friedcarrots33 · 2 years
All of Ivan Noiret’s tropes are “enemies to____” because he hates everyone he encounters and is set on being a menace to society
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friedcarrots33 · 3 years
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You're a Derry Girl now, James!!!
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friedcarrots33 · 3 years
reasons i love derry girls:
there's no teenage romance. michelle talks about sex a lot and erin has childish crushes but there's no actual romance
just. orla mccool
after clare comes out they all wear rainbow pins all the time
the only people with any brain cells in the whole show are gerry and sister michael
the montage in 1×06 where the kids are dancing and having fun and meanwhile the adults are watching the news and the political situation escalates
the montage in 2×05 where the kids are fighting at prom and meanwhile the adults are watching the news and there's a ceasefire
the conflicts are one episode long. if something isn't resolved in 20 minutes it's never mentioned again
it's fucking hilarious okay
it's about T H E P O W E R O F F R I E N D S H I P
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friedcarrots33 · 3 years
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@emilyisliving on Instagram
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friedcarrots33 · 3 years
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Everyone reblog this as much as possible over the next two weeks for good luck
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friedcarrots33 · 3 years
To prove something to a friend, please
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friedcarrots33 · 3 years
whats your type?
Fictional men written by women.
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friedcarrots33 · 3 years
Why the fuck would you go big when u can go home
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friedcarrots33 · 3 years
James & Lily.
Song: [x]
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friedcarrots33 · 3 years
Maybe that first guy to predict the world would end in 2012 had a mild case of dyslexia
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friedcarrots33 · 3 years
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friedcarrots33 · 3 years
no, i don’t have a “dream job.” i want to spend my days reading and writing and lazing in the afternoon sun. i want to bake bread and brownies and apple crumble. i want to grow my own vegetables and plant a rainbow of flowers. i want to be with nature. i want to be at peace.
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friedcarrots33 · 3 years
Does anyone else have days when you have an overwhelming need to make out with the girl you like
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friedcarrots33 · 3 years
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friedcarrots33 · 3 years
the impulse to just make weird noises for no reason is something i have to ignore like 24/7
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friedcarrots33 · 3 years
I was at a swimming carnival the other day for my school and a lot of girls were wearing bikinis which had very revealing cuts. Now, before I begin, if you think that this post is going to shame these girls for wearing these bikinis, you are wrong. Me criticising a structural issue does not equate to thinking that the girls that wear them should be shamed.
I started talking to another teacher about the bikini bottoms and how revealing they were and the topic moved onto more feminist ideas. And I argued that they were a form of oppression because they were so revealing. As the conversation continued my colleague asked "what if the girls are confident in what they are wearing?" I always get a little thrown when I am asked this. I responded with "who benefits and who designed these bikinis." She conceded the point.
But I keep coming back to it in my mind "what if these girls feel confident?" And you know what, who cares. Who cares if these girls feel confident in these revealing bikinis? Oppression isn't individual, it's collective. I feel like the argument always comes back to this. Women's confidence. Not all the girls who were wearing these bikinis were confident. I saw several of them swap shirts with boys or wear a towel around their waist to hide them. I also saw several girls having to adjust them because they kept getting wedgies.
"What if she feels confident?" Women and girls feeling confident in their bikinis is great and all but it doesn't stop them from being a form of objectification. It doesn't stop making their bodies more available for men to view. It doesn't erase the fact that many girls feel pressured into wearing these bikinis because that is what is advertised to them. Sometimes these bikinis are the only ones available, so girls and women just have to settle for them.
Know what the boys were wearing? Boardshorts down to the knees. That was the main type of swimmers they boys wore at the carnival. The second type were the swim bottoms. But these are not comparable because the two pairs I saw both covered the boys' butts. It was interesting because the teacher asked me why wearing budgie smugglers was seen as less acceptable than what the girls were wearing. At the time I didn't have an answer but now I do. It's less acceptable because we are so desensitised to the objectification of women and girls bodies. We are constantly bombarded with images of women's naked or half naked forms. We are used to it by now. Men simply don't get the same treatment therefore when they do wear budgie smugglers it's something to gawk at or make a statement of.
Women and girls' confidence doesn't negate oppression. Oppression and misogyny doesn't happen on an individual scale, it's something that women as a class experience. Some women would have been content with not having the vote. Didn't stop it from being a systemic way to prevent women from participating in politics and how countries are run. Some women would have been confident being housewives. But, that didn't negate the fact that they were deterred from higher education and the workforce to do their so called duty to their husband and children. Something which is still going on to this day. As sad as this is, some women feel confident that thier husband's and boyfriends love them. This doesn't negate the fact that 1 in 6 Australian women will experience Domestic Violence. That 2 out of 5 female murder victims were killed by thier intimate partner. Some women feel confident in revealing clothes. This confidence doesn't stop them from simultaneously being objectified by men and also being shamed for being a slut or whore. Feeling confident while wearing makeup doesn't erase the fact that a woman is more likely to get a job if she is wearing makeup.
Confidence is not as good a clap back as people seem to think.
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friedcarrots33 · 3 years
I wonder what kind of girl I would be if the patriarchy didn’t exist. If gender roles and stereotypes didn’t stain my entire being. If I didn’t suffer at the hands of misogyny that molded the clay that was me. I wonder what I would do, what I would say, what I would like, what I would crave, what I would be. The likelihood of us being anything close to similar seems slim considering how many things could be different. I just wonder what type of woman I would be if I hadn’t been told from the day I was born how and who I should become. Would I still enjoy wearing makeup if I hadn’t been conditioned to feel better about myself with it on? Would my favorite color still be orange if pink hadn’t been forced on me and I didn’t care to make a point of rejecting it? Would I stand up for myself more if I hadn’t been taught to cater to the comfort of others before prioritizing my own? Would my natural instinct still be to feel wary of those around me if abuse and harassment and assault were not normalized in our society? Would I still want long hair if I hadn't been brainwashed into believing that my beauty is rooted in being feminine, and that my value is rooted in being beautiful? Would I be the same? How much, or how little, would that impossible girl resemble me as I am now? And are my interests and passions genuine—truly mine—or can they all be linked to some expectation to accommodate, some predetermined role to serve, some juxtaposing desire to please a system I don’t even like. Do I actually love video games as much as I think I do, or do I only like them because I think it makes me appear cooler to men? Do I actually want to get married as much as I think I do, or do I only want to because historically that was where the female fit in? Do I actually find solace in journaling as much as I think I do, or do I only find solace in it because it is the only time I can share my traumatic experiences without being called a crazy attention seeker? There is so much I wonder about, which parts of me are real and which have been tinkered with. Which is just pure me, and which is because of something else. A factor of the patriarch. Of course I’ll never know, but that truth does not keep me from being curious about the girl who does not suffer from the wrath of an internalized male gaze and the burden of internalized misogyny. I bet she is lovely—free of the shackles—and I hope she feels at peace.
— alhwrites
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