francineiswriting Β· 4 days
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francineiswriting Β· 4 days
Some writers: *meticulously plan out every plot point and the tone and meanings before they start writing*
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francineiswriting Β· 22 days
Here's to the people who can't get the words on the page. The people who are too tired after all life throws at them to write. The people who are blocked. The people who are burnt out. The people who can't write because of physical or mental illnesses. The people who don't know why they can't write. And the people struggling with all those other things that get in the way of writing and make it seem or be impossible.
You're still a writer, you're still an artist. And you matter. This world is better since you're in it. Thank you for wanting to write, even if you can't right now. I hope you and your words find each other soon.
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francineiswriting Β· 22 days
Writing advice from my uni teachers:
If your dialog feels flat, rewrite the scene pretending the characters cannot at any cost say exactly what they mean. No one says β€œI’m mad” but they can say it in 100 other ways.
Wrote a chapter but you dislike it? Rewrite it again from memory. That way you’re only remembering the main parts and can fill in extra details. My teacher who was a playwright literally writes every single script twice because of this.
Don’t overuse metaphors, or they lose their potency. Limit yourself.
Before you write your novel, write a page of anything from your characters POV so you can get their voice right. Do this for every main character introduced.
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francineiswriting Β· 30 days
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francineiswriting Β· 2 months
fanfic writing has my heart because that's basically how i started, i was twelve and obsessed with one direction and i didn't even know how much i liked writing before i began working on fanfics
Reblog if you think fanfiction is a legitimate form of creative writing.
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francineiswriting Β· 2 months
if you feel stuck with your writing, let me ask you this: have you tried changing something? it honestly can be the slightest thing. for example, i had been feeling stuck for weeks, little did i know, the issue was all in the third person narrator. that's just not me, it's not my style. i like turning into the character, fully entering their mind. i'm happy to say that i've finally unblocked myself by narrating my story in first person.
try!! change something, anything, and see what happens :)
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francineiswriting Β· 2 months
Hello writing friend! I'm glad you are reading this. Your writing is amazing and I hope you keep going. The world needs your words: an obvious fact.
A lesser known fact: you need your words too. Don't stop <3
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francineiswriting Β· 2 months
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francineiswriting Β· 2 months
I am going to take a deep breath and just remind you:
Writing is messy, even for the best authors. It's supposed to feel a little uncomfortable, exhilarating, freeing, natural, and terrifying.
It's supposed to inspire you and feel like a too-heavy backpack.
Sometimes, you're going to love being a writer and sometimes, you'll feel so disconnected, you'll wonder if you were ever a writer to begin with.
Give yourself room to make mistakes and hate your work and return to it with renewed confidence that yes, you will get 1% better next time.
It's what we're all going through. Let's speed up the growing process a little by accepting the entirety of it.
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francineiswriting Β· 2 months
*hypnotizes you* write your book write your book write your book
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francineiswriting Β· 2 months
That brilliant plot idea I had at 3 AM when I try to remember it.
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francineiswriting Β· 2 months
i wish writing therapists were a thing! no but what you said makes a lot of sense. i need to write for myself and not for the imaginary audience inside my head. i think i try to run away from the story because i'm deeply scared that i'll realize that i'm not truly up to it, but that's so silly honestly... it's like i'm not even giving myself the opportunity to "fail".
does anyone else have commitment issues with their projects? i'm constantly resisting the urge to abandon my current work and start a new one, i don't know what the issue is because i truly like the plots, but once it gets too serious and deep into the story i just get this urgent need to throw everything out of the window and start afresh
do i finally understand emotionally unavailable men?? is that what it is?
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francineiswriting Β· 2 months
does anyone else have commitment issues with their projects? i'm constantly resisting the urge to abandon my current work and start a new one, i don't know what the issue is because i truly like the plots, but once it gets too serious and deep into the story i just get this urgent need to throw everything out of the window and start afresh
do i finally understand emotionally unavailable men?? is that what it is?
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francineiswriting Β· 2 months
betrayal, misunderstandings, and blood.
Hey writeblr! Here's a challenge: can you summarize what you're writing in one sentence?
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francineiswriting Β· 2 months
Person: What's your book about?
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I'm both somehow πŸ™ƒ
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francineiswriting Β· 2 months
Me : alright, time to sit down and write...
My brain : *silence*
Me : I said, π™©π™žπ™’π™š 𝙩𝙀 π™¨π™žπ™© 𝙙𝙀𝙬𝙣 𝙖𝙣𝙙 π™¬π™§π™žπ™©π™š!!!
My brain : oh look a new video by your favourite yt channel!
Me : WHERE?!?!
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