bismillah
Make it a habit to say "Bismillah" before every meal. This will not only help you remember to follow the Sunnah but also serve as a reminder to be grateful for the blessings of Allah.
Use the Right Hand
If you are left-handed, it may take some practice to get used to eating with your right hand. But once you get the hang of it, you may find that it feels more natural and comfortable.
Eat Together
Make an effort to eat at least one meal a day with your family or community. This can be a great opportunity to connect with others and strengthen your relationships.
Listen to Your Body
When you eat, pay attention to your body's signals of hunger and fullness. Try to stop eating when you feel satisfied rather than when you are stuffed.
Choose Nutritious Foods
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) emphasized the importance of eating foods that are good for the body. Choose whole, unprocessed foods that are rich in nutrients and avoid foods that are high in sugar, fat, and salt.
Practice Gratitude
After you finish eating, take a moment to express gratitude for the food you have been given. This can be as simple as saying "Alhamdulillah, " meaning "all praise is due to Allah".
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foodieaty · 6 months
The Sunnah of Sleeping
Discover the meaning and benefits of the Sunnah of deep sleep for body health. Follow these instructions for healthier sleep.
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If you're looking for ways to improve your sleep quality, you may be interested in the Sunnah of sleeping. The Sunnah is the way of life of the Prophet Muhammad, and it includes many practices related to sleep. In this article, we'll explore the Sunnah of sleeping and how it can benefit your health and well-being. - Foodieaty
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foodieaty · 6 months
Healthy Recipes JSR: A Book Review
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If you are looking for a book that can guide you to live a healthy lifestyle based on the teachings of Islam, you might want to check out the book "Healthy Recipes JSR" by Dr. Zaidul Akbar. This book is a sequel to his previous best-selling book "Jurus Sehat Rasulullah" (The Healthy Way of the Prophet), which introduces the concept of JSR or Jurus Sehat Rasulullah, a method of healing and prevention based on the sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
In this book, Dr. Zaidul Akbar shares 200 healthy recipes that are easy to make and use natural ingredients that are beneficial for the body and soul. The recipes are divided into several categories, such as breakfast, snacks, main dishes, desserts, drinks, and herbal remedies. Each recipe comes with a brief explanation of the health benefits of the ingredients, as well as tips and tricks to make it more delicious and nutritious.
What is JSR?
JSR stands for Jurus Sehat Rasulullah, which means the healthy way of the Prophet. It is a method of healing and prevention that is based on the sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), who is the best example for mankind. JSR involves eating natural and wholesome foods, avoiding processed and harmful foods, fasting, cupping, praying, and following the Islamic teachings.
JSR is not a diet, but a lifestyle change that can improve one's physical, mental, and spiritual health. By following JSR, one can achieve a balance between the body, mind, and soul, and prevent or cure various diseases. JSR also promotes gratitude, patience, and trust in Allah, the Creator and Healer of all.
What are the benefits of JSR?
JSR has many benefits for the health and well-being of a person. Some of the benefits are:
It can boost the immune system and prevent infections and diseases.
It can lower the blood sugar and cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of diabetes and heart problems.
It can improve the digestion and metabolism and help with weight management and obesity.
It can enhance the skin and hair quality and delay aging and wrinkles.
It can increase the energy and vitality and reduce fatigue and stress.
It can sharpen the memory and cognitive function and prevent neurodegenerative disorders.
It can strengthen the faith and character and increase the happiness and peace of mind.
The book "Healthy Recipes JSR" by Dr. Zaidul Akbar is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to live a healthy lifestyle based on the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The book provides 200 easy and delicious recipes that use natural and beneficial ingredients that can improve one's health and well-being.
The book also explains the concept and benefits of JSR, as well as the tips and tricks to make the most of it. The book is suitable for anyone who wants to learn more about Islamic medicine and follow the prophetic way of eating and living.
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foodieaty · 6 months
Ultimate Guide for Holistic Healthy Living
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Holistic health is not just about physical well-being; but it does cover a broader perspective that includes mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects. The philosophy behind holistic health is that these different aspects of our being are interconnected and influence one another. By addressing all of these aspects of our lives, we can experience greater vitality, greater immunity, greater mental clarity, and an overall sense of well-being.
Throughout this guide, we will investigate various aspects of holistic health and explore practical home remedies that cater to different dimensions of health. Starting from understanding the main points of health, managing the body by providing good nutrition, to managing stress through spiritual roles through worship and meditation as well as creating a harmonious living environment, this guide will provide you with holistic tools to support your journey towards a healthier and more fulfilling life. satisfying.
So whether you are a busy professional, a dedicated parent, or simply someone looking to improve your well-being, the ultimate guide to fast and effective home or natural remedies for holistic health is here to give you the insight, strategies, and tips you need. . can easily be incorporated into your daily routine. It's time to start the journey towards a more balanced, vibrant and holistic life – one step at a time. -
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